Half Doomed And Semi-Sweet
Chapter 3 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Half Doomed And Semi-Sweet: Chapter 3

T - Words: 1,308 - Last Updated: Aug 07, 2016
Story: Closed - Chapters: 5/? - Created: Nov 28, 2015 - Updated: Nov 28, 2015
242 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

I was revising english at the same time as writing this lil bit, lol #NickIsGayForGatsby

Blaine can feel the shakiness even if he cant physically see it in front of him when he holds out his hands. Its like a tremor, like a glass of water rippling on a table. His bones are trembling.
It happens whenever he sees Kurt and remembers hes meant to be angry at him. Thing is, the anger is hard to maintain when you also think the other person has a point.
Not that he agrees. No. Definitely not. Its not that deep, like a mantra in his head. Dont make it deep. Stop thinking about it.
/Why do you keep thinking about it/?
But he has a point, and its digging into the side of his skull.
"Your flys undone." Blaine shot a look up from his phone to the boy stood opposite him outside the classroom door. He glared especially at the strand of hair falling between his eyes. He looks so fucking carelessly good. Asshole. "No?" Kurt added, raising a brow at his look. "Not falling for that one?"
Blaine dropped his gaze back to his phone, staring at nothing in particular. "Who are you texting? Not to be rude or anything, you know, thats not me, but neither of us are swimming in friends."
"Fuck off, Kurt," Blaine grumbled, teeth grating together as he stuffed his phone in his pocket.
"Oh, he speaks!" Kurt exclaimed, watching as the boy crossed his arms and resisted the urge to see who had looked at them. Kurt huffed out an empty laugh. "You know things are fucked when Blaine Anderson goes to his lessons to avoid you."
"I always go to English."
"Wow, two sentences? Three days of incessant stalking is paying off!"
Blaine caught Kurts grin out of the corner of his eye as the classroom door swung open and he side-stepped the herd of students leaving the room to slip inside. His seat was near the back, to the side, somewhere he could stare out the window while the class read. English was the only class hed ever got an A in because it was so easy to read ahead when you ditched every other lesson. Besides, he liked reading. He used to read a lot in elementary school. All his books, stuffed under his bed at home, were dog-eared and well loved (although hed never say so aloud). Around him, he heard the other students move, shoes scuffing the floor and bags dropping under desks, laughter and conversations between friends, but he didnt look up until he saw Kurts (unmistakeable) legs walk by him.
"My seat this lesson," he heard the boy state to the unassuming girl at the desk behind him. Hed only spoken to her once; all he remembered was a cheerios outfit and a hushed ask of whether he wore an ear ring in his left ear because he was gay.
"Um...No, you sit...?" If he wasnt mad at Kurt, he wouldve laughed at the utter confusion in her tone.
"Nope, not today. You do." A bag against the floor. In his minds eye, he saw Kurts smile, tight, and eyes, tighter, on the girl.
"Says who?"
"Me. Go on. Ill even let you say Im your gay best friend for a whole day."
Blaine covered his mouth to force away his amusement as he heard the girl rise. Within moments, shed walked past him and to the other side of the class, and Kurt took his seat behind him.
As if Blaine didnt already realise he was there, Kurts feet were suddenly poking his chair.
Oh, I can hear his smug expression, he thought, closing his eyes briefly when he felt another nudge, heard the faint squeak of Kurts shoe against the chair. At the teachers voice, he opened his eyes again and tried to zero in on his commentary on The Great Gatsby.
"I trust you all have read the two chapters, as instructed." I read that in two days, the boy couldnt help but think. "What are your thoughts on the relationships within it thus far?" Blaine switched his gaze to the window until he heard Kurts name being addressed. His confusion was enough to bring him out of his reverie -- since when did Kurt contribute to the lesson?
The boy behind him sat up straighter in his chair. "Nick is clearly in love with Gatsby," he said plainly.
Blaine almost choked.
"Well, yes, manhood and male relationships are explored in the text," the teacher responded, somehow oblivious to the low murmur beginning to bubble in parts of the classroom. Blaine wasnt -- Blaine was straining for every subtle homophobic intent, though his face remained stoic. "Tom and Gatsbys rivalry, for example-"

"Oh, no, I meant in love," Kurt interjected. A glance back (he couldnt resist, not this time) and Blaine noticed the light smile on his face. "As in romantic love."
"As in hes queer."
"Well, thats a very interesting theory, but would come under the umbrella of unconventional relationships - as most relationships turn out to be in the book," Mr Larrison hurried on. Blaine almost laughed at the expression on his face. Hes so fucking uncomfortable. "Further, you would have to justify your claim with textual evidence. It would be a difficult essay, to say the least."
A pause and muffled laughter from the corner of the classroom. Blaine raised an eyebrow, beginning to draw circles on the corner of his desk. A difficult essay seems like code for "a topic that I dont give time to", he thought, then bit his lip. A sentence was on the tip of his tongue. Turning, he saw Kurt, tongue rolling around in his mouth, thinking. (He resolutely ignored the idea of his tongue doing anything else.) "Ask to justify that Jordans straight," he muttered out of the corner of his mouth, glancing up to see if Kurt caught his words.
When the boy only gave him a quizzical look, Blaine rolled his eyes. "Ask to justify Jordan Baker is straight," he hissed.
"Huh? I only read the first three pages," Kurt hissed back.
Blaine gave him a look. "Are you serious?"
They both looked up at Mr Larrison clearing his throat and, quickly, Blaine shifted, waving Kurt off and settling back in his seat, ready to resume the graffiti on his desk when the teacher address him. "You seem to be itching to say something, Anderson," he started, looking at him with raised eyebrows. "Do you not understand what is being said?"
The boy stopped, twisting his biro around his fingers and not looking up at him anywhere above his chin. Eye contact was at the top of his list of Things Id Rather Not Do. "No."
"Then what pressing question do you have?"
Blaine pressed out a small breath. "I was just... I mean, where is the textual evidence suggesting characters like Jordan Baker are straight?"
"Excuse me?"
He could hear the muttering. "Where is the textual evidence Jordan Baker is straight? She shows no romantic interest in Nick when he expresses some for her. She could be a lesbian."
"But she expresses no attraction to women, either," the man countered.
"So the default is always straight?" Hed said it before he could bite his tongue. Mr Larrison paused, observing him for a moment before he continued to speak; in another part of his mind, Blaine caught words from murmuring around the edges of the room and couldnt tune out of it. Theyre talking about me now
"I think itd be best to keep your...politics out of this," the man admonished. Blaine definitively caught a muffled snicker somewhere to his left that time and when he glanced around, all his vision caught were other eyes on him. The fingers on his pen tightened.
"Its an interpretation," he muttered, but the teacher was already walking away, to the front of the class once more and picking on another raised hand.
"..so extra..." Blaines eyes flickered to the girls whispering in front of him. Then, feeling something uneasy rear its head in his chest, he redirected his gaze out the window.


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