Dec. 26, 2015, 6 p.m.
Dec. 26, 2015, 6 p.m.
“Blaine! Blaine! Blaine!”
“No! Someone else go!” Blaine was laughing, but he turned his face to hide in Kurt's shoulder.
Kurt smiled at their friends and shrugged a what can you do? but he could tell that no one was going to let Blaine off the hook so easily.
“Don't be such a baby!” Nathan said, flinging a cushion at Blaine. “If I can talk about coming in my pants from blowing Bobby Johnson in the boy's bathroom, you can tell your own sordid first time story.”
"I still dont know that I buy that that was your very first time submitting in any way," Sean, Nathans boyfriend and dom, said.
"Honey, would I lie to you?"
Sean looked skeptical but the chant rose again, drowning his doubts.�
“Blaine! Blaine! Blaine!”
It was late and they'd all been drinking wine and talking for hours. It was Bruce, deceptively sweet puppy Bruce, who'd suggested they all tell their first time dominating or submitting stories. Kurt wasn't worried for himself – his story was simple and completely un-embarrassing, at least to people who already knew about their age difference. Blaine seemed to feel differently and he shook his head against Kurt's chest again.
“Kurt, make him tell,” Jack insisted. “How bad can it be?”
Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine and squeezed in solidarity. “Only if he wants to.”
Blaine sighed and raised his head. “Fine. I'll tell you.”
There were cheers all around.
“Okay, it was when I was at Dalton –“
“Wait!” Nathan interrupted. “This isn't about Kurt? Are you going to ruin my fantasy of you falling to your knees for a very confused three-year-old in footie pajamas?!”
“As if Kurt would ever wear footie pajamas, even at three,” Lars objected.
Everyone laughed, and Kurt sent the pillow Nathan had thrown at Blaine winging back at Nathan's head with perfect aim.
“It was a boy named Jason Tracey. He was tall and graceful and completely gorgeous –”
“Awww! Our Blainey has a type!” Lars said, winking at Kurt.
“Would you let me finish? So I mooned over him for pretty much forever, and he must have noticed because one day he stopped me when I was walking into the dining room and he pulled me aside and he said, ‘I'll have a turkey club sandwich and a coke,' and then he just walked to his table and left me there. So I –”
“BROUGHT HIM A SANDWICH!” six voices shouted in unison, dissolving into more gales of laughter.
“And you jerked off to that for months, didn't you darling?” Lars wrapped his hand around a pretend dick and made the time-honored gesture. “I'll have . . . a sandwich . . . and a coke . . . oh God, yes master!”
“Okay!” Kurt had to raise his voice to be heard over the general glee. “You said first time, well that was his first time.”
“You're just glad you didn't have to hear about him sucking somebody else's cock,” Sean said, flashing a grimace at Nathan.
“Look on the bright side,” Nathan smiled at his boyfriend. “You can punish me for it later. Kurt's turn!”
Nathan sent the cushion back across the room to Kurt, who caught it neatly and tucked it behind his back. “Easy,” he said. “I went to Blaine's office and told him to take off his cuff and he did.”
There was a chorus of boos and more! and details!
“That's what happened, sorry,” Kurt said.
Blaine sat up all the way and took Kurt's hand. “Can I tell it?” he asked.
Kurt didn't see what else there was to tell, but he nodded anyhow.
Blaine smiled at him and turned to face their friends. “So there I was, twenty-seven, and terrified because this kid just stood up and announced himself to me, after everything I'd been through and all the things I'd done, this sixteen-year-old kid.” He smiled at Kurt again, fondly, his eyes full of memories. “I was hiding away in this hole of an office and there's a knock on the door. And when I open it, I see my name, on his wrist, bare, right there in the hallway where anyone could have seen . . .”
Someone somewhere whined, but Kurt couldn't be bothered to take his eyes off Blaine to see who it was.
“ . . . and I was a mess, I was so scared and so angry, but when he said that, take off your cuff, it went right through me, like no command ever had before. And then he told me to be honest, because he was that good, he let me yell and rant at him but then the minute he was done with it – I was on my knees, I didn't even know how he did it, I just went down. It was pure instinct I guess. He . . .” Blaine paused for a moment, still smiling at Kurt, and everything that had happened that afternoon passed silently between them. “. . . he showed me just a glimpse of what we could have together and what I'd be giving up if I let my fear and doubt control me. It wasn't perfect for us, after that, and we still had lessons we needed to learn, but that was the foundation. It was the most important moment of my life.”
“Well fuck,” Nathan drawled as Kurt surged forward to kiss Blaine hard and deep. “Now I'm going to have to come up with a much better story.”