Somewhere only we know ...
Chapter 14 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Somewhere only we know ...: Chapter 14

E - Words: 1,816 - Last Updated: Aug 24, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 18/? - Created: Jan 09, 2013 - Updated: Aug 24, 2013
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Author's Notes: Author's Chapter Notes: Longer than I planned but I'm glad it's not as long ago as it was before ;)I hope you enjoy this chapter and see you soon hopefully.And please do leave a review, nothing makes me happier to see them! ♥

The next few days are relatively calm and easy for both boys, Kurt picking Blaine up in the mornings with an almost chaste peck on the cheeks that never fail to make a blush rise on the latter's cheeks. They walk together through the hallways in school, not really touching but knuckles brushing whenever they walk besides each other.
Puck and Sam raise an eyebrow at Kurt simultaneously the moment they see them walk to class, but with a glare from Kurt they both scatter off towards their own seats in the classroom and they leave it at that for the time being. Kurt knows they'll probably pester him about it later but he's glad the guys leave it for now when Blaine is with him.

Sure enough when they part ways for the next lesson, both Sam and Puck side up with Kurt as they walk to their class, eyeing him for a few minutes until Kurt stops in the middle of the hallway and gives them both pointed looks.
"Okay, you get to ask now and only now. After this I don't want to hear a peep from either of you about it, alright?" He turns to face them, crossing his arms in front of his chest as he taps his left foot impatiently.
Sam seems to contemplate his words for a second but Puck beats him to it as he says, annoyance sounding a bit through his voice.
"So, now you're ditching us for nerd boy over there?" He nods pointedly towards the direction Blaine disappeared to and cocks his eyebrow as he looks back at Kurt. "I tolerated the things happening since obviously you also need you grades as much as any of us do, but seriously dude? Now you're watching each other all lovey dovey and we're supposed to just not say anything? Come on, man. What happened to you? You were always so badass and it's like his nerdness is rubbing off on you."
"Dude!" Sam exclaims suddenly, punching Puck's arm, "That's not ..."
"Don't bother, Sam. He means it." Kurt rolls his eyes and sighs exasperatedly. "This ... Is not your business Noah! And if you actually tried to get to know him at least a little, you wouldn't judge him and us."
"Ha, so it is us now." Puck scoffs, annoyedly shrugging of Sam's hand, "And we don't count anymore."
"Are you actually jealous?" Kurt laughs shortly out loud, "You have got to be kidding me! I'm done with this, I thought we were friends but I guess your definition of friendship doesn't reconcile with mine. Fuck this, I don't need that kind of bullshit either." He eyes Sam intently momentarily and is about to say something when the guy chimes in quickly.
"Hey, honestly I don't care. I'm glad for you." Sam shrugs and looks over at Puck quickly who is staring pointedly to somewhere behind Kurt. "Sorry man, but this is ridiculous." He turns back to Kurt and smiles a bit hesitantly, "I was just curious what the story was with you two."
"Yeah, okay." Kurt replies quickly, a smile playing on his lips but it falls quickly as he turns back to Puck, "No one said friends suddenly were out of the question but I guess I was wrong thinking that. I'll see you in class, Sam." He adds the last words solely to Sam as he turns on his heels and heads towards his classroom, the two other guys coming in a little while after him. It looks like Sam is heatedly trying to talk in at Puck but the latter just keeps shaking his head as he walks towards the last row of desks in the classroom. Sam stands there for a second, but then heads straight towards Kurt, taking place next to him with a shrug and an apologetic smile right when the teacher calls the class to order.

So classes are now mostly divided between the friends, Kurt sitting by Blaine in the classes they share, once in a while joined by Sam who usually slips in a seat on the other side of Kurt and Puck sitting in one of his standard last row seats. In between classes, Kurt notices that Sam often is talking to the guy but it usually ends up in Puck walking away and Sam standing there shaking his head before joining Kurt and Blaine. 

And now they find themselves in Kurt's car, Blaine fairly silent in the passenger seat after they dropped Sam off at his house and on their way to Blaine's place. He's been glancing over at Blaine once in a while and he can see the crestfallen look on the boy's face so clearly that he can't help but ask after a little while,
"Blaine? What's wrong?"
Blaine turns his face slowly after breathing in deeply a few times, he just looks at Kurt a whole solid minute and then says, in a much smaller voice than Kurt has gotten used to with him,
"Maybe this wasn't the best idea?" He swallows and Kurt snaps his head to the boy, taking in a sharp breath before he has to turn his attention back on the road in front of him so they won't get in an accident. Kurt wants to start saying something but Blaine quickly interjects,
"I mean, Puck isn't even talking to you anymore. And weren't you guys ... I mean, weren't you super close or something? I know Sam has been hanging out with us fairly often and I really like the guy but I can't help but feel responsible ..." He turns to look at the road through the windshield as he nervously bites his lower lip, "It was because of me, right? That he gotten so cold and indifferent around you?"

Kurt arrives right at that moment in front of the diner where Blaine lives above and parks the car without uttering a word until he turns off the ignition.
He turns in his seat, reaches over to take Blaine's hand in his and squeezes his finger tightly around Blaine's for a second as he says,
"Hey, don't ... Don't blame yourself for the fact that he can't acknowledge that I can have other friends too. No, that I can have a boyfriend and still be friends with them." He smile reassuringly at Blaine, seeing the obvious hitch of breath at hearing the terminology and the slight blush creeping up Blaine's cheeks. "If he can't handle that, sucks for him but that's all him, not you. So don't worry about him okay? All that counts is us, right here. And on that note, come here please? I haven't been able to kiss you all day ..." Kurt sighs softly as he runs his hand up Blaine's arm, ending with sliding it onto the boy's neck as he leans over the console of the car. He looks shortly into Blaine's eyes before closing the space between them, letting their lips collide in a soft kiss. He'll never get enough of this feeling, this feeling of kissing Blaine, it sends sparks through his spine and the moment he deepens it, Blaine's hand lifts up to cradle his jaw. A small moan escapes his throat and at that moment, Blaine breaks the kiss and giggles slightly as he rests his forehead against Kurt's right now. His eyes are closed but a smile is lingering on his lips as he whispers,
"You called me your boyfriend."
Nudging Blaine's nose softly with his own, Kurt replies,
"Of course I did, we are boyfriends right?"
"Yeah, ..." Blaine breathes out, "I hope we are." And catches Kurt's lips with his again, kissing him a little more intently than before.

It leaves both of them breathless when they finally let go of each other, Blaine looking at Kurt with wide eyes and a buzz underneath his skin, crawling it's way down his spine. He has to shake his head for a moment to get his mind back together and when he does, he can't help but smile that kind of goofy smile he has when it comes to Kurt.
"Definitely ..." he chuckles and leans in quickly to plant a quick kiss on Kurt's lips. "I gotta go though, still have to finish my homework before I have to get ready for work." 

It gives Kurt a sudden pull back to reality when Blaine says it, when it's just the two of them he easily forgets sometimes what it is that Blaine does and his smile falters a little. The other boy notices quickly and lays his hand on Kurt's on the console, squeezing his fingers gently,
"Hey, I'm sorry but ... You know I have to, right?"
"Yeah," Kurt answers with a sad smile, "I know but still ... Doesn't mean I have to like it that much, do I?" His voice probably comes out a little sharper than he intended and he regrets it instantly when he sees Blaine's expression. "Oh god, sorry I didn't mean for it to come out like that."

Blaine looks up again with a small shake of his head, "No, don't worry ... I know. It's just ..." he shrugs almost unnoticeably before he continues, "You know I just do it because I need the money and a regular job won't give me that. Although ..."
Squinting slightly, Kurt asks a bit worried, "Although?"
"Well, I'm surprised you didn't ask me about it but I had to sell my car a little while ago. I just couldn't afford it and I really needed the money."
"Oh," Kurt replies with a small smile, "I was wondering about that but, you know, I was more than happy to come and pick you up so I didn't really think it was important to ask."
"And that's why I l..." Blaine's eyes widen just a little and quickly adds, "Why I like you so much. Thanks."
"Don't worry, it doesn't matter. I'm gonna be selfish now and say I'm kind of glad to have a possibility to have you more with me than when you still had your car. Not that I wanted you to sell your car. Oh hell, why does everything seem to come out wrong today?" Kurt rambles on, not really noticing Blaine's slight hiccup in his words.
With a chuckle Blaine once again smiles his genuine and sweet smile,
"I know, I know. I got what you meant, Kurt. But I really have to go now. I'll see you tomorrow, right?"
"Yeah, I'll come and pick you up before school. And Blaine?" Kurt asks a bit quieter, adding when the other looks up at him in question, "Be careful okay? I'll see you in the morning."
"Of course, always am. See you." Blaine answers, a warm feeling settling over him at the words Kurt just uttered. He leans over, kissing Kurt's cheek quickly and gets out of the car, with another wave over his shoulder disappearing through the diner's door.    



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