Too Close to Home
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Too Close to Home: Corn Syrup

T - Words: 1,357 - Last Updated: Apr 27, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 6/? - Created: Dec 20, 2011 - Updated: Apr 27, 2012
1,357 0 2 0 0

Author's Notes: Blaine's first day at McKinley :D (awwwwwhhh)i think from the title you can guess what happened ;Dread,review,enjoy :Dand MERRY CHRISTMAS! i hope you were all spoiled by the man in red and white.and no i don't mean pedo!will.
Kurt’s weekend passed uneventfully. He helped his dad out at his garage and caught up on the school work he’d been too preoccupied doing during the week. Although admittedly he’d also thought about Blaine, a lot. He kept sneaking glances at the post it note he’d taken from Rachel’s door and stuck on his cork board in his room. Every time he looked at it he’d think back to the conversation they’d had. He hadn’t seen Blaine again after it before he went home, Kurt had left early to go help his dad and Blaine had been in the shower. He’d thought about getting his number from Rachel but knew she’s blow everything out of proportion. Not that there was anything to blow, Kurt thought to himself. He hit his forehead with his palm as he realized what he’d said, even his thoughts were inappropriate. He felt close to Blaine though, he’d opened up to him, who even though was Rachel’s brother, was still technically a stranger.

Except it really felt like he wasn’t. Kurt just thought it was because he was Rachel’s brother so obviously he just reminded Kurt of his sister. Kurt and Rachel had become the closest of friends which surprised him no end, so he put his liking to Blaine down to the fact that he probably just saw the familiarity and knew he could trust him. It also helped a great deal that he had finally found another openly gay teen in Lima, as far as Kurt had known he was the only one who had come out. Knowing someone else was around to talk to about how hard it was, made Kurt feel like he wasn’t alone, like he didn’t have to go through it alone.

Kurt kept an eye out for Blaine on Monday morning. Kurt was a year older than Blaine so he knew they wouldn’t have any classes together but a guy had to eat right? He knew he’d at least see him at lunch when Rachel would undoubtedly drag him over to the glee club members and introduce him. So Kurt pushed him from his mind and went about his day feeling the most comfortable at school he had in the longest time. But Kurt saw Blaine sooner than he thought. He’d just finished a particularly un-moving French lesson, being a head of everyone in class made it hard for him to feel motivated when idiots like Azimio were still stuck on verbs and nouns. Mostly Kurt just liked to insult Azimio without him knowing. He was going to drop past his locker on the way to his next class to put his French book away when out of the corner of his eye he saw a bright red blur at the end of the corridor.

“Hey Anderberry, looks like you’re just as big of a loser as your loser sister.” Kurt’s head shot straight up as he heard Azimio’s particularly witty insult. He focused his eyes on the smaller boy surrounded by five of the football players biggest guys, all holding bright red slushies.

“Oh god” Kurt whispered, not taking his eyes off the situation he took his spare towel and change of clothes out of his locker closing it just as he heard Karofsky speak.

“Why did you have to leave that gay school? We don’t need you spreading your fairy dust around here.”

“Welcome to school LOSER” Kurt closed his eyes as the slushies all hit Blaine in the face and slowly made his way over to him once the jocks had left, grabbing him by the arm and pulling him into the thankfully empty male toilets and locking the door behind him. He turned around to face Blaine who was gulping in air through what Kurt knew was a thick veil of freezing cold, sticky, grossness.

“Oh god Blaine I’m so sorry.” Kurt sighed; he pulled Blaine and the chair from the corner over to the sink and gently pushed him down so he was sitting.

“Kurt? I-Is that y-you? What i-is this s-stuff?” Blaine moaned desperately trying to scoop it out of his eyes.

“Stop touching your eyes, you’ll make it worse. You got slushied, pretty regular behaviour at this school from the meatheads you were unfortunate enough to meet. Just, let me get it out, it’s probably going to sting a bit” Kurt gently guided his head into the basin as Blaine stopped trying to scoop the mess out and started working the pieces of ice and dye from Blaine’s hair and face.

His fingers shakily combed through Blaine’s curly dark hair and stroked around his face washing off the last bits of the icy drink. He turned off the tap and used to towel to wipe his face dry, guiding him into sitting upright he pushed the towel and the change of clothes into his hands.

“Here, go change, I don’t think you need the pants but your shirt is definitely ruined.” Kurt looked down at the form fitting black shirt Blaine was wearing; teamed with the bow tie he definitely looked gay. He also looked adorable. Blaine rubbed at his eyes with the towel and looked up at Kurt; they were puffy and red, but still twinkled the same way they always seemed too.

“You’re prepared, don’t tell me this happens often” he said standing up and wincing as the cold material of his shirt moved against his chest and stomach. He started unbuttoning his shirt and Kurt immediately flared up with heat around his neck and face, he tried to look away but Blaine really was very distracting. His chest was also covered in red dye.

“You might want to wash that off, it dries all sticky during the day and doesn’t really feel all that nice.” Kurt gestured towards his stomach as Blaine looked down at himself and winced when a particularly large piece of ice slid over his stomach. Kurt went and stood against the cubicles as Blaine washed himself off and put Kurt’s shirt on. It fit him quite well surprisingly; his arms seemed much more muscular than Kurt’s. It was a simple black shirt, Kurt never knew if he’d just need something to go along with his outfit after being slushied, so black was the safest choice.

“Thank you Kurt, so much. That wasn’t the greatest way to start my transition. Wasn’t as smooth as I’d hoped.” Blaine chuckled softly but his eyes seemed sad.

“Hey, it’s just how things work here. It’s more because you’re new; they haven’t even slushied me in a few weeks.” Kurt smiled encouragingly at him before picking his bag up off the ground and moving towards the door.

“Have we missed this period?” Blaine stared anxiously at Kurt “It was my first Physics lesson, I wanted to make a good impression. Don’t really think I’ve succeeded by not turning up” Blaine sighed as they left the bathroom and walked side by side down the corridor.

“I’m afraid it’s nearly lunch time, I’m sure he’ll understand first day and all. Just say you were lost?”

“Kurt my last school looked like Hogwarts; I went there for two years and still managed to get lost one day last week.” Blaine laughed at the memory and looked around the hallway. “I think I can manage these hallways.”

“Well, since it’s almost lunch, and Rachel will no doubt try and force you to anyway, would you like to, eat with me? Us! With Glee Club?” Kurt blushed as Blaine grinned and slowly nodded his head.

“Of course, I was going to sit with you anyway, Getting slushied then eating alone would have made for a pretty depressing first day”

“On second thoughts you can sit alone, that does seem quite the sight to see” Kurt teased, his arm brushed against Blaine’s and he ignored the way his skin felt as though it had burst into flames and he especially ignored the way he saw Blaine turn his head and quickly look at him, smiling the widest Kurt had yet to see. For once Kurt was almost glad Blaine got slushied. Only almost, corn syrup in the eye was never something to be thankful for.


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This is so cute of an AU! I love it!