March 30, 2013, 10:41 a.m.
March 30, 2013, 10:41 a.m.
Disclaimer: I do not own Glee, any of their characters or anything that can be related to something that exists in the real world.
Warnings: None, I think.
Author's notes: Work is coming along fine and I've had some days off so here's the new chapter! I hope you like it. ^^
Saturday the 16th of April 2011
To: Blaine
Message: Hey. Trent just texted me and asked AGAIN if you and I are dating. Shouldn't we tell the guys soon?
From: Blaine
Message: Yeah, we can if you want. You're coming to the movie-night tonight, right? We can tell them then. =)
To: Blaine
Message: Yeah, I am. I'm excited.
From: Blaine
Message: Me too. And nervous.
To: Blaine
Message: Don't be. They'll be happy for us. They're our friends. =)
From: Blaine
Message: I guess you're right. See you at six, then.
To: Blaine
Message: Haven't we already established that I'm always right? ;) See you then.
From: Blaine
Message: True ;)
"No! That movie sucks!" Jeff rolled his eyes.
"But it's romantic!" Trent said dreamily.
"I want action!" Jeff argued, flipping through the DVD-case full of movies.
All the Warblers had gathered in Jeff and Nick's room to watch a movie. Blaine had left Bella with Rita, and he and Kurt were now sitting side-by-side on the couch. Wes and David sat on the floor in front of them, Trent on the couch beside Kurt, Jeff and Nick on Jeff's bed and Thad in an armchair. Three guys were crammed together on Nick's bed and the rest were scattered around the floor with the snacks-bowls.
"Guys!" Blaine spoke up and - as always - the guys shut up and turned their heads toward him. "I have an announcement." He declared and smiled.
"Does the GAP have a sale on hair-gel?" Wes muttered and Jeff threw a DVD at him.
"What is it, Blaine?" Nick asked encouragingly.
"Well actually, WE have an announcement." Kurt said and laced his fingers with Blaine's, smiling broadly at the other Warblers.
"You finally got together?" Jeff exclaimed, jumping up and down on the bed, making the DVD-case fall off the bed and onto the floor.
"We did." Kurt grinned.
All the guys threw themselves over Kurt and Blaine; showering them in hugs, pats on their shoulders and well wishes.
When the Warblers had finally calmed down and gotten back to their previous locations, Trent turned to Kurt with a sparkle in his eyes. "When did it happen?"
"A month ago." Blaine beamed, still holding onto Kurt's hand.
"A month and a day." Kurt corrected and winked at his boyfriend.
"You been hiding this from us for a whole MONTH?" Jeff whined.
"It's been obvious since November." Nick mumbled to his blonde boyfriend.
"We knew before you guys even knew yourselves." Thad chuckled.
"We're all happy for you two. Right, guys?" David said, and all the boys in the room agreed happily.
Tuesday the 19th of April 2011
Rachel had texted Kurt the day before and invited him and Blaine to come watch the New Direction's "Night of Neglect" concert, so he and Blaine had taken Blaine's car to McKinley after classes ended at Dalton. Kurt showed Blaine around, and they ran into Karofsky.
Luckily Santana had come and chased him off before Blaine got too angry. They enjoyed their friends' performances and applauded wildly after them.
Monday the 20th of April 2011
"Are you really considering transferring back?" Blaine asked in the car on the way back to Dalton after their coffee-date with Santana, Mercedes and Tina at the Lima Bean.
"I don't know. I really love it here, but I miss them so much." Kurt sighed. His phone jingled in his pocket to alert him that he had a new text message.
"I just want you to be safe." Blaine said and glanced at Kurt as he picked his phone out of his pocket.
"Oh, no." Kurt mumbled.
"What?" Blaine looked at Kurt again after making a right-turn.
"Dad says we're going to have a meeting with principal Figgins, Karofsky and his dad on Wednesday."
"What? Why?" Blaine slowed the car down and looked between Kurt and the road repeatedly.
"Apparantly Dave has something to say." Kurt put the phone back in his pocket. "I guess we'll see on Wednesday."
Wednesday the 27th of April 2011
"Are you really gonna fall for that crap?" Burt said angrily as he drove them home from the meeting with Figgins, Dave and Mr. Karofsky.
"David really is sorry, dad." Kurt sighed and looked out the passenger-side window. "And no, I'm not going back to McKinley. I feel safe at Dalton."
"Good." Burt declared.
They drove for a few minutes in silence before Burt cleared his throat awkwardly. "Maybe you should dorm there?"
Kurt whipped around to look at his father. "What?"
"You're always there in the evenings and on the weekends anyway. You wouldn't have to drive for countless hours every week and you'd get free food and all that."
Kurt hadn't even thought that far yet. Possibly because he didn't think his father would like the idea very much. But now he was suggesting it?
All of his father's previous statements were true. Kurt spent more time at Dalton than at home now. He pretty much just came home to eat and sleep. He'd have more time to study when he didn't have to drive back and forth from Lima every day. If he had a dorm room at Dalton he could see Blaine a lot more often.
But then thing that decided it in Kurt's mind was the last part of his father's sentence. I'd get free food. Since his father and Carole had paid for his tuition at Dalton they didn't have a lot of money now. The gas-money they'd save would do a big difference, as well as the money for Kurt's healthy – and rather expensive – food.
"I should." Kurt smiled, and his father glanced at him for a moment, smiling too.
Saturday the 30th of April 2011
"Dad! Don't hurt yourself!" Kurt whined as Burt tried to lift one of his heavy boxes off of the truck.
"Fine." Burt admitted defeat. "Finn! Will you help me with this box?"
Finn scrambled out of the backseat and hoisted the box up, carrying it toward the entrance of campus without any help from Burt. Burt sighed and took a smaller, lighter box off the truck. "Where's Blaine? Won't your best friend help you move in?"
"He's coming." Kurt mumbled and picked his phone out of his pocket, re-reading the latest text from Blaine.
To: Blaine
Message: We're almost there! =)
From: Blaine
Message: Great! I'll leave Bella at Rita's any minute now. See you at the entrance.
Kurt sent a new message.
To: Blaine
Message: Where are you?
He had barely sent it when he got a text from his boyfriend.
From: Blaine
Message: Rnning thrgh th hallwys. be rigt thwre
Kurt smiled and typed out a "Don't fall and hurt yourself." before pocketing his phone and taking a box off the truck and carrying it toward the huge entrance doors of the building. Finn and Burt stood by the doors, waiting for him to come and guide them to his room.
"What's taking so long, scooter?" Burt asked and picked his box back up.
"Blaine should be here any second now." Kurt said, and just as he finished his sentence the doors opened and Blaine stood panting on the other side.
"Can I help?" he grinned.
"Hey, kid. You can take the last box." Burt said and walked up the steps. Finn picked his box back up too and followed after a quick greeting to Blaine.
Blaine ran to the car and Kurt waited for him as he stumbled over with the last box. When he and Blaine entered the building they found Burt and Finn staring around the room.
"This place is enormous!" Finn exclaimed and grinned at the two boyfriends. "It's awesome that you get to live here!"
Kurt smiled at his brother and started walking up the stairs toward his room. When they entered the dorm room hallway Blaine passed him and stopped by the door beside his own. "You got the room beside mine." he beamed.
"That's great!" Kurt said and picked his brand new key - with the number 14 on it - out of his pocket while balancing the box with one arm.
He unlocked the door and they all entered the furnished room. It looked pretty much like Blaine's, except there was more free space since he didn't have a crib in his room. The bed was in the same place, as was the sofa and small TV. The desk however stood next to the bed, along the wall with windows. Also the bookcase was on the opposite side of the door than the couch. The joined bathroom was on the other side too, and instead of the small kitchen Blaine had, Kurt had a-
"Finally a walk-in closet!" Kurt exclaimed, leaving the box he was carrying on the bed and walking into the closet. He squealed at the sight of the shoe-shelves and heard the three men in his room chuckle. He went back into his room and beamed. "I'm so happy!"
Burt put his box down on Kurt's desk and walked over to hug his son. "I'm glad you like it. But me and Finn gotta get goin'. Carole should be done with dinner soon."
"Oh, okay. I'll see you soon." Kurt said as his father pulled back. "I'll miss you three so much."
Finn surprised Kurt slightly when he too hugged him tightly. "I'll miss you, bro."
"I'll miss you too, Finn. But I'll visit soon." Kurt said breathlessly when his brother released him. "Bye."
Burt and Finn left and Kurt looked after them, realizing what he'd just done. He'd moved out, away from his family.
"You'll see them soon." Kurt looked over at Blaine who was smiling warmly at him. "Need help unpacking?"
"Yes, please." Kurt sighed and walked over to one of the boxes, opening it and picking a shirt out of it. "I'll handle the clothes, though."
"Whatever you want." Blaine grinned and started unpacking the box he'd carried in.
"Done!" Kurt said happily as he placed a picture frame - with a photo of him, Finn, Burt and Carole at the wedding - onto his desk.
"It looks great." Blaine replied, smiling broadly at his boyfriend.
"Thanks." Kurt sat down heavily on his bed. "What happens now?"
Blaine chuckled. "We can go hang out with Bella for a while."
"Yes!" Kurt said and stood again, walking over and grabbing Blaine's hand.
As they walked to Rita's room Blaine picked up his phone and fiddled with it for a moment. He put it back in his pocket and faced Kurt. "Jeff wants to see us in the Warblers' rehearsal room in two hours. Apparently he has something fascinating to tell us."
"He probably thinks he invented a time machine or something." Kurt chuckled before Blaine knocked on the door to Rita's room.
After playing and cuddling with Bella for two hours in Blaine's room the two boys were walking toward their meeting with Jeff.
"You are very well-dressed for moving-day." Blaine said thoughtfully while swinging their joined hands between them in the hallway.
"Every day is an opportunity for fashion." Kurt grinned. "I can't believe I was alone with Bella for more than ten minutes!"
"I doubt anything could have happened. I just got out of my sweaty clothes, showered and put on new ones. Hence why I'm surprised you are still wearing those clothes after all the unpacking we did."
"I rarely sweat. Especially not when I just move some light things around." Kurt joked and bumped their shoulders together.
They turned the corner and walked up to the doors of the rehearsal room.
"Why are the doors closed? Isn't he here yet?" Kurt said and looked down the hallway.
Blaine grinned when Kurt looked back at him. "Doesn't seem so. You know how he is. We'll just go inside and wait." Blaine opened one of the doors and let Kurt walk in first.
Kurt jumped back in shock, smacking into Blaine who stood behind him. Blaine steadied him with his hands on Kurt's shoulders. In the room stood all of their Warbler friends that also lived in the dorm rooms. Kurt looked around and except for all the smiling faces he found the "usual party gear". Red and blue plastic cups, snacks, decorations.
"Welcome to the real madness of Dalton Academy: The dorms!" Jeff grinned and walked over to give Kurt a hug.
"Is this all for me?" Kurt said breathlessly and took in all the guys' regular clothes. He was not surprised to find Wes in his Dalton blazer, however.
"Of course! We're gonna celebrate your arrival until we break our legs from dancing!" Jeff beamed and dragged Kurt and Blaine over to the snacks-table and handed them each a plastic cup. "Don't worry, daddy. These aren't spiked." Jeff winked at Blaine before scurrying off to turn on some music.
Blaine shuffled on his feet for a moment before taking a sip from his cup. "Do you like it?" he mumbled cautiously.
"Of course I do!" Kurt smiled and put a hand on Blaine's shoulder. "I didn't expect it, but it's nice. Was it your idea?"
Blaine nodded and smiled.
"You should have told me I smelled like sweat so I could have showered before the party, though." Kurt squeezed Blaine's shoulder playfully before removing his hand and taking a step closer to kiss him. "Thank you."
Kurt had an amazing time at the party. All the Warblers except for him and Blaine had gotten drunk, and they'd all danced for hours. Kurt had even gotten to slow-dance with Blaine for a couple of songs as the other boys stood around them, smiling.
Kurt and Blaine weren't the first to leave, neither were they the last. They walked hand-in-hand to Rita's room to get Bella, and Kurt had gotten to carry the sleeping little girl back to Blaine's room. She had snuggled into his chest, rubbing her round little cheek against the soft material of his shirt.
Kurt carefully put her down in the crib before sitting down next to Blaine on the couch. "Thank you, Blaine." he said and leaned his head against his boyfriend's shoulder.
"For what?" Blaine asked softly, moving his fingertips through the short hair on the back of Kurt's head.
"For helping me move in, for the party, for trusting me with Bella." Kurt smiled against Blaine's shoulder.
Blaine moved back and took Kurt's chin in his hand. "You're welcome." They kissed softly and then Blaine leaned his forehead against Kurt's. "Bella really likes you."
They were quiet for a moment, smiling before kissing again.
Blaine pulled back and stoked Kurt's cheek with his thumb. "Do you want to spend your first real night at Dalton in your own new room?"
"As much as I'd like to stay here and cuddle with you… Yeah, I think I do." Kurt kissed Blaine again before standing. "I'll see you for breakfast."
"Goodnight." Blaine followed Kurt to the door and kissed him again before Kurt walked over to his own door.
Kurt sat down on his bed and looked around at his room. The dark blue color of the walls made him feel calm. He could hear two people talking as they walked past his door in the hallway and it sounded like Jeff and Nick. He smiled as he heard a door close. If Jeff had left, the party was probably over. Everything went quiet again and he studied the things he and Blaine had unpacked during the day.
His few books were stacked neatly in the bookshelf and the two paintings he had brought from home were hung on the wall that connected to his closet and Blaine's kitchen on the other side. Pictures of his friends at McKinley were on the cork-board above his desk and his pen with a fake crystal on top lay next to a notebook on top of it. The quilt his mother had sewn was folded over the armrest of the couch. The patches made out of different materials and patterns made him smile again.
He walked over to the couch and unfolded the quilt on his lap. He stroked a patch of silk and lace with his thumb. That particular one was a piece of her wedding dress. Burt had been shocked when she cut the piece off to sew it onto the quilt, but she had assured him it was fine, it was just a dress.
Kurt folded the quilt and hung it back over the armrest before getting ready for bed.
Monday the 9th of August 2010
Blaine sat in the living room on the sofa, next to his mother. They were watching a show about baking that she loved while Blaine fed his tiny daughter some formula.
As the next show started, Anna sat up. "Your dad's late. I hope he didn't get stuck at work." She glanced at her watch and sighed.
Blaine put Bella's empty bottle on the coffee table and put a hand on his mother's shoulder. "I'm sure he'll be home any minute." He smiled softly before standing.
Anna did the same. "I'll go prepare dinner." She left and after just a few seconds Blaine could hear her move pots and pans around in the kitchen.
Blaine shifted his daughter in his arms to burp her. When she had burped he sat back down, leaning his back against the armrest, Bella already sleeping on his chest. He kissed her tiny head and leaned his own back, closing his eyes.
The front door opened and closed carefully and Blaine opened one eye to peek into the hallway. His father put his briefcase down, removed his shoes and tie before picking up a small package and walking toward Blaine.
He opened his other eye too and smiled at his father. "Welcome home, dad."
"Evening, son. Did you have a good day?" He sat down on the couch next to Blaine's feet.
"Yeah. We woke up early but Bella has been calm all day. I was thinking I'd give her a bath after dinner."
"Perfect." Herman said and held the package out toward Blaine.
"What is this?" Blaine said as he carefully opened the package in the air above Bella.
"I bought it for her after work. I thought you two might like it."
Blaine put the red fabric on his legs as he sat up and carefully gave the sleeping baby to his father. He then picked the fabric back up and unfolded it. It was a towel, with a hood in one corner. The hood had two big, round eyes sewn onto it.
"It's Elmo!" Blaine said and grinned broadly at his father.
"Yes. I know you used to love him. And now Bella has her own towel." Herman grinned too, and Blaine hugged his father as best he could while the older man cradled the tiny girl to his chest.
"Thank you, dad."
To be continued.
Author's note: There it is! They've told the Warblers and Kurt's moved into Dalton. :D In the next chapter you'll get... Wait for it... PROOOM! :D Please review to let me know what you thought of the chapter. I love you all! ^^
this is so cute! And some times a little cheesy, but none the less i absolutely adore it!
I'm glad you like it. I'm a big ball of cheese. ;) As is Blaine. xD Thank you SO MUCH for reading and reviewing! I love you. ^^