April 1, 2014, 7 p.m.
April 1, 2014, 7 p.m.
Hi, thank you for reading my story. This is prologue and therefore it is shorter than other chapters. I hope youll like it and stick along. Tell me what you think because your review is my power to write! Thank you once again and enjoy.
- Legend of Phoenix
Killer In Shadow
The empty street was dimly lit by a few streetlights. Cars parked along two sides of the streets, forming a perfect straight line. In the houses where the light was gone, people were sleeping soundly, following to where their dreams were leading them. Night breeze came across the street occasionally, and leaves danced to the music of nature. It was a sweet night to be.
But shadows exist.
One shadow, particularly, was eager to find his next prey. His heart was bumping against his chest loudly, the adrenaline in his body rose with the rhythm of his heartbeat. Nothing would stand in his way. Tonight was the perfect night.
Quickly he found himself at the entry of the pub. Behind the thin glass was the strange world of joy. He held onto the door handle loosely, gave it a slight push, and there he was, under the flashing colours and disco music, he would be the king of this world.
He unbuttoned the upper part of his shirt, moved slickly between the dancing bodies. At the end he picked a corner to sit in.
Nervous, perhaps, he looked across the whole dance floor and for the first time, he did not know where to start with. Then, it happened. A hot gaze from the other end of the room, fixed on his body, he smirked as he waited.
The girl, where the stare came from, slowly approach to him. With a drink in her hand, she picked to sit next to him.
“How come a hot guy like you are alone?” The girl played with her hair, but avoided any eye contact with him.
His eyes, narrowed, ran down to the girl's neck, breast and legs, and then returned to her eyes as he smiled. “The same reason why you are here alone.”
The girl noticed his stare, so she inhaled deeply, pretended not to care but failed to. She stood up and said to him, “Aren't you going to ask me to dance?”
“No.” He replied.
He watched the disappointment and the embarrassment on the girl's face. He stood up next to her, lowered his voice and whispered in her ear. “But I'm going to take you to a quiet place with no people.”
He took her hand and found a completely dark spot in the pub. Pressing her body against the wall, he kissed her on the soft lips. The girl, impatiently grabbed the short curly hair, led both of them in a much faster pace. Short of breath, he broke the kiss first and felt the warmth from a strange girl.
“So, where are you taking me?” She tilted her head, with her arms around his neck, she curiously asked.
“To a place where I do what I do.” He answered in a playful tone.
The girl smirked, flirting with her eyes. “And what do you do?”
The long eyelashes flickered, unleashing the strong desire for the body.
“I hunt.” He whispered.