May 9, 2012, 3:35 p.m.
May 9, 2012, 3:35 p.m.
“You got everything, sugar?” Nova calls from the kitchen, where he is probably raiding Kurt’s fridge.
“Yeah!” Kurt answers, grabbing his coat and suitcase and heading out to join the other boy, who sure enough is raiding Kurt’s fridge, coming out with a piece of leftover cheesecake
“Stop stuffing your face, we gotta go. There could be traffic, or an accident blocking the street, come on!” Kurt cries, and Nova groans through a bite of cheesecake before putting it back in the fridge and following Kurt out the door.
Kurt is shaking with excitement as he makes his way out of the building and into Nova’s car. Today’s the day he flies out to Ohio to see Blaine and his dad, and he could not be more excited. He and Blaine had decided not to let Burt know he was coming to visit and show up for Friday night dinner. Kurt spent most of the nights leading up to today giggling like a madman at the thought of his dad’s face when he showed up out of the blue.
Nova had offered to drive him to the airport…so had the other guys, but Kurt put his foot down. He did not need a crazy entourage dropping him off. The boys had protested and a playful shouting match had erupted yesterday in the dressing room until Nova had worked out a compromise. The boys would pick Kurt up with him when he got back on Monday afternoon and they would go get lunch and watch a cheesy comedy at Kurt’s place followed by a sleepover where they would chat about Kurt’s weekend.
It’s a bit much, but Kurt didn’t stand a chance against four charged up boys, so that was the compromise. Kurt would get a free pedicure out of it so he was cool with it.
“Hey, I drew something for your Blainey-wainey,” Nova speaks up when they stop at a red light, reaching into his bag in the backseat.
“It had better not be me at work,” Kurt warns seriously, but Nova shakes his head handing the picture over.
Kurt immediately smiles when he sees it. It’s him and Blaine dancing in what looks like a club in the 1920’s, both their faces alight with joy, a pearl necklace dangling from Kurt’s neck. Blaine’s hair is fluffier than it usually is, his arms holding Kurt tight. It doesn’t have that cartoonish feel that all of Nova’s drawings have. It very much looks like a piece of art.
“Nova,” Kurt whispers, tracing his fingers over the lines of the drawing softly, careful not to smudge it. “Wow.”
“It’s something I’ve been working on for a while,” Nova shrugs.
“It’s so beautiful, he’s going to love it,” Kurt says, placing the drawing carefully into his carry on. “Thank you.”
“No problem,” Nova smiles, reaching over to grab Kurt’s hand and squeezes it.
“You are severely talented. It’s such a shame you don’t go back to school,” Kurt murmurs, and he hears Nova click his teeth derisively. Right on cue.
“Porcelain, please, can we not start this argument again?” he asks, and Kurt nods shyly. He honestly doesn’t really know why he even bothers to talk to Nova about this anymore. He’s so stubborn he’ll never listen. Somewhere in the back of his mind Kurt knows why he still tries to encourage Nova to go back to school though. Because he believes that Nova has so much potential. He’s not meant to be a stripper for the rest of his life. Kurt knows this and he just wants Nova to at least try. It’s such a shame, given the immense artistry of the drawing he gave Kurt right now.
“Sorry. I just…you have so much potential,” Kurt whispers, and Nova side eyes him.
“Yeah. But I’m a whore. I always was a whore and I’m always going to be a whore.”
“Don’t call yourself that,” Kurt says a little bit louder. “You’re not a whore. You’re a stripper. There’s a difference.”
“Not for me. I’m a whore. I…you don’t let men touch you, but I do,” Nova says softly, clenching the steering wheel tightly.
“You don’t have to let the men touch you. You could be like me. ”
“I don’t have as much self respect as you do.”
Kurt looks down at his hands. It really is sad that Nova thinks that way about himself. It’s shocking that even though Nova exudes absolute self confidence when he’s on stage or around the guys, he’s really just a scared little boy.
“I’m sorry,” Kurt whispers.
“It’s okay. Just…let’s not talk about this right now. I mean we’ll talk about it, but not before you leave.”
Nova drives Kurt to JFK, all the while chatting him up about work, about how cool it was that Shawn could give him the weekend off. Basically he was trying to ignore the art school topic.
Shawn hadn’t protested all that much when Kurt asked. He knew Kurt had been working his butt off and deserved a weekend off. That and he still felt guilty about the twerp who had kissed Kurt.
Kurt hadn’t given the guy much thought throughout the week, having decided the listen to Nova’s words and forget about it. The kiss didn’t mean anything. It was all okay.
He did spend the entire week focused on his trip to Lima, calling Blaine every single night to chatter his ear off. He tried talking to the guys at work, but that always resulted in them throwing pillows and feather boas at him, and once a handful of glitter. Kurt was excited leave him alone.
“Okay,” Nova says when he pulls up to the drop off zone. “Text me when you get there so I know you didn’t go down in some unfortunate plane crash, and have fun, baby boy. God knows you deserve it.”
“Thanks, Nova. I’ll see you on Monday,” Kurt says, reaching over to wind his arms around the other boy’s neck. “Really, thank you. I wouldn’t even be here right now if it wasn’t for you.”
“You’re very welcome, honey. Now go on, get; don’t want to miss your flight.”
Kurt grins, giving Nova a quick squeeze before grabbing his suitcase from the back seat and exiting the car.
He swiftly navigates the terminal, sending Blaine a quick text along the way.
Hey, waiting for my flight to board. I can’t wait to see you <3
He checks his luggage and gets past security, scowling at them briefly because they made him remove his boots, and makes his way to the waiting area, his phone beeping as he walks down the lively airport. He sits down on one of the hard, plastic chairs and pulls his laptop out of his bag to work on a paper for his theater class before he pulls his phone out, smiling when he sees Blaine’s name.
Hey, baby. I just got out of glee. It ran a little late. I’m just going to go home to change, and then I’ll head over to pick you up. I can’t wait to see you too. <3
Kurt is about to reply when he gets another message from Blaine. A picture message this time. He opens it and resists the urge to giggle loudly at the picture of his boyfriend grinning so widely it’s almost scary.
See? The caption at the bottom reads.
“Oh my god, you are such a dork,” Kurt whispers to himself, typing out a response.
Blaine, put that smile away; you’ll scare people.
I already did. Had the smile on all day. People thought I was crazy.
Kurt laughs loudly, covering his mouth.
I wish I would have seen that.
It was hilarious.
Kurt giggles giddily, already picturing it. Blaine walking around the halls, grinning like a madman, people giving him the look, but Blaine continues to smile, not letting anybody quell his excitement.
I gotta go, baby. I love you, have a safe flight.
I’ll see you at the gate.
Kurt sighs, putting his phone into his bag and focusing his attention to his paper. He discovers that an airport is really no place to do homework. It’s so lively. Different people walking down the terminal that are either getting off of a flight or running to catch one. Kurt always likes this about waiting at the airport. He likes to look at the people coming in and going out. Some wear clothes from their country of origin. It’s very fun for Kurt—the young fashionista he is—to see.
When the time comes for Kurt to board the plane, he puts his computer away, makes sure he has everything and walks forward, handing the guy waiting his boarding pass and walking down the tunnel, his body vibrating with excitement.
Throughout his entire flight, Kurt can barely keep still, always fiddling with his armrest, looking out the window, etcetera. When the pilot turns on the fasten seatbelt sign, Kurt nearly has a heart attack. He’s mere minutes away from seeing Blaine and getting to hold him. For real, not just looking at each other through a grainy computer screen or listening to each other through the phone. He’s going to actually be able to touch Blaine, and the thought of that has Kurt jumping in his seat, yelling at the pilot to hurry up in his mind.
He patiently waits for the signal to get up, and when the flight attendant signals them he is up, grabbing his carry on and moving through the aisle before anybody else can get their bags out from the overhead compartments. When he gets to the gate he looks around, trying to find the curly head of hair he’s missed so much.
He spots that head a little away from the crowd of people waiting for their loved ones, looking down at his phone and holding what looks like a bouquet of flowers, yellow tipped with red if Kurt’s not mistaken, and they remind him of last year when they were at odds with each other over the West Side Story auditions and Kurt got him a bouquet of flowers to show him that he supported him no matter what. Kurt smiles widely, preparing himself for the inevitable tears he will shed when he reaches Blaine.
His phone vibrates in his pocket, and Kurt knows it’s a message from Blaine.
Hey, you landed yet?
Look up.
Blaine snaps his head up, his eyes searching frantically until they lock with Kurt’s, his face immediately breaking out into a smile, and that’s all it takes for Kurt to bolt, running through the crowd of people swiftly. Blaine barely has time to place the flowers in his hand on the bench nearby before Kurt’s in his arms, the tears falling from his eyes and down his face much sooner than he expected.
“Hi, baby,” Blaine murmurs against Kurt’s neck, pressing a tender kiss to the skin, his hands tightening around Kurt’s waist.
Kurt pulls back briefly to press his lips to Blaine’s frantically, not caring that he’s in an airport in Ohio. Everybody can look all they want. This is the first time he’s seen his boyfriend in a while, he’s going to kiss him and he doesn’t give a fuck if anybody stares or click their teeth in disdain.
“Hi,” Kurt breathes against Blaine’s lips, giving him a final chaste kiss before pulling back, opting to rest his head on Blaine’s shoulder, breathing his scent in again.
“How was your flight?” Blaine asks, his fingers rubbing soothing circles on Kurt’s back.
“Longer than it should have been,” Kurt sniffles. “Oh my god, I’m sorry, I’m going to ruin your sweater with my tears,” he says, pulling back.
“I don’t mind,” Blaine says, smiling dreamily at Kurt. “God, I missed you.” He pulls Kurt in again, giving him a small kiss at the corner of his mouth. “Here,” Blaine grabs the flowers from the bench and shoves them at Kurt shyly, ducking his head and tucking his bottom lip between his teeth.
“For me?” Kurt grins, holding the flowers close and inhaling deeply the same way Blaine did when Kurt gave him his a year ago. “They’re beautiful.”
People around them were starting to stare, their eyes scanning their clasped hands, and dopey grins, and Kurt is quite frankly starting to get annoyed.
“Come on, let’s go get my luggage so we can get away from all the judging stares,” Kurt says, pulling Blaine in the direction of baggage claim. He grabs his bag quickly and they make their way out of the airport and walking toward Blaine’s car, their hands swinging in between them.
“So how’s New York?” Blaine asks when they make it to his car.
“Just as fabulous as the last time you asked,” Kurt sighs, and Blaine turns to look at him sympathetically.
“Work?” he guesses, and Kurt nods.
“It’s been hard lately.”
“Don’t worry, babe, it’ll get better. Just keep you head held high,” he says, and Kurt swears he’s dating a motivational speaker. Blaine is so good at keeping Kurt’s spirits high. He knows just what to say when he’s feeling down.
“Yeah. Oh hey, my friend drew something for you,” Kurt says, remembering about the drawing Nova drew for him.
“He did? Wait it’s a he, right?”
Kurt giggles swatting him lightly. “Yes it’s a he. It’s from Nova, you remember me talking about Nova right?”
“Yeah. The one named after a star. Why is he named after a star?” Blaine asks, keeping his eyes focused on the road.
“It’s a nickname, Blaine,” Kurt says, rolling his eyes. “And yes, that’s the one.”
“I still want to meet him. And all of your friends, for that matter,” Blaine comments, and Kurt squirms uncomfortably in his seat. He would love to have Blaine meet his friends from work, but there’s no telling what those boys will do. He wants them to get along, but he’s afraid that Blaine’ll find out about where he works if he’s in a room with the guys for an extended period of time.
“You will,” Kurt says vaguely, not even sure about it himself at this point.
“Next time I visit, okay?” Blaine says, and Kurt nods.
Blaine glances over at him before reaching over to grab his hand, much like Nova did this morning, and Kurt smiles up at him, sliding his fingers between Blaine’s.
“So, what did this Nova draw me?” Blaine asks curiously, and Kurt releases Blaine’s hand to reach into his bag to grab the picture Nova drew, holding it out to Blaine with a giddy expression.
“Oh my,” Blaine gasps, coming to a stop at a red light. “Wow, this is beautiful. He drew this?”
Kurt nods, smiling at Blaine’s reaction. At the way he’s looking at the picture with rapt fascination, his eyes going from corner to corner, looking at all of the contours of the drawing.
“Do you like it?” Kurt asks shyly, and Blaine looks over at him, scandalized that Kurt is even asking.
“I love it. Tell your friend that I said thank you. I really love it.”
“Oh! I forgot I was supposed to text him when I landed. Hold on a sec.” Kurt pulls his phone out and sends Nova a quick message.
Hey, Nova. Made it to Ohio safely. Blaine says he really loves the drawing. I swear he looked like he was about to cry.
Glad you made it okay, Cupcake. Tell your Blainey-wainey that he’s very welcome and I’ll draw him all the pictures he wants- N.
“Nova says you’re welcome and that he’ll draw you all the drawings you want,” Kurt relays, and Blaine chuckles.
“Why does he call me Blainey-wainey?” he asks, and Kurt’s eyes widen. What?
“It’s in the corner of the drawing,” Blaine explains, his eyes darting to the corner of the picture where sure enough a small but very readable ‘Blainey-Wainey and Baby Doll is written on the corner.
“Mhm, and the baby doll; should I be worried about that?”
“No. It’s just a nickname I got at work,” Kurt says, blushing lightly. He’s going to kill Nova for this.
“Ah. Alright then,” Blaine says, and that’s the end of that. “Ready to see your dad?” he asks, and Kurt perks up.
“Yes. I missed him.”
“He missed you too. You should hear us when we’re alone in the living room watching a game. We get like a pair of girls reminiscing.”
“Oh my god, really?” Kurt asks, smiling delightfully.
“Mhm, we hang out a lot now.”
“You do not.”
“We do too. I mean I work at the garage and he’s over there most of the time he’s in Ohio so we talk.”
“About me?”
“Most of the time, but we talk about sports, about my college applications. He was the one to convince me to audition for NYADA, you know,” Blaine informs, and Kurt stares at him.
At the beginning of the year Blaine said he wasn’t going to audition for NYADA, telling Kurt that he was alright with going to NYU, and Kurt hadn’t argued with Blaine on that. He knows that even though Blaine loves musical theater he isn’t as in love with it as Kurt is and he wasn’t going to push his boyfriend to do something he didn’t really want to. But a little while after that Blaine said that he’ll give NYADA a chance and when Kurt had asked why the change of heart, Blaine had said that auditioning for NYADA felt right. Now he finds out that his father was the one to convince Blaine to go for it. Shocked is a pretty good word for how Kurt’s feeling right now.
“How?” he asks.
“He said that I should try. We talk a lot about my dreams. I kind of held back from musical theater because of what my dad might say, but Burt said that if I want it I should go out and try all that I can to get it. I want to go to NYADA, I do, but before I talked to Burt about it I always thought that it was more your dream than it was mine. He made me realize that we share the same dream. That I should make myself happy over my dad.”
“Oh Blaine,” Kurt breathes, smiling softly. “You and my dad became best friends.”
Blaine laughs loudly, giving Kurt an amused face. “Yeah well he’s a nice replacement when you’re gone.”
Kurt blushes, turning his head and smiling into the window, watching the lights zoom by. He will never admit it to anybody, but he really did miss Ohio. He missed the quietness; it’s so damn loud in New York all the time that it’s nice to come home to a little bit of silence.
They arrive at Kurt’s house just a little early for dinner, and Blaine explains that Kurt’s parents are expecting him. Apparently he frequents Kurt’s house on Fridays for Friday night dinner and Kurt’s glad that tradition didn’t end just because he and Finn moved away.
They get down and walk the path, their arms still swinging between them.
“You ready?” Blaine asks.
Kurt nods, and Blaine rings the doorbell, Kurt vibrating excitedly next to him. The door opens and Burt Hummel’s voice greets them before the door swings open fully.
“Blaine, we weren’t expecting you for another hou-” Burt stops in the middle of the sentence, his eyes locking on Kurt standing there as if he couldn’t believe he’s here.
“Hi dad,” Kurt says, stepping forward.
“Why- how…you’re not supposed to-”
“I’m home for a visit,” Kurt smiles, and Burt bursts into a grin, one that Kurt’s missed so much.
“Come here.” He pulls Kurt in for the tightest hug ever, his body shaking in what Kurt identifies as silent sobs.
“Dad, are you crying?” he asks, the tears in his own eyes threatening to fall.
Burt pulls back, hastily wiping his eyes on the sleeve of his shirt. “Can you blame me? I missed you, kid.”
“Missed you too, dad,” Kurt breathes, hugging Burt once more.
“What are we still doing standing here? Come in.” Burt grabs Kurt’s suitcase with his free hand, using the other to drape it across Kurt’s shoulders, leading him into the living room where a baseball game was playing on the widescreen and a bowl of popcorn sat resting on the coffee table.
“Carole!” Burt calls out, and Carole pokes her head out from the kitchen, a smile appearing on her face as she sees Kurt standing there.
“Kurt!” she squeals, rushing forward to engulf Kurt in a tight hug. “We weren’t expecting you so soon, dear.”
“I got time off and wanted to visit,” Kurt smiles, pulling away gently.
“I know you’re probably hungry, but dinner is nowhere near ready yet. Why don’t you and Blaine go upstairs while I finish.”
“Do you need help?” Kurt asks.
“No, no, I’ve got it. You’ve had a long trip you should rest for a bit.”
Kurt looks over at Blaine, standing by the couch, and judging by the look he’s giving him it’s quite clear that Kurt’s not going to be doing much resting before dinner.
“Well, if you’re sure,” Kurt says, grabbing Blaine and pulling him toward the stairs, smiling at his dad innocently. Burt merely chuckles, muttering ‘teenagers’ under his breath before grabbing the remote and plopping down onto his armchair.
“Take your bag! I don’t want to have to take it up and walk in on you two doing something that’ll make me want to throw Blaine out of this house,” He yells, and Kurt swiftly retrieves it from the hall and climbs up the stairs, looking over his shoulder to make sure Blaine is still following him.
They get to Kurt’s room and Kurt breaths in a deep sigh. Now he feels like he’s actually home. It smells clean in here, not like booze, tobacco, sweat, and shame. It smells like honeysuckle and vanilla. And the smell of Blaine’s cologne still hangs in the air even though he’s hardly here anymore.
“I almost forgot how good it smelled in here,” Kurt says, and Blaine chuckles loudly.
“Your apartment doesn’t smell like this?”
“My apartment doesn’t smell like you.”
“Well, we’re going to have to change that soon,” Blaine says simply, and Kurt rolls his eyes walking forward to throw himself on his bed. His warm, soft bed; where the smell of Blaine seems to be embedded in every fiber of his Egyptian cotton sheets.
“Mmm, my bed still smells like you,” he states, rolling over to press his face to Blaine’s side of the bed, inhaling deeply.
It’s nice, but Blaine’s smell isn’t enough right now. He needs Blaine close to him, his warm body next to his own.
“C’mere, lay with me.” Kurt holds his arms out, adorable pout in place, and Blaine smiles softly before complying, slotting himself next to Kurt, his arms wrapping around his boyfriend’s body, pulling him impossibly close.
Kurt sighs happily, resting his head on Blaine’s chest and closing his eyes, letting the smell of Blaine’s cologne and the steady thrum of his heart envelope his senses.
This right here is what Kurt’s missed the most. Being close to Blaine. In New York Kurt can’t call Blaine to come over and just lay with him when he has a bad day. It sucks and skype doesn’t help much. Sometimes Kurt just doesn’t want to talk to Blaine, but to lay with him to talk to him face to face, to smell Blaine and listen to the sound of his breathing and his heart. Kurt loves being in New York he really does, but whenever he lays like this with Blaine it reminds him of what he’s left behind, of what’s waiting for him and he feels like he shouldn’t even go back.
“Mmm, I missed this,” Kurt states, nuzzling into Blaine’s chest.
“Me too. Missed holding you close,” Blaine returns, pressing a kiss to the top of Kurt’s head. “How’s school?”
“All the kids there are freaks, but they’re amazing. They get me and share the same dreams as me and the teachers are so nice…most of the time. They’re so helpful and it’s great, but it’s stressful,” Kurt says, smiling at the thought. Yes, he’s made some friends at school and they’re nice people they really are, but he’s closer to his friends from work.
“Is this Nova one of your NYADA friends?”
“He goes to NYU. I met him at work, I already told you that.”
“Yeah, but that’s all I know about him. You hardly tell me anything about your NYADA friends. Work friends too for that matter,” Blaine says.
Kurt raises himself up so that he’s resting on his elbows. “Well, we got time. What do you want to know?”
Blaine’s eyes widen in surprise. Kurt never wants to talk about his friends in detail so the fact that he’s basically laying here, allowing Blaine to ask questions is amazing.
“What’s Nova’s real name?”
“I don’t know,” Kurt says because he doesn’t know. That’s a thing at Posh; nobody knows anybody’s real name.
“You don’t?”
“Nope. To me he’s always been Nova. I like calling him that either way.”
“Why Nova though?” Blaine asks curiously.
“I think it’s because of his tattoos.”
“Oh he has tattoos?”
“Stars on his back.”
“How do you know?”
“He told me. Showed me. He was wearing a tank top to work once I saw them,” Kurt says before Blaine can open his mouth to say anything. “Most of my friends have tattoos.”
“Do you have a tattoo?” Blaine murmurs, pushing Kurt onto his back and hovering over him.
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” Kurt replies seductively, slotting their lips together in a hungry kiss.
“Mm, no really, do you?”
“No,” Kurt says, leaning up to kiss Blaine again. Blaine responds without complaint, sliding his tongue to trace Kurt’s lips before plunging into his mouth. “Why? Do you want me to have one?’
“I don’t know,” Blaine mutters, nipping at Kurt’s bottom lip. “It could be hot.”
“Could be?”
“Okay, okay, if you were to get a tattoo it would be beyond hot,” Blaine confesses, and Kurt grins, rolling Blaine over so that he’s on his back with Kurt hovering over him, his knees on either side of Blaine’s waist.
“Oh really? And where do you think I should get it?” Kurt asks, bringing himself down to grind on Blaine’s crotch, eliciting a groan from his boyfriend.
“I-I don’t know, it’s your call,” Blaine breathes out, reaching out to grab Kurt’s waist.
“Hmm, How about,” he makes to pull his shirt over his head, displaying his pale creamy skin. “On my ribs?”
Blaine releases a low whistle, his hands going from Kurt’s hips to his stomach. His suddenly more toned stomach. It’s a wonder what pole dancing could do to your body. Kurt has stronger arms and legs, his stomach has defined abs, and his ass, don’t even get him started on his ass. He has Glimmer to thank for that. Him and his weekly exercise classes.
“Wow. You’re a lot more toned than the last time I saw you,” Blaine states, and Kurt giggles, grabbing Blaine’s hand and running them along his body.
“Glimmer is a real health nut so he makes me go to the gym with him,” he lies, and once again Blaine’s eyes widen.
“Don’t make fun of him. He really likes glitter.”
“Yeah, but why did he coin the name from The Hunger Games?”
“Because he likes glitter,” Kurt repeats, bringing his hips down again. “Can we not talk about my friend while I grind on top of you shirtless?”
“Anything you say,” Blaine groans, his hands resuming their path across Kurt’s chest, playing with his nipples.
“So, about that tattoo,” Kurt continues. “I was thinking on my ribs. You know, Flower has a bouquet of flowers on his ribs and it doesn’t look half bad. I wouldn’t get flowers of course, but maybe something different. Music notes? Or script? A star?” He traces his ribs with his fingers, his hips still working over Blaine’s crotch.
“I don’t care what you get, it’ll still be hot,” Blaine whines, canting his hips up to meet Kurt’s.
“Or how about a piercing?” Kurt asks, enjoying the way Blaine’s eyes bug out of his skull momentarily. “I could get one here.” He traces his belly button. “Or here.” His fingers go to his hips. He would never actually get a piercing anywhere, but he likes how they look. Nova has barbells on both of his hips, Flower has his bellybutton pierced, Ginger has corset piercings down his back that he laces with a different color ribbon every night, and Glimmer has mentioned that he has his nether regions pierced. It’s an unspoken thing at Posh that everybody that works there has some form of body modification may it be tattoos or piercings and Kurt is the exception. He has nothing. Sometimes Nova draws little swirls down his ribs with body paint and Kurt really likes how it looks. Nova varies with colors but Kurt likes it when he does them in blacks and blues. They look so beautiful and if Kurt was braver he would seriously consider getting them done permanently. Same with the piercings. Kurt always stares at Nova’s piercings in envy because they look so damn cool. He wonders if Blaine will ever fully support the idea of him getting a piercing or a tattoo.
“You would consider getting a piercing?” Blaine asks, and Kurt nods.
“I kind of already did.”
“Really? Wow Kurt, New York is really changing you.”
Kurt giggles and swats Blaine playfully. “Stop. Nova has piercings on his hips and they look really cool. They could be something you could play with when I visit,” he says suggestively, and Blaine groans loudly.
“Ah, that sounds tempting,” Blaine says, using his hands to help Kurt grind down harder. “Would you get a tattoo with the piercing?”
“If you wanted me too,” Kurt grins, leaning down to capture Blaine’s kiss in a desperate kiss. “Blaine, can you…get naked? God, I need to feel you.”
“Yeah, get off for a second.” Kurt climbs off of Blaine and walks to the door, grabbing a tie from his dresser to hang outside before locking it, even though he knows that his dad won’t come up here.
He turns back around to find Blaine completely naked, laying back on the bed, an expectant smile on his lips.
Kurt groans as he rakes his eyes over Blaine’s body, pulling his pants down along with his underwear, shoes, and socks. He climbs back onto the bed, straddling Blaine’s hips again.
“We don’t have much time so we gotta be quick,” Kurt says before grinding his hips down, throwing his head back at the delicious friction. “Wait, wait.” He reaches over to grab a bottle of lube form his nightstand, opening it and pouring some on his hand. He takes his and Blaine’s cocks and spreads the lube around, slicking their cocks so the slide’s easier.
“God, Kurt,” Blaine groans, grabbing Kurt’s hips to help propel him forward, rubbing their cocks together. Kurt drops his head on Blaine’s shoulder, canting his hips against Blaine’s, his mouth working at the base of his boyfriends neck, licking and sucking until there’s a dark purple mark.
Blaine once said that masturbation was going to get them through these months apart just fine, but he was lying. There was seriously nothing that could replace this right here. The feeling of Blaine against him. The feeling of his cock against his own. Nothing could replace it. Not his hand or anything else. Kurt did spend a majority of his time in New York jerking off to images of Blaine, but it wasn’t the same as actually being here with Blaine, grinding up on him, hearing his breath stutter with each thrust of his hips, having Blaine’s hands tighten on his hips, on his ass, gently kneading the flesh as he tumbles toward his climax.
“Close, Blaine, so close, oh god, yes!” Kurt moans, straightening up and placing his hands on Blaine’s stomach, grinding his hips against Blaine’s with such force the bed moved with them. Sweat was dripping down his forehead, his palms were slippery, but he doesn’t care. All he wants is to come with Blaine for the first time in a while. He wants to watch Blaine fall apart, wants to fall apart in front of Blaine, wants to feel Blaine’s muscles flutter underneath his hands.
“Kurt, gonna come, fuck,” Blaine groans, throwing his head back and coming between them, Kurt following after another thrust, reaching down to stroke them through their orgasms.
Kurt slumps down on top of Blaine, ignoring the sticky feeling of their come on his stomach.
“God, I missed doing that,” Kurt says, and Blaine chuckles, pressing a kiss to Kurt’s forehead.
Kurt is about to say something else, but at that moment his phone vibrates, and Kurt groans because it requires him to move and all he wants to do right now is lay and enjoy the afterglow. He rolls off of Blaine, who’s basically gone comatose, and reaches for his phone finding a message from his dad.
Kurt, I know you missed Blaine and all, but dinner is ready so please put your pants back on and come downstairs. Please don’t make me go up there.
Kurt chuckles at the text. Back then he would have been embarrassed if he knew that his dad knew he had sex, but now it only makes him chuckle. It’s the result of his dad walking in on them while Kurt lowered himself onto Blaine’s cock, only finding out his dad was standing in the doorway when he threw his head back to release a loud moan that had turned into a piercing shriek, ending up with Kurt on the floor, reaching for Blaine’s shirt to cover himself up. The conversation that had ensued afterwards was awkward to say the least, but it had ended in a light mood. Burt didn’t mind if they had sex, he accepts the fact that Kurt is a big boy who knows how to take care of himself. But just because he didn’t mind didn’t mean that he wanted to hear or walk in on them having sex, so he made Kurt keep the noise level down, hang a tie on the door, and lock it whenever he felt the need to have sex while Burt was in the house. If he follows those rules then Burt will never mention anything about seeing Kurt and Blaine going at it.
He does make the occasional joke though, but that’s fine. As long as Burt doesn’t mention penis going into ass then Kurt’s good.
“Come on, dinner,” Kurt says, willing his limp muscles to move to get out of bed and reach for the baby wipes he keeps on his bedside table, wiping his and Blaine’s stomachs clean of their cum.
“Can’t. Really good orgasm. Can’t move. Don’t want to,” Blaine grunts, splaying his arms out.
“What are you, a caveman?” Kurt giggles, leaning forward to plant an open mouthed kiss to Blaine’s chest, close to his nipple and that seems to jolt Blaine out of his delirious state.
“When I come I am,” He says, winding his arms around Kurt’s waist to pull him down, capturing his lips in a passionate kiss.
Kurt regrettably pulls away, getting off of the bed and throwing a pillow at his boyfriend.
“Get up.” He hits him again.
“Don’t start something you can’t finish. I swear I will naked pillow fight you,” Blaine warns, reaching back to grab a pillow, positioning it over his head, ready to strike.
“We can wrestle naked later. Now get up,” Kurt orders, and Blaine releases the pillow, all the while grumbling about killing his post-orgasm high.
“I’ll have shower sex with you to make up for it,” Kurt says as he pulls the same jeans he had back on. He’s going to shower later so what’s the point of changing into fresh clothes right now?
“That is, if you’re spending the night?”
“My drawer still has pajamas and clean underwear in it so yeah, I’ll spend the night,” Blaine says, and Kurt smiles fondly.
The drawer on the bottom right of his dresser was appointed to Blaine last year right after they started having sex per Kurt’s request. He thought it was ridiculous for Blaine having to rush off to his house early morning to change instead of cuddling here with him, so he allowed Blaine use of one of his drawers to place some of his clothes for when he slept over suddenly or needed a clean pair of underwear when they got a bit carried away studying.
“I doubt you’ll be using pajamas tonight, babe,” Kurt states, waggling his eyebrows suggestively.
“Not even for appearances?”
“Nope. My dad knows we have sex, and he knows that we’ll probably be going at it all night long so we don’t have to use pajamas as a cover,” Kurt explains, and the scorners of Blaine’s mouth quirk up.
“But we have to stay quiet right?”
“Well yeah, but you know I love the little whimpers you give off more than your yells.”
“Yeah, right. You love it when I yell,” Blaine says, reaching for his own pants, opting to put them on without underwear underneath.
“I do. I love any noise that comes out of your mouth while I fuck you,” Kurt drawls, picking up a can of hairspray to fix his hair.
“Who says you were going to be the one fucking me?” Blaine counters, slipping his shirt back on.
“Would you prefer to fuck me first then? You know my cock is going to end up in your ass by the end of the night, right?”
Blaine groans, throwing himself onto Kurt’s bed. “God, Kurt if you keep on talking to me like that we are not going to make it down for dinner.”
Kurt smirks, setting the can of hairspray back down before walking to Blaine and draping himself over him, attaching his lips to Blaine’s neck, tonguing at the hickey at the base of it.
“Kurt seriously, do you want your dad to castrate me?” Blaine groans, pushing Kurt off of him.
“I’m just playing with you, baby,” Kurt giggles, straightening up. “We’ll save the sex for when my parents are asleep.” He finishes fixing himself up just as his dad’s voice booms through the hall, warning him that he has five minutes before he barges in here.
“Coming, dad!” Kurt yells back, and hurries Blaine up, pushing him out the door and down the hall where Burt is sure enough waiting for them at the top of the stairs.
“Nice to see you joining us, boys,” he grunts, eyeing them both skeptically.
“Sorry, dad.”
“Sorry, Burt.”
“I get it. You boys missed each other,” he says simply, and Kurt glances at Blaine, his face bright red. “Can I ask you for a favor tonight? Keep it down.”
“Dad!” Kurt squeals, hiding his face in his hands.
“Don’t try to be sneaky, Kurt, I know you two are going to have sex as soon as the lights in the house go off. I know. When Elizabeth came back from visiting her aunt in Boston right after we started dating we couldn’t even wait for the lights to go out before we-”
“Dad! If you love me please don’t finish that sentence,” Kurt cries, glowing beet red, Blaine beside him, stifling his giggles behind his hand.
“Sorry, boundaries, I forgot,” Burt says, leading them into the kitchen. “Point is, I understand passion, and all I ask is for you two to keep it down.”
“Yes, dad, we’ll keep it down, just please, stop talking,” Kurt begs, and Blaine chuckles beside him, shutting up when Kurt glares at him.
“Good. Now, who’s hungry?” Burt says, opening the door to the dinning room, revealing a table full of food. Grilled chicken, salad, bread, and steamed veggies.
“Wow, you have really gone all out for Friday night dinners,” Kurt says, staring at the food.
“Yeah, it appears that even with Finn gone I am finding myself cooking a mountain of food,” Carole comments, serving food onto the plates on the table.
“Sorry, Carole,” Blaine pipes up from his seat next to Burt.
“Oh hush, you; you know I don’t mind it. I like the company.”
“So, dad, Carole, Blaine tells me he spends most of his time here,” Kurt comments, taking the food laden plate from Carole’s hands.
“He doesn’t spend a lot of time here,” Carole starts to say, but Burt cuts her off.
“No, he spends a lot of time here. We have Deadliest Catch marathons on Saturday’s,” he says, and Kurt giggles into his bite of chicken.
“You didn’t tell me that.”
“Yeah, at least he didn’t tell you that we once spent an entire Sunday watching Cupcake Wars,” Blaine says, and Kurt laughs loudly, turning to face his dad who was shaking his head.
“Blaine made me watch it because I made him watch American Chopper. I agreed before I knew what I knew what I was getting myself into. Those judges.”
“I know, right? You can’t even understand the French guy. And they don’t put subtitles under him,” Kurt puts in, shaking his own head. “I can’t believe you made my father watch Cupcake Wars, Blaine.”
“He enjoyed it in the end,” Blaine says, smiling smugly.
“It’s a show about food, what’s not to like. I’m into the food network now,” Burt states, and Kurt looks at him proudly.
“Do you know how to cook now?”
“Oh hell no. I still suck at it, but I like watching other people cook.”
“My dad, addicted to the food network,” Kurt says fondly, and the table chuckles.
They chat throughout the meal about everything they’ve missed. Burt tells Kurt his version of him convincing Blaine to apply for NYADA, about working with Blaine at the garage, Blaine cutting in to say something every so often, and Kurt very nearly wants to cry at how close his dad and Blaine have gotten since Kurt’s been away. He remembers when Blaine feared Burt and wouldn’t stand a minute in the same room with him without breaking out into a nervous sweat. Now it’s like they’ve been best friends forever and it’s so nice to see. It’s so nice to see.
When they get to Kurt’s life in New York, Kurt tightens up, knowing that he was going to have to sprinkle in a couple of white lies, and he hates that. He hates lying to his dad and to Carole.
“So, how’s living by yourself?” Burt asks, taking final bite of food before pushing his plate away, a satisfied expression on his face.
“It’s great actually. It’s nice to have my own space and not have to worry about walking in on Rachel naked or something,” Kurt says.
“And work?”
“It’s…fine. I mean, it’s not ideal, but all first jobs are never ideal,” Kurt sighs, taking a drink from his water, pushing his own plate away.
“And you’re a waiter at a diner?”
“Yes, dad. Tips aren’t great, but it keeps a roof over my head.”
“Are you sure you’re okay? Financially. I could always lend you money if you needed it.”
“No, dad. I’m fine. You don’t have to lend me any money,” Kurt says, and notices Blaine staring at him. He knows Blaine just remembered about the money Nova lent him, and he also knows that he’s going to talk to him about it when they get back up to the room.
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure. I’m doing fine.”
Burt sighs but nonetheless drops it. “So who are these friends Blaine tells me about? When we talk he told me you made friends at work.”
“Yeah. I made good friends. They’re nice people.”
“And they’re all gay?”
“Yes dad, they’re all gay.”
“Is this restaurant a gay restaurant or what?” Burt asks, and Kurt glares at him openly, ignoring Blaine and Carole’s giggle.
“No, dad, I met some at school. A lot of theater boys are gay.”
“Ah. So you’re not…into any of them?”
“No! Dad, no. they’re my friends. I have no attraction to them,” Kurt cries, and Burt holds his hands up.
“Calm down, kid I was only joking,” Burt says. “So, tell me about school.”
That launches Kurt into a colorful story about his NYADA experience, telling his parents about his classes in detail, thankful that they didn’t stray too far into the whole work conversation. He feels guilty for lying to his parents and Blaine, but it’s necessary right now. They would judge him so much if they knew he was a stripper. Well, not so much judge him, but be completely disappointed in him.
That’s what scares Kurt the most about this whole situation. He knows he can’t keep it a secret for much longer. Blaine is going to arrive in New York soon and move in with Kurt and then what is Kurt going to do about work? He can’t quit he needs the money. He can’t hide it from Blaine, not with them living together. It’s going to blow up in Kurt’s face soon, and yet Kurt still lies about it. He should just be honest about the whole thing. Blaine will understand that he needed the money.
When Kurt finishes talking, Burt signals for the boys to pick up their plates, knowing that they’re probably antsy to get up to the bedroom. They are, but not for reasons that Burt thinks. Kurt knows that he and Blaine are going to have to talk.
They wash the dishes, kiss Carole goodnight, hug Burt, Blaine too surprisingly, and go up to Kurt’s bedroom, the silence between them palpable. They get into Kurt’s room, and Blaine hangs the tie on the doorknob before closing it and locking it.
“I’m guessing that you want to talk,” Kurt says, and Blaine nods, his face expressionless.
“You guess correctly. I dropped the money issue when you called me on Monday, but I really want to talk about it,” Blaine says, walking forward to take a seat on Kurt’s bed, patting the space next to him. Kurt joins him, taking a deep breath in preparation.
“Kurt, do you need me to give you money?”
“No. Blaine, I don’t need it.”
“You let Nova give you money,” Blaine states, and Kurt’s insides churn with guilt.
“I didn’t ask for it. I never wanted him to give me money. He basically made me take the money,” he says. “I was willing to skip paying my rent for a month, but Nova-”
“You have got to stop being so proud, baby,” Blaine interrupts gently, taking Kurt’s face in his hands. “You have to learn to admit that sometimes you need help. Nobody is going to think any less of you if you need a couple of bucks to make your rent.”
“It’s so humiliating, Blaine,” Kurt says, his eyes watering.
“No it’s not. There’s nothing wrong with asking for a little bit of help.”
Kurt ducks his head, trying to avoid Blaine’s gaze. “I don’t want to be a bother to anybody.”
“But you’re not-”
“No, I…I don’t want my dad to be disappointed in me-”
“Why would he be disappointed in you?”
“He… when I told him I was planning on getting my own apartment he asked me if it was a good idea and I said yes. I was stupid. Me getting my own apartment and having a shitty job is the reason why I’m in this mess. I should have listened to him.”
“Kurt, honey, I know it’s hard to go out on your own, and I agree with your dad that you doing this so soon wasn’t such a good idea, but it’s done. You can’t just beat yourself up over it. If you need help, ask for it. Don’t be afraid of what your dad is going to think about it. He’s always going to lend you money with a smile on his face, happy that he could help his son out,” Blaine says, pressing a soft kiss to Kurt’s forehead.
“I’ll always help you if you need it too.”
Kurt looks up at him frantically. “No, Blaine, I could never ask that of you.”
“Shush, if you need help I will always be there to give it to you. No matter what you say, okay?”
“But I don’t…what will your parents say?” Kurt whispers nervously, knowing that Blaine’s parents won’t take the thought of him lending his boyfriend money so lightly.
“My parents don’t have to know. I have a trust fund. You know I do. My grandparents had put money into it every year since I was born, and it’s mine to do whatever I want with. So if I want to use some money to help my boyfriend out then I will,” Blaine says definitively.
“I’m just a boyfriend,” Kurt murmurs, and he regrets the words as soon as they come out of his mouth. “I’m sorry.”
“You’re not just a boyfriend, Kurt. You know that,” Blaine says slowly, his voice even. “You’re the love of my life. You’re going to be in my life forever. You’ve never been just a boyfriend to me.”
“I’m sorry; I didn’t even know what I was saying. Of course you’re not just a boyfriend to me. You’re the love of my life too, but sometimes I wonder that if I wouldn’t be the love of your life anymore if I did something stupid.”
Blaine furrows his eyebrows, glancing at Kurt curiously. “Why? Did you do something stupid?”
“No, I just…let’s say I did. Would you still love me?” Kurt asks, the tears in his eyes spilling over and down his cheeks.
“Kurt,” Blaine breathes, pulling Kurt close to him. “Of course I would still love you. I will always love you, baby. Nothing in this world would ever stop me from loving you.”
“You promise?” Kurt cries, clutching onto Blaine, almost as if he’s afraid if he lets go he’ll disappear.
“Cross my heart,” Blaine whispers into Kurt’s hair. “Baby, stop crying please. You know it breaks my heart when you cry.”
“I’m sorry,” Kurt says. “I just. I’ve been so stressed out and it all just came out.”
“I’m sorry you’re having a tough time,” Blaine says, rubbing Kurt’s back soothingly. “Do you need anything?”
“Just…can you hold me? We can have sex later, but I just want you to hold me,” Kurt says, laying his head on Blaine’s cheek.
“Sure, baby, come here.” Blaine pulls them up the bed so that they’re resting on the pillows, Kurt’s head on Blaine’s chest; Blaine’s arms cradling Kurt, making him feel safe.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about my financial problems. You’re right, I shouldn’t be so proud and should ask for help when I need it,” Kurt murmurs.
“It’s okay. Just know that there are people here who love you and are willing to help you if you need it, okay?”
“Everything is going to be okay,” Blaine says over and over again, and in the back of Kurt’s mind he has to wonder, is everything going to be okay?
Will Blaine still love him when he finds out that Kurt is a stripper?
Kurt doesn’t let himself dwell on that thought for much too long, choosing to just revel in this moment with Blaine close.
Everything is going to be okay, he promises himself.
Everything is going to be okay.