Chapter 3 Previous Chapter Story
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Caught: Chapter 3

E - Words: 1,731 - Last Updated: Feb 09, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 3/? - Created: Feb 03, 2014 - Updated: Feb 03, 2014
134 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Please review, itd make me really happy :)


Alex winces when she hears her dad crying out and yelling for her other dad to go faster, to take him harder. Apparently he wants to feel it the next day when hes sitting in his office. 


Alex covers both ears with her hands and takes a deep breath, weighing her options. She could leave again and pretend that this never happened... but its snowing outside and she has absolutely nowhere to go. Its getting late already, and with her dads having enforced pretty strict rules regarding sleepovers during school nights she knows that she wouldnt win that argument. And sitting in her car for another hour, waiting for her dads to... finish up? No. Just no. She doesnt even want to think about that.  


And anyways, shes got homework and it wont finish itself. With that decision made, she climbs up the stairs, carefully avoiding stepping on the spots that creak though shes about ninety-nine percent sure Kurt and Blaine wouldnt notice, loud as they are. 


The closer she gets to her parents bedroom, which she unfortunately has to walk past to get to hers, the louder the noises get. She can make out the distinctive sound of the bed springs squeaking, making it even more obvious whats currently going down behind the closed door and even harder to ignore. She shudders. Maybe she should have taken her friends mother up on her offer to stay for dinner.


Once shes in the safety of her own room, she slumps down on her bed and closes her eyes. She was hoping to come home, eat dinner and then get ready for bed before finally falling asleep after a long day of school. But there is no way she can fall asleep while hearing a bed banging against the wall, combined with Blaine grunting from exertion and Kurt letting out euphoric screams.


Now, shes not oblivious, neither is she the innocent twelve year old she once was. She knows that her parents have sex and she also knows that the opportunities are rare, with them both working and then insisting on spending time with her. Which she appreciates. She knows she got lucky with her parents as opposed to some of her friends. So she understands that they sometimes need time to themselves. 


But that doesnt take away from the fact that shes never witnessed it before and doesnt quite know how she should act the next morning. And she told them that shed be home for dinner. They knew. And she even took her sweet time getting home, stopping at the mall on her way to pick out a new pair of shoes.


She can feel a headache coming and stops overthinking the issue. She isnt going to bring it up and hopefully her parents wont either and this will all work out in everyones favor. Yep.


With great effort, she stands back up and takes her shoes off before putting on pajamas and snuggling into the bed. Homework can wait and she severely doubts that shed get it done with the unwelcome distraction.


Shes on the brink of sleep when she startles fully awake again, a loud thumping sound reaching her ears. She sits up and looks around groggily, trying to work around the sleepiness. When realization hits, its all she can do to not rip her hair out in despair.


Her parents have obviously moved positions and are now fucking against a wall. The wall shes sharing with them, to be exact. She buries her head in her pillows and tries to block the noise out but its not helping. She doesnt know what shes done, but its like karma is getting back at her for something.


She vows to never step a foot out of line ever again.


Kurt sounds like hes getting closer, if the way his moans are getting even louder and more frequent is any indication, and a continuos plea for Blaine to fuck him harder, faster, deeper, interspersed with a few colorful choice words is slipping from his lips. And Alex can hear everything clearly.


Shes slowly going insane. In the end, she resorts to taking out her phone and putting in earphones, turning the volume up loud enough to distract from her surroundings.


And soon shes asleep and not long after, Kurt and Blaine come together with deep groans and high pitched whines before Blaine carries him to the bed with the last bit of strength he possesses and they lie down curl around each other and fall asleep, too, not bothering to clean up which Blaine knows his husband is going to give him hell for.




The next morning, Alex wakes up, not as well rested as she would have liked but in a decidedly better mood than last night. She trudges down the stairs, doing her best to act nonchalantly and like she didnt totally hear her parents fucking.


When she gets to the kitchen she sees that her dads are already up, Kurt making coffee and Blaine standing behind him, almost crowding him into the counter with his arms wrapped around Kurts midsection.


"Morning." she says to announce her presence, decidedly ignoring the lack of space between their bodies.


"Hey, Alex." they answer simultaneously and giggle as if thats not ridiculous at all. "Sleep well?"


"Yeah." she answers around a loud yawn and gets a bowl, filling it with cereal and milk before sitting down and starting to eat.


Alex averts her eyes when Kurt comes over to sit across from her at the kitchen table, wincing as he tries to get comfortable. Its incredibly awkward to know why  he shifts around in his seat and she doesnt quite know what to say. So she says nothing. Just keeps looking down into her cereal as if the answer lies in her lucky charms.


"Are you excited for the weekend?" Kurt breaks the silence and Alex chokes on her food. She didnt actually expect for him to try and make conversation.


"Mhm." she replies as she looks up at him and then quickly lets her eyes drop to the table again because oh my god  there is a hickey  on his neck and this is so incredibly awkward because she knows  how and when he acquired that.


"We havent been at your grandparents for some time." he points out as he sips his coffee slowly.


"Right." she pretty much dismisses his attempts to talk to her and Kurt cant help but to get a little worried. 


Blaine, whos been watching the scene play out decides to try and get her to talk, thinking the same as Kurt. Its not like their daughter to be so silent.


"Is everything okay?" he asks, concerned. "Youre so quiet."


And Alex has about had it with them acting so indifferently and like they dont know. But she is too embarrassed to right out state her thoughts on the matter, so she tries to make them understand what shes meaning to say without actually saying it.


"I- Uh, yesterday.." she mumbles, flustered and unable to get the words out.


Her dads grin at her and she stares back aghast. What is wrong with her parents?! 


"Yeah. So, um." she starts a second attempt and then gives up and turns her flushed face away. 


"How was the sleepover? Anything exciting happen?" Kurt asks and he and Blaine look at her with eager expressions. Too eager to be innocent.


And then the question registers. Oh. OH!


They think the sleepover was last night. They thought they were alone. Shes at a loss as to what to say now. Itd be weird if she had nothing to say now, she always talks about her sleepovers, mostly to ask for her dads opinion on some kind of fashion trend she discussed with her friends. Its what he does for a living, after all.


Her hesitance must have shown because Blaine comes to join them at the table, dropping a kiss to Kurts cheek and making him blush, before sitting down and dragging his chair closer to his husbands so he could once again wrap an arm around his waist.


"Is everything okay?" he asks her again as Kurt leans more heavily into him and sighs happily.


Alex almost gags at the blatant display of affection. Normally, shed think its cute, but shes aware why theyre overly affectionate with each other and that makes it everything but.


"Uh, no, actually. I kind of wasnt at the sleepover yesterday. Mostly because its next week." the way she says it is almost challenging.


She watches as her parents eyes grow comically large and all color drains from Kurts face, making him look slightly sick.


He tries to play it cool though, tries to not let his nervousness show. "Oh, but you were out with your friends right? At the mall?" he squeaks out and the hopefulness in his voice would make her laugh if this situation were even remotely funny. As it is though, its the most mortifying thing shes ever experienced, even worse than when her very much gay parents tried to give her the straight version of The Talk. 


"I was." she confirms. "I came home at around ten." She arches an eyebrow, non-verbally prompting either of them to say something. She knows she should feel like a horrible person for putting them on the spot like this, but its strangely liberating to be the one in the position to humiliate the other for once. They had their fun when giving her the talk, now its her turn.


She smirks as her parents both struggle for words. Blaine has by now retracted his arm and put a little distance between Kurt and himself and Kurt is sitting ramrod straight, studying his fingernails intently. Neither speak, both avoid eye-contact at any cost and Alex grins smugly. 


Unfortunately, she has school and a quick glance at the clock reminds her of the limited amount of time she has in the morning. 


"Well, Im going to get ready for school. Wouldnt want to be late and miss out on something important." she says and stands up. Shes halfway out of the room when she turns around again.


"Oh and dad, before you leave for work you might want to do something about the giant hickey adorning your neck." she laughs as her dads hand flies up to cover the side of his neck, his cheeks burning and a brilliant shade of red.


He doesnt comment, not that she expected him to, and with a self-satisfied grin on her freckled face she walks up the stairs to get dressed.


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