Somewhere only we know ...
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Somewhere only we know ...: Chapter 16

E - Words: 2,752 - Last Updated: Aug 24, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 18/? - Created: Jan 09, 2013 - Updated: Aug 24, 2013
128 0 0 0 0

The ride back home is silent, Blaine sitting in the passenger seat with his forehead pressed against the window while Kurt keeps glancing over to him as he drives towards his home, noticing the obvious trembling going through Blaine's entire body. A bag is laying on the backseat, Kurt had grabbed it and hurriedly thrown in some clothes for him right before they exited his room. He's not sure what to do right now, he's still fuming, so unbelievably angry over what has happened and at the same time so sad for the guy sitting slumped in his seat right next to him now. His heart breaks, just knowing that right now, the only one who even cares a damn about Blaine is him and it only fuels his anger even more that he even isn't able to count on his parents being there at this moment. Kurt does feel conflicted too though, he knows he didn't outright say he wouldn't contact the cops but he can't help but think and know that he really should. But not right now at this moment though, he needs to make sure that Blaine is safe and sound at his home, knowing he'll be cared for no matter how long. He doesn't want to pressure him too much either, but his mind does provide him with the idea that he really should try to persuade Blaine to report them and if possible that customer.

Soon enough he's parking his car on the driveway in front of his home, shutting off the engine and pulling out the key before silently stepping out of the car and around it to open the passenger door. He holds out his hand to Blaine with a soft smile, albeit a bit forced, as the latter looks up at him with a saddened expression before casting his gaze down to the ground before him. He does take Kurt's hand though, getting up out of the car but the moment he stands, Blaine's knees buckle and Kurt quickly wraps an arm around his waist to hold him steady. The boy trembling in his arms now is making Kurt feel choked up with tears that he's isn't willing to spill right now, wanting to be strong and there for Blaine.
Pressing a kiss to his temple, Kurt quietly says, "Come on, sweetheart. Let's get you inside."

He doesn't say anything more now though, closing the car door with his free hand and guiding Blaine inside as quickly as possible. He did forget for a moment though that his dad had seen him rush off without an explanation and startles a little, as he crosses the hallway and turns into the living room, when he sees Burt sitting on the couch with a questioning look in his eyes.
The words that laid on Burt's lips die quickly though when he takes in the sight of Blaine being held up by his son and the way he looks. Kurt shakes his head, hoping his dad won't say too much right now and understands that he'll explain soon enough, as he walks towards the couch Burt just stood up from. Guiding Blaine to sit down, he cups his cheek making him look up at him for a moment and seeing the far away expression on his face as if he isn't even really aware of his surroundings.
"You're gonna be okay, Blaine. You're here with me, and you'll be okay. I'll ... You want to lay down? Why don't you settle on the couch for a moment and I'll bring you some tea, okay?" Kurt rambles on, a bit lost for words. He's not sure what to do or say that is right at this moment, but Blaine doesn't seem to notice since he just nods and does what Kurt said, closing his eyes immediately once his head hits the pillow and raising his knees to wrap his arms around them.
Trailing his fingers softly over the what seems to be unblemished side of Blaine's face, Kurt repeats, "You'll be okay, sweetheart. I'll be right back."

During his moment with Blaine right now, Burt had retreated into the kitchen silently, already pulling two cups out of the cupboard and putting on some water the moment he heard his son mention making tea. And as Kurt enters the room, shivering all over from his suppressed emotions, he turns to look at his son with worry in his eyes.
"Son, what is going on here?" he asks in a quiet voice, "I'm assuming that that boy now laying on our couch is that Blaine kid, right? I just ... I really would like some explanation here, you just ran out of the house earlier and now you show up with a boy, who I never saw before, looking all shaken up and not to mention that the guy looks horrible. What happened to him, are you ... Are you in some kind of trouble because if so I don't know ... I don't know what to think, really." Burt runs his hand over the top of his head, a gesture clearly given from father to son and Kurt would grin about it if the situation right now wasn't so horrible.
Taking a few steps towards his dad, he looks up at him and can't help but feel so thankful for the fact that he even has a dad who cares so much about and for him like his dad does, even with the way he's been acting the last couple of years.
"I ... I can't say, dad. Not yet at least, I just ... I'm not in trouble though, I swear I didn't have anything to do with that. I ... He just needed me and I ... I couldn't leave him there all alone without someone to take care of him." Kurt takes in a shaky breath and lets it go slowly before continuing, "Blaine has to ... I don't know if I can, he has to ... Dad, I don't know what to do. He's hurt and ... He won't go ... He doesn't want me to call the cops."
"Hold on, bud." Burt stops his son with a raised hand, looking even more worried than before. "So ... You didn't have anything to do with this? Okay, that's ... I'd say a relief but looking at the guy I'm not sure if that's even the right feeling I have. But anyway, I'm ... Hmm." He looks at his son's pleading eyes and can't even remember the last time his son had been looking so desperate and crestfallen over something that happened to anyone else. "Look, if he needs a place to stay, he can stay. I can see he's not in any shape to even be alone for a minute but talk to him and tomorrow we are going to have another talk. I need to know what's going on, okay? I can't just let you take him in our home without having an idea what you're getting yourself into, alright?" The water starts to boil behind him and Burt turns to take it off the stove before pouring water into the cups, already ready with the teabags in them. As he puts the kettle away, Burt looks over at his son again and takes a step towards him, putting a hand on his shoulder and squeezing it gently. "You really care about him, don't you? I have to admit, I can't help but like to see that happen but first of all now, make sure he's okay, as best as he can right now." He pauses for a moment, seeing the gratitude on his son's face and then adds, "And don't worry about Carol or Finn, okay? I'll talk to them for now, especially to Finn to not hassle you right now."
"Thanks dad." Kurt quietly speaks, feeling the lump in his throat making it harder than before to breath properly but he swallows as he looks back up at his dad and can't help but hug him for a short moment. It takes Burt by surprise but he hugs him back tightly for as long as Kurt lets him and smiles, not able to stop himself.

After pulling back and dropping his gaze between them on the floor, Kurt waits for his dad to step out of the kitchen and then sighs softly, running his hand through his hair again before taking the two cups and bringing them into the living room. He stops though the moment he walks back in and sees Blaine turned with his face towards the back of the couch, the trembles going through his body clearly visible and the choked off sobs barely audible.
Crossing the room again, Kurt puts the cups on the coffee table and then goes to sit on the edge of the couch next to Blaine. He lays his hand on the boy's upper arm but retracts instantly again when Blaine flinches away with a sharp sucked in breath.
"Blaine ... It's just me. I'm ... It's just me, sweetheart." Kurt says in an almost whisper, waiting for Blaine to acknowledge him before he touches him again.
It takes a couple of seconds for Blaine to realise that it's no one else but Kurt that is reaching out to him and he opens his eyes again, carefully tilting his head sideways to look at the boy sitting behind him through a blurry vision. He doesn't say anything though, he just turns so quickly that Kurt hardly is able to register what he's doing until Blaine wraps his arms around his waist and is practically laying in his lap, his cheek pressed against Kurt's stomach.

They stay like that for a couple of long minutes, Kurt slowly running his fingers through Blaine's hair, until Blaine's sobs have subsided again a bit. Kurt has been trying to come up with a way to convince Blaine to call the cops anyway but he doesn't even know how to bring it up again, not after how he started crying so violently after the first time he brought it up. He waits a bit longer until Blaine is leaning more up again, still trembling but his tears mostly gone as he looks into Kurt's eyes. Kurt can clearly see the shame he feels and he cradles Blaine's face between his hands as he silently speaks,
"Sweetheart, this isn't your fault. You haven't done anything wrong here, you have to believe me." He slowly caresses Blaine's cheekbones with his thumbs as he shakes his head slightly but keeping his eyes locked on Blaine's. "You're safe here, okay. You can stay as long as needed and if I have something to say about it, ... " Kurt's voice trails off now, not sure how Blaine will take what he's about to say because he also knows how big on independance his boyfriend is by now. "You can stay forever for all I care, I actually really want you to. My dad won't make a fuss about it as long ... As long as I explain a bit more tomorrow but ... I ... Will you let me tell him about everything? I promise he won't throw you out or something, I know he won't even be mad at either of us. I just ... I want to help you."
He's not sure what to think of everything right now, but the only thing Blaine is sure of is that he trusts Kurt with his life and that the only thing he can do right now is just agree to anything that Kurt has just said. It's reluctant though, afraid of how Burt will react to what he has to say but he doesn't want to go back to his room above the diner, doesn't want to stay alone right now. So he slowly nods as he tries to sit up a bit more but flinches harshly, causing him to move to sit on his side even though that way of sitting is hurting too.
"I'm so sorry, baby. I'm so sorry you have to go through this." Kurt whispers as he goes to sit fully next to Blaine and carefully places his arm around the other's shoulder so he can lean against them while he lays his head on Kurt's shoulder. He can hear Blaine still sniffling softly and the hisses of pain whenever he moves but for the rest the guy stays quiet, so Kurt doesn't say too much about it and just keeps pressing kisses to the top of his head as they stay in silence for a long time.

Not sure how long they've been sitting there, their tea forgotten on the coffee table in front of them, Kurt startles as the front door slams closed and he hears footsteps coming towards the living room. Blaine must have fallen asleep at some point but now his head snaps up and Kurt can hear the sharp intake of breath next to him as he whimpers and is suddenly practically trying to scoot back on the couch.
He holds his arm a bit tighter around Blaine's shoulder and lays his other hand on his thigh, trying to calm him down with soft murmurs though a glare is already pointed towards the living room door, knowing by now who's home.
Rounding the corner, Finn looks at both guys, a smile spreading on his face automatically until he sees Kurt's expression. The smile falters instantly and a confused look replaces it on Finn's face as he stutters once he takes in Blaine's appearance.
"What the fuck! Kurt ..." he says as he takes a step further in the room, "Blaine? What happened? Why are you ... Dude, you really don't look that good, maybe ..."
"Finn!" Kurt interrupts him, his eyes shooting daggers at the guy even though he knows his dad probably hadn't been able to get a hold of him yet but he can't help it either. "Just get out, please! I ... Just ... Get out!"
Holding up his hands in surrender, Finn looks at Kurt wide eyed as he's already backing away, seeing the expression on Kurt's face, "Alright, alright ... I'm gone, I'll just ... Euhm, I'll be at Puck's, I guess." His last words haven't even been spoken yet as he's already out of the living room.
"Don't say a word to Puck, Finn! Don't even dare mention this, alright!" Kurt yells after the guy, hearing a faint "Sure, sure." coming from him before the door slams shut again.

"God he's such a ... ignorant ass sometimes." Kurt mumbles, his hand moving from Blaine's thigh to run through his hair and it's only then that he really notices how Blaine is still pressed with his back against the couch and slightly trembling. Turning towards him, he glances at his watch, noticing it's already nearing 5 pm, before he really looks at his boyfriend.
"Maybe we should go to the cops, Blaine. I mean, ... I ... Look at how you react to Finn and ... they really should be reported." Kurt silently says with a sympathetic look in his eyes.
Blaine knows he's right, he should do just that but he's afraid, of what will happen afterwards, and especially if his parents find out.
"I can't ... I ... I don't know what to do ... I need ... I need the money, I can't just ... And they'll fire me and then ... Then I'll be on the street again and then ..." he rambles on, now pulling his knees up and hugging them tightly even though it hurts at every muscle in his body to do so.
Kurt really turns in his seat now again, sitting on his knees so he's completely facing Blaine as he lays his hand on top of Blaine's around his knees.
"You won't be though ... You can stay here, I promise, you can't stay for as long as you need and ... Please, just ... Please Blaine, you can't let them get away with this." Kurt pleads, his voice on the edge of desperation as he ducks his head to catch the other's gaze. He keeps talking to Blaine like that, keeping his voice down but trying to reassure that he won't be alone whatsoever.
After long silent minutes that seem to last for hours, Blaine looks up, tears streaming down his face again as he nods, murmuring quietly, "Okay ... I ... Okay."    


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