Little Secrets
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Little Secrets: Chapter 4

E - Words: 6,623 - Last Updated: Mar 01, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 5/? - Created: Mar 01, 2012 - Updated: Mar 01, 2012
420 0 0 0 0

Blaine spends the entire night not thinking about Kurt, surprisingly. After he finished helping his dad, the two of them joined Eve for dinner and Blaine even got a compliment from his dad on his cooking. The small family spent the rest of the night in the living room couch, watching old horror movies and it's the most fun Blaine's had with his family in a long time. The time he spent with his family gave him no time to think about Kurt, and by the time he ascended up to his room he was so tired that he slipped into the shower, brushed his teeth and went straight to bed, not even giving the window a second glance.

It's a step in the right direction. Blaine did dream about Kurt, but for once it wasn't sexual. It was actually a nice dream. Kurt and Blaine were here in his room having a normal conversation. It's like they were long time friends and it was nice. Not once did Blaine feel like a creep in the night. Well that is until he looks out of his window the next morning.

When Blaine wakes up, he does what he usually does, gets up and goes to the bathroom for his morning pee. When he gets back into his room to get dressed in his uniform he looks over to Kurt's room because it's kind of a habit now. Even if Kurt's not in the room, Blaine always has to look over. He looks over and finds Kurt walking around going from his closet to his bed, and he's wearing nothing but a pair of tight blue briefs.

Blaine stares at the boy, too stunned to move. He's gorgeous. Even more gorgeous that when he has clothes on. His legs are incredibly long and look smooth. His stomach is nice and toned, not overtly muscled. And judging by his muscular legs and arms, Blaine can tell that he dances. Blaine's seen many pictures of male ballet dancers with body types close to Kurt's. but the feature that Blaine finds himself staring openly at is Kurt's ass. His nice, pert, ass.

And just like that the sexual thoughts are rushing back, and all Blaine is thinking is how nice it would be to run his hands over the globes of Kurt's ass. He can't stop wondering if Kurt's ass is the same creamy white color as the rest of his body is. He wants to nip at them and do so many things to Kurt's ass that would probably get him arrested, and god he really needs to stop objectifying Kurt.

After one final look, Blaine tears his eyes away from Kurt's ass, ignoring his present erection and slipping into his uniform. He gels his unruly hair as fast as physically possible and races down the stairs, walking into the kitchen and finding his parents in the middle of finishing their breakfast.

"Good morning," Eve greets, smiling and pushing a plate of food towards Blaine. "Have some eggs."

Blaine sits down, and starts eating nervously, his cock still half hard, and he wishes that he wouldn't have let his emotions get the better of him. He was doing so good with not thinking about Kurt, but then that boy had to go on tempting Blaine with his perfect, perfect ass.

"Blaine, slow down. You're going to burn your tongue," Michael warns, looking at Blaine over his newspaper.

"Sorry," Blaine murmurs. "Hungry."

Michael chuckles and goes back to his newspaper for another five minutes before he stands up, clearing his plate from the table.

"I'm off," he says, pressing a kiss to Eve's cheek. "I'll see you guys when I get home." And with that he's gone, leaving Blaine and Eve in the kitchen.

"Blaine, I have a meeting with some parents after school today, so I'll be late. You can order Chinese if you want. I don't really want to cook and I know you basically cooked dinner yesterday," Eve announces, loading the dishwasher. Blaine nods mutely, taking another bite of his food.

"Okay, when you're done, load your dish into the dishwasher," Eve says, leaning over to give Blaine a sloppy kiss on the forehead. "Have a great day today, honey."

"Thanks mom," Blaine smiles, waving his mother off. "Go, you're going to be late for work."

"A teacher is never late. The students are late," Eve defends, and Blaine giggles, throwing his napkin at her.

"They're first graders, mother. They're not going to be late," he argues. "Their parents are not going to allow them to be late."

"Whatever," Eve says, sticking her tongue out, and Blaine glares at her. "Alright, I'm off." She walks out, and Blaine is left by himself.

He finishes his breakfast, places his plate in the dishwasher and walks to his father's study to grab his bag from where he left it last night. He walks out of the house, locks it and makes his way to his car, turning to look around at the neighborhood.

When he gets to his car he sees Kurt walk out of his house and to his own car, a black Lincoln Navigator, clad in an amazing outfit and his hair impeccable. Blaine stares at him, noting that he has a small glint of sadness in his eyes.

Kurt looks up and his gaze meets Blaine's, and oh god, Blaine can't even focus on anything else because Kurt's looking at him. He's actually looking at him.

Kurt smiles at him tentatively and Blaine smiles back at him. Kurt remains smiling as he climbs into his navigator and Blaine stares after him, what feels like butterflies flooding his stomach. He doesn't know why, but that one look sent a warm feeling through his veins. Blaine almost feels like he does when he has a crush on a boy.

Throughout the entire day Blaine thinks about the look Kurt gave him. Clearly he smiled at him, it wasn't an overtly happy smile, but it was friendly. And god he'll take friendly right now. When Blaine gets home he goes into the kitchen, still fixated on Kurt's smile. His small, adorable smile, that while cute, was still a bit sad. And Blaine can't help but wonder why? Why did Kurt's eyes hold so much sadness?

Blaine ponders on that thought for a full hour, which he spent pacing around the house, ordering Chinese food, and making a pitcher of lemonade.

Before he can start to eat he hears the doorbell ring. Curious, because nobody in the neighborhood knows them yet and he just got his food delivered.

Blaine opens the door and comes face to face with none other than Kurt. He's standing in front of Blaine, holding out what looks like a pie and he's flashing a warm smile.

"Hi," he chirps, bouncing up on his feet slightly.

"Hi," Blaine replies dumbly, blinking rapidly to make sure that Kurt really is here.

"I'm Kurt Hummel, I live next door and I realized this morning when I saw you that I haven't been over to introduce myself," Kurt says, balancing the pie on one hand and holding the other out to Blaine. Blaine takes it, shaking it slightly. "I brought over pie because I was told that that's what neighbors do. It's cherry so. I made it last night and I was planning on coming over with my parents, but they're working. The curiosity was killing me so I hope you don't mind that it's only me."

"Oh, of course not," Blaine says, taking the pie from Kurt's hand. "I'm Blaine, by the way. Anderson. Blaine Anderson." God, why does his voice have to shake so damn much?

"It's nice to meet you, Blaine Anderson," Kurt says, grinning widely. The two boys stand awkwardly at the doorstep, and Blaine wants to say something so that Kurt won't go, but then again he knows that whatever is going to come out of his mouth is sure to embarrass him. "I should go. I just wanted to say hi, and welcome to the neighborhood." Kurt makes to turn away and Blaine doesn't know what possesses him to stop him. He's not letting Kurt get away that easy.

"Wait." Kurt turns around, looking at Blaine with an expectant expression "Uhm, do you want to come in for a glass of lemonade? I…I could use some company, and you seem like a nice guy. Oh god, that sounded completely creepy."

Kurt laughs, and Blaine swears it's the most beautiful sound he's ever heard. "No, it's fine. I would love to come in. As long as you feed me, too," he teases, and Blaine chuckles nervously, moving off to the side to let Kurt pass through.

"Yeah. Do you mind Chinese food? I always order more than enough and I don't think my mom will mind if I share," Blaine says, leading Kurt into the kitchen.

Kurt giggles, looking around the house. "No, I don't mind. Thank you for offering," he says, and Blaine notices that he's walking dangerously close behind him. "I really like your d�cor," Kurt comments, and Blaine smiles.

"Thanks. My mom decorated the house. She really likes doing the interior design thing."

"It shows. Your house is really beautiful," Kurt compliments.

"Tell that to my mom," Blaine teases, and Kurt giggles. Blaine is never going to get enough of that sound. He doesn't want to.

"If I meet her I will definitely let her know," Kurt assures him, and now it's Blaine's turn to laugh.

The pair make it to the kitchen, when the island is full of Chinese take out containers.

"Okay, let me get you a plate and you can choose what you want. You can sit down if you like," Blaine offers kindly, and Kurt takes a seat at the small table, crossing his legs.

"Is it going to get old if I compliment every room I enter?" he asks, and Blaine chuckles, grabbing a plate and glass for both of them.

"Not at all. I'm flattered actually."

"Your mom has really good taste."

"Thank you, Kurt," Blaine says, blushing slightly. He places the plate down in front of Kurt and gestures for him to start serving himself.

"So, Blaine, where do you go to school? Obviously not McKinley because I was searching for you all day today and my search proved fruitless," Kurt states, serving himself a small portion of each item of food.

Blaine's breathing stutters for a split second. Kurt was looking for him? He was searching for him at his school and he came over because he didn't find Blaine.

"I go to Dalton," Blaine answers calmly, handing Kurt a glass of lemonade.

"Dalton? Isn't that a bit far from here?" Kurt asks, smiling appreciatively.

"It's not so far. We had to move out here because it was closer to his job. I asked to transfer to the closest school around here, but my parents didn't let me," Blaine explains. "Stuff from the past," he whispers afterwards, and Kurt's face softens slightly.

"So…you're a prep school boy," he says instead, the makings of a smirk appearing on his face.

"I'm a prep school boy," Blaine smiles, shrugging slightly.

"So, I don't want to throw the stereotype out there, but that must mean that you're a smart fella."

Blaine laughs loudly, covering his mouth with his hand. "Is that the stereotype?"

"It is to us public school boys."

"Well, I think you'll be satisfied to know that the stereotype is correct. At least in my case."

"Are you one of those kids that love math, and science and strive to get into a good school?" Kurt asks, taking a bite of a piece of broccoli daintily.

"Don't you strive to get into a good college?" Blaine throws back, sipping at his lemonade.

"Of course, but we're not talking about me, Blaine. We're talking about you," Kurt replies, and Blaine is amazed at how much sass his voice has. He's also amazed that Kurt is being so carefree with someone who he just met. Blaine is over here practically sweating his ass off because the boy from next door is finally here. In the flesh. Talking to him about school and complimenting his house.

"Well, if you're asking me if I'm a nerd, then the answer is yes," Blaine replies, and pulls his glasses out of his cardigan pocket to confirm it.

"Oh, you have the glasses and everything," Kurt teases, giggling lightly into his lemonade.

Blaine shrugs, smiling at the giggling boy. He's so surprised at how easy having a conversation with Kurt is. Whenever Blaine thought about his first meeting with Kurt he never imagined that it would be so…easy. He imagined it to be difficult to get Kurt to talk to him, and now that it's happening, Blaine loves how damn effortless it all is.

"So how about you? Are you a smart kid? Are you a punk?" Blaine asks, and Kurt giggles hysterically, covering his mouth to stop food from coming out.

"Yeah, look at me. Do I look like a punk to you?" he asks, hiccupping between giggles.

"For all I know you could be," Blaine states. He knows that a punk is the furthest thing that Kurt is, but it's so fun to tease him.

"Well I would be a horrible punk because I have no tattoos or piercings. Drinking is not something I even like and I would never smoke. I mean emphysema wouldn't really be a good look for me."

"Then tell me who you are."

Kurt looks at Blaine diffidently for a second. Almost as if he's ashamed of what he has to say, and Blaine's hit with the urge to just reach out and hold his hand, and tell him that it's okay. He's not going to get judged here.

"I'm a musical theatre nerd," he whispers, flinching slightly.

"So? That's not a bad thing," Blaine says, and Kurt breathes a sigh of relief. "Wow you seem relieved."

"Well, not everybody in Lima likes theatre geeks," Kurt replies, pushing his plate away.

"I've always said that people in this state are idiots," Blaine says, hoping that this statement cheers Kurt up a bit. It does, seeing as Kurt smiles at him.

"They are," he concurs. "I just really like show tunes. I like to sing too."

"You sing?" Blaine asks, his eyes lighting up.

"I do. Quite spectacularly, if I do say so myself," Kurt replies smugly.

"What's your range?"

"I'm a countertenor."

Blaine drops his chopsticks in shock, his mouth hanging open, and Kurt looks at him, not really sure whether to run away or stay put.

"You're a countertenor?" Blaine asks. He needs to hear it again to make sure he didn't mishear Kurt.

"Yeah…why is that a bad thing?" Kurt asks nervously, and Blaine shakes his head. So hard that he almost looks like a puppy trying to get water off of his coat.

"No, that is not a bad thing. Wow, Kurt. A countertenor. I never thought I would meet one."

"I am pretty rare," Kurt jokes, and Blaine laughs. A little more loudly than was necessary. "Do you sing?"

Blaine nods, bending down to pick his chopsticks off of the floor.

"I do. I'm kind of the lead singer of our glee club."

"Wow. A lead singer."

"How about you?" Blaine asks. "I'm certain that being a countertenor guarantees you all of the solos."

Kurt squirms awkwardly in his seat, letting Blaine know that he's touched on a sour subject.

"Oh…oh. Uhm. I'm sorry," Blaine apologizes immediately.

"No, it's okay. I get to sing solos, just…not so much. I'm fine with it. I don't really care," he says, and Blaine can't help but notice the way his voice breaks slightly at the end of the sentence.

"No, you're not," he says. "If you were okay with it, you wouldn't look so sad."

Kurt looks up at Blaine. His eyes a little watery, and Blaine starts to regret saying anything at all. He's only known Kurt for less than half an hour. Who's he to have any input on his life?

"Do I really look sad?" Kurt asks, his voice small and fragile, and Blaine's heart breaks at how vulnerable he sounds.

"Kurt, I'm sorry. Let's just…let's just drop it, okay? I never meant to upset you."

"No. it's okay. I…I don't like having little or no solos in Glee club. I don't like getting bullied almost everyday." Kurt claps his hand to his mouth, his eyes all of a sudden wide and alert, as if he didn't mean to divulge anything other than his problems in Glee club.

"You get bullied?" Blaine asks. He knows he shouldn't pry, but he can't stop himself. All of the questions are coming out of his mouth like word vomit.

"It's nothing. Blaine, I…I should go." Kurt makes to get up, but Blaine is quicker. He stands up and steps in front of Kurt, cutting off his path.

"No, Kurt. No, I…it's okay. You can talk to me. I…I'll listen if you want me to listen. I know that we just met, but I can be someone who'll listen you," Blaine says, wanting for Kurt to sit back down desperately.

Kurt bites his lower lip for a long minute before he sits back down, although his posture is completely different from when he first sat down. Instead of being relaxed and comfortable, his back was stiff and taut.

"Okay. I…I'll talk to you," he murmurs, and Blaine doesn't even care that he's just met Kurt, he reaches out and takes his hand, and is shocked when Kurt clutches back almost desperately.

"It's okay," Blaine urges, and Kurt looks up at him, his big blue eyes wide and watery.

"I'm gay," he starts, and Blaine can't even be happy that Kurt is gay right now, when he looks so small and vulnerable. "I…I know it's kind of a random thing to say, but it's actually why I get bullied. I get pushed into lockers and get vulgar things yelled at me, and no one seems to notice. I mean my friends they seem like they care, but I know they think that my problems are minute to their own."

Blaine squeezes Kurt's hand reassuringly. He knows the feeling of yelling out for help and having nobody reach out to aid him. Before Dalton, Blaine attended public school, and he was out and proud, just like he is at Dalton. But the difference between a public school and Dalton is that people in public school were vicious. They prey on the weak and innocent like Blaine. Blaine's old bullies used to lock him in closets, shove him into the pool, tag his locker, and call him horrible names. He had kept it all in, not wanting to alarm his parents.

But the final straw was when he and his friend Dylan, the only other out and proud boy in his school, attended the Sadie Hawkins Dance together. The dance itself was fun. Blaine danced with Dylan, drank punch and even got a peck on the cheek. But when he and Dylan were waiting for Blaine's dad to pick them up, three boys came out and beat them up. No because Blaine and Dylan harassed them or anything, but because they looked 'faggy'.

Blaine's parents had pulled him out of school the next day and by Monday he was already a student at Dalton, and the last he heard from Dylan was that he and his family had moved to Chicago.

Blaine was relieved that he didn't have to go to that school, but he also felt ashamed. He ran away and to him that was the most cowardly, gutless thing he could have done. He regrets it to this day, and that's not to say that he isn't grateful for Dalton. No, without Dalton he wouldn't be the person he is today. He regrets running away because he didn't stand up to the bullies. He would have loved to persevere and come out of it looking like the better man, but no. He ran away, and no matter what his parents say, Blaine will always be a coward because of it.

"I know how you feel," Blaine confesses, and Kurt looks up at him. "I know it sucks. I…I went through some bullying at my old school. And when the going got tough, I ran. I was a coward, and I ran."

"How can you call yourself a coward, Blaine? You did the smart thing, you got away," Kurt murmurs, squeezing Blaine's hand.

Blaine shakes his head hotly, and Kurt shakes his own back, squeezing Blaine's hand roughly, almost as if chastising him for confessing that he was a coward. Which he is.

"Blaine, stop it," Kurt snaps, and Blaine is surprised to see his deep blue eyes full of anger. "You are not a coward. Far from it. You actually are more brave that I am." Blaine snorts lightly, and Kurt nods. "Yes you are. Blaine, you refused to be bullied. You ran, yes, but you ran for your life. I don't tell anybody that I'm being tormented a school. I am miserable, Blaine. I get pushed into lockers and slushied, and I get ignored by everybody. Everybody thinks that I'm okay, when really I'm broken inside and I know that I put on a strong fa�ade, but that is all bullshit. It's bullshit and I hate it.

"I hate not being able to walk through my school without having a constant fear that someone is going to come up behind me and throw me into a locker. I hate having to constantly carry a spare change of clothes with me. And I hate having to lie to my father because I'm scared that he'll stress himself out so much that his heart stops," Kurt nearly yells, and Blaine's face crumples just looking at him. Clearly he's not the strong boy Blaine thought he was, but instead he's this small boy. Innocent and defenseless, and completely undeserving of everything he's put through.

Blaine wants to comfort him. He just wants to take him into his arms and hold him and tell him that it's alright. That it's going to be okay, but he finds himself frozen. The only thing he can do is just hold Kurt's hand right now, and that isn't enough.

"All I want is to go away. Get far from here, but I can't. I'm too much of a coward to bring it up to anybody. You are not a coward, Blaine. I am."

Blaine glances at Kurt, his beautiful face streaked with tears, and Blaine wonders how he can do it? How he can survive at his school, where the bullying is clearly severe enough for him to be breaking down in front of Blaine? Who's a complete stranger, basically.

He doesn't really know what to say, but he has to say something. He can't just sit here doing nothing while Kurt has a complete meltdown.

"Kurt, I…" Blaine is finding himself at a loss of words. Something that he never imagined he'd do. Nothing is coming to mind, and he hates it. He hates it that he can't seem to say anything. Instead of remaining quiet, Blaine releases Kurt's hand, stands up and pulls Kurt up, ignoring Kurt's surprised squeak and brings him in for a hug. He knows that he's crossing major boundaries, but it's the only thing he can think to do, and it's something that Kurt so desperately needs right now.

Kurt stiffens slightly before relaxing into Blaine's embrace, wrapping his arms around Blaine's waist and burying his head into the crook of Blaine's neck. Blaine leans his cheek on the top of Kurt's head, breathing him in. The smell of vanilla and jasmine overtaking his senses.

The pair don't speak for a full five minutes, and it's completely fine. Blaine just lets Kurt cry it all out, knowing that it's what he really needs right now. It's what his mother did when Blaine came to her the night after his attack. He had refused to talk to her, but his mother didn't let him go back to his room, instead she wrapped her arms around him and let him cry it all out. They didn't speak the entire night, but Blaine had felt a lot better.

After another short while, Blaine gently guides Kurt to the living room, to the couch so they can sit down. And once they're seated, Kurt pulls back, wiping his nose on the sleeve of his sweater.

"Blaine," he whispers, his voice hoarse from crying. "I'm…I'm sorry."

"For what?" Blaine asks, furrowing his eyebrows.

"I just met you, and I'm weeping on your shoulder. I…I feel bad," Kurt confesses, pulling away completely to sit at the edge of the sofa. Blaine finds himself wanting to pull Kurt back into his embrace, suddenly feeling cold without his warm body close to his, but that hug was only supposed to be to comfort Kurt. Nothing more, nothing less.

"Don't feel bad, Kurt. I told you I would listen right? And sometimes listening comes with tears. I am sorry for what happens to you. I can tell you're a nice kid and you don't deserve any of the bullying."

Kurt releases a watery chuckle. "If only you could tell that to the kids at my school."

"They're idiots, Kurt. You're clearly special. I know I just met you, but I can tell that you're a remarkable kid," Blaine says, and Kurt smiles, albeit reluctantly, but he smiles. He bites his lower lip slightly, his eyebrows knitting together as he thinks about something. Before Blaine can ask what's on his mind, Kurt slides over and settles himself in Blaine's arms again, catching Blaine off guard.

"I…do you mind? I just…I don't get a lot of hugs and sometimes a hug is the most comforting thing in the world," Kurt says, noticing that Blaine's stiffened and his face is surprised. "I'm sorry, I can go away…"

"Kurt," Blaine interrupts him, sliding his arms around Kurt's body again, his heart leaping for joy. "I don't mind. I'll hug you if you want me to hug you."

Kurt smiles, and lays his head on Blaine's chest. The position is a little bit too intimate for the situation, but Blaine knows that it's helping. He doesn't even care that he's laying here with Kurt, the object of his affection. He's here to comfort Kurt right now. This has nothing to do with him.

"I know that this is completely inappropriate, but this is nice," Kurt says, and Blaine chuckles.

"Mmm, I have always said that my hugs are magical," he teases, and Kurt giggles wildly.

"I can see that. They're making me feel a lot better."

Blaine smiles, squeezing his arms around Kurt a little tighter.

"So Blaine, are you a senior?" Kurt asks, trying to get as far away from the previous subject as possible.

"Yes I am," Blaine answers. "How about you?"

"Mhm. Have you started applying to colleges?" Kurt asks, leaning his face up slightly to give Blaine his full attention.

"Yeah, I've done a few applications so far. I have like twenty more to get through though."

Kurt's eyes widen marginally. "Twenty? Someone's an overachiever."

"I am not. I just want to have a good chance at getting into a good school," Blaine whispers, his hands rubbing at Kurt's back without even realizing he's doing it.

"Yeah, and there's nothing wrong with having backups. It's just…twenty applications. Isn't that expensive?" Kurt retorts, sighing a little at Blaine's touch, and Blaine's heart soars at that little sound. He knows that Kurt probably isn't taking it the same way Blaine is, but he'll get what he can right now.

"My parents let me spend what I need for applications. They say that they're spending the money on something worthwhile, so they don't really mind."

"Wow, your parents must really want you to get into a good school," Kurt notes, smiling appreciatively.

"Yeah. They're awesome. Money isn't really a big issue to them. I consider myself really lucky."

Kurt smiles, pressing his face in to Blaine's side a little before pulling away, sitting up on the couch again, although this time he doesn't put so much space between himself and Blaine.

"Thank you for the hug," he says earnestly. "I…I didn't know how much I needed that."

Blaine smiles, nodding slightly. "Yeah. Anytime," he says before he has a chance to think about what he's saying. Did he just offer to be Kurt's hugging buddy?

"I guess this means that we've become friends," Kurt chuckles awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. "At least I hope that that's what it means."

Blaine smiles widely, letting Kurt know that that's exactly what it means. He can't help but feel disappointed by the usage of the word friend, but hell, he'll take what he can take right now. And being friends with Kurt is a phenomenal idea.

"Good," Kurt replies happily, reaching out to grab Blaine's hand and squeeze it slightly before letting go. "I…I should really get home, but I don't want to. I want to get to know you more, new friend."

Blaine giggles at that. God, Kurt is so freaking cute.

"Well, what do you want to know?" Blaine asks energetically, and that's all Kurt needs to start probing him for information. He asks Blaine about his parents, his schoolwork, his hobbies, but he stays clear from Blaine's bullying past. And Blaine is grateful for that. He really doesn't want there to be another crying fest today, so he's glad that Kurt isn't broaching the topic of his past.

Throughout their entire conversation, Blaine is shocked to learn that he has a lot in common with Kurt. They both like Broadway musicals. They both have the same taste in movies, and music, and men apparently. Blaine did reveal that he was gay early on in their conversation and that only spurred Kurt on to ask more questions, asking about his celebrity crushes and whatnot.

They were in a rigorous argument about who deserves to win People's Sexiest Man Alive award this year when Eve walks into the house making her way into the living room to find the two boys deep in discussion, Blaine's face slightly red, and Kurt on the verge of laughter.

"No, but Ryan Gosling is the sexiest ever, he's totally going to win. Did you see Crazy, Stupid, Love? Emma Stone said it best he looks like he's photoshopped, but in the best way possible " Kurt says, biting his lip, but Blaine shakes his head.

"Nu-uh, I mean have you seen Bradley Cooper this year? He's going to take it. Ryan's hot and all, but it's Bradley's year. His abs are amazing enough to carry him to the finish line."

"Ryan Gosling has great abs too. Once again did you see Crazy, Stupid, Love?"

"Uhm hi boys," Eve says, making her presence known. "Blaine, I didn't know you had a guest."

Blaine perks up, standing up and bringing Kurt up with him. "Oh, mom, this is Kurt. He's our next door neighbor. He dropped by to drop off a pie," he smiles enthusiastically.

Eve's face lights up when she hears Kurt's name, and Blaine finds himself praying that she does not ask if this is the Kurt from the supermarket, because Blaine might actually kill his mother. And he quite likes his mother.

"And I can see you two decided to chat like a pair of old ladies," Eve jokes instead, extending her hand. "Hi, Kurt. I'm Eve Anderson, it's lovely to meet you."

"It's great to meet you Mrs. Anderson," Kurt says, shaking Eve's hand. "And can I just say that your house is lovely."

"Aww, thank you, Kurt. I did try," Eve says, smiling widely. "Well, I can see that you two were in a deep argument so I'll just get out of your hair. Blaine, did you order food?"

"Yeah, mother it's in the kitchen," Blaine says, sitting back down and signaling for Kurt to do the same thing.

"Did you offer Kurt some?" Eve asks curiously, already giving Blaine her critical look.

"Oh yes, Mrs. Anderson," Kurt replies before Blaine can say anything. "Blaine and I ate a little while ago."

"Good. I was worried for a minute that Blaine had forgotten his manners and completely left you to starve."

"Oh, no, no, no. Blaine was being a perfect gentleman," Kurt says, smiling over at Blaine.

"Evelyn, go eat," Blaine orders, and Eve rolls her eyes at him.

"That's not my name, Blaine," she says and makes her way into the kitchen, looking back at Blaine and glancing pointedly at Kurt. Blaine glares at her, and Eve chuckles before disappearing into the kitchen.

"Oh, and Blaine, thank you for cleaning up the dishes!" she calls out.

"Sorry!" Blaine yells back. "Well, that's my mom," he says, sighing heavily.

"I think she's lovely," Kurt replies, smiling softly.

"She's crazy that's what she is," Blaine says, though he says it with a loving tone.

"She's awesome," Kurt retorts playfully.

"Is your mom just as zany as mine is?"

Kurt's smile fades, and his eyes go watery again, and fuck, Blaine messed up again.

"Kurt, I'm so sorry," he apologizes, not really knowing what he's apologizing for.

"No, it's okay. I…my mom is really a sore subject for me," Kurt says, wiping the corner of his eyes rapidly.

"Did she and your dad divorce or something?"

"No, uhm…she's…she passed away when I was eight."

Blaine freezes, feeling like a complete asshole again. "Oh, Kurt. I'm sorry."

"It's fine," Kurt deadpans, chewing on his lower lip. "I…I'm sorry, I thought we were supposed to be past all of the sad subjects for today."

"We are," Blaine says immediately. "I'm sorry. Let's talk about my wacky mother some more. Or we can talk about musicals."

"Musicals," Kurt cries excitedly.

Blaine grins and the pair delve into a deep conversation about their favorite musicals, and Kurt lets it slip that he got to sing Wicked in Glee Club.

"Really?" Blaine asks, his eyes shining with excitement.

"Mhm, well it was more of an audition song, but point is I got to sing 'Defying Gravity.'"

"Wow. Isn't that like a difficult song?"

"Did you not hear what range I am?" Kurt asks, raising a perfectly manicured eyebrow. "I can nail that song easy."

Blaine laughs, digging his heels into the soft couch cushion. "I would kill to hear you sing," he states, looking at Kurt dreamily.

"You should come to our invitational then. I have a solo. Well, I hope I have a solo. I'm auditioning tomorrow," Kurt says, smiling widely.

"I would love to go to your invitational. When is it?"

"Next Friday."

"Awesome. I'm there," Blaine grins, and Kurt returns his smile. The pair dive back to their conversation until his dad slamming the front door pulls their attention elsewhere.

"Dad?" Blaine asks, and Michael's annoyed huff answers back. He walks into the living room, his face fixed in an angry frown, and looks about ready to rage when he notices that Blaine's not alone.

"Hi dad, uhm…we kind of have company," Blaine says, and Kurt waves awkwardly.

"Oh." And just like that, Michael's anger seems to have faded, and he puts his friendly face back on. "Hello, sorry about that, I wasn't expecting company. Michael Anderson." He holds his hand out and Kurt tentatively takes it, smiling a little uncomfortably.

"Kurt Hummel."

"Dad, Kurt lives next door," Blaine puts in, and Michael's face changes to realization when Blaine says that.

"Oh. Oh, hi," he says and shakes Kurt's hand a little vigorously. "Are you staying for dinner, Kurt?"

"We already ate, dad," Blaine says.

"Oh, you did. Uhm, well then this is awkward. Uhm, I think your mother is calling me." Michael walks away and Blaine stares at him, a bewildered expression on his face.

"Why are my parents so weird tonight?" he asks himself and Kurt starts to giggle uncontrollably behind his hand.

"I think your parents are awesome," he says, and Blaine shakes his head.

Kurt giggles and glances at the clock on the mantle. "Oh my gosh, what time is it? I should really go. I have a lot of homework to do."

"Oh. Okay," Blaine replies, a little glumly.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" Kurt asks hopefully, and Blaine perks up again.

"Yeah. You know where I live," he jokes.

Kurt smiles, and pulls his phone out. "Here." He hands it over to Blaine, who looks at it briefly before realizing that he's supposed to put his number in it.

"Now hand my yours," Kurt orders, and Blaine gives him his own phone.

When he give it back Blaine looks through his contacts and finds Kurt's name nestled in with the other K's; a small happy face next to it.

"Don't be afraid to use it, okay?" Kurt says, and Blaine nods understandingly.

They stand awkwardly and Blaine figures he should walk him out.

"Let me walk you out."

"Wait, can I…can I say goodbye to your parents?" Kurt asks, twisting the material of his sweater in his hands nervously.

"Sure, Kurt. Come on." Blaine leads him back into the kitchen, where his parents are eating silently, Eve still wearing an expression of amusement.

"I just wanted to say goodbye, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson," Kurt says politely, extending his hand to both of them again.

"Oh how nice. Thank you for coming, Kurt," Eve smiles. "And thank you for the pie. Cherry's my favorite." She nods her head at the fridge where she must have put the pie after she got into the kitchen.

"Goodbye, Kurt," Michael replies, a small smile gracing his lips.

"Thank you for having me over." Kurt waves a bit before walking back out, letting Blaine guide him out of the house.

"I'll walk you to your house," Blaine offers, and Kurt smiles, blushing slightly.

"What a gentleman," he says, and now it's Blaine's turn to blush."

"Thank you for the pie and for the company," Blaine says.

"Oh you're welcome. Thank you for the tiny therapy session."

Blaine nods, smiling softly. They reach Kurt's front door and Blaine finds himself feeling glum. He doesn't really want to say goodbye to Kurt just yet, but he knows that they both have to do homework. And besides Kurt said 'see you tomorrow' Blaine'll see him tomorrow.

"Well, this is my stop," Kurt mumbles. "Uhm, would you mind if I hugged you again?"

"Not at all," Blaine replies immediately, his arms already moving to bring Kurt in.

"Thanks, Blaine," Kurt breathes, and Blaine's not really sure what he's thanking him for, but he really doesn't care.

Blaine pulls away, smiles softly at Kurt, and starts to turn around. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Definitely," Kurt replies, waving at Blaine enthusiastically. He smiles at Blaine one last time before he turns away and enters his house.

Blaine runs back into his house, ignoring his parents and flying up ton his room to close the blinds before Kurt looks over and immediately regrets his friendship with him. Once the blinds are safely closed and the door is securely locked, Blaine starts jumping around like a tween at a Justin Beiber concert before throwing himself down onto his bed and flailing his legs excitedly.

He just spent the afternoon with one of the greatest, sweetest, most amazing boys on the planet. Sure, they're in the friend zone right now, but Blaine is just glad that Kurt's no longer the mysterious neighbor boy who makes Blaine feel horrible for spying on. Now that he and Kurt have spent time together, Blaine can actually see a relationship with him happening. Maybe not in the immediate future, but someday. A relationship with Kurt is no longer just some fantasy that Blaine's made up in his head because, in his opinion, he and Kurt are quite perfect for each other. They like the same movies, they love Broadway, they sing, they love the same books…etc.

Blaine's not going to make a move now, obviously, no matter how much he thinks he and Kurt are perfect for each other. He knows that Kurt is broken inside and a relationship with him right now is not an option. But that's okay, because Blaine can fix him. He's gone through he same things Kurt has and maybe he can help. God, he wants to help so badly.

Blaine feels his pocket vibrate, and he pulls his phone out, confusion coloring his face.

1 new message from Kurt :).

Thanks for listening to me today, Blaine.

Blaine grins widely, immediately typing out a message.

I'm here to listen to you anytime you want.

:). Thank you…again. I'm sorry I know you're probably doing your homework, I just wanted to say thanks. And goodnight.

Blaine chuckles, and stares at his closed window sadly. If only he could just open it and see Kurt.

Goodnight, Kurt


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