Facebook randoms
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Facebook randoms: Spying

K - Words: 613 - Last Updated: Aug 07, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 6/? - Created: Aug 07, 2012 - Updated: Aug 07, 2012
429 0 0 0 0

Finally managed to get a word processor that keeps the formatting! It takes hours to re-do the bold and stuff on an iPod/doc manager. Now I can do whatever I like in bold and it stays bold! YAY! I'd love for the reviews to keep coming please guys, and if you have an account on here I will happily read and review your stories if you ask me to or return the favour :D Okay, so keep reviewing and eat crisps!

Also can not decide whether Nick and Jeff should be in a relationship or not...ideas?

"Blaine Anderson: Kuuuurt. Where are you? Me, Wes and David are waiting for you in the hall!"

"Wes Montgomery, David Warbler, Thad and 4 others like this."

"Kurt Hummel: I'm in the sauna. On my way :) *"

"Trent, Blaine Anderson and 15 others like this."

"Kurt Hummel: Ugh stupid autocorrect, I meant dorm. Don't even ask me how that got to be sauna."

"David Warbler, Mercedes Jones and 8 others like this."

"Mercedes Jones: Ahh we love you no matter what your hands are doing with your Blaine."

"Blaine Anderson, David Warbler, Wes Montgomery and 28 others like this."

"Finn Hudson: TMI guys!"

"Mercedes Jones: Blaine = iPhone. OMG..."

"Blaine Anderson likes this."

"Blaine Anderson: Oh no Mercedes that can stay as Blaine ;)"

"Blaine Anderson and Mercedes Jones are now friends."

"Jeff Sterling: Niiick, can we be dinosaurs together? :D pretty pleeeease?"

"Nick Duval likes this."

"Nick Duval: Yes Jeff, if you want."

"Jeff Sterling: Can I pick which one? XD"

"Nick Duval: I will give you special permission, just today."

"Jeff Sterling: I wanna be... an Archaeopteryx. THEY'RE CUTE!"

"Blaine Anderson likes this."

"Kurt Hummel: Blaine we are eating lunch, must you be on Facebook? -_-"

"Blaine Anderson: Well you are too..."

"Kurt Hummel: *dislikes* ^"

"Kurt Hummel: OK fine. Whatever. Jeff why do you want to be an Archae opty thingy?"

"Jeff Sterling: a) They're cute.

b) They can fly so I can go and spy on Nick. ;) but don't tell Nick."

"Nick Duval likes this."

"Jeff Sterling: KURT! I said don't tell!"

"Nick Duval likes this."

"Jeff Sterling: You really are useless."

"Kurt Hummel likes this."

"Santana Lopez: Brittany, I know you like Spanky but you can't marry him honey."

"Kurt Hummel likes this."

"Brittany Pierce: Why?"

"Kurt Hummel: Who's Spanky?"

"Santana Lopez: He's the unicorn on her campaign poster….."

"Brittany Pierce: Why can't I marry him and make uni babies?"

"Santana Lopez: (*help Kurt!*)"

"Kurt Hummel: Because... Spanky is only on a poster, you haven't found him yet. He's on the Uni carpet. Oh and why did you put that in italics?"

"Brittany Pierce: Uni carpet?"

"Kurt Hummel: The red carpet for unicorns."

"Santana Lopez: Nice one Kurt. So Brittany can't read them, I made a specific note on her wall to say she can not read any italics :)"

"Wes Montgomery: Calling all Warblers! Meeting at 2:15pm today, duet practices."

"Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Trent and 13 others like this."

"Kurt Hummel: How come Trent 'likes' stuff but never actually comments?"

"Trent likes this."

"David Warbler: It's because he is a stalker. He likes to stalk our pages."

"Trent likes a photo in: Kurt's album."

"David Warbler: :O see!"

"Kurt Hummel: Trent that picture was from 1 year ago...How do you even have to patience to scroll that far back?"

"Wes Montgomery: Guys, wasn't the whole point of this conversation to comment on the practice that BEGAN 5 MINUTES AGO?"

"Kurt Hummel: …"

"Blaine Anderson, Nick Duval, Jeff Sterling and 4 others like this."

Umm, hope this was OK... Fairly short but the others will be 1000 words plus! Review now please :) otherwise you know what MR BB will have to do. Mara don't blush please. I want character name suggestions so I don't have to write their surnames etc! Mara start us off! Thanks for reading, and it'd be cool to read your fics too! Story alerts are also cool ;P


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