Dec. 11, 2011, 5:41 a.m.
Dec. 11, 2011, 5:41 a.m.
“Kurt can you test me on some phrases real quick?” they were in the library again, paying close attention to the French test that was coming up the next day, Kurt had a firm grasp on the material but Blaine was still struggling a little.
“Sure, okay, Je voudrais un peu de pain et de fromage” Kurt looked at him expectantly.
“You um, want bread and cheese?”
“Oui!” Kurt smiled at him encouragingly and thought of another sentence. He smiles mischeviously and opened his mouth.
“Je pense que vous �tes incroyablement beau et je voudrais bien vous embrasser” Kurt looked at him from behind his eyelashes, his cheeks flushing. He watched as Blaine picked up on a few of the words and scrunched his face up as he tried to figure out the rest.
“Um…wait” he flicked through a few pages of his translation book, blushing as he did. Kurt waited for him to figure out.
“Oh” is all he said, softly. Kurt laughed and started putting his books away.
“I’ll see you in Warbler practice Blaine” and he sauntered away, making sure he flicked his hips from side to side, feeling a pair of eyes burn into the back of his head.
Blaine was having trouble. Big time. It’s not like Kurt was exactly making it easy for him, he was constantly, subtly flirting with Blaine. Most of the time Blaine would just reply with a confused noise and start blushing furiously. It was very odd, Blaine, ever the eloquent gentleman was turned to mush from a simple sentence Kurt uttered at him, this never happened.
Blaine was finding it harder and harder to act like a friend, and after Kurt had dragged him to Rachel Berry’s party and he’d woken up the next morning in Kurt’s bed, he’d realised just how desperately he was trying to escape reality. He’d kissed Rachel after all.
“Wait but, isn’t she a girl?” David asked confused. He was sitting with Blaine and Wes for breakfast shovelling pancakes into his mouth.
“Very observant David” Blaine snapped throwing his toast onto his plate and crossing his arms.
“I was drunk and being completely stupid, and then Kurt and I had a horrible argument about it. It’s all just so confusing.” he sighed letting his head fall onto the table.
He didn’t know what he’d done, in the pit of his stomach he knew that the reason he’d kissed Rachel was because he wanted something, anything to stop him from thinking about Kurt. He also knew that fighting with Kurt like that had broken his heart slightly.
“Dude seriously stop being an idiot, wake up and smell the Hummel roses” Wes sighed patting him on the back.
The whole time Kurt and Blaine had been friends they’d been hinting towards an impending romance, and once Blaine told them Kurt had feelings for him they’d pulled out the big guns, even going as far to say that if they didn’t get together Wes and David would promptly disown him and instead be friends with Kurt. Oh and Blaine would also be alone forever. Great.
“Well before I do that I have to get through my date with Rachel tonight.” he groaned closing his eyes.
“Maybe I really am bi-sexual and I’ll have a wonderful time and we could end up dating and Kurt and I can continue to just be friends.” he winced when Wes and David both smacked him on the head.
Kurt smiled knowingly at Blaine as he joined him in the line at the Lima Bean, Rachel had just left and Kurt was resisting the urge to do an I told you so dance complete with high kicks and baton twirling because yes, Blaine was most definitely gay and no he was not in any way attracted to Rachel.
“So, that kiss looked, exciting” Kurt said, keeping his eyes straight ahead. He heard Blaine sigh slightly.
“Mmm, she’s a good kisser.” Kurt looked at him sharply, finding Blaine with a teasing smile on his lips. He shook his head laughing and recited their regular coffee order, slapping Blaine’s hand away when he tried to put money on the table.
“It’s quite alright Blaine; I mean you’ve already had to pay for one date this week.” Kurt knew that he was hinting that this might in fact be a date; he waited for Blaine to awkwardly say something or just blush like he usually did.
“Oh good, because after this one I have another three and I am most certainly going to be broke by the end of the day.” he smiled at Kurt picking up both their coffee’s and walking past him to their usual table.
Kurt’s heart fluttered against his chest and he resisted the urge to squeal in delight as he followed after Blaine, mentally making a note to thank Rachel, something he never ever thought he would do.
Blaine sighed throwing his bag onto his bed in dismay and running his hands through his gelled hair, upsetting the consistency of his hair style.
“I’m such an idiot” he sighed, sitting at his desk. He couldn’t believe he’d actually gone to Kurts father to talk to him about sex.
It had seemed like the best idea at the time. Kurt was wildly unknowledgeable on the subject, which wasn’t surprising considering he was homosexual but because he was the kind of person who would definitely not go looking for information had gotten Blaine a little worried. Every boy and girl regardless of their sexual preference needed to know the facts, just because Kurt and Blaine couldn’t get pregnant when they had sex didn’t mean there weren’t hundreds of other horrible things that could go wrong.
Blaine’s head snapped up at he thought.
Did he just use himself, Kurt and sex in the same example? He blushed furiously at himself even though there was no one around for him to be embarrassed in front of. He sat still for a moment before shaking his head and opening his Chemistry textbook, hoping to take his mind off of his rather distracting thoughts.
Later that night, his face stuck to a particularly boring page Blaine had fallen asleep on, his phone vibrated startling him awake.
He groaned scrambling for it, adjusting his eyes to the screens brightness, as soon as he saw the name Kurt he sat up straight, his heart beating wildly.
Blaine smiled, a sense of deep relief flooding through his body. Kurt was not angry, and even more surprisingly than that, Burt had actually listened to Blaine and reached out to Kurt. Blaine felt a sense of pride and a hint of jealousy at the relationship Kurt and his father seemed to have.
He smiled to himself in his room’s darkness and got into bed, his thoughts before he drifted off to sleep were filled with a boy with a particular pair of stunning blue eyes and involved things he would never for a second admit to anybody, even David and Wes. ‘Especially David and Wes’ he thought to himself as he drifted into a peaceful sleep a smile on evident his lips.
A few floors down in Kurt’s dorm a similar scene was happening. After coming home from the incredibly awkward talk with his father Kurt had only one thought on his mind, “this was Blaine”.
There was no other explanation, but surprisingly he wasn’t mad. He sat himself at his desk and read through all the pamphlets, stopping every now and then to cringe or blush. Once he was finished he felt enlightened but no different and no step closer to losing his virginity.
Even though he now knew about the intricacies of sex, he didn’t know about the intimacy of it. Knowing about sex hadn’t made him anymore sexy and he wasn’t sure if anyone would ever want to be intimate with him like that, maybe that was being a bit dramatic, but it seemed a bit hopeless at that moment.
His thoughts wandered to Blaine, like they always did and he sighed as a small smile flicked across his face, he sent him a text letting him know that Kurt was well aware that his sex talk with his father was entirely Blaine’s fault, and then he crawled into bed.
As he started to drift to sleep his head whirled with all the thoughts from the past few hours, his phone vibrating lured him out of his inward conversation with himself and his heart fluttered as he started at Blaine’s message.He held his phone tight in his hand and squeezed his eyes shut trying not to laugh at himself as his face spread into a goofy grin that no one would see. He still wouldn’t give up on romance he decided, the rest would come later, when he was ready.
i can't wait lol original songs is going to be awesome. and then the the rest we dont see :)