Aug. 7, 2012, 1:58 a.m.
Aug. 7, 2012, 1:58 a.m.
Wow can mums be annoying... -_- Anyway, here's another chapter of the Facebook randoms. Thought that doing a facebook one was also really relevant to RS at the minute-we're watching the Social Network! :D Probably won't update for a couple of weeks now because I have exams with Mara and those take revision! :(
Umm well I would like some feedback on some ideas and prompts, and be sure to reed ( ;) ) some other of my stories! Thanks xD It's harder than it looks doing smiley faces in brackets.
Sorry this took a while to upload!
"Wade 'Unique' has requested to join the group: Vocal Adrenaline."
"Jesse St James like this."
"Wade 'Unique': Me and my inner uniqueness want to join Vocal Adrenaline."
"Jesse St James: There aren't enough spaces, sorry Wade..."
"Wade 'Unique': I am auditioning tomorrow! Some other random girl said you wouldn't mind :P"
"Jesse St James: Who said this? Well whatever come along and I'll see..."
"Wade 'Unique' likes this."
"Jess St James: Well you certainly live up to your name."
"Wade 'Unique' likes this."
"Tina Cohen-Chang: Rachel, you were great at Glee club today. Well done :)"
"Rachel Berry, Finn Hudson, Mike Chang and 2 others like this."
"Kurt Hummel: What happened to you Tina? ;)"
"Tina Cohen-Chang: Nothing has happened guys. Just being nice, as I always have been.."
"Mike Chang likes this."
"Rachel Berry: Well thanks Tina, umm that's really kind of you. :)"
"Tina Cohen-Chang likes this."
"Tina Cohen-Chang: So Rachel what are you doing Saturday?"
"Rachel Berry: Nothing Tina, why?"
"Tina Cohen-Chang: Wanna go shopping? :)"
"Rachel Berry likes this."
"Rachel Berry: Yeah!"
"Kurt Hummel: …."
"Tina Cohen-Chang: Yes Kurt you can come too ;)"
"Nick Duval: Jeeeeeff."
"Jeff Sterling: What Nick?"
"Nick Duval: Can we go to the Museum today? I wanna see the dinosaurs!"
"Blaine Anderson: …? Have you guys had a person swap or something? I swear Jeff's the one who likes dinosaurs."
"Wes Montgomery: That's exactly what's happened Blaine. David bet them 50 bucks that they couldn't keep it up for a week."
"Blaine Anderson: What day is it now?"
"Wes Montgomery: About 20 minutes in."
"Nick Duval: :D"
"Jeff Sterling likes this."
"Nick Duval: You never answered my question!"
"Jeff Sterling: Ok Nick we can go and see the dinosaurs."
"Nick Duval: :)"
"Brittany Pierce has requested to join The Warblers."
"Brittany Pierce has joined The Warblers."
"Blaine Anderson: Go on Brittany, you have permission."
"Brittany Pierce: A, U R a dinosaur!"
"Jeff Sterling likes this."
"Brittany Pierce has left The Warblers."
"Wes Montgomery: ..."
"Mercedes Jones: Kurt! What have you been doing without me? I was away for 2 days and you manage to go on 4 shopping trips. -_-"
"Kurt Hummel: Mercedes calm down, I bought you Tots and RedVines."
"Mercedes Jones likes this."
"Mercedes Jones: :) love you white boy."
"Kurt Hummel likes this."
"Will Schuester has joined Facebook."
"Will Schuester: What do I do here?"
"Will Schuester: Anyone?"
"Mercedes Jones: Mr Schue, join the New Directions group."
"Will Schuester: How do I do that..."
"Kurt Hummel: Search New Directions and click 'request to join group'"
"Will Schuester: But there's more than one New Directions group!"
"Mercedes Jones: Oh my God..."
"Kurt Hummel: Mr Schue I'm coming over."
"Will Schuester: :)"
"Mercedes Jones: Kurt, how's he doing?"
"Kurt Hummel: He's fine. Great actually. He's now obsessed and is joiningpractically every group he can."
"Choir Master: WOO! Now a member of Sue's team!"
"Kurt Hummel: Oh and he keeps changing his name."
"Choir Master changed his name to Hi."
"Hi: Yeah I think my name is great Kurt, don't you? :D"
"Kurt Hummel: Sure."
"Wes Montgomery: David, I think you're gonna lose your bet :)"
"Jeff Sterling: I am afraid to say you will."
"Blaine Anderson: How long's it been?"
"David Warbler: 6 days, 23 hours and 46 minutes."
"Nick Duval: :D ;D ;D :D ;P :L xD"
"Jeff Sterling likes this."
"Nick Duval: YEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSS we win :D 50 bucks please."
"Blaine Anderson and Wes Montgomery likes this."
Hope you enjoyed this and that Mara thought it was a good alternative to chemistry. My hairdresser is coming now, so um I better go. Thanks for reading and please review and alert! :)) Sorry this is slightly shorter than 1000 but I had to do 1000 for an english essay and that number is now doomed. Btw do any of you read these notes? Tell me cos I'm not sure whether they are pointless or not...