No longer invisible
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No longer invisible: Chapter 1

K - Words: 3,091 - Last Updated: May 22, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 2/? - Created: May 13, 2014 - Updated: May 13, 2014
116 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Big thanks again to sabiine for beta-ing. I changed a couple of things, so any mistakes are my own. Hope you like it!

Children being born with powers were becoming more and more common. It wasn't unusual for parents to have a good grip on what exactly their child's special gift was by the age of five.

Of course when such phenomenon first began to occur, scientists had felt the need to study these individuals. And not unexpectedly, such children quickly became lab rats and media spectacles to the general public who saw them as oddities at best and dangerous at worst.

That was fifty years ago.

After years of political debate, between those that deemed themselves ‘anti-supers' and the ever growing realization that having super powers was becoming the new norm, the political agenda and social stigmatism that was associated with having a ‘gift' had mostly evaporated. Having powers was deemed the next phase in human evolution. The turmoil of that time became just a distant memory, a chapter for the history books. At least to everyone but those old enough to have been there.

In fact, one of the only remaining artifacts of that dark time was the requirement that every individual with a power had to report their ability to the government by their 16th birthday.


It had been discovered that some individuals were late bloomers, who did not truly come into their power until later in their lives. Puberty usually functioned as a trigger for those who were not ‘lucky' enough to know they were gifted from birth.

Kurt was one of the ‘lucky ones.' Although, if you asked his father, he would scoff and roll his eyes at the use of the term lucky and say, “You think we felt lucky when we thought Kurt was missing for hours? Only to find out, once we had searched the house and were just about to call the police, that he was in his bed the whole time?”

“I guess not,” was the usual reply. Then Burt would go on to explain the shock he and Kurt's mom experienced when they realized Kurt's ability was invisibility.

Luckily Burt's gift was the ability to sense the presence of objects (in Kurt's case, babies) in the dark. He had quickly realized Kurt wasn't actually missing, once he arrived home. He had been so worried when he received the frantic call from Kurt's mother saying he was missing. He had entered Kurt's nursery and closed his eyes attempting to sense his son. He could visualize the shape of Kurt in his Spiderman pajamas lying still in his trundle bed. The boy was sleeping like a log, and Burt actually had to shake him awake before he became visible again. His mom's sigh of “Oh dear god, thank you” could be heard clearly in the silence of the room.


Kurt, now a junior in high school, was currently cursing his ability as he slinked along the walls of the Dalton Academy hallway, trying not to bump into anyone. It was his power that got him voted the best candidate to spy on the New Direction's competition.

Kurt can still hear Rachel's voice in the choir room the other day.

“Kurt, you have to do it, you're the most qualified and you would be doing it for the good of the club!” Rachel squawked. It really wasn't surprising to Kurt that Rachel's power was creating sonic booms with her voice. He had a headache from just listening to her for the past fifteen minutes. He was really growing tired of her attempts to convince him that being chosen for this task was an honor.

Fearing his head would physically split in two, if he was subjected to this diatribe much longer, Kurt blurted out “Fine!” in an exasperated tone. They were the only two in the choir room; everyone else had left almost a half hour ago.

Rachel stopped her verbal tirade and looked shocked for the moment at Kurt's response. Kurt guessed she was surprised that her attempts to convince him had worked. Kurt was a little surprised himself.

However, Kurt may have had ulterior motives when acquiescing.

Truth be told, agreeing to this harebrained scheme of Rachel's served a dual purpose.

First of all, it got him away from Rachel, and Kurt just really couldn't handle her stressing him out any more about sectionals. And secondly, Kurt had heard of the other show choir, the Warbler's. Well, more specifically he had heard of their school's zero-tolerance policy for bullying. And to be honest he thought it all sounded too good to be true.


A bell chiming overhead, signaling the change of classes, and the sound of distant voices pulled Kurt from his thoughts. Oh that's right, I'm on the enemy's territory. Kurt shook his head at his own inner monologue (He really needed to stop hanging out with Rachel).

Kurt thanked a higher power he didn't believe in, that he had arrived when most students were in classes. But it looked like his luck was about to change.

Kurt looked around him for somewhere to hide. Yes, he was invisible, but that didn't mean that if someone bumped into him they would just think the wall was lumpy. And with the amount of students Kurt thought he could hear making their way towards him, he needed to think quickly.

Kurt swiftly made his way down a spiral staircase and through an ornately decorated hallway. So far he had managed to keep ahead of the crowd, but Kurt could hear a herd of boys approaching from somewhere up ahead. It sounded like they would round the corner into his hallway at any minute.

Kurt quickly ducked into a room on his left, when he saw that one of the heavy double doors was propped open. He felt relieved for having avoided what he considered certain disaster. Kurt had no idea what these Dalton boys would do to him if they caught him spying; no matter how poorly that particular endeavor was going.

Kurt slumped against a wall; or at least what he thought was a wall.

In his haste, Kurt had leaned back against the door that had just so recently been his savior. As Kurt tried to regain his balance, he heard the large oak door slam closed. The sound wasn't that loud, and Kurt thought he was safe.

Just then a voice came from behind him, “Anyone there?”

Kurt gasped and turned around quickly, frozen in place until he remembered this stranger couldn't see him. (Kurt didn't physically feel any different when he was invisible, so he sometimes forgot).

There, in front of Kurt was a boy, just one boy, who looked to be about the same age as Kurt. It looked to Kurt like the boy was in the middle of studying. He walked closer to the boy. Kurt could see the boy's hazel eyes glancing around the room quickly, and noticed that the paper on the table was sheet music.

The boy was cute. Really cute if Kurt was honest with himself.

Kurt saw the other boy's brow furrow and was close enough to note a few curls peeking out of what looked like a carefully gelled hairstyle. But it was the tight line of the boy's lips that made him look both frightened and flustered.

It was that fearful look that made Kurt reveal himself. He recognized that look from his own experience.

While his ability was a godsend at a school like Mckinley – he had had his fair share of unwelcomed surprises. The perks of his ability were null, when he couldn't see the Neanderthals coming.

The boy's eyes widened as Kurt became visible.  Kurt had been told he didn't just reappear, that it was more like he materialized out of nowhere, when he decided to become visible again.

Just as Kurt was trying to come up with something to say to the wide eyed, curly-headed boy – sue him he doesn't think before he acts sometimes – the boy mumbled out, “Wh-o who are you?”

Kurt smiled then, and stifled a giggle. The boy sounded kind of like an owl just then, and it was adorable.

That's when Kurt realized he hadn't answered the question he was asked and was sort of just staring fondly at the stranger with a small smile on his face. Kurt thought he probably looked a little crazy, and he should probably answer the boy's question.

“Kurt!” he blurted out and immediately facepalmed, feeling embarrassed for having just yelled his name at the boy.

Kurt was going over the situation in his head, feeling his cheeks heat up as he devised a plan to escape this awkward situation.

That's when Kurt heard laughter. He peaked through his index and middle finger and saw the boy outstretching his hand with a small smile on his face. It seems that Kurt's embarrassment was disarming.

Kurt slowly lowered his hand from his face and grasped the boy's offered one. The boy's hand felt warm and soft, with calluses at the fingertips. Kurt was so focused on holding another boy's hand, that he almost missed it when the stranger said, “It's nice to meet you Kurt, I'm Blaine.”

Kurt didn't miss boy's lips pulling up into a larger smile as Kurt continued to shake Blaine's hand maybe a little bit longer than it is socially acceptable.

Damn it, he thought. Kurt may just have to thank Rachel, because this crazy spy mission of hers might be starting to show some promise.


“Are you new here?” Kurt heard Blaine ask. Blaine's voice, a rich, smooth tenor, pulled Kurt from his dazed state. He really needed to pay more attention to the ongoing conversation.

“Ugh.. hmmm… w- well you see…,” Kurt stuttered out once his brain had caught up to his current situation.

Blaine was eyeing Kurt. At that moment Kurt realized that Blaine had figured out he was not a student at Dalton, if Blaine's knowing smirk was anything to go by.

How can a guy who looked frightened a moment ago, look so smug seconds later? Kurt wondered.

Kurt had to admit his ensemble wasn't exactly the Dalton's standard. Sue him! He just didn't think he could pull off navy with red piping – although Blaine was doing a pretty good job.

“No,” Kurt admitted glumly, his shoulders slumping, as he finally released Blaine's hand – which, he noted, he had stopped shaking and was just sort of holding. Well that's embarrassing.

Understanding that he had been caught, Kurt figured he should just cut his losses and make his exit before Blaine alerted more students. Blaine didn't seem like the type that would beat Kurt up, but then again Kurt knew Blaine for less than 10 minutes.

Kurt started to back towards the door through which he had entered the room, muttering the whole time something that sounded like, “Well, I guess I-I should get go-going. It was nice to meet you Blaine… have a great rest of the day…”

That's when he caught the amusement in Blaine's eyes, as he raised his gaze to meet the hazel orbs watching him retreat.

“What?” Kurt huffed out annoyed. Blaine was cute and all, and he hadn't threatened Kurt – but the only think Kurt hated more than bullying was mockery.

Blaine just laughed at the indignant look on Kurt's face. “Giving up so soon?” Blaine teased Kurt.


Seeing Kurt's confused look, Blaine explained his inquisition further, “You are here to spy right? On the Warblers?”

“You wouldn't be the first,” Blaine finished with mirth in his voice.

Kurt, still feeling like he was being mocked, replied with, “So what if I am, what are you going to do? Beat me up?”

Kurt could tell that Blaine read through his false bravado, a look of sympathy crossed Blaine's face at the mention of violence. It made Kurt wonder if they had something in common.

Lost in his thoughts again, Kurt just caught the end of Blaine's answer, “… performance.”

“I'm sorry, what was that?” Kurt inquired.

“I said, how about a free performance?” Blaine answered, and the reply was accompanied by a coy smile.

Kurt couldn't help but return the smile and ask himself, was Blaine flirting with him? Him? Kurt Hummel?

Kurt quickly glanced around him to make sure he was the only other person in the room.

Kurt's actions made Blaine laugh again, “Yes Kurt, I mean you.”

“It would be such a shame if you had to return to your school empty handed – what with all your attempts to be the Ohio's greatest sleuth?” Blaine winked at him.

Yep, Blaine was definitely flirting with him.

“Uhm sure,” Kurt said uncertainly. “I take it you're in the Warblers?” Kurt asked, even though he recalled the sheet music on the table when he had first entered the room and could guess the answer based on Blaine's offer – he just wanted a confirmation.

“I am,” Blaine said. Kurt still thought he sounded a little too amused.

“Well, I guess – although having more than one illustrious member of the Warblers perform would've made my mission more successful,” Kurt teased, “But you'll do.”

He couldn't quite bring himself to be brash or harsh with Blaine. Not when he couldn't sense any real malice or ill-intent behind the boy's offer.

“You'd be surprised,” was all Blaine said as he walked out to the center of the room where there was more open space. He pointed a little to the left of where Kurt was standing near the table and the sheet music. “There is a CD player just behind you,” he said. “Could you hit play?”

Sure enough, when Kurt turned around he saw an antiquated stereo sitting on a side table behind the desk. Kurt walked over and hit play. Immediately the opening melody of a pop song Kurt kind of recognized began to play. He thought he had heard it on a Top 40 station, that time when he had left his Wicked CD at Mercedes' after a sleepover. He had to admit it was catchy.

He was pondering all this when he heard Blaine begin to sing.

“You think I'm pretty

Without any makeup on

You think I'm funny

When I tell the punchline wrong…”


Kurt quickly turned around. There was something off, it wasn't just Blaine singing. And sure enough, once Kurt was facing Blaine, he saw a whole group of boys behind the singer bopping along and harmonizing together.


Where did they come from?


Kurt just got the thought out before he noticed something peculiar. The other boys… they're all…


Blaine. The individuals that Kurt thought snuck into the room were ALL BLAINE.


That's when it hit Kurt. Blaine's ability must be duplicating himself.


All Kurt could do upon this realization was to just stare.  At least he managed to close his mouth. Kurt tried to enjoy the performance as all Blaines belted out the chorus and the final verses to the song.

“You make me feel
Like Im livin a
Teenage dream
The way you turn me on
I cant sleep
Lets run away and
Dont ever look back,
Dont ever look back”

“My heart stops
When you look at me
Just one touch
Now baby I believe
This is real
So take a chance and
Dont ever look back,
Dont ever look back”

“Imma get your heart racing
In my skin-tight jeans
Be your teenage dream tonight
Let you put your hands on me
In my skin-tight jeans
Be your teenage dream tonight
(Tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight)”


The other Blaines finished up the harmonizing on the last verse, just as the ‘real' Blaine made his way over to a gobsmacked and blushing Kurt. (You try to remain cool and collected, while an attractive boy sings about taking off your ‘skin-tight jeans'.)

By the time Blaine was standing right in front of Kurt, bouncing on his heels and grinning like an idiot; Kurt had recovered enough to coherently string a sentence together. He also noticed that the ‘other' Blaines had all disappeared.

“So are you the entirety of the Warblers then?” Kurt murmured his voice a lot more breathless than he wanted it to be.

Blaine's answer was a shy smile. He actually dropped his chin to his neck and chuckled. Kurt could swear Blaine was the one blushing now.

“No, no,” Blaine replied, “there are a couple of other guys in the choir, but I'm the lead.” He looked embarrassed at that fact.

“Of course,” Kurt said.

It was at that moment, talking to this boy with curly hair and kind hazel eyes, a boy that somehow managed to be both shy and confident all rolled into one – and how that is even possible, Kurt couldn't even fathom –  that Kurt decided to bite the bullet.

That bullet being asking Blaine out, he couldn't deny that he was incapable of just walking away from this boy.

Of course, that idea was a lot easier to handle in his head. The execution seemed to be eluding Kurt at the moment; the words were stuck in his throat.

“Uhm.. would you, that was very… how about..,” Kurt stumbled over the couple of words he was able to utter.

“Would you like to get a coffee with me?” Blaine queried, saving Kurt the trouble and embarrassment.

“Yes,” Kurt replied confidently, recovering from his momentary inarticulateness.

Blaine's answering head nod and surprised look were endearing.

And it was just after Blaine had bowed a little and made an ‘after you' gesture that Kurt remembered Rachel.

“Shit!” Kurt said under his breath, but Blaine still heard it.

“Is there something wrong?” Blaine probed, sounding worried.

“Oh! No no, of course not Blaine,” Kurt replied. “I just remembered, there is a friend I owe vegan cupcakes as a gesture of thanks.”

“Okay?” Blaine said looking at Kurt like he thought the boy might be just a tad loony.

Kurt simply laughed and took Blaine's extended hand to pull him along towards the door.

“You said something about coffee, come on,” Kurt said and smiled at Blaine.

Blaine returned the smile and they exited the room where Kurt had been hiding. However, this time Kurt was no longer invisible – and with Blaine on his arm, he didn't want to be.







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