One Thousand Lonely Stars
Chapter 4A Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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One Thousand Lonely Stars: Chapter 4A

E - Words: 5,675 - Last Updated: May 24, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 7/? - Created: Mar 16, 2015 - Updated: Mar 16, 2015
134 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

 (I dont know if I made myself clear but Matt was NOT abused by his ex)

Next chapter everyone will get their shit together, I promise.


Thanks for reading!  




Rachel Berry had always been a good friend. She had met Kurt when they were in high school. Kurt joined glee club in sophomore year but back then she had seen the boy as a rival, and as hard as it was to admit it, he was as talented as her (Or even more). When the boy quit the glee club to be the head cheerio at McKinley, they stopped being each others competition and that lead to them becoming the best of friends. With their shared interests and compatible personalities, it hadnt been hard for them to develop an unbreakable bond.

Now that Rachel looked back at it, she found their former rivalry so stupid. With Kurt in her glee club, they wouldve been invincible, she wouldve been able to spend so much more time with him, they would have a lot of memories of dramatic duos, diva offs and several competitions.

It didnt matter now. They were different now, she wasnt the self-centered annoying girl anymore, she wasnt starved of attention and recognition, she was respected now, she was the Broadway star she had always dreamed of being. As for Kurt, he wasnt the gay kid anymore, he wasnt the boy with the fake sense of superiority and the red uniform as a shield. He was a big name in the fashion industry, the most loving and attentive father Rachel had ever seen.

Yes, Rachel Berry had been there for Kurt for a very long time. That was the reason why she hadnt judged him when he confessed his secret affair with Blaine and that was why she was now on the phone with a desperate Kurt, trying to calm him down and trying to make this better.

- "A-and I-I told him this was o-over and then I hung up on him" He was sobbing uncontrollably, his head still spinning around. Everything was a mess.

- "What? But why did you do that? I thought you had chosen him, I thought you had decided to get a divorce. What happened with Matt and what did he say to make you change your mind?" Right now she just knew about the phone call between Kurt and Blaine. Nothing made sense.

- "Matt- What I did to him wasnt fair. I owe him so much and... I realized a lot of things about him"

---A few hours ago---

Kurt was sitting on the bed waiting for his husband to come out of the bathroom. This was the moment and after tonight there would be no turning back. This would be the hardest part, but at the end this would be worth it.

Matt opened the bathroom door and sat on his side of the bed, ready to turn his lamp off and fall asleep. Kurt could use this as an excuse Okay, hes kinda tired, I can do this later. But no, there would be no perfect time for this. Right now they were completely alone, Andrew was in his room sleeping and it wasnt really that late, the circumstances wouldnt get any better than this.

"Matt, we need to talk about something" Kurt said quietly. He sat with his legs crosses, facing his husband, he knew anxiety was taking the best of him as he felt his whole body trembling slightly. His fears only intensified when Matts breath hitched and he refused to meet his gaze.

"I-I dont know, Kurt. Can we do this later?"Matt answered, looking at his hands as if they were the most interesting things hed ever seen.

Kurt closed his eyes and took a deep breath, this had to be done. "Im sorry, we have to do this. You cant act like theres nothing wrong" He said. He reached out and tried to hold his husbands hand. The man took his hand away as if it had been burned.

"Okay, Im listening" Matt said bitterly.

Up until now, Matts behavior had been completely normal, nothing out of the ordinary that could make Kurt think that Matt knew something about Blaine. Right now he wasnt so sure, Matt was clearly bracing himself as he waited for Kurts confession.

"I think youve realized by now that things have changed between us recently. This isnt working as well as it used to and...We are not happy together, Matt, we have never been. A lot of things in our marriage arent working the way they should; your relationship with Andrew just keeps getting worse, were both always busy and we dont spend time together, we never laugh together, we never compliment each other and our intimacy is next to nothing."

Matt was still looking at everything but his husband, not saying a word. Kurt took a few steady breaths and continued "I married you because I thought it was the smart thing to do. You had always been there for me, waiting, and the least I could do was trying to reciprocate your feeling at some point. And I tried, I really did but I guess I have no say in this matter, I could never bring myself to fall in love with you, even when we adopted Andrew to become a real family. For a long time I thought it was enough, we had stability, we had easy and normal lives and I chose to ignore the emptiness I always felt, because it required less effort. Now Ive come to the realization that I dont want that life, I dont want the emptiness and I think you and I have the potential to be happy, just not with each other. And trust me, you can do better, Im sure you will find someone that will love you as much as you deserve to be loved. All you gotta do is let me go. Please tell me you understand" Kurt pleaded. He was still shaking, but he wasnt afraid anymore, he had said everything that needed to be said (Of course, talking about Blaine wasnt that necessary, at least not now.). A few more minutes passed in absolute silence, and as desperate and anxious as Kurt was to hear Matt, he wasnt going to push it. Matt could take his time to process all of this. At the end he would just accept it, like he always did. Or so Kurt thought.

"Okay, are you done? That was all? Because I think you forgot to tell me about you lover, about that idiot youre fucking" Matt stated calmly. He finally looked at his husband.

Kurts face paled instantly, his trembling got even worse and his heart started beating rapidly. Matts cold expression and the bitterness of his voice was something new. And not the good kind of new.

"Most of my life, everything I ever did, I did it for you. I have loved you and respected you since that very first time we met when we were just kids, I defended you when we were the faggy kids of McKinley high, I was there to make you feel special after every stupid break up, I was there to witness your reckless and slutty behavior when you stopped believing in love" He made quotes in the air, Matt had never talked to Kurt like that " I supported you in every decision you ever made, I married you and did everything in my power to make you happy, I adopted Andrew with you even when I never intended to be a father, I have worshiped the ground you walk on from day one! And what do I get as a reward? Oh yeah, you go and find some other guy with better body and better in bed!" He said in a loud voice, anger written all over his face. His green eyes shining with tears, he wasnt done yet. Kurt could barely believe this was happening

"And you decide thats enough, you think that makes him better that me? You think thats enough to deserve you" Matt was shaking his head and there were tears streaming down his face.

"I- Im sorry, so so sorry" Kurts voice broke as the guilt burned him from his inside. Matt didnt deserve any of this and he knew it. For the fist time he regretted his affair a little.

"Dont! Dont you dare saying that youre sorry because youre not. I know you Kurt, did you really think I wouldnt notice? Do you really think Im that stupid? I gave you time to stop, but you didnt. I been going on constant busyness trips and shit because I didnt want to face this, maybe if I gave you space you would realize how much you really need me." He laughed bitterly. "But I guess youre too stupid to see the reality. This is real life, Kurt, not a fairytale. You dont get to stay with Prince Charming" Matt sank his head in his hand and tried to stop crying.

At this point, Kurt was crying too. It was hard for him to see his husband suffering, knowing he was the one causing him so much pain.

"But you know were not happy, Whats the point?" Kurt asked. Matt had to understand that this was going nowhere and if they stayed together they would end up hating each other.

"Talk for yourself, because Im happy with you. Even if you dont love me the way I love you, having you is all I ask for, thats all I need" Matt came closer to his husband and caressed his cheek lovingly, staring at those beautiful blue eyes that meant the world to him.

"Are you asking me to stay?" Kurt was incredulous. This was not supposed to happen. Matt loved him, and because of that he would want Kurts happiness no matter what. Or maybe not.

"No. Im saying that Im going to forget and forgive you mistake and were going to move on. Im going to be the best husband ever, whatever you want, just ask for it" Matt smiled and kissed Kurt softly, wiping his tears with his thumbs.

Kurt was speechless. Of every possible scenario, this one was one of the most frustrating. He thought Matt would understand "No! I cant stay, Matt. Please let me be happy" Kurt said

He was taken off guard when Matt stood angrily "Youre kidding, right? I cannot believe youre saying this. I always give up my own happiness to please other people, but not this time. I waited for you for several years, I deserve staying with you!" Matt yelled, and Kurt really hoped this walls were soundproof, Andrew shouldnt listen their argument.

Of course Matt didnt have the same concern, he keep talking in the same loud voice "I tried dating, remember? But it didnt work out because I was meant to be with you. But the most important thing is that you owe me" Matt declared, very sure of himself.

That last sentence caught Kurts attentions. What was that supposed to mean? "What are you talking about" He asked in disbelief.

"Im talking about everything. When my parents got divorced and my mom moved to California, I stayed for you, because I was your only friend and you asked me to stay. I had to grow up with my father calling me fag and making me feel like I was nothing. When we were in high school and before you became a cheerio I was the only one who gave a shit about you, holding you when you cried and listening when you talked about unfairness. I thought you would see me then, but we went to summer camp and you fell for that stranger instead"

Kurt blushed at the mention of Blaine, things would only get worse if Matt found out that Blaine was his lover.

"Then we went to college, and once again I was by your side like an idiot, seeing you dating a different guy every week, taking you home when you were drunk, taking care of you when you were sick. And then I dated that fucker you set me up with, the fucker that turned out to be a compulsive gambler and a sex addict!" Matt said in an accusatory voice, trying to make Kurt feel as bad as he possibly could.

"He was what?!" Kurt asked

"You heard me. For Alex everything was just physical and thats the reason why Im so weird about sex, for me it has no meaning. And yet, thats one of the reasons why you cheated on me!" Matt almost screamed. He closed his eyes as the memories of that horrid relationship came back to him.

"Im sorry, I-I didnt know" Kurt was shocked. Alex seemed like a good guy, he thought he would be what Matt needed. He was sure it was his fault, at the beginning Matt had refused to meet Alex but Kurt had insisted.

"Of course you dont. Because you dont care about me! all you always do is take, take, take, but you never give anything back, its always been about you and what you want and what you need. What about me, Kurt? What about my happiness?"

"I never meant to hurt you" Kurt said sincerely. He was frustrated because every time he tried to do something nice for Matt, he would always screw everything up. This was a mess.

"So please, for the first time in your life, think of me and give me something back. Dont take this away from me and just...stay" Matt begged. He took Kurts face in his hands and pressed their foreheads together.

"Ill stay" Kurt confirmed without hesitation. His conscience, the guilt and shame wouldnt let him think.

Matt sighed in relief and hugged Kurt with force, kissing his cheek repeatedly.

"You wont regret this, honey." Matt said in between kisses, not stopping even when he tasted the saline as Kurt cried quietly with his body inert.

Kurt felt stupid, he had thought this was going to be easier and yes, he thought he would get to stay with his Prince Charming, but no. This was his life and he would have to get used to it, when he married Matt he promised it would be forever.

Nothings perfect and his life was no exception.

"We are real, Kurt. We live ordinary and easy lives, not everybody is that lucky, you should be grateful." Matt stated as he grabbed his pillow and a blanket. He stood up and opened to the door.

With his numbed senses and absent mind, Kurt didnt ask why.

"Now, Im going to sleep in the couch as a sign of respect. Tonight you can cry all you want about your fuck buddy." He said with a cynic smile on his face.

"This is a good thing, Kurt. Were going to be fine" After that, Matt closed the door and left Kurt alone.

That was when Kurt allowed himself to really cry. He didnt want to do this but he had to. He was a responsible adult and his affair with Blaine had been a mistake. Or at least in that moment it felt like a mistake.

Blaine was the love of his life but Matt was right, Kurt had been selfish. He had responsibilities and it was time for him to stop hurting Matt, even if he had to give up on his own happiness.

He took his phone and dialed Blaines number.

- - -

- "A-and then I called you...I dont know what to do!" Kurt finished, he wasnt crying anymore but still mortified. He couldnt stop thinking about Matt and Blaine and of course Andrew wouldnt be happy with this.

- " Kurt?" This was the first time Rachel spoke after several minutes of listening to her friend

- "Yes"

- "I think you overreacted. And thats coming from me, so.."

- "Rachel, you dont understand. All the bad things that had ever happened to Matt, they happened because of me!" Of course she didnt understand, she hadnt witnessed Matts desperation.

- "Come on, its not like that. I mean, what can I say? Its just bad luck"

- "I set him up with a compulsive gambler-slash-sex addict!"

- "But you didnt know"

- "It doesnt matter. Hes been miserable because of me and I dont want to hurt him any more"

- "So youre staying with him"

- "Yeah"

Rachel was sure her friend had gone crazy, did he seriously think that staying with Matt was a good idea?

- " Youre going to regret this"

- "Thats not helpful at all"

- "Whatever. No matter what, you have to talk to Blaine. Face to face"

- "I know and I will. But I dont want say goodbye to him. Hes the love of my life" Kurt said. Rachel could hear him struggling to stay composed. Then she came up with and idea. Kurt was very stubborn, so he wouldnt change his mind very easily, Rachel was not going to convince to leave Mathew, but..

- "You dont have to say goodbye, you could always know, friends." She smiled mischievously, glad that Kurt wasnt able to see her.

- "Friends? Youre right, we dont have to stop seeing each other." He sounded hopeful

- "Sure! Now call him or text him, he must be really confused"

- "Okay, and thanks. I love you"

- "Love you too, good night"

Minutes later, Rachel got comfortable in her bed and sent a goodnight text to her boyfriend.

Her eyes were closing slowly when three words came to her mind. Kurt. Blaine. Friends....


* * *

"Andrew! Please understand." Kurt begged.

He had just explained to his kid that he had decided to stay with Matt. Kurt said that was the responsible thing to do, you cant just marry someone and dump them when they bore you he said. For Andrew, Kurts reasons werent good enough.

"I dont want to understand, all I know is that youre a coward and a liar!" Andrew yelled as he got out of the car hurriedly. He closed the door with force and ran towards his friends, they were waiting for him in the entrance of the school.

The scene wouldve been dramatic if wasnt for the fact that Andrew had forgotten his backpack in the car. The kid had to go back to take the brown vintage backpack from his fathers grasp.

"Have a nice day, sweetie" Kurt said, aware of his sons annoyance and embarrassment.

The kid rolled his eyes at his father and clicked the door shut, not as forcefully as he had before.

Kurt waited for Andrew and his friend to get into the building.

"Theyre in, I guess we can go now" Said Tom, the driver.

"Yes, we can. Thanks" Kurt responded. He sighed and rubbed his temples with his fingertips. If he was lucky, his headache wouldnt get any worse. Then, he remembered he was going to meet with Blaine for lunch.

Today was going to be a long day..

* * *

The chilly wind was doing nothing to calm Kurts nerves as he walked in his favorite part of Central Park. He spotted Blaine, looking as handsome and charming as ever, sitting on their favorite bench.

The park was almost empty; today was Tuesday, it was very cold and it was lunchtime. Maybe they could move to somewhere else... If Blaine didnt tell him to fuck off.

Kurt walked the last steps to the bench and sat next to Blaine, keeping a safe distance between them. Blaine kept his gaze fixed on the ground, and without even a word Kurt could tell that Blaines usually cheerful and peaceful aura was absent...and it was his fault, like everything else in the fucking universe.

"Im sorry" Kurt disturbed the silence. He wasnt looking at Blaine either, if he did he was sure it would be too much, he would undoubtedly break.

"I want to know everything. Why did you change your mind? What did he say? Did you realize that youre actually in love with him?" Blaine asked bitterly, he was still hurt from last nights phone call.

"Of course not." Kurt was quick to answer "I just realized that I dont deserve to be happy, and I definitely dont deserve you" Kurt ached to take Blaines hand, to hear him say I love you but he couldnt have that privilege.

Blaine seemed to think otherwise, as he closed the distance between them to rest his head in Kurt shoulder. "Thats not true, so please tell me. What did he say?" He whispered to Kurts ear. Blaines warm breath tickling and sending shivers down his spine. They had been together not even five minutes and he was already losing it.

"It all started when I mentioned that our relationship wasnt working and I implied that I wanted a divorce.."

Kurt proceeded to tell him the whole story; his childhood with Matt, their high school years and how much he had relied on Matt during College, his obliviousness to Matts bad relationship (encouraged by him) and his problems in general. Kurt talked about how guilty he felt about it and how undeserving he was. Blaine just listened intently and intervened just when it was extremely necessary.

At the end, Kurt brought up the idea of them being friends. I want you in my life I dont want to lose you he said.

Kurt was too shaken up by Matts words, of that Blaine was aware, so he wouldnt try to convince Kurt to leave his husband. Friends, Kurt said, and Blaine was okay with that..for now. As long as they could be together, it should be fine.

"So..can we be friends?" Kurt asked, fearing Blaines answer. He needed the other man, any way he could have him.

"Yeah, we can. I cannot bear to be away from you so..Im okay with it" Blaine faked a smile but of course, Kurt noticed it wasnt genuine.

As upset as Blaine was, he understood and he believed that it wouldnt take long for Kurt to come back to his senses. Or maybe it would take sometime, but he was willing to wait.

"Um..I guess we still have to go behind our spouses backs. Kyleigh let it go just because she thinks we arent going to see each other again" Blaine mentioned.

"I guess. I mean, Matt cant know about this."

After a few minutes of silence, Blaine spoke again "Its getting late, you have to to back to work"

"Right. Umm..Ill call you later" Kurt said. He stood up and was about to kiss Blaine goodbye on his lips when he remembered...friends.

They laughed awkwardly and Blaine kissed Kurts cheek. It was quick but it was enough to make Kurts heart skip a beat.

They walked in opposite directions, not knowing what to think or feel.

* * *





Kurt shouldve known this would happen. Really, the thought of them being just friends was plain stupid and unrealistic.

And that was the reason why he had his legs wrapped around Blaines hips, biting the mans neck with force. His back kept slamming against the wall with the force of Blaines thrusts. He was starting to wonder why was this the first time they had sex in the wall when Blaine hit his prostate.

Kurt tightened his grip on Blaines shoulder blades and screamed, Blaine took this as a hint and fucked into him harder and faster.

This was still their first week of being friends and this was the second time they had sex. Rachel had laughed for minutes when he told her about their first slip. Both Kurt and Blaine had talked about that slip and promised it wouldnt happen again.

Today Kurt had thought his self control would be enough, but all of his strength vanished as soon as Blaine walked into that crappy coffee shop they always visited. It wasnt his fault, Kurt decided. Nobody told him Blaine would look as hot as he did that day, nobody said his ass would look as great in those dark jeans, nobody said Blaines back and arms would make him fantasize right then and there.

It didnt matter, though. The reality was; he was getting fucked in the same hotel room where everything had started. He had absolutely no desire to stop, they still had one hour left.

Blaine came a few minutes later, his legs and arms shaking. With the little strength he had left, he pulled out of Kurt carefully, he walked to the bed and slumped against the mattress, with Kurt on top of him.

Kurt knew he was close when he felt his lower stomach tightening uncontrollably. Blaines hand stroking his erection pushed him over the edge. He closed his eyes and bit his lower lip, spilling all over Blaines stomach.

Kurt fell on top of the other man and waited for his brain to function again. He smiled when he heard Blaine humming quietly. The soft caress of Blaines fingertips on his lower back, as relaxing as a lullaby.

"Blaine?" Kurt whispered


"You realize that this cant happen again, right?"

Blaine huffed and rolled his eyes at Kurt. "Are you kidding? This is the second time we do this and trust me, if our self control didnt work last Thursday and a few hours ago, it wont work next time we see each other." He explained.

Kurt sighed and buried his face in Blaines neck. It was hard to think of a solution to the matter at hand when he was surrounded by Blaines scent. He found he smell of sweat, cologne and aftershave somewhat arousing.

"Im sorry, Kurt, but we cant keep doing this. I made a decision so no matter what happens with you, Im going to leave my wife." Blaine announced.

Kurt gasped in surprise and before he could say something, Blaine continued.

"And I think you should do the same. I mean, you have to make a decision...and I refuse to be the other man so..Its Matt or its me"

Blaines words echoed inside Kurts head before he could register the meaning. He frowned and looked at Blaine. He was speechless.

"Dont look at me like that! You know this has to be done" Blaine said with a pained expression on his face."

Blaine kissed Kurts forehead and moved from under him. He paced the whole room searching for his clothes, it was all over the floor.

Kurt was now under the blankets, staring at the ceiling in deep thought. He didnt want to lose Blaine, but he didnt want to hurt Matt either.

"Ill be waiting for you answer" Blaine said, standing halfway out the door. He smiled sadly and closed the door behind him.

Kurt was all by himself now. Andrews practice would be over in half and hour and he still had to take a shower. His kid was already mad at him so he couldnt make things worse by getting there late.

He sank his head in one of the pillows and screamed. So many worries and so little time. He knew what he wanted but he didnt want to hurt anyone.

He wished he could make everyone happy...but he couldnt.

* * *

From: Kyleigh Anderson.

Hes not home yet...I called Sam and Blaines not with him either. I think hes doing it again..

To: Kyleigh Anderson.

Dont worry, Ill take care of it. I wont let this happen again.

Time for the backup plan, Kyleigh though.

* * *

A few days later, Kurt was on his office working on his computer. He had to send a few important e-mails and then he would be free to go home.

He turned off his computer and grabbed his coat. He was ready to leave when Jenn knocked on the glass door, he nodded and she let herself in.

"I know its late but some Mr. Anderson is here to see you. Hes being insistent" She said.

Kurt frowned at her in confusion. Why would she make Blaine wait? Maybe Blaine was here for Kurts answer, even if he said he would let Kurt take his time.

Kurt didnt mind, though. He had made a choice.

"Yes, he can come in" Kurt confirmed.

Kurt was not prepared to come face to face not with Blaine, but the other Mr. Anderson.

Blaines dad walked into his office, his face as unfriendly and angry as Kurt remembered. He sat on the couch and waited for Kurt to do the same. Kurt sat on a chair instead.

He wanted to play cool and act like he wasnt intimidated, but with Mr. Anderson staring at him the way he did, it wasnt going to be easy.

" I have things to do as brief as possible" Kurt said with fake confidence, trying his best to be polite.

"Dont worry. Im enjoying your company as much as you are enjoying mine." Was the mans response.

"Why are you here?" Kurt asked.

"You know why, Kurt. You have been warned once by my daughter in law, but you decided to ignore her so Im giving you a last chance. Just stay away from my son and everythings gonna be alright. You have a beautiful family, why cant you forget about Blaine and live you own life without ruining his?" The conceited man said as he got comfortable in his seat.

"The only people ruining Blaines life are you and his wife. As I can see, you dont care if hes miserable as long as he pretends to be the prefect straight son you always wanted. But nothing about you surprises me. So why dont you get out of my work place? You dont scare me and your attempts are getting ridiculous" he stood up and opened the door for Mr. Anderson.

The man smiled wickedly as he approached Kurt very slowly. "You may not be scared of me...but you son will be"

Kurts fake smile faltered and his eyes widened in horror. His face went impossibly white and his heartbeat quickened.

"What?" Maybe he had heard wrong. This man couldnt go that far, or at least that was what Kurt wanted to believe.

"Andrew Hummel, almost 13 years old, 5 5" tall, white skin, blonde hair, blue eyes, remarkable student at Elingstone Academy, fencing practice on Saturdays, very talented they say. Adopted by the Hummels when he was seven, abandoned by his biological mother when he was three. Allergic to shrimps, obsessed with Italian food. Good at math, bad at piano-"

"Stop it!" Kurt yelled, he was shaking and he was so frustrated he wanted to cry. Of all the things this man could do, Kurt had never imagined something as evil as this. Andrew was everything to him and Mr. Anderson was aware of if he could understand how much he loved his son, which was not possible because the only person this man had ever loved was himself.

"Andrew has nothing to do with this! You have no right and I wont let anyone hurt my son, so dont you dare, dont you even think about doing something to my son. Ill call the police, Ill get a restraining order, Ill do anything in my power to protect him!" Kurt said out of breath, he was having a hard time keeping his tears at bay. It was taking all of his self control not to punch this man on the face or beat the shit out of him until he was satisfied. Part of him refused to believe that Mr. Anderson was that diabolic, he wanted to believe that Mr. Anderson wasnt serious.

"You have no proof, Im a powerful man, so nobody is going to believe you. Just stay away from Blaine and nothings going to happen to lovely and sweet Andrew." Mr. Anderson said mockingly.

In his desperation, Kurt did the obvious thing "Okay, Ill stay away, but Im calling the police anyway. Now get the fuck out of here!" Kurt almost screamed, his face was now red with rage.

"Do what you want, you have been warned" With this, Mr Anderson left the studio. Glad that his backup had succeeded.

Kurt, on the other hand, stayed in his office thinking. He wasnt letting that asshole win, but he couldnt take risks, not when it came to his son.

He had to find a way to make everything right, and the fist step was letting Blaine know how horrible his father really was.

Mr Anderson wouldnt be a problem if he stopped being a part of Blaines life. As soon as Blaine found out about today, he wouldnt want anything to do with William Anderson anymore.

* * *

"Kyleigh, we ran out of milk, Im going to the store" Blaine called from the kitchen. Kyleigh was in the living room reading a book.

"Okay, bring apple juice too" She answer loud enough to be heard by Blaine.

Five minutes later she heard someone ringing the doorbell. She opened the door and rolled her eyes at his husband.

"Why do you always forget you keys?" She asked before realizing that it wasnt actually her husband. It was Sam.

He walked past her and paced the whole apartment "Blaine! We need to talk" He yelled, thinking his best friend was there.

"Sam, Blaine isnt here and youre going to see him tomorrow, its kind of late so why are you here?" Kyleigh said, she stood in front of him with crossed arms.

"Im here because this afternoon I ran into Dr. Johnson, your geneticist" Sam stated with and accusative voice.

"Oh..." Was all Kyleigh managed to say as she felt her soul leaving her body. She was in deep shit.

"Yes, oh. I was a little surprised when I asked him about you and he said that the last time he saw you was years ago when they discovered your diagnose was wrong.

"I-I can ex- explain it" She stuttered.

"What are you going to explain? That you have been lying to Blaine for years? I knew you were taking advantage of Blaine, but this is ridiculous and its over!" Said angrily. He couldnt believe it, this was inexcusable.

"No! If I tell him hes going to leave me!"

"Thats the point! I wont let him stay with you, you make him miserable and unhappy. He is with you because he thinks youre gonna die!"

"Sam, you cant do this to me!" She yelled. There was nothing she could do and she knew it.

"If you dont tell Blaine, I will!" Sam was yelling too, not caring if the neighbors heard.

"Tell me what?"

They had been so caught up in the argument that neither of them had acknowledged Blaines presence until now.

This was the end. Kyleigh had no way out of this "Blaine..."  




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