Aug. 7, 2012, 1:58 a.m.
Aug. 7, 2012, 1:58 a.m.
This is a quick update for me :D In this chapter, hopefully I've answered Thegirlwholovespeanutbutter's question about Sebastian and Tina (: I'd also like to say-check out some of my other stories!
"Sebastian Smythe: Tina?"
"Tina Cohen-Chang: Mmm?"
"Sebastian Smythe: I can't remember who told me, but someone said you went through many different style eras. I was only curious as to which one you're in now..."
"Tina Cohen-Chang: I'm not in any specific one at the minute...just me."
"Mike Chang, Kurt Hummel and 1 other likes this."
"Mike Chang: Yay :)"
"Tina Cohen-Chang likes this."
"Sebastian Smythe: May I suggest one for you, Tina?"
"Tina Cohen-Chang: Umm OK.."
"Sebastian Smythe: Nun. :D"
"Mike Chang, Santana Lopez and 2 others like this."
"Mike Chang: HAHA that's funny! We should meet up sometime?"
"Sebastian Smythe: Of course :P"
"Finn Hudson: Kurt?"
"Kurt Hummel: What? -_-"
"Finn Hudson: Umm sorry to bother you, but can I borrow your moisturising and spot cream? I'm breaking out.."
"Kurt Hummel, Santana Lopez and 12 others like this."
"Finn Hudson: Oh God.."
"Kurt Hummel: WHAT?"
"Finn Hudson: That was meant to be a private message D:"
"Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson and 3 others like this."
"Kurt Hummel: Haha, and yes of course you may use it snookums ;) We're really bonding now, Finn don't you think?"
"Blaine Anderson likes this."
"Kurt Hummel: Right, because you haven't used it before I'll tell you how to."
"David Sullivan, Blaine Anderson and 6 others like this."
"Finn Hudson: NO! I'll, I'll come to your room."
"Kurt Hummel: Sorry snookums, but Blaine's here and unless you want to catch us making rabbits I strongly advise you not to come in. ;P"
"Blaine Anderson likes this."
"Blaine Anderson: Kurt, how are you able to say these things while we're making rabbits? You can barely see your phone keyboard!"
"Kurt Hummel: Years of texting in Glee. Mr Schue HATES phones."
"Blaine Anderson: Who were you texting? It wasn't me..."
"Mercedes Jones likes this."
"Kurt Hummel: 'Cedes. :)"
"Blaine Anderson: But you sat next to each other?"
"Mercedes Jones: Mr Schue doesn't like us talking either. He has eagle eyes..."
"Will Schuester likes this."
"Will Schuester: I see everything... ;)"
"Kurt Hummel: ..."
"Brittany Pierce: Hello?"
"Brittany Pierce: Hello?"
"Brittany Pierce: Hello?"
"Brittany Pierce: Hello?"
"Brittany Pierce: Hello?"
"Brittany Pierce: Ohhh look! I made a pwetty pattern with question marks!"
"Kurt Hummel likes this."
"Jeff Sterling: no"
"Nick Duval: What's wrong?"
"Jeff Sterling: I just realised that I kind of like Brussels sprouts. :3"
"Nick Duval, Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson and 7 others like this."
"Blaine Anderson: Jeff, you do realise that they're usually eaten in December, on Christmas day?"
"Jeff Sterling: Yeah..I know, but I'm not most people am I?"
"Kurt Hummel: No, no Jeff you aren't."
"Nick Duval likes this."
"Nick Duval: Wait, most people don't like sprouts, but you aren't most people, so surely that's good?"
"Jeff Sterling: I want to go to see the London Olympics. Nick? Can we go? :D"
"Blaine Anderson and Brittany Pierce like this."
"Nick Duval: JEFF! What happened to our conversation on sprouts?"
"Jeff Sterling: I don't know...maybe you lost it..."
"Kurt Hummel likes this."
"Nick Duval: I do wonder about you sometimes. :3"
"Jeff Sterling likes this."
"Jeff Sterling: So...?"
"Nick Duval: So what?"
"Jeff Sterling: Can we go to the Olympics? :D :D :D"
"Nick Duval: NO! Jeff! They start later on tonight! You have to pay for the tickets left, and we'd have to travel to London. We'd never be there before they started."
"Jeff Sterling: Well we can watch from outside on the TV screens! :) and if we fly now...we might make it xD"
"Kurt Hummel likes this."
"Nick Duval: Oh God...fine. Pack your stuff-I'll be at your house in 10."
"Jeff Sterling: :D WOO!"
"Blaine Anderson likes this."
"Nick Duval: Bye guys. Going to the Olympics...*sighs*"
"Jeff Sterling: You should be happy! :P"
"Nick Duval: ...mmhhmm. I am. We'll get you souvenirs."
"Mercedes Jones, Santana Lopez and 15 others like this."
"Kurt Hummel: Have fun :D hahaha we might even see you ;)"
"Jeff Sterling likes this."
"Nick Duval: Don't get his hopes up. -_-"
"Hope this wasn't too bad...just thought I'd mention the Olympics-I love them :D haha I'm very patriotic today...
Tell me what you think xD Alert and review!