One Thousand Lonely Stars
Chapter 3A Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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One Thousand Lonely Stars: Chapter 3A

E - Words: 5,691 - Last Updated: May 24, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 7/? - Created: Mar 16, 2015 - Updated: Mar 16, 2015
137 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

 I shipped Andrew with his friend for like a second and that was weird Thanks for reading  



"The number you have dialed is not on service-"

Kyleigh hung up her phone and threw it across the room. She sighed heavily and ran her hand through her long hair.

"Where are you, Blaine?" She wondered, but there was no one there to answer. There was no one there lately.

* * *

"I love you"

Kurt froze when he heard those three words coming out of Blaines mouth. Blaine was lying on his side, just like Kurt. They were both naked under the blankets with their limbs tangled. Kurts hand was resting motionless on Blaines strong shoulder as Blaine lazily stroked the other mans hip bone, drawing circular patterns with his fingertips.

They were staring at one another, and while Blaine looked completely calm and content with his unexpected confession, Kurt couldnt help the surprised look taking over his features.

Kurt waited for the atmosphere to get awkward. He expected Blaine to stutter an apology and say it slipped out I wasnt thinking or something along those lines. But that didnt happen. Blaine just chuckled and kissed his forehead tenderly.

"Dont look at me like that. Im not taking it back" Blaine said with a smile on his face.

Kurts tense appearance relaxed as he sank his head in the crook of Blaines neck. He took a moment to enjoy the comfort provided by the body next to his, to commit the feeling of the soft fabric on his skin and the smell of aftershave mixed with cologne and sweat to memory.

"Im sorry. Its just- you took me off guard" Ha murmured, with his lips still pressed to the skin of Blaines pulse point.

"It´s okay, really. Its no like I expect you to say it back or anything, I just want you to know. Thats how I genuinely feel about you."

Blaine closed his eyes, convinced that this conversation was over. ready to take a nap. He was exhausted after fucking Kurt like he was born to do so and after a very powerful orgasm.

"Hey, dont fall asleep. I want to say something" Kurt said, shaking Blaines arm playfully.

Blaine groaned in disapproval but opened his eyes nonetheless. "Okay, go on"

Kurt took a deep breath and looked directly at Blaines hypnotizing and earnest hazel eyes.

"So, as I said before, you took me off guard. But that doesnt mean I dont feel the same way about you, because I do. I love you, Blaine"

With this admission, Kurt felt his insides fill with relief. Saying I love you to Blaine was so easy, saying I love you to Blaine felt right. In fact, everything with Blaine felt right.

Blaine let out a shaky breath and held Kurt tight. He kissed his forehead once again and tangled his fingers in Kurts soft chestnut locks.

"Youre doing it again. Youre playing with my sticky hair" Kurt complained.

"I dont care. I like playing with your hair, sticky or not. And Im glad you love me too"

They pressed their foreheads together, not worrying about anything else. Oblivious to the fact that they had almost been caught.

Blaine made a trail of kisses in Kurts body, starting in his shoulder and moving slowly downwards. He took his time with his lovers nipples, enjoying the loud response he was getting. He kept moving lower, lower and lower.

"Blaine, What are you doing?" Kurt asked when he felt Blaines lips grazing the skin of his lower abdomen. His fingertips brushing his inner thigh, with just enough force to tease.

"What do you think Im doing?" Was Blaines cocky reply. The man didnt waste any more time and stayed focused with the task at hand.

Kurt tried to relax instead of getting aroused. It wasnt working. "Blaine, we should probably take a shower now if we wanna- FUCK!" His scream had been loud enough for the neighbors to hear. He tangled his hands in the thick dark curls ticking his thighs. Blaine wanted to laugh, but he kept licking viciously instead.

"What? Dont tell me this is the first time you have a tongue up your a-"

"Shut up" Kurt chimed in, Blaines comment was too crass to be heard. "I know of other things you can do better with that mouth of yours"

Blaine smirked and went back to his lovers body. He was becoming obsessed.

* * *

It had been a week since Andrews most traumatic experience. He had been avoiding his father ever since, not knowing what to think (And too embarrassed to look at him in the eye).

Every time Kurt asked for his help at the design studio, he used lame excuses like Im too busy with homework or I have a headache, can I take a nap instead?.

His father wasnt stupid, of that Andrew was sure, so of course Kurt knew something was wrong. Fortunately, as an almost teenager, Andrews distant demeanor could pass as normal.

Today was Tuesday, so he was spending the day at Kevins house. While Kevin and Andrew were straight As students, their other friends werent quite as brilliant. They didnt need as much study as the other kids did, so while Liam, Tyler and Evan were at the library studying for tomorrows test, they were now sitting on the floor with crossed legs in front of the giant flat screen Kevin had in his room playing video games.

Andrew tried to focus, he really did. But in the end he just pushed the colored buttons absentmindedly, his on-screen orange Lamborghini kept crashing against the other cars. He kept this going until Kevin decided that winning repeatedly when the other competitor wasnt even trying wasnt nearly as uplifting. Even if his left arm was in a sling and he was playing with one hand, he didnt appreciate Andrew letting him win.

"Why did you do that?" Andrew asked in faked annoyance when he noticed his friend had paused the video game.

"What the hell Andrew? If you dont want to play you can just say that. I might as well be playing with a sack of potatoes, at least it would try a little harder" Kevin replied exasperated. He stretched his legs and tried to turn off the console with his toes. When he noticed how far away it really was, he groaned and turned off the tv with the remote.

Andrew watched his friends laziness in interest, raising an eyebrow when Kevin looked at him.

"Not everybody is as fancy as you" He said in his defense when he sensed Andrews voiceless questioning. "Anyway, Whats up with you? Youve been off lately, its not just now" Kevins question seemed earnest, like he really wanted to know what was happening. And Andrew felt like he was going to explode, he needed to talk about this with someone.

"Okay, yes. Something happened last week and I really want to talk about it with someone, but its so confusing and embarrassing" Andrew took a deep breath and covered his eyes with the palms of his hands. Kevin waited patiently for his friend to continue.

"Remember the conversation we had last year after the sex talk at school?"

Kevin grimaced, of course he remembered that conversation.

"Yeah, it was awful. I dont get why youre bringing this up, you were one of the lucky ones that hadnt listened to their parent going at it. Me, on the other hand.." He trailed off and closed his eyes, willing those memories to stay hidden.

In other circumstances Andrew wouldve laughed. But right now he didnt find the situation funny at all.

"Just listen." Andrew said. His friend nodded and turned to him to give him his full attention.

"Last week when you broke your arm, I went back home unannounced. I expected dad to be in the kitchen or living room. I was so upset and I didnt want to talk so I went straight to my room. Then I noticed the guest rooms door was closed and I was like Thats weird because that door stay open, always." The boy breathed heavily as he remembered that moment.

"When I was about to open the door I heard my dad and someone else moaning. Oh my god!, this is so embarrassing" Andrew exclaimed mortified, once again covering his eyes with his hands.

"Eww, gross. So what did you do?" The other kid added, feeling sorry for his best friend.

"Wait, thats not even the worse part! I naturally thought it was him and Matthew, but just as I was opening the front door to get the hell out of there... I ran into Matt, like, he was right there in front of me and not upstairs like I imagined" He said the last part in a hushed voice, not wanting anyone to eavesdrop in the conversation.

"WHAT?!" Kevin said. Andrew glared at him and his friend covered his mouth with his free hand when he realized how loud his response had been. They both looked at the open door to make sure they were completely alone.

"What happened then?"

"Nothing. I lied, I said Rachel had and emergency and dad wasnt home. Mathew bought it and we went for coffee. Well, he had coffee and I had a milkshake"

The boys stayed quiet for a while, Kevin tried to process the information as Andrew played nervously with his loose tie.

"So..your dad is cheating on Mathew. Do you know who is it?" Kevin whispered.

"Thats the thing. I have no idea, I mean, I know Mathew is the most boring and dullest man in all of America. But I thought my dad liked that about him. I been meaning to talk to dad all week but its just so awkward and really, what am I supposed to say? Whats up dad? Hey, I heard you having sex with someone thats not you husband last week, thats crazy right No, every time I try I cant find the words"

Kevin rubbed his chin the way he did when he was in deep thought. Andrew wondered if his friend could come up with the prefect plan to approach his dad in the less awkward way they could find.

"So you dont have any clue?"

Okay, that wasnt even a plan.

Andrew was ready to say no when he remembered the only kind of clue he had. It wasnt much and probably not helpful at all.

"Its nothing, really. I just...that day when we got home, I locked myself in my room. At midnight I went to the bathroom and on my way there I stepped on something and picked it up. A cufflink.

I know it doesnt belong to my dad because he doesnt wear cufflinks, and it isnt Matts either. The cufflink is made of white gold and Matt only wears platinum, hes weird.."

Andrew expected his friend to be serious about this and say something of use.

Instead, Kevin bit his lower lip and tried to hold back. He failed completely and snorted with hysterical laughter. He didnt stop for several minutes.

"Whats so funny?"Andrew asked angrily when his friend just kept laughing as if he had heard the most hilarious joke ever.

The other kid stopped when he realized how disrespectful he was being. Kevin cleared his throat and looked down at his feet.

"Sorry. Its just that- This is totally soap opera worthy"

"Its- Its not..." Andrew tried to argue, but as he replayed the whole incident in his mind, his mouth started quirking up into a smile.

Soon, both boys were rolling on the floor with laughter. That kind of laughter that after a while you realize it isnt that funny, but you keep laughing anyway.

A few minutes later, once they recovered, the kids went back to their sitting position and took deep breaths.

"So, wheres the cufflink?" Kevin questioned. He was determined to finish this conversation with deductions, he was going to help his friend as much as he could.

"In my pocket!" Andrew explored the inside of his back pocket. He panicked for a second when he didnt find it right away, but sighed in relief when he brushed the little treble clef shaped metal piece with his fingertips.

"Here it is" He placed the cufflink in his friends open palm, not expecting him to recognize it because really, What are the chances?.

He was not prepared for Kevins reaction, as all color drained from his face, mouth agape with incredulity.

"Oh crap! I totally know the owner, you know him too. Come on, Its a treble clef! THE treble clef!" Kevin remarked desperately.

"Im not following. How am I supposed to know?" This situation was getting really weird and Andrew found it hard to keep up wit it.

"This is the gift we all got for Mr. A on his birthday. Im remembering now, that day you were sick and didnt go to school so you didnt see the cufflinks."

Andrews eyes widened in sock. His father and Mr. A?...Why? How? Really?

"Are you one hundred percent sure?"

Andrew stared at his best friend looking for reassurance, he felt dizzy with all the facts running through his head.

"Im one hundred percent sure. Hannah bought them in Tiffany, she said they didnt have treble clef shaped cufflinks, so she had them made especially for Mr. A."

Andrew took back the piece of metal from his friends hand and examined it.

"Soap opera worthy.." He muttered. This time they didnt feel like laughing about it.

He had to talk to his father as soon as possible.

* * *

Sam Evans was a busy man. When he was young and naive he had had the hope of one day making it big in the music industry, as in, being the most famous, desired and richest pop star (even if he didnt like pop music that much) and going on tour all around the world. He wanted to be well known for his music.

Now, as the grown up he was, he wasnt that far away from his former plan. His dreams changed little by little and nowadays, he was a successful songwriter and composer. At the end yes, he had made it big in the music industry, even if it wasnt the way he had dreamed of as a teenager.

He and his best friend Blaine Anderson wrote songs for different singers (their songs would become part of the top ten more often than not), they made the music of several tv shows, some Broadway productions and sometimes even movies. So yes, that creepy melody you hear right after the main character is about the get killed, that was their job. They were what he liked to call a dynamic duo.

Not so dynamic right now, though. Sam was barely sitting on the bar stool as he tapped his foot impatiently. He gazed at his watch and huffed in annoyance, Blaine was an hour later.

"Sorry, man. Kyleigh wasnt feeling well and I stayed with her for a while longer." Blaine apologized as he sat in front of Sam. Blaine looked a little tired and worried, what he had said about his wife was clearly not a lie. He would never use Kyleighs health as a false excuse, of that Sam was sure.

After hearing this, Sams anger subsided. Dealing with Kyleigh was hard enough for Blaine, he wasnt going to make him feel even more miserable.

"Its okay, man. You couldve called or texted me but...anyway. Hows she doing?"

Blaine sighed and both men took a sip from the beers Sam had ordered for them a while ago. Both grimaced when they noticed that they were no longer cold and therefore, tasted like shit.

"Hey man, can I have another two? please" Sam said to the bartender, gesturing at their ruined beverages. The man nodded and Sam turned back to his best friend.

"Shes been getting worse this past few days. Shes been weak and has barely left the bed." Blaine muttered a thanks to the bartender and smiled politely at him as the two beers were placed in front of them. "Sorry I didnt call but yesterday I was really stressed and turned my phone off, then I forgot where it was. Actually, I still dont know where it is" Blaine explained. Even if he didnt have to, Sam always understood when it was about Kyleigh.

"You lost your phone at your own house?" Sam asked with amusement. His best friend just shrugged in response and he chuckled.

They talked about work for a while, about the next heavy load of work they were going to have with their new projects (a horror film and an animated movie). Things were going to get hectic for a while, but making music was what they loved the most so it was okay, and considering that a lot of people isnt lucky enough to make a living out of what they love to do...Yes, it was actually more that okay.

"What the fuck are you going to do? With your new teaching job you will be super busy, and seriously, what the hell were you thinking? You make enough money already, why do you need a second job as a teacher?" Sam questioned.

It was true, he already made enough money working with Sam. And it was perfect, he could do it from his home or go to Sams penthouse. He opted for the second one most of the time, since Sam had a recording studio in there and because honestly, being with Kyleigh 24/7 wasnt exactly a lot of fun.

"Shut up, youre ruining this for me. Im excited about these new projects and you have no right to complain, we just had three months off to refresh our inspiration" Blaine said, making quotes in the air as he repeated the same words Sam had used a few moths ago. "And about the teaching job, you know it isnt about money. I just really love kids and I like the idea of sharing my knowledge in music"

Sam laughed and wrapped an arm around Blaines shoulders, remembering how hard it had been to convince him to take some time off. Blaine had reluctantly agreed.

"Hey! You know we needed it. Last time we spent like, What? three weeks locked in the studio? barely eating, not sleeping and just getting out for the bathroom" Sam defended with a big smile on his face. "And I can see it worked. You look certainly refreshed and inspired. So tell me now, whats the source? I know you very well and I dont think it has anything to do with your love for music, you new job, your wife or your marriage in general" With this, Sam drank the rest of his beer and stared expectantly at Blaine. He could read him like an open book.

Blaines mouth moved, open and closed but no sound came out of it. He had avoided talking to his best friend about Kurt, but this time he had no way out. He chuckled nervously and looked down at his hands folded in his lap.

"Is it that obvious?" He asked helplessly

"Fuck, man. Its like you have a sing on your forehead that says Im getting laid so whatever youre doing, I hope youre being discrete. Kyleigh is going to find out. Now, tell me everything about it." Sam sensed the tension in his friend and asked the bartender for snacks, giving him time to think.

"Yes, Im going behind her back, and I- Im so sorry because I really dont wanna hurt her but I- I feel like Im trapped, like I cant ever breathe with her. I want to respect her and I wish I could love he back bu- but its just so hard to-"

"Relax, man. Take it easy. I know and I get it. Dont forget that I know the whole story." Sam interrupted as he placed his hand over Blaines shoulder, squeezing it reassuringly.

"Im assuming youre messing around with another man, right" Sam remarked once the silence was started becoming awkward.

Another man. The man. Blaine smiled subconsciously as he remembered the other mans smile, his laugh, is heart eyes. Everything.

Sam noticed the sudden and obvious change in his best friends demeanor. This wasnt quite as simple as he had originally thought.

When Blaine didnt say anything, Sam spoke again"..And now Im assuming this isnt just about sex, is it?"

"Its not. And it isnt just another man either. It was a crazy coincidence, really. Some people would call it fate or destiny." Blaine said. Not realizing how vague he was being.

"What with that sorry excuse of an explanation?! Tell me more about this guy" Sam demanded exasperated.

"Well, his name is Kurt, Ive talked to you about him before. As you know, we met when we were sixteen in summer camp. After that, we never saw each other again, but it turns out that his kid is one of my students. Thats how we met again. The moment I saw him, I knew I wasnt letting him go ever again."

Sam furrowed his brow and looked at him like he was crazy. It looked like he wanted to say something, he was struggling to hold back.

"So youre banging your students father." It wasnt a question. "You are having an affair with a married man with a kid?!" Sam said.

"Dont say it like that! As a matter of fact, yes, I am. But you have to know that this is real, we love each other but we realize how hard this situation is. He knows I cant leave my wife so cant expect him to divorce his. Were going to figure it out, just not now. Right now its too complicated" Blaine justified.

He knew this was coming, thats why he had kept this to himself. He didnt want to think about how wrong this was, he didnt want to think about his wife, his father or Kurts husband (Whose name he didnt even know).

"I know youre smart, so I believe you when you say youre going to figure it out. Now, If you want my advise, I think you should tell Kyleigh. Not about the cheating, but you have to man up at some point and tell her youre not happy with her, that you dont want this marriage any more that you did all those years ago. Dont forget shes my friend too, even if Im taking your side"

Sams eyes looked warm and sincere. This man was smarter that people gave him credit for.

Blaine wasnt worried about Sam telling Kyleigh about his affair, Sams relationship with Kyleigh had turned bitter since she and Blaine had gotten married. Sam never approved of their marriage, thinking that Kyleigh was taking advantage of her illness and on Blaines compassion.

"Sam, weve been though this. You know I cant leave her, she could die any day and I dont-"

"Thats bullshit! Im tired of everything being about her being sick and shit. She knows she makes you miserable, she knows you will never love her back, and you know what? She doesnt give a shit as long as you stay with her. If she loved you as much as she says she does, she would set you free, she would want you to be happy. But she doesnt because she. Doesnt. Give. A fuck!"

Sam was practically yelling at the end of his speech.

Blaine stared at him angrily. He was tired of having the same argument with Sam every time they talked about his wife.

"Drop it, Sam. Weve talked about this several times" Blaine pleaded desperately. Sam huffed as he shook his head in disbelief.

"Whatever, its your life. Lets not talk about her anymore, we always end up fighting."

The awkwardness left as soon as it arrived when they moved to other topics. Soon, both men were talking and laughing again.

* * *

Kyleigh was sprawled all over the couch staring at the ceiling completely bored. Right now the penthouse felt too big for one person. She couldnt even get out of the damn place and explore around the city. As the ailing woman she was, she couldnt go out by herself.

She toyed with her wedding band mindlessly, taking it off and putting it back on. At some point the platinum band slipped from her fingers and fell between the cushions.

She stood as quickly as she could and searched for the ring. Its the kind of things you have to find as soon as you drop them, otherwise they teleport to another dimension.

She found the ring behind one of the cushions, but there was something else in there. She took the ring and the mysterious thing. It was Blaines phone.

She tried to turn it on and thought it had ran out of battery. She plugged the device to her computer and this time when she tried to turn it on, she succeeded.

She unlocked the phone and felt guilty for a moment for invading her husbands privacy. But she was bored as fuck, so scrolling through the phone for a little bit couldnt hurt.

Or so she thought.

* * *

Kurt was in the studio working on a sketch. He couldnt find the right color palette and couldnt think of the perfect fabric for the design, he was utterly uninspired. His marriage was as boring as ever, Blaine had been busy this weekend and yesterday too and his son wasnt talking to him for whatever reason. Damn puberty. Damn mood swings.

"Dad, can we talk?" Andrew said. He was standing in the doorway, looking down and wearing an almost shy expression on his face

Kurt startled as soon as he heard his sons sweet voice. He sighed in relief and got almost teary eyed when realized that no, this wasnt a dream. His son was willingly talking to him after more that a week. He couldnt even worry about the awkwardness filling the air around them because Andrew was talking to him.

"Yes, we can! We can talk about anything, school, your friends, girls, anything. I dont know if I did something wrong or if youre upset about.."

At this point Andrew stopped listening to his father. His hands were shaking and suddenly he felt like there wasnt enough oxygen I the air. He was nervous and he still didnt want to talk about this. But he had to.

"Dad! Its something serious" Andrew interrupted as he closed the glass door of his fathers workplace.

Kurt stopped talking and took a seat next to his son on the couch. He took Andrews hand on his and looked at him fondly.

"Im listening" Kurt said.

Andrew closed his eyes and too a deep breath.

"Iknowyouresleepingwithmymusicteacher!" Andrew babbled. Kurt raised an eyebrow and waited for him to repeat what he had just said. Of course he didnt understand, and now Andrew had to say it again.

"I know youre sleeping with Mr. A"

For a moment Kurt thought this was just a very bad dream and that he would wake up in the comfort of his bed anytime. When he realized that this was actually happening, all color drained form his face, he felt like his soul was leaving his body and was unable to move or talk. For a moment it seemed like his son appreciated the silence.

Once Kurt regained control over his body, he noticed Andrews face was as red as a tomato.

"What did you say?" Smooth, Kurt Hummel. Smooth, He though. Andrew groaned and glared at his dad.

"Are you seriously making me say it again?!"

"No, I mean- I wasnt thinking, sorry. This is a nightmare, Im going to throw up" Kurt announced, hiding his face behind his hands.


"Im sorry, Im so sorry. I didnt mean for you to find out about this, Im supposed to be a role model and be a good person for you but I wasnt thinking- I didnt want to drag you in this situation because its not you fault that my marriage isnt working, you have nothing to do with my problems with Matt and this is something you shouldnt have to deal with-"

"Dad, I-"

"Im so so embarrassed and I know, a kid like you shouldnt-"

"DAD!" The kid shouted, stopping his fathers rambling. Kurt bit his lip nervously and avoided his sons gaze.

"Okay, you can talk" Kurt said.

"Thanks. I want you to know that Im not judging you, it was the most embarrassing experience of my life but...I dont think youre a bed person or anything. Im very confused, honestly, but of course I wont say anything."

Kurt was relieved to hear that his kid wasnt mad at him, that he wasnt disappointed. But now Kurt had to make an important question. Even if he didnt want t know the answer.

"How did you find out?" Kurt asked almost in a whisper, with his eyes closed.

Andrew felt like was going to be sick. "I-I um.. heard you..doing it"

"WHAT?!" Kurt asked scandalized. This just kept getting worse and worse Of all the possible scenarios, this was one of the worse. Andrew could have seen them holding hands in Central Park, he could have eavesdropped in one of their phone calls. But no, Andrew had heard him and his lover having sex. Fuck his luck.

It was then, that another realization hit him.

"How do you know its Blaine?"

"It was a coincidence, I found one of the cufflinks we gave him for his birthday. Long story."

They stayed still and completely quiet. But it wasnt an awkward silence, they just didnt know where to start. There were so many things unsaid, so many questions and so much confusion.

"I know this is hard for you so, right now theres just one thing I want to know" Andrew said in a hushed voice. Kurt nodded in agreement, muttering a quiet anything

"Are you- are you I- in love with him?" The boy stuttered.

It was such an easy and simple question, and yet, Kurt couldnt hide his surprise after hearing it. He was certainly not expecting it.

"I- I am" That was all he said. If there was one thing he was sure about when it came to his relationship with Blaine, it was that he was madly in love with him.

Andrew nodded and rested his head in his fathers shoulder, something he liked to do very often.

"Hes nice. I like him" Andrew said.

Kurt felt like his kid was holding back, maybe he wasnt asking more questions because he didnt want to make him feel uncomfortable. That was something Andrew would do, always wanting to make him happy.

"You said you were very confused. Yo can ask anything" Kurt added, wrapping an arm around Andrews frame, holding him close.

"Okay. I want to know if youre going to leave Matt. Even if I dont like him..I know this isnt fair to him"

Kurts heart broke a little every time he though of his husband. This wasnt Matts fault, he hadnt done anything wrong and as obnoxious as he was, he truly loved Kurt. Maybe that had been his bigger mistake.

"I know. I want to talk to him, he doesnt deserve this but...Im such a coward, I dont know how" Kurt sighed and threw his head back.

Andrew smiled sadly at him "Youre not a coward. Youre the bravest man I know"

"You have to say that because Im your father"

"Im not! And seriously, you have to talk to him. You both deserve to be happy" The boy stated solemnly.

Kurt felt his heart constrict. What did he do to deserve Andrew? Something really good, he thought.

"Thanks for talking to me. I love you"

"I love you too" The boy replied without second thoughts.

"So..thats all you wanted to know?"

Andrew laughed out loud and looked at his father as if he had gone crazy. Kurt didn get the joke.

"Oh dad, Its not gonna be that easy. Heres the thing; I want to meet with you and Blaine. And you both will sit with me, we will talk and you and Mr. A are going to work on a structured plan, you are going to think of what youre going to tell to your respective spouses. You are going to behave like the responsible adults you are. I want this sneaking around to be over so if youre going to be together you have to make this right. Am I clear?" The boy stated.

Kurt stared at his son with his mouth agape. "You cant talk like that, youre a 12 year old kid!" Kurt protested.

"Excuse me? Ill be 13 in a month and Im a smart kid. So, am I clear?.

Kurt nodded and rolled his eyes at his son. He didnt know who was the adult in this conversation anymore.

* * *

Just as Kyleigh was about to check Blaines texts, her own phone went off. She walked the short distance to her room and glanced quickly at the caller ID.

Mr. Anderson

-"Hello Mr. Anderson. How are you?" She asked politely with a smile on her face.

-"Im fine, thanks. And hows my favorite daughter in law doing"

-"Im frustrated and bored as usual, but Blaines been especially distant lately. I dont know what to do anymore. Maybe he found out and is upset or somethi-"

-"He hasnt found out, dont worry." The tone of his voice was stern and confident, like most of the time.

-"Are you sure?"

-"Trust me"

-"Maybe I should tell him, then. Keeping up with this is getting harder, he will notice at some po-"

-"Just stick to the plan, everythings going to be fine. Anyway, I was just calling because I need to talk to Blaine but we wont answer my calls and since were talking about that, Im assuming he isnt there.."

-"Of course he isnt. Hes never here anymore, he spent a little time with me this weekend because I told him I was feeling sick. And hes not picking up the phone because he left it here"

-"Okay, Ill call him later then. Take care and dont worry, we can make this work"

Mr. Anderson didnt wait for a reply and ended the call.

Kyleigh went back to the living room and picked up Blaines phone again. Checking his phone was more entertaining than she had originally thought. She remembered she was about to check his texts when the phone rang.

One name caught his attention. KH

She froze as soon as she read the lasts texts between KH and her husband.

KH- Okay, I love you

Blaine- I love you too <3

She almost dropped the phone in shock. No way, that bastard was going behind her back. She gritted her teeth as she scrolled through the several texts interchanged.

Her mouth widened almost comically when she found as set of pornish pictures. It was another mans hard dick and husbands own.

She tightened her grasp on the phone and closed her eyes in absolute rage.

"That motherfucker..." She muttered.

Mr. Anderson was going to hear about this...


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