Nailed Shut
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Nailed Shut: Chapter 10

E - Words: 3,361 - Last Updated: May 10, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 17/? - Created: Oct 17, 2011 - Updated: May 10, 2013
373 0 4 0 0

Author's Notes: Disclaimer: I do not own Glee, any of their characters or anything that can be related to something that exists in the real word.Author's notes: This chapter took a lot less time to finish than I thought! I've been in a super-awesome writing mood lately, even enjoying writing all the fluff. I hope it continues. But now, on to the chapter! I hope you all like it! ^^Italic text is Kurt's experiences.Normal text is Blaine's experiences.Italic Bold text is Kurt's thoughts.Normal Bold text is Blaine's thoughts.

Nailed Shut

Chapter 10

Oh lord, I’m in love with Kurt!

“I remember you singing that to me when I was little.” Kurt says to the air in front of him.

“Kurt.” Blaine says very seriously, looking straight at him. Kurt assumes it isn’t his mother talking at the moment. “Concentrate on being solid for a moment, okay?” He turns to Kurt’s mother and nods.

Kurt concentrates on being solid. But he doesn’t have time to wonder why Blaine asked him to, because he understands the moment something warm brushes against his cheek. He wants to close his eyes in contentment, but he forces them open as far as they’ll go. Because if he can feel his mother’s hand on his cheek then he might be able to see her too. The warm brushing of her fingers goes away, and is replaced with what feels like a whole hand.

Now Kurt understands what Blaine was talking about in Columbus. The skin of his cheek prickles with heat. He can feel the tips of his mother’s fingers burying themselves in the hair above his ear, and he can’t help it when his eyes fall shut. A dry sob escapes him as he feels her thumb stroke the side of his nose and across the thin skin below his eye.

“You are so beautiful, baby boy.” Blaine whispers hoarsely, repeating what must be Kurt’s mother’s words.

“I got it all from you.” Kurt whispers back, reaching his own hand up to touch his mother’s.

But she pulls away. The incredibly warm but not-at-all unpleasant feeling of her hand is gone. “Time is fleeting, love. Daddy is on his way home.”

“We should go.” Blaine then says.

Kurt sighs heavily and opens his eyes. “Okay.”

“This was lovely.” Anette says as Kurt and Blaine stands. “I hope you’ll come talk to me again.”

Blaine repeats for Kurt, who replies “Of course.”.

“Hopefully my grandmother can help Kurt, so he can see you too.” Blaine says, walking to the front door and opening it. “We’ll see you later.” He smiles, waiting for Kurt to follow him out.

“Bye mom.” Kurt says sadly, walking past Blaine.

“See you later, baby.” Anette says, and Blaine repeats it for Kurt before shutting and locking the door behind them.

Blaine tries to put the key back on the lamp, but his efforts are interrupted by a soft chuckle from Kurt. “I’ll do it.” he says and holds his hand out toward Blaine.

Blaine hands the key over with an exaggerated eye-roll and sigh, earning him another chuckle from Kurt. Anette must have been right… When the key is back in its right place the two boys walk to the car and get in. But Blaine doesn’t start the car. “Are you okay?” he asks softly, turning - more than needed - in his seat to look at Kurt.

“I am.”

Blaine smiles and starts the car. They are barely out of Lima when Kurt whines. “Why won’t you just tell me?!”

“Tell you what?” Blaine responds before he realizes what Kurt’s talking about.

“What my mother said that you couldn’t tell me! The thing that made you twitch and blush.” Blaine dares to take a glance at Kurt, but quickly looks back when he finds him wearing what other people might call a “bitch-face”.

Blaine blushes again, just thinking about what she had said. “I’ll tell you later.” he says and pretends not to hear Kurt’s snort and annoyed huff. 

That Friday (December 16th) Kurt has been waiting for Blaine to get back from Warblers practice for more than half an hour, so he decides to head out and look for him. He starts searching in the room where practice is usually held, but no sign of Blaine. Kurt wanders toward the library, but when he reaches the stairs something unknown steers him in the opposite direction. After a minute of walking he starts to hear the faint playing of a piano. He follows it and reaches a closed door, where the music is coming from. Kurt creaks the door open and peeks in, to find Blaine sitting on the piano bench playing by himself. Kurt sneaks into the room and closes the door behind him.

Blaine looks up when the door clicks shut. “Hi Kurt.” he says as he stops playing.

“You didn’t come back after rehearsal.” Kurt walks over and sits beside Blaine on the bench, facing the door.

“I felt like playing, and I needed to think.” Blaine pushes down a set of keys, the noise filling the room.

“Should I leave you?”

“No, no. Stay.” Blaine smiles, starting to play a happy melody.

“I didn’t know you play piano.” Kurt states.

“Well, I do.” Blaine says and grins goofily at Kurt.

“I do too, actually.”

Blaine stops playing. “Play for me.” He folds his hands on his lap, clearly waiting for Kurt to play.

So Kurt does. He has to concentrate really hard, and he feels slightly dizzy when he’s played the song all the way through.

“You’re good. How long have you played?” Blaine asks happily.

Kurt takes a deep breath and instantly feels better. “My mother used to play for me when I was little. I started lessons when I was six. I played for a few years. It was a while since last time though.”

“Why’d you stop?” Blaine cocks his head to the side, and Kurt’s stomach does a tiny flip.

“It reminded me so much of my mom. I still played sometimes, but rarely.” Kurt sighs. “I love it though.”

“We can come in here and play as often as you like.” Blaine smiles. They are both silent for a while, none of them playing the piano. “Do you want to know what your mother said?” Blaine whispers, looking at his hands.

“Yes!” Kurt says hurriedly, but not unkindly.

“She said that she thought you were meant find me.” Blaine whispers even more quietly, his blush darkening.

“Oh…” I was meant to find Blaine? What’s that supposed to mean? Kurt studies Blaine’s face for a moment, stopping to stare at a loose curl in his hair. Maybe I was supposed to find him…

None of them speak for a short while, until Blaine stands. He’s smiling shyly. “I’m hungry. Let’s go get me dinner, that I can bring to my room.”

Kurt smiles back and stands as well, following Blaine to the dining hall. 

On the day of the Christmas-concert Blaine is standing backstage, fixing his tie in the mirror a final time before the performance. All the other Warblers are standing ready by the side of the stage. Kurt puts a hand on Blaine’s shoulder, the now familiar warmth seeping into Blaine’s skin. “You’re going to be great.” He smiles at Blaine through the reflection, and Blaine just want to turn around and kiss him. He nods, lowering his shaking hands from his tie.

“Well, I’m gonna go into the audience and watch. Good luck.”

“No!” Blaine exclaims, a few of his Warbler-friends turning their heads in his direction. They just sigh, shake their heads and look away. “Please come on stage with me.” Blaine whispers, begging with his eyes.

“Why?” Kurt asks, his eyebrows moving up his forehead and his head tilting to the side. Blaine has the urge to kiss him for the umpteenth time this week. Blaine tries to smile, but can see his creepy expression in the mirror, so he stops. “Are you nervous, Blaine?” Kurt chuckles, but when Blaine continues to look somewhat forlorn, Kurt looks a bit concerned. “You don’t need to be nervous. You’re amazing, Blaine.” Blaine smiles slightly at him and then looks at the floor. “Of course I’ll come with you.”

“Blaine! Get over here! We’re about to start.” Wes calls for him.

“Thank you!” Blaine whispers and turns toward his living friends. “We’re just doing Christmas-songs, so we’re not gonna jump around a lot. You can stand beside me if you want.” he whispers before standing in the back of the line.

The music starts and the Warblers walk onto the stage, taking their positions and starting their harmonies. Blaine is last to appear on stage, placing himself up front.

Kurt follows and stands at arm’s length from him, watching as he sings. Kurt is mesmerized by the sight. All the nerves Blaine had backstage were left there. He looks so confident like this; like he can do anything. Wow… Kurt absolutely loves it when Blaine sings, even when he does his silly spins and faces. If only he’d quit the hair-gel… Blaine’s skin looks like caramel under the stage lights and Kurt briefly wonders what it would taste like. The Warblers are on their fourth song by now, and Blaine retreats into the formation of boys behind him. Kurt turns his back to the audience to look at him. Blaine smiles a huge goofy grin right at him, before dropping it and looking back into the audience for the final lines of the song. Kurt doesn’t notice David glancing questioningly in his direction. As the final song starts, Kurt doesn’t see the other Warblers, he just smiles at the twinkle Blaine gets in his eyes as he sings in harmony with the other boys. He has been so unbelievably nice to me since I came here. The stage lights go out and the boys walk off stage as the audience claps enthusiastically. I’m in love with Blaine. 

After the usual bantering, pats on backs and critique from Wes; the group splits up to talk to their families in the crowd of parents and teachers. Blaine walks up to Kurt who is smiling unusually happily at him. “What did you think?” he asks, blushing slightly and looking at Kurt’s elbow.

“You were really great. You look so confident on stage.”

“I feel confident up there.” Blaine smiles, looking back up at Kurt.

“BLAINEY!!” comes a shriek from the doorway and Blaine looks over to see Aimee running toward him, her pigtails bouncing.

“Hi baby!” Blaine exclaims, crouching down to catch her in a hug. He stands up and rocks her from side to side, a hand on the back of her head. “You came!”

“Char brought me.” Aimee explains, leaning back to look at Blaine and point at Charles the butler, who walks through the backstage door.

“Hello Charles.” Blaine says. “Did she run away from you?” He chuckles a little, putting Aimee back on the floor.

“Well, Sir Blaine, she’s a quick one. Also I’m not in the best shape of my life.” Charles responds in his British accent.

Aimee giggles and turns toward Kurt. “Hi Kurt!” she chirps, holding her arms out for a hug.

“Hi honey.” Kurt smiles, bending down to hug her while casting a hesitant glance at Charles, who just quirks an eyebrow.

Blaine shuffles on his feet. “So did you like the show, baby?” he asks, looking from Kurt to Charles to Aimee.

“Yeah! It was asu- aws- a-“

“Awesome?” Kurt suggests, grinning at the little girl.

“Yeah! Awesome! You sing way better than all those other boys.” she says with finality, grabbing onto Blaine’s index finger. “And you were so pretty up there in the lights, Kurt!” she beams at the cardigan-clad boy.

“Thank you, honey.” Kurt replies, petting the top of her head.

“Well, Lady Aimee. I think we should get going.” Charles says, smiling apologetically at her.

“I don’t wanna!” she whines, grabbing onto Blaine’s pinky with her other hand and nuzzling her cheek against the back of his hand.

“Your bedtime was an hour ago.” Blaine points out, wriggling his fingers out of her grasp and picking her up. “You don’t want to be tired for Christmas, do you?” He tickles her neck and she squirms.

“Okay, okay!” she giggles and flings her arms around his neck. “Love you Blainey.” she whispers into his shoulder.

“I love you too, baby girl.” he whispers back, kissing her forehead before setting her back on the floor.

She skips over to Charles and grabs his out held hand. “Bye Blainey! Bye Kurt!” she chirps.

“Sir Blaine.” Charles nods and they turn toward the door.

“Bye!” Blaine waves after them.

When they are out of sight Blaine spins around to look at Kurt. “I’ve got something to show you!” 

“Where are we goooiiing?!” Kurt whines in the dark car.

“I’ve told you a hundred times, it’s a surprise!” Blaine replies, grinning but keeping his eyes on the road.

“But you brought a bag. With your everyday-stuff, and clothes. Which should mean we’re staying for a while. Is it a hotel?”



Neither speaks for a few minutes as they pass a few houses decorated with lights.

Blaine slows the car down and turns into a dark driveway a few minutes after the decorated houses have disappeared behind them, and everything is swallowed by the dark.

“What is this place?” Kurt whispers, inching away from the car door as Blaine turns the car off.

“Don’t worry. I haven’t kidnapped you.” Blaine chuckles and steps out of the car.

You’re dead Kurt. Being scared of the dark is silly. Kurt gets out as well, standing by the hood of the car while Blaine gets his bag from the backseat. “Follow me.” he singsongs and leads Kurt to the door of a small, yellow house. He stops with the key in the lock and looks at Kurt. “This is my house.”

“You have your own HOUSE?!” Kurt exclaims. “Are you serious?”

Blaine chuckles. “It used to be the Anderson summer-house when I was a child. But I had to go somewhere when Dalton had breaks, so Wyland and Monica arranged for me to live here.” He unlocks the door and pockets his key. “In a few months, when I turn eighteen, the house will be written in my name.”

“Oh.” Kurt says. “Wow.” That’s very articulate, you idiot! “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t worry. I love it here.” Blaine smiles. “And I’ve hired Charles’ son John to come here two times a week to water the plants and take the mail in.”

“Just open the door!” Kurt whines. “I want to see it!”

Blaine chuckles again, opens the door and steps inside. Kurt follows and stands on the wooden floor as Blaine dumps his bag next to the shoe-rack. He hangs his coat up on one of the hooks above it and steps out of his shoes. On either side of the front door are small tables, one with a stack of mail on it. Beside that table is a door which Blaine opens and gestures for Kurt to go inside. Inside the door, to the right is a bathtub, and behind the door stands a potted plant. There is of course a toilet and a sink, with a big beautiful mirror above it. Beside that there are two cabinets, under the big window. The tile of the floor and walls is a pleasant sand color. “Nice.” Kurt comments before stepping back out into the hallway. Blaine leads him down the hallway - which ends with a small window - and through an arch into the kitchen. The floor has white tile, the walls a fancy white and silver wallpaper and there are four big windows. The cabinets along the far wall are white with light marble countertops, and there is a dishwasher and a coffee-machine. Of course. Kurt chuckles to himself. There is also a table with four white chairs, a potted plant in the corner and a grandfather-clock. They walk back into the hallway and into a room beside the kitchen. Blaine’s bedroom floor is covered in gray carpet and the wallpaper is purple with wide horizontal stripes in lighter shades. Kurt walks straight into the room, sitting down on the desk chair. He looks around while Blaine sits down in a black-and-gray-striped armchair. The bed is placed against the far wall, with metal and glass nightstands on both sides. One of them has an alarm clock atop it, and there is an easel with an empty canvas beside it. Beside the bed is a dresser and another potted plant. Between the dresser and the desk Kurt is sitting at, is a bookcase. There are four windows in this room too, and a big picture of New York City hangs above the bed. New York… Kurt stands and sighs.

“Let me show you the most fun room.” Blaine says, standing and leading Kurt back into the hallway and into the living room.

There are three big windows and both the floor and walls are light wood. Right inside the door is a huge entertainment-center and beside that a TV, pointed toward the armchair in the corner. The other corner has a Christmas-tree in it. “It’s not decorated.” Kurt point out, sitting on the wooden coffee table in front of the black leather sofa.

“I thought we could decorate the tree and the house tomorrow.” Blaine smiles, sitting down beside him. “If you want to?”

“Yeah.” Kurt says breathlessly, looking at the gorgeous, enormous tree. “But you should know I take decorating very seriously.” He looks at Blaine, who just chuckles.

“I thought you might.” He stands, throwing his arms out. “So, yeah. This is my house.” Beautiful dork.

 "Decoration time!” Blaine cheers and wraps a glittery garland around his neck.

Kurt groans but stands from his sleeping-place in the armchair.

“I started without you, sleepy head!” Blaine exclaims, rushing into the kitchen.

Kurt follows slowly, but perks up at the sight of the kitchen. There are decorations spread out nicely in the whole room. “Pretty good, Anderson.” he says and smiles at Blaine, who is bouncing slightly on his feet.

“I put our stockings on the wall in the hallway, since I don’t have a fireplace.” Blaine rushes out of the kitchen and points at them.

Kurt follows, and moves past him to brush his fingers against the big K on the white and silver stocking. “I get one?” he says hesitantly, looking back at Blaine.

“Of course you do.” He says with a funny face, and continues into the living room.

Kurt joins him after a minute. There is a big box full of tree decorations on the floor beside the armchair, and Blaine watches as Kurt eagerly digs through it. “Where was this box yesterday?” he asks, throwing glitter garlands over his shoulder.

“In the trunk of my car.”

“Aha.” Kurt continues to dig through the box. “What color scheme do you want?” he asks, straightening with a plastic tube of colored baubles in each hand.

“You decide!” Blaine exclaims, unwrapping the garland from around his neck.

“Then we’ll go with a classy white and gold.” Kurt decides, placing one of the tubes back in the box.

They spend a couple of hours decorating the tree. Blaine putting stuff on the tree, and Kurt protesting. Blaine moving stuff to where he thinks Kurt means, and Kurt giving up and just replacing everything himself while Blaine sings Christmas carols. After a while he joins in. 

End Notes: To be continued.Author's notes: Oh, yay! Kurt is in love with Blaine too! ^^ And more fluffy Christmas stuff coming up! I hope you all liked this chapter.Thank you so much for reading! I love you all. Please review! :)


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I like the fact that Aimee can see Kurt too. Gives Blaine a bit of credibility. Otherwise it would be too easy to dismiss Blaine as being insane and this is just another of those mentally-trippy stories where everything is going on inside his head. I can't think of how this is going to end without heartbreak for all parties involved. Oh god what have I gotten myself into? Are you going to make me cry?

Haha, yeah. ^^ I can only tell you that I am a hardcore Klaine-shipper; it'll work out somehow. I'm very glad you have gotten yourself into this! ^^ And yes, you might cry. Thank you SO MUCH for reading and reviewing! I love you. ^^

Awwwwwwwwww <3 Kurt is so cute and Blaine so sweet

Haha, thank you! ^^ And thank you for reading and reviewing. I love you. ^^