March 1, 2012, 5:21 p.m.
March 1, 2012, 5:21 p.m.
"Okay, we have vegetables, and fruits, what else do we need?" Eve asks her son, smiling widely at him.
Blaine resists the urge to roll his eyes at his mother. She is way too happy for a grocery shopping trip, but that's his mom for you.
"Milk," Blaine answers, and Eve claps her hands, wheeling the cart toward the dairy aisle.
"Dad wants whole milk."
"Oh right. Okay, can you grab that for me?"
Blaine nods and grabs two gallons, the 2% and the whole milk and places them in the cart while his mom grabs three cartons of eggs.
"Why so many eggs, mom?" Blaine asks, looking at his other incredulously. Seriously? Three cartons of eggs? Who were they bodybuilders?
"Have you seen the way you and your father consume eggs? trust me, the more we have the better," Eve says, placing the eggs in the cart.
Blaine rolls his eyes, grabbing a can of whipped cream. "You're crazy."
"Hey, hey, hey, you said you can get the whipped cream? Are we making a pie or something?"
"For a late night snack," Blaine replies, and his mother purses her lips at him. "And you know, I can use whipped cream in my awesome hot chocolate, that you love so much."
Eve softens at this, nodding her head and turning the cart and making her way to the other aisles.
"Okay, Blaine," Eve says when they reach the beginning of the first aisle; the canned goods aisle. "You go left and I'll go right."
Blaine nods and they begin their trek down the aisles, grabbing various items and placing them in the cart, all the while Blaine's mind going back to the mysterious boy from next door.
Blaine hadn't been able to stop thinking about him no matter how hard he tried.
After he had gotten back to his room after dinner, Blaine had peeked over and caught the boy changing into his pajamas. Blaine had tried to look away, he really did, but there's just something about a hot half naked guy that makes it really hard to turn away.,
Blaine had turned in five minutes later at precisely eight o'clock, telling himself that he was just real tired from the move and all the unpacking he did earlier that day, but really he was just desperate to close his eyes and not have to look at the enticing boy anymore. But only because Blaine closed his eyes didn't mean that he didn't think about the other boy.
He had dreamt about him. Dreamt that the boy turned around and saw Blaine, but instead of yelling at him or setting his dad on him, the boy merely smirked and ran his hands down his body, caressing his chest, and biting his lower lip as he went. He had removed his underwear and wrapped his hand around his very impressive cock (or so Blaine assumes given his stature), and it was at that precise moment that Blaine had woken up, panting and sweating, and sporting an unmistakable hard-on.
No, this wasn't supposed to happen. Blaine wasn't supposed to even think about the boy, much less dream about him sexually. This is what he had wanted to avoid by going to sleep.
Sighing heavily, Blaine had taken a moment to calm down before going back to sleep. It seemed though, that every time he closed his eyes, he saw the other boy with his hand wrapped around his cock. It never progressed beyond that. The boy never made another move, well other than the occasional stroke or two. It was like the boy was determined to sexually frustrate Blaine to the point where he had woken up, tossed the blankets off of him haphazardly, lowered his pajama bottoms and underwear down enough to expose his cock and wrapped a hand around himself. He had worked quickly, not trying to make himself feel even worse than he did by lasting a long time. He just wanted his erection to go away and there was no way that he was going to dwell on the image of the blue eyed boy for too long.
And that's why Blaine's on edge today. Because he had promised himself after he had finished cleaning up, that he wouldn't think about the boy again…well, not in a sexual manner. And that's all Blaine's been doing on this trip. He's thinking about the boy next door, and his cock while he should be thinking about what kind of cookies he wants or what kind of junk food can he sneak past his mom.
He drops a can of soup into the cart harshly, muttering to himself angrily.
"Hey, are you alright?" Eve asks, noticing her son's tetchy attitude.
"Yeah, I'm fine," Blaine lies.
"No, you're not. Blaine, you are the nicest, most easy going person, and you're banging up innocent cans of soup and muttering beneath your breath. Something's wrong, sweetie."
"It's nothing. I'm just…I'm just a little bit bitter about the move." There's actually no way he was going to tell his mother that he's irritated at himself because he can't stop thinking about the boy from next door. She'll probably make him go see a shrink.
"Still? Honey, come on. We're all moved in. The neighborhood is nice. Hell, even the grocery store is pleasant. And it's not like you're never going to see your friends. You still go to Dalton," Eve says, patting Blaine on the back soothingly.
"Yeah. Yeah, I guess you're right," Blaine says.
Eve grips Blaine's shoulder, and pulls him in for a hug, knowing that the only real way to get Blaine out of a funk is to hold him. Blaine hugs her back, holding onto her for a full minute and when you're in the middle of an aisle in the grocery store, a minute is actually a long time.
When Eve pulls back, she smiles at Blaine, pressing a kiss to his forehead.
"Come on, you can get some ice cream if you want," she says, and Blaine cracks a smile. He can always go for some ice cream. No matter how bad he's feeling.
"Cherry Garcia?" He asks hopefully, and Eve giggles, nodding her head. "Yay."
"So, be honest, how do you feel about the new house? Design wise. Because I personally think that I did a phenomenal job," Eve asks, as the pair make their way to the frozen foods section.
"Well, I really didn't get to see the entire house, so I can't give you a comprehensive answer," Blaine says, darting to the ice cream and letting out a small cry of victory when he sees his favorite flavor there.
"Then tell me how I did on what you did see."
"I thought it looked nice, mom. A little bit different from the d�cor in our old house."
"Yeah, I wanted to do something different so I went in a more minimalist direction where the d�cor in the other house was more colonial. Smaller house, simple furnishings is what I had in mind," Eve says, dropping various pints of ice cream into the cart. Blaine glances at her with an amused expression. If there was anybody who liked ice cream more than Blaine it was definitely his mother.
"Yeah, minimalist is good," Blaine agrees.
"Are you sure you're okay?' Eve asks.
"Yeah, I'm fine," Blaine says, smiling widely. "So, uhm lets get the frozen vegetables," he says awkwardly.
Eve looks at her son suspiciously, but decides to drop it, knowing Blaine all too well and knowing that if you keep on pestering him, he's never going to tell you what's wrong.
"Alright, you get those and I'll go to the meat, I want to try something new for dinner tonight."
Blaine nods and moves to grab the frozen vegetables. God fucking damn, this is the second time he's let the boy from next door affect his mood. He's supposed to be happy. He loves grocery shopping with his mom. When he was little he would beg his mom to wait until he got home form school to go grocery shopping because he loved how much he bonded with his mom during these trips.
It's actually the reason why they're so close. Whenever they're grocery shopping they get to talking; about school, movies, music, and most recently boys.
Blaine came out to both of his parents three years ago at the ripe age of fourteen. His mom had immediately hugged her son and said that she would love him no matter what. His dad was a bit difficult at the beginning, but with time he learned to accept it. It did cost him a couple of hours with the family therapist, but his father is okay with Blaine's sexuality now. He doesn't like to talk about boys with Blaine quite as openly as Eve does, but that's quite alright with Blaine. Just as long as he doesn't degrade Blaine's lifestyle.
And today, when all Blaine wants to do is talk to his mom about the new movies playing, everything he seems to say comes out clipped, and brusque.
He really feels like a downright asshole.
"Why can't I stop thinking about you, mystery boy?" He grumbles irritably to himself, slamming the freezer door closed and earning him a look from an elderly woman nearby.
Great, now people were going to think he was crazy.
Blaine sighs heavily and makes his way back to his mom, following the signs overhead to the meat section.
Blaine is so distracted by both the boy, and making sure that he was going the right way that he walks head on into a woman, nearly knocking her down to the floor.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry," Blaine immediately apologizes, bending down to pick up the loaf of bread that was in her hands.
"Oh no, it's fine, dear," the woman says, taking the bread from Blaine's hands.
Blaine looks up at her, taking her in. She was medium height, slightly on the plus side, with short, auburn hair, her eyes were warm and kind, and her round face sporting a warm smile.
"No, no. I nearly knocked you down, ma'am. I'm so sorry," Blaine say, and the woman shakes her head.
"Nonsense. I'm fine, and my bread is fine also," she says, her smile everlasting. "Are you okay? You knocked into me pretty hard."
"Oh, I'm fine, ma'am."
"Good. Are you new to this store?"
"How can you tell?"
"You were looking up at the signs as if they were a map. Nobody but new people do that."
"Oh," Blaine says, blushing slightly. "Yeah, me and my family just moved to the city yesterday."
"Oh, well welcome to Lima." The woman smiles brightly and Blaine returns her smile, liking this woman more and more.
"Thank you, ma'am."
The lady nods, and reaches back to grab another loaf of bread, a whole wheat one, and makes to turn around.
"What's your name, son?" She asks before turning around.
"Blaine. Hmm, what a lovely name." she says before walking away, and Blaine smiles briefly before making his way out of the aisle where she sees the woman being approached by a boy with chestnut colored hair.
Come to think of it that boy looks awfully familiar. No, way. It can't be. Blaine squints his eyes, and fuck, it is. It's the boy from next door. The nice woman is his mother. What are the fucking chances?
Oh god, the boy looks even more beautiful in person. And he looks even more beautiful with actual clothes on. His outfit is yet another clue that the boy is gay. No straight man would ever wear jeans that tight. They'd complain about their, as David so nicely calls it, 'nuttage'.
Wow, out of all the grocery stores in Lima, Blaine and his mom had to come to the one where the beautiful creature from next door shops.
Blaine isn't really proud of what he does next. He walks up and hides behind the bread. He doesn't know why, but there's a wild part of him that wants to hear the way this boy talks. He wants to have a voice to go along with the image in his head. Fuck, that just sounds downright creepy.
"Did you get whole wheat bread?" the boy says in a high pitched voice that Blaine can only describe as angelic. It's almost like a peal of bells, musical and exquisite.
"Yes, Kurt."
Kurt. Hmm, what an interesting name. It reminds Blaine of The Sound of Music. Come to think of it, Kurt does look and sound an awful lot like one of the Von Trap children. It makes Blaine wonder if Kurt can sing just as beautifully as they can. Who's he kidding, with a voice like his, it'll be no surprise to Blaine if Kurt can sing.
"Carole, why does this loaf look kind of squished up?" Kurt asks, looking up at his mother with his amazing baby blue eyes.
"Oh, the strangest thing happened to me right now. Some boy bumped into me and sent the bread onto the floor," his mother, Carole, explains. "I think it looks alright, I mean, Finn is the only one who eats the white bread and he doesn't care what it looks like as long as it's edible."
"A boy bumped into you? Are you okay?" Kurt asks, concern clear on his face.
"Oh, I'm fine, dear. Had to assure the boy ten times before he stopped asking," Carole giggles, and Blaine furrows his brow.
"Hmm, what was so damn interesting to the boy that he couldn't pay attention to where he was going?"
"He's new. He was looking up at the signs, poor dear."
Kurt rolls his eyes, turning on his heal. "He should be more careful and look where he's going, what if he would have succeeded in dropping you?" he says, as he and Carole walk off, leaving Blaine standing behind the bread with a stunned expression.
He's gorgeous, he really is. And he acknowledged his existence. It was indirectly, but still it was something.
"What are you doing?" Comes a voice behind him, startling Blaine and making him jump in the air, nearly dropping the bags of frozen foods he has in his hands.
"Mom, you scared the crap out of me," he says, clutching at his chest.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I was just wondering why you were standing behind the bread with a dreamy expression," Eve says, taking the bags from Blaine's hands.
"Oh, no reason," Blaine lies.
"Mhmm," Eve mutters sarcastically. "You look as if you've seen a cute boy." Realization crosses her features, and she turns to look at Blaine with an accusatory smirk.
"You saw a cute boy, didn't you?"
"What? No!" Blaine denies, but too late, his mother knows his just-seen-a-cute-boy-expression far too well.
"Mhhm, tell me," Eve begs, pouting her lips. God, she is just like a child sometimes.
"Mom, I don't want to."
"Blaine, you know I will not let this go until you tell me."
"Ugh, fine. Yes, I did see a cute boy," Blaine admits, and somehow admitting that part seems to lift a small weight off of his chest.
"How did he look like? Did you talk to him? What's his name?" Eve asks excitedly, and Blaine rolls his eyes pointedly at her, wheeling the cart to the front of the store, secretly wishing that Kurt and wasn't there as well. There is no way he'll be able to live it down if he hears Blaine talking about him to his mother.
"He was cute, tall, pretty hair, blue eyes. He dressed well." Blaine tries not to focus too hard on how well Kurt's ass looked in those jeans.
"What's his name?"
"Well, I didn't talk to him, but I overheard him talking to his mom," Or so Blaine thinks because who calls their mother by their first name. "Or step mom, I'm not really sure, and his name is Kurt."
"Kurt. I like it…Kurt Anderson. I really like that!"
Blaine widens his eyes at his mothers brash statement. He hasn't even talked to the boy and his mother is already meshing their names together.
"Mom, I don't even think I'll see the kid again, let alone marry him!" Blaine cries out. Well only part of that statement is true.
"But it's fun," Eve defends. "And you have to admit it, Kurt Anderson sound cute."
"Mom, you are so weird, stop it before I leave you here and walk out," Blaine groans, and his mom only laughs and ruffles his hair.
"Hey, you're going to mess up my hair," Blaine protests, pulling away from his mother's grasp.
"Oh, let loose, Blaine," Eve giggles, shoving Blaine playfully.
"You control yourself and act like a mother," Blaine retorts.
"Who says mothers can't let loose?"
"I say you can't let loose in the front of a grocery store where people are staring openly at you," Blaine snaps, blushing as he takes in the staring people.
Eve sighs, and makes her way to form line. "Fine, but in the car, I'm going wild."
"No, you're not mother," Blaine groans, and Eve merely laughs.