Nov. 19, 2011, 9:42 p.m.
Nov. 19, 2011, 9:42 p.m.
�Are you serious, Kurt? Is this the best reaction you could think of? I was waiting for something epic like your You�re disgusting, Blaine! six years ago." He imitated Kurt�s voice and mimic nearly perfectly and Kurt had to repress an answer – or a smile.
They did that a lot – then – sitting in the coffee-shop and joking, making fun of each other and laughing.
That was, until Kurt discovered what Blaine�s new job really was. His boyfriend – his dapper, always polite and so endearing almost-fianc� – had thought that trying to do something like that would be appropriate for raising money to pay back the student�s loan. Of course, Blaine had the knowledge as a soon-to-be-doctor. He also had the appearance, because nobody would ever be wary, seeing him smile and act like the preppy young man he was. So Blaine turned into someone else when he got an assignment. At first he tried to joke about it – being like Clark Kent, but he soon realised that Kurt couldn�t laugh about it.
After his first job – he still refused to call it murder – he was shocked at how easy it had been. Of course it was justified, a drug dealer causing a teenagers�s death because of his soiled drugs. The papery thing left at the crime scene that looked like a moustache had been a coincidence and it was pure luck that it didn�t contain any DNA.
After the second one – a not-convicted pedophile, not enough evidence for the judges AND with another moustache left at the crime scene, this time on purpose – he stared at the packet of money in astonishment and didn�t see Kurt�s shiver.
After the third job though – a thief who had murdered an old lady for ten bucks - Blaine was in some kind of hyper. He started to collect the newspaper�s articles about the Moustache Murderer and Kurt was frightened. No, he wasn�t frightened – he was scared.
Blaine laughed about it and said: �Kurt, these are no murders. It�s justice." And when Blaine didn�t stop, Kurt�s fear turned into anger and disgust. And that was the moment when he wasn�t able to stand it anymore.
�Blaine, you�re disgusting! I don�t recognise you anymore, I don�t want to know you anymore! Just... leave. Go away and never come back, please. I want to forget that I know you, forget everything we had because obviously it doesn�t mean anything to you anymore." Blaine stared at him for some long minutes, then he packed and disappeared. Except for the occasional articles or news reports, Kurt hadn�t heard anything from Blaine – until today.
Memories faded and Kurt had to blink several times until he could see Blaine again, who looked at him with an unreadable expression.
�I... I have to leave. And by this I mean alive. I have a job to do as well and I�d appreciate it if you wouldn�t keep me from doing it. It was nice to see you again, Blaine. Well, goodbye." Kurt arose and turned towards the door, as a strong hand held him back.
�Oh, no way, Kurt. There�s not a single chance you will walk out of this door now, dead or alive." With a raised eyebrow, Kurt turned around.
�Are you serious? That was one of the worst lyric-references you�ve ever used. And..." Kurt�s voice changed to dead serious. �You owe me something, Blaine. I�ll leave and you�ll pretend you�ve never seen me here."
Blaine�s eyes were darker as he looked at Kurt now, still holding on to his arm.
�Why do you think I owe you anything? You told me to leave, I did. I have no duties to pay, we separated years ago. This is a job and there won�t be any feelings distracting me. I�ve got rid of my feelings a long time ago."
His eyes told Kurt when exactly Blaine had left his feelings behind. The day he had walked out of his life.
Kurt recognised a long forgotten feeling creeping back into his heart – fear. But Kurt Hummel would rather die than show it, so he pulled his arm free and bent down to whisper into Blaine�s ear.
�That wasn�t exactly my fault, was it? I would have done everything to get the money we needed after your parents dispossessed you, I would have sold my whole wardrobe for you. But no, Mr Blaine Anderson decided he would become a killer instead. You may have abandoned all your feelings for this, but you have also murdered a piece of my soul. So you owe me a piece of my life, my happiness and... and the ability to feel more than just friendship for anybody. I�m fucking lonely every day and night and the only time my heart doesn�t feel broken is when I stand on a stage and sing. So, thank you very much – and now I�ll leave." Kurt tried to hide his desperation, but Blaine was still able to look through Kurt�s facade.
Clutching Kurt�s arm once more, he tried hard to ignore the tight feeling in his chest – he hadn�t felt like this for a long time. It was almost as if he had... feelings again. But feelings were overrated, they were unnecessary and made everything far too complicated. But for one second he wasn�t able to keep them apart and without thinking any further he exclaimed:
�I... you might convince me to think about it. Maybe."
Kurt looked at Blaine like he was... insane.
�Think about it? What did you put in your coffee lately?"
Blaine was irritated – he had thought of it as a nice gesture among old friends, but Kurt didn�t seem too fond of it.
�I don�t understand you, don�t you want to... to live? I�ve had enough clients during the last years, so I guess I can reject one of them. But I�ll need a good reason to do it and at the moment I can�t think of any. You�re as annoying as ever and somehow I really wonder why this is the first time someone asked me to do it, to be honest."
Kurt gasped and pushed away Blaine�s hand furiously.
�I�m annoying? You... you heartless murderer! You�re a killer and accuse me of being annoying? I�ll tell you something, Blaine – I�m so so very glad I�ve met you today, because at last I noticed that my feelings for you have disappeared completely. If you�re waiting for me to thank you or... or pay you for not murdering me, you�ll have to wait till I wear last season�s Target-vests aka till hell freezes!"
Blaine�s eyes sparkled with amusement as he looked at Kurt and let his hand wander onto Kurt�s hand, embracing it.
"Frankly, I didn�t think about money. When I called you a baby-penguin, I meant to make a joke. I remember past times, you know. I thought maybe your payment could include some physical gratitude."
At first Kurt thought his ears betrayed him, but then he saw this look on Blaine�s face. This look he had longed to see – then. But even if he was so sure he had made the right decision, even if he knew there were no more feelings left – his body had its own thoughts. His pants became tighter and Blaine knew it. Kurt didn�t even need to follow Blaine�s gaze to be sure.