July 24, 2012, 9:44 p.m.
July 24, 2012, 9:44 p.m.
“Did you have a good weekend?” Kurt asked.
“Yeah! Dad and I spent time with his boyfriend. He's very nice, daddy.”
Kurt put her down and forced a smile. He kneeled down and sighed.
“We have a friend coming over for lunch so be good, okay, dear?”
“I will!”
“Great. Come down stairs soon. We'll be having lunch.”
“Ugh! I'll call for you soon,” Kurt said and walked out of her room. He ran down the steps to see Quinn in his kitchen.
“What are you doing here? You just walk in anymore?”
“Yes. You left it unlocked. The girls and I want to cancel lunch with you since you're having Blaine over. I also came to bring Abigail over since you promised Tiffany they could play today,” Quinn said, hands resting on her hips.
“No...you and the girls will be here...I can't do this...” Kurt said.
“Do it. Abigail! Aunt Quinn is here! Tiffany wants you to come play!”
Kurt listened as her door shut and she came slowly down the steps. She ran to Quinn and hugged her. Quinn picked her up and smiled at him.
“Quinn...no. I can't do this.”
“Kurt...this is your chance to move on with somebody new. Take the chance.”
“To only be hurt?”
“You won't be hurt...and if he does we'll take care of him.”
“Not this time, Kurt. Sorry. But come on...he's a really nice guy. Give him a chance,” she said and walked out. Kurt sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He looked at the stove where the sloppy joes sat on the stove in the pot. He got a bottle wine and set it in ice. His doorbell rang and Kurt sighed, worried. He opened the door and saw Blaine standing there with Shadow on a leash this time.
“Hey,” Blaine said.
“Hi. Come on in,” Kurt said opening the door. He came in with a curious Shadow next to him. Kurt led him to the back patio and he let Shadow off her leash.
“The fence runs up to the front. She'll be okay.”
“That's good...thanks,” Blaine said. Kurt nodded and walked into the house opening the wine and pouring two glasses. He walked back out to the patio and held one out to Blaine.
“No problem.”
“Again I'm sorry about Shadow. I don't know why she ran. She's never done that before.”
“She probably doesn't like Andrew. Nobody likes him.”
“I'm sorry about him...I didn't mean to cause you two trouble.”
“It's done and over with. That was a very little snippet of half the fights we've had.”
“That sucks...”
“What about you? If you don't mind me asking...you said you're starting over. Marriage or just a break up?”
“Um..death actually. My ex was a cop with me...”
“Oh, God, Blaine, I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have asked.”
“It's okay. I said I'd tell you.”
“Okay...if you want you can go on,” Kurt said.
“He pulled somebody over for speeding. The next thing I know I get a call saying he was shot and taken to the hospital. I got there and got to sit with him for a while...he woke up for a few minutes but fell back asleep. A few...a few hours later he died.”
“I'm so sorry,” Kurt said. He wanted to hug Blaine so bad, hold him and say it'd be okay.
“It's gotten easier with time but I needed a new start. I was able to transfer and now I'll be working in this area.”
“I hope I can hear more about him some time, if you want to ever talk.”
“What about you? Andrew's a dick head, why'd someone as nice as you get drawn to him?”
“He was amazing when we were younger. Eventually, I found out he was cheating and I filed the papers. He signed them willingly but fought for Abigail. She's my angel and I'd do anything for her and he used her against me in court.”
“Sick bastard, using a kid like that.”
“You're telling me...” Kurt said. Shadow came running up to Kurt and nosed at his hand. Kurt scratched behind her ears and smiled. It'd been so long since he'd had a dog. He'd wanted to get one for Abigail but apparently Andrew was allergic. After he left Kurt wanted to get one for Abigail but the cost was too much at the time.
“She likes you. She doesn't just go up to people like that,” Blaine said.
“How long have you had her?”
“A few years now. They let me transfer with her as long as this station made a deal with them.”
“She's a sweet heart.”
Kurt turned to him and did something he never thought he'd do.
“Want to order pizza and just talk?”
“Sounds like lunch to me.”
Kurt smiled and ordered them a large pie. He also got a beer out for them and they drank as they ate. Kurt hadn't actually done this in a while. Eventually, they got up and started to clean up. They walked into Kurt's house and threw the garbage away. Kurt wrapped his arms around himself. Suddenly, a slow song started to play from his audio system in the living room. He looked around but didn't see anybody at any of the windows and nobody was in his house.
“Can I have this dance?” Blaine asked. Kurt looked up surprised but smiled and nodded. He took Blaine's hand and they danced slowly. Blaine's hands were on his waist and he had his around his neck. Kurt smiled and Blaine chuckled as they danced. Kurt loved the sound of his chuckle and he'd do anything to hear that sound everyday.
The next thing he knew his eyes closed and soft, plump lips pressed against his. The hold on his waist tightened and Kurt tightened his hold around his neck. Kurt's fingers curled into Blaine's loose curls at the nape of his neck. Kurt pulled away breathless and looked into Blaine's soft hazel eyes. He smiled and kissed him once more, hoping that this was real. Blaine's hands cupped his face and deepened the kiss. Kurt pulled away and looked down.
“I have a few hours until Abigail comes home. Would you like to stay for a while? We don't have to do anything but...I just want you here...” Kurt said. Blaine nodded and their lips connected int a passion filled kiss.
They kissed!! Yay I can't wait for more!!!
More tomorrow...after White Collar! :D
They kissed!!!! Yay! Blaine's story is so sad :(
They kissed! :D Lol! I know... :(