Aug. 19, 2012, 12:08 p.m.
Aug. 19, 2012, 12:08 p.m.
“This is too much, Kurt,” Blaine said, holding Kurt's hand as they watched Harmony's body float away towards the center of Lake Erie. “We've been really lucky so far, but now we ought to get out of town.”
“That sounds perfect,” Kurt squealed, swinging Blaine's hands in his own. “A romantic vacation is just what we need.”
* * * * *
Blaine blinked in the bright sunlight as Kurt's SUV emerged from the Holland Tunnel. The city sprung up all around them, and even though it made him feel like a tourist Blaine couldn't help but crane his neck up to gawk at the tall buildings.
“It's so amazing,” Blaine murmured. “There are taller buildings elsewhere in the city, you know," Kurt said. "NYADA's in Greenwich Village, so our turn should be coming up any minute." Kurt peered ahead through the traffic, looking for the road he needed.
“Our first trip to New York together wasn't supposed to be like this,” Blaine whispered.
“I heard that,” Kurt snapped. He completed the turn, then looked over at Blaine and pouted slightly. “Baby, you know I didn't want it to be this way, either,” he purred. “It wasn't my fault that the NYADA admissions committee failed so miserably at their duties.” Kurt's voice deepened and his nostrils flared with anger. “Maybe they don't even care. It's easy to just pick names out of a fishbowl or something and spend the rest of the day golfing. It doesn't even matter to them who gets hurt.”
Blaine rubbed Kurt's knee, saying nothing.
Kurt tilted up his chin and smiled. “We have to set things right, and to do that I need more information. Besides, like you said, we had to get out of town for a bit,” he chirped.
Blaine crossed his arms and sighed, shoving the glimpse of Kurt's dark mood out of his mind. “Whatever you need, sweetheart. Just promise me we'll make some time for us, okay? You said this would be a romantic getaway.”
“Blaine, aren't you having fun yet? Cheer up, we're in New York City!”
* * * * *
“Do you remember the way Pavarotti and I used to whistle to each other?” Kurt asked.
“Vaguely,” Blaine replied. “Why do you ask?”
“Listen,” Kurt said, grabbing Blaine's arm. He whistled an elaborate tune that was reminiscent of the dearly departed bird. “Can you do that?” Kurt asked.
Blaine did his best imitation of Kurt's whistling. Kurt nodded in approval.
“That will work. You stay here and keep an eye out while I go to the admissions office. Act like you're reading this notice board. If anyone comes down the hallway, whistle just like that.”
Blaine scrunched his forehead nervously. “I don't know if I can do this, Kurt.”
Kurt kissed Blaine's fingers and looked up at him through his lashes. “The school is on a semester break, so no one's going to be here. You'll be fine.” He pulled the hand in closer to his chest, kissing his way up Blaine's arm.
Blaine rolled his head back and looked up at the ceiling, trying to ignore the shiver running up his spine. “I guess you're right.”
“Besides,” Kurt said haughtily, arching an eyebrow and spinning on his heel. “You've done worse. What's a little breaking and entering now?”
Blaine ran his hands through his hair and leaned against the wall to steady himself. He opened his eyes again and pretended to read the notices on the wall.
* * * * *
Kurt lay on his stomach atop the hotel bed, swinging his feet in the air and poring over the sheets of paper spread in front of him. He made notes on a pad of paper as he went, humming along to “With A Little Bit of Luck” as My Fair Lady played on the television in the background.
Blaine sat on the end of the bed, kicking his legs against the duvet. “Kurt, I'm getting hungry. Can't we go get some dinner? Maybe go out someplace nice? The greatest city in the world is right outside our door, full of incredible food. Did I mention I'm really hungry?”
“Blaine, you sound like Finn,” Kurt huffed. “The movie is still going. Why don't you order something in?”
“You aren't paying any attention to the movie.” Blaine said, rolling his eyes.
“I don't have to. I've seen it a million times. Everyone has. I'm working on something right now.” Kurt said, flipping through the papers until he found the one he wanted.
“You've been working on that for hours,” Blaine said. He crawled over the bed to Kurt and began to rub his shoulders. “You deserve a break, dear. Let me take you out tonight. Don't make me sing Rent to you,” Blaine warned, cocking an eyebrow.
Kurt twisted around to face Blaine. “Anything but that,” he teased, toying with the buttons on Blaine's shirt. “I did promise you romance, didn't I?”
“You did,” Blaine said, grinning.
“I'm definitely in the mood for some romance.” Kurt bit his lip. “We might still have to order take-out, though.”
Kurt shoved the stack of papers to the side and grabbed Blaine's bow tie, tugging the ex-Warbler on top of him and pressing their lips together.
* * * * *
“Oh my god, Blaine, your lips feel amazing,” Kurt gasped into Blaine's ear. They were half-undressed and tangled in each others' arms in the back seat of Kurt's SUV.
A thrill ran through Blaine's body. The day had been magical, just himself and Kurt, with no mention of NYADA. They had walked through Times Square holding hands openly, gone to the top of the Empire State Building, and of course did some shopping.
Dinner was Italian food at a tiny restaurant where everything was made from scratch. They were currently parked a few blocks away, only having made it as far as their car before they couldn't keep their hands off of each other.
“Uhnnnf, Blaine,” Kurt moaned, “Blaine... mmm... what time is it?”
Blaine looked up from where he had been running his teeth across Kurt's nipple. He fumbled around on the floorboards where each of their waistcoats had been discarded, until his fingers found a pocketwatch. “8:40. Why? Did you have plans, something better than what we were just doing?”
“Come on, we only have five minutes,” Kurt said, buttoning his shirt back up and climbing into the driver's seat.
“Five minutes until what?” Blaine asked, rummaging around for his undershirt.
“Lauren Alexander's evening yoga class lets out at 8:30. It always takes her at least fifteen minutes to shower, and she'll walk right past us on her way back to her apartment.”
“Lauren... who?” Blaine asked as he settled in the passenger seat.
“Number 18. I just want a chance to scope her out without her noticing. I was looking over her application and I couldn't find anything special about her, not one thing.”
Anxiety struck Blaine's heart, but he knew better than to argue with his boyfriend.
“There she i-is!” Kurt said, pointing and bouncing in his seat. He started the car, making sure his headlights were switched off, and waited for the girl to pass before rolling forward out of the parking space.
After following Lauren for several blocks into a residential neighborhood, it became apparent that the girl was in her own little world, listening to her ipod and barely paying attention to her surroundings. “I think she's singing,” Blaine said, cracking a window.
“I'd sooner buy
Defying gravity
Kiss me goodbye
I'm defying gravity
And you can't pull me down.”
Kurt's lips pressed together into a thin line. His knuckles turned white around the steering wheel.
Blaine failed to notice, transfixed by the girl's singing. “She's even better than Rachel Berry,” he said.
The tires screeched as Kurt stomped on the accelerator.
“Kurt, please, stop!” Blaine shouted, tugging on Kurt's elbow.
Kurt did not zig, zag or stop, not until the moment the SUV struck the girl, screeching to a halt with her pinned underneath the back tires.
Kurt put the vehicle in park, leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes. He hummed happily and skimmed his hands down his body, unbuttoning his shirt again. “Fortunately, I always keep the brakes in perfect condition,” he murmured.
Blaine barely absorbed the words, his arms wrapped around his middle in an ineffectual attempt to contain the now-familiar sick feeling in his stomach.
“Blaine, gorgeous,” Kurt said seductively, “Zipper. Now.”
Blaine hurriedly undid his belt and zipper, pulling out his cock. He gasped as Kurt took all of him into his mouth at once and sucked him hungrily.
A soft tapping noise from underneath the car slowed and faded away over the course of the next ten minutes.
I didn't know until now that I had a thing for phsyco!Kurt. Just a question, Blaine is gonna enjoy what they're doing at some point, or will he always feel kind of sick whenever they murder someone? Anyways, this is great so far! :D
Woww Blaine gets weird when they're killing somebody but loves the aftermath haha Love it. This Kurt is hot I love him and Blaine i always live no matter what but I love bad boy blaine the most