Dec. 18, 2011, 3:25 p.m.
Dec. 18, 2011, 3:25 p.m.
Kurt sighed and slid out of his bed, carefully dodging the untouched boxes full of his possessions. He had only been able to unpack the essentials before Blaine had shown up at his door with Nick and Jeff and pizza. Needless to say, Kurt didn't get much unpacking done after all and he most definitely didn't get to bed at a decent time, but at least he could say he'd made some friends. Even after the boys had left, Kurt still had trouble falling asleep though. The idea that Blaine was living right next door to him had kept him on edge, even after he'd had gotten more comfortable around him in person.
Kurt paused at the closed bathroom door, hesitating before rapping on the door lightly. When there wasn't a response, he slowly turned the knob and pushed the door open a crack. "Hello?" No answer. He entered and immediately locked both the doors and prepared to take a much needed shower, thankful that he had slept late enough to avoid jockeying for the bathroom with the extremely attractive boy he was slowly developing a crush on. Who was he kidding, he had fallen hard.
"This is so not good" Kurt groaned as he turned on the shower, hoping that the hot water would calm his nerves and ease his tension so he could prepare for the big day ahead of him.
The shower had indeed helped ease Kurt's nerves, but when he made his way to the front entrance of the school, his whole body tensed as he saw Blaine standing in the corner waving at him. His heart beat picked up and he felt his cheeks began to flush as the shorter boy jogged over to meet him. "Did he get sexier over night? Oh God I did not just call him sexy!"
"Looks like somebody slept late." Kurt's blush deepened as Blaine grinned at him, now taking in his mildly disheveled appearance, "Have you had any breakfast yet?"
"No, I was just going to skip it today." Blaine grimaced. "I'll be fine. I promise" Kurt reassured him.
In response, Blaine dug in to his messenger bag and pulled out a shiny red apple and tossed it to Kurt, who fumbled, his reflexes still not quite awake yet. "Just in case."
Kurt nodded and placed the apple in his bag. "So, do you think you could point me in the direction of Mrs. Hamilton's room? I don't want to get off on the wrong foot with her and I know if I try to find it on my own I'll end up getting lost."
Blaine chuckled, "Sure. But I think you might want to stick around for a while…" he winked at Kurt and then turned and walked straight to the middle of the foyer, where he stood and brushed off his blazer. Kurt gave him a perplexed look and was about to ask why he was acting so strange— then heard the voices.
All around the foyer, boys—including the now slightly less frightening Nick and Jeff—were vocalizing some tune that Kurt vaguely recognized. The boys began gathering in the center around Blaine, who looked so dapper in the morning light that Kurt thought he might melt. Students began to form a circle around the boys, giving them space while the girls giggled excitedly and a few of the boys began to hoot and holler.
Kurt, unsure of what to make of all of this, took a step back as Blaine began to sing.
Am I more than you bargained for yet?
I've been dying to tell you anything you want to hear
Cause that's just who I am this week.
The boys around him began to sway and bounce to the beat as Blaine stepped forward from the group.
Lie in the grass, next to the mausoleum
I'm just notch in your bedpost but you're just a line in a song
A few of the boys began to crouch towards the ground while others continued to sway along with Blaine as the intensity grew.
Drop a heart and break a name.
We're always sleeping and sleeping for the wrong team.
Then the boys were jumping and dancing like fools as the crowd around them began to cheer. Kurt couldn't take his eyes off of Blaine, "You have got to be kidding me…"
We're going down, down in an earlier round
And sugar we're going down swinging.
I'll be your number one with a bullet
A loaded god complex
Cock it and pull it.
Blaine began to pull himself away from the group further and scan the crowd as the second verse began.
Is this more than you bargained for yet?
Oh, don't mind me. I'm watching you two from the closet
Wishing to be the friction in your jeans.
Blaine gave a wink and Kurt felt his stomach do a flop.
Isn't it messed up how I'm just dying to be him?
I'm just a notch in your bedpost but you're just a line in a song.
Blaine ran through the crowd to take his spot back in the center as the other boys danced around him.
Drop a heart and break a name
We're always sleeping in and sleeping for the wrong team.
We're going down, down in an earlier round
And sugar we're going down swinging.
I'll be your number one with a bullet
A loaded god complex
Cock it and pull it
The boys began to still as Blaine's voice rang through the entrance hall, clear as a bell. Kurt couldn't tear his eyes away from him.
Down, down in an earlier round
And sugar we're going down swinging.
I'll be your number one with a bullet
A loaded god complex
Cock it and pull it.
The boys began to bounce to the beat again as the music picked up, all of them smirking as they vocalized.
We're going down, down in an earlier round (Take aim at myself)
And sugar we're going down swinging. (Take back what you said)
I'll be your number one with a bullet (Take aim at myself)
A loaded god complex
Cock it and pull it.
Then absolute chaos broke out as the boys resumed jumping and dancing while pulling members from the crowd.
We're going down, down (down, down)
Down, Down (down, down)
We're going down, down (down, down)
A loaded god complex
Cock it and pull it.
Blaine's hands found Kurt's in the crowd and they began spinning as Kurt began to giggle uncontrollably as the flush on his cheeks began to burn a brighter shade of red than before.
We're going down, down in an earlier round (Take aim at myself)
And sugar we're going down swinging. (Take back what you said)
I'll be your number one with a bullet (Take aim at myself)
Blaine released Kurt and made his way back to the cent with the rest of the boys.
A loaded god complex
Cock it and pull it.
As the boys held out the final chords of the song, the entire foyer erupted into cheers and cat-calls. The boys all took a bow and Blaine's eyes met Kurt's. He glided over to him, dodging members of the now scattering crowd, "So, what did you think?"
Blaine smirked as Kurt suddenly became flustered, "That was…amazing." Kurt blushed and looked away as his eyes found Blaine's warm smile, "Are you, like, a group or something?"
Blaine laughed, "Yeah, we're The Warbler's." Kurt's eyebrows rose at the name. "The teacher's all decided a few years ago that the school needed a few recreational activities to keep us busy. Even though we can't compete in any division for sports or go to competitions, we still enjoy the break. The Warblers are basically Dalton's choir." Blaine began to guide Kurt up the grand staircase towards his class, Jeff and Nick trailing behind them.
"Oh, that's cool! I was in choir at my old school and I was upset about leaving because I wasn't sure if Dalton provided a choir program for his students."
"Well, I guess you'll just have to join then." Blaine smirked and his eyes met Kurt' taller boy nodded at him, smiling back.
"Why weren't there any girls?" Kurt asked, he had been shocked at the lack of female vocalists given his prior school's choir makeup.
"Well, girls were invited to sing with us in the beginning," Nick trailed off, grinning.
"But after they saw our first performance, they were content with just watching." The two tittered as they exchanged a high-five.
"Killin' it with the ladies!" Nick shouted as Kurt threw them both a disbelieving look and rolled his eyes.
"We do occasionally have girls join us though," Blaine added "Mostly just guest soloists or friends though." Blaine gave the "twins" a hard look on this.
"Pffft…" Jeff waved him off as he and Nick turned down a different hallway, heading towards their first period class. That they were already 10 minutes late for…
Kurt groaned as he realized the time and wondered if his teacher would let it slide. Blaine answered the question for him as if he had read his mind (which he apparently couldn't do), "Dalton's teacher's let tardiness slide when we give a performance. They've noticed that after watching us, the students seem to be in a lighter mood and tend to pay more attention to their lessons."
Kurt nodded as he turned the corner to his class. He thanked Blaine and waved goodbye to him as he headed off to his own class.
Computer science seemed to go by slow without Blaine to keep him company. Kurt thought Mrs. Hamilton seemed like a fairly pleasant woman, despite her creepy, blue-tinted skin. Kurt wondered to himself what her ability was, but decided it would be rude and nosey to just ask her in front of the entire class. He made a mental note to ask Blaine about her at some point instead.
After first block was over, Kurt made his way back down to the first floor for chemistry. He started to take his seat next to Blaine when he noticed that the desk in between Blaine and Thad was empty. Deciding to be sociable, Kurt headed down the middle aisle and set his stuff on the desk, smiling at Thad.
"Hey there stranger!' Kurt greeted him and Thad's eyes widen. Kurt's heart sunk a little in his chest as he saw how panicked he looked. He thought he had made progress with the incredibly shy boy, but it seemed that he'd reverted back into his shell again.
"Hey." Thad squeaked, glancing up to meet Kurt's eyes before burying himself into his text book.
Blaine, who had walked in just in time to witness this awkward exchange gave Kurt a sympathetic smile.
Kurt just shrugged and took his seat with a sigh, waiting for class to begin.
At lunch, Kurt and Blaine sat at the same table as they had the day before. They were joined yet again by Nick and Jeff—whose plates seemed even more crammed with food than they had the previous day— and two new boys who Blaine had introduced to Kurt as Wes and David.
While Nick and Jeff stuffed their faces and talked animatedly about some scheme involving water pistols and releasing a sheep in one of the girl's dorms, Kurt turned to Blaine. "So…what's up with Thad? Yesterday he seemed kind of shy, but I at least got him to talk to me. And today he just…" Blaine pursed his lips and his brow creased, "What?"
Blaine let out a sigh, "Thad is…complicated." He paused, not entirely knowing how to explain this situation just right.
Kurt stared at him, "I'm waiting."
Blaine let out another sigh, giving in, "Okay, well, Thad can…well, he has…visions. Visions of things that haven't happened yet." Kurt's eyes widened as Blaine continued, "He can't help when he has them or who they're about. But he has managed to figure out that his visions frequently feature people that he gets to know really well. He also noticed that with the better he got to know someone, the frequency of visions pertaining to them increased. And in a lot of those cases, the visions were things he didn't want to know."
The puzzle pieces began to click together in Kurt's brain, "Oh…"
"Yeah." Blaine grimaced, "Thad's so shy and guarded because he's too afraid to get to know people, afraid of what he might see."
Kurt looked up from the pile of green beans on his tray that his eyes had been trained on, "So, how do you know all of this if he's so guarded?"
The muscles in Blaine's face began to relax a little, now having gotten through the difficult part, "A few years ago when Thad transferred here, the teacher's began to notice after a few weeks that he was having trouble adjusting. So, they decided to assign a Prefect to sort of be his 'big brother' so to speak. They thought I would be the best fit because Thad lived on the same floor as I did and we had quite a few classes together."
Kurt nodded, his eyes falling back on his tray as Blaine continued the story, "It took me a few weeks, but Thad eventually settled into the idea of having me around and he began to relax around me. I found out later that this was because he'd had several visions about me, and none of them were things that had bothered him. They were all normal things, like what I was going to have for breakfast on Tuesday or what I would make on my next biology test. So, since he got comfortable with me, he opened up. He told me everything about himself; his visions, facts about his childhood and his family, why he'd transferred. I'm pretty sure that I'm the only person he's taken a liking to here. Well, that is, until you talked to him yesterday afternoon." Blaine's smile widened as he saw a flush creep up Kurt's cheeks. "Clearly I'm not the only one who sees something in you. Give him time. He'll open up eventually."
Kurt swallowed hard to clear the lump in his throat as he tried to take all of this new information in. "Well, I guess that's good to know." He nodded and stood to gather his things, "I'm going to head off and explore a little during the free period to get a better idea of where everything is."
"Try not to get lost" Nick called out as Kurt began to walk away.
"It is a big school after all…" Jeff added ominously as the two of them exchanged a knowing look and burst into laughter. Kurt simply rolled his eyes and made his way to through the large, mahogany double doors at the back of the dining hall.
Once he was out in the main hall, Kurt decided to take the grand staircase to explore the upper levels since he had seen them the least. Dalton had five floors but Kurt decided he would only visit up to the third today, seeing as he didn't have classes on the fourth or fifth levels. When he got to the second floor, Kurt began to take the path he had taken with Blaine earlier that morning to get to Mrs. Hamilton's room, but instead took the hall that Nick and Jeff had turned down.
He was admiring the beautiful architecture of the old school when he saw a small figure appear in a doorway on the opposite end of the hall. Kurt would have not paid attention to the medium shaped girl (seeing as he didn't bat for that "team") if it wasn't for her hair, which was cut into short and choppy layers and was a deep fire engine red. "You'd think that would be against the dress code here or something…"
Suddenly, the girl took off down the hall as her hair faded to a dark shade of blue. Kurt's jaw began to drop, and that's when he saw her face— a strikingly beautiful face that he frequently saw in his dreams. "Mom?" Kurt called out to the girl and began to chase after her down the hallway.
Just as the mysterious girl turned the corner Kurt grabbed her sleeve. She quickly spun around, fists clenched, to greet him, "What do you want?" she screeched as Kurt took in the tears trailing down her face.
Her eyes widened as she saw Kurt and her hair changed to a light shade of pink, "Oh…sorry. I thought you were someone else." She turned to walk away as Kurt grabbed her sleeve again. "What?"
"I…" Kurt didn't really know what he was supposed to say. He'd chased after a girl who he'd thought looked like his mother and who coincidentally had the same ability as her, but clearly there was no way it was her; his mother died 9 years ago. "I…I'm Kurt."
"Uhm…I'm Aimee. Can I help you?" she looked at him questioningly as Kurt scrambled for an excuse for harassing her.
"Err…I'm new here and I kind of got lost. Mind helping me out?" he eyed her hoping she'd take the bait. It was mostly true after all.
"Oh, sure!" Aimee grinned at him as her hair changed to a dark shade of brown with a red, peekaboo streak on the left side. "C'mon!" she pulled Kurt's arm in the direction they came from as he sighed in relief.
"So, you're new, huh? How long ya been here?" she asked in a much peppier voice than he'd first heard.
"Yeah, I just transferred yesterday." Kurt smiled at her. She reminded him slightly of a girl he'd gone to school with at McKinley. They had been friends but she'd always grated on Kurt's nerves severely. Especially when she got into one of her moods. Aimee seemed pretty cool though, despite the little episode he'd just witnessed in the hallway.
"Cool! I hope everyone's making you feel at home! You made any new friends yet?" Aimee asked as she began to skip a little with every step she took.
Kurt felt the blood rush to his cheeks as he thought of Blaine, "Yeah, a few." He smiled warmly as he thought of his roommate. Aimee saw this and tugged at his hand, encouraging him to skip with her.
Kurt followed, collapsing into a fit of giggles after about twenty few feet as he pictured Rachel doing something this absurd. Aimee stopped and put her hands on her hips, pouting. "What?" then she began to giggle as Kurt tried to pull himself together.
"Nothing, you're just…silly." He grinned at her, "I was just thinking that you reminded me a little of a girl I used to go to school with, and then you go and do something like that." Kurt chuckled, "Sorry, I'm being stupid. Lead the way oh great one."
Aimee cocked her head sideways at him with a quizzical look before shrugging and continuing on ahead, skipping as she went. Kurt followed her, shaking his head and laughing. "Jeff, Nick, and now her! Why is it I seem to be making friends with such strange people?" Then he remembered where he was going to school and decided that it could be worse.
Aimee had given Kurt a full tour of the second and third floors before walking him down to the lobby to meet up with Blaine. They'd chatted the whole time and Kurt resolved that Aimee was pretty cool, especially after he'd found out she sang with The Warblers from time to time.
"Okay, I officially have to join now that I know you're in it!" the two of them giggled as they descended the stairs.
"You should! It's so much fun! I'm so glad my brother convinced me to sing with them!"
"You're brother?" Kurt raised his eyebrows, wondering if he'd met him yet seeing as Blaine had made a point of introducing him to every member they'd passed in the hallways that morning.
"Yeah, he's sort of their star, I guess." She rolled her eyes as Blaine walked up to them right on cue.
"I see you've met my darling little sister." Blaine said as he picked up the colored strand of Aimee's hair. "Red again? But I'd so grown to like the blue…"
"Get over it." She shoved him away jokingly as they smirked at each other.
Kurt blanched, "Blaine is you're brother?" He looked at Aimee, completely dumbstruck.
"Nah, he just said that cause he felt like it." She rolled her eyes and grinned at him, "Yes, goober, he's my dumb big brother." She punched Blaine in the arm playfully.
"And she's my dumb kid sister." Blaine reached over and ruffled her already tousled hair.
"Oh, right…Well, we should, uh, get to class." Kurt looked at Blaine expectantly, desperately trying to get out of this situation before he panicked.
"Yes, Calculus. My favorite." Blaine sighed "See you later kiddo." He planted a kiss on the younger girl's mussed hair and headed up the stairs, Kurt following him.
Kurt was glad to have Blaine leading him to the room or else he would never make it— his brain was completely fried. Adjusting to Dalton was proving to be quite the task. Every time he thought the weirdest thing possible had happened, someone just had to go and top it. Now, it just so happened that the adorable and quirky girl he'd met who looked eerily like his dead mother was the little sister of the insanely handsome guy he was crushing on who also just so happened to be his roommate. "I've only been here a day and my brain already needs a vacation. This is going to be a loonnnggg week."
This is pretty good. And I love both Glee and the X-Men, so all's good. I'm looking forward to finding out what having a shared bathroom is inconvenient and if telepathy is Blaine's only ability.The only thing that jars me is the (oh-so-common) confusion with plural and possessive. For example, "teachers' (plural) instead of "teacher's" (possesive, singular). Think of it this way: if you're talking about multiple objects (teachers), there is NOT an apolstrophe..unless you're also talking about objects POSSESSED by those multiples). So, several teachers, but one teacher having a book, then it's the teacher's book. Several teachers having several books, then you put the apostrophe at the end: teachers' book. A similar issue with "your" and "you're", which also occurred. "your" is possesive (something possessed by you); "you're" is a contraction of 'you' and 'are'..."you're going to do something great."I'm not meaning to be mean, but to offer constructive criticism. If you like writing - and perhaps want to write stories or papers for college - this will be helpful. Your story IS enjoyable.