Aug. 24, 2013, 4:13 a.m.
Aug. 24, 2013, 4:13 a.m.
The movie is already over quite some time, but Kurt couldn't find it in his heart to wake Blaine up. The boy has gradually turned more into Kurt, Blaine's arm now slung over his waist and his face turned more into the crook of Kurt's neck, once he settled himself a bit lower on his bed.
The steady warmth of Blaine's breath on his skin has a calming effect on Kurt. Though he knows it shouldn't, he can't help but feel relieved that although they had their arguments, Blaine finally feels safe enough to let his guard gradually down when he's around Kurt.
And it's right at that moment, when Kurt found the courage in himself to lean his head against Blaine's, that the boy starts shifting restlessly. Blaine tightens his grip on Kurt's waist and starts to mumble something incoherent. Kurt can't understand a thing but doesn't even get time to even try as Blaine's eyes fly open, gazing right at Kurt in confusion.
Before Kurt has the possibility to say or do anything, Blaine lets his grip fall from Kurt's waist and nearly jumps up out of the bed.
"What the hell?" Blaine almost yells, scrambling to put his shoes back on. "Why ... I mean, how ..." he grunts running around the bed to get his bag and slings it over his shoulder. With a still confused and partly scared look, he glances up at Kurt again,
"Sorry, I have to go ... See you tomorrow ..." Blaine turns and hurries out of the door, down the stairs and through the frontdoor without stopping, leaving Kurt staring dazed at the now empty space besides him.
Blaine slams his door shut, sliding down on the floor with his back against it and leans his head in his hands. "This is crazy, Anderson! You're acting crazy!" he scowls at himself before looking up, eyes wandering the room in front of him.
A single bed against the left wall, neatly made with a side table as a nightstand, the small round table on the opposite wall with two chairs pushed under it. The room is barely filled, two of his suitcases open underneath the windowsill, his clothes though neatly folded inside them.
Blaine pushes himself off the cold ground, throws his messenger bag on the table and starts to undress himself as he walks into the small bathroom to shower and get ready for bed. He takes his time in the shower, letting his head hang underneath the spray of water still cursing himself for his behaviour from earlier.
When he finally leaves the shower, his eyes nearly closing on their own accord, he walks across the room and drops himself on his bed.
Next day he walks in the halls of school, gaze on the floor in front of him as he hurries towards his next classroom. He's already later, the first bell already rang a minute ago and he sees his plan to avoid Kurt as much as possible go up in smoke, knowing he'll probably have kept a seat next to him in class. Sure enough as he walks inside the room, excusing himself profusely to his teacher as he looks around, hoping he'll be able to have a seat alone in the back of the class, Kurt gestures towards him to come sit next to him.
With a sigh he looks to the back of the room, noticing one free spot next to Puck but not being to eager to go and sit next to him, and walks towards the empty seat next to Kurt. He drops his bag next to his chair and sets himself down, avoiding all eyecontact with the guy and takes his binder out, placing it in front of him on the desk.
He hears the teacher rambling on about an assignement they have to do in pairs again, but isn't really paying much attention until he gets snapped out of his thoughts by Kurt leaning in and whispering,
"Blaine, are you okay? I was kind of worried when you ran like that yesterday. Did I do something wrong?"
He just looks at the boy for a minute, his mouth slightly open, not really knowing what to answer. He swallows a few times and coughs,
"No, no, don't worry, you didn't do anything wrong, and I'm fine." he replies turning his gaze back on his papers in front of him and scribbling down some notes the teacher just wrote on the blackboard.
Kurt watches him silently for another few minutes before he sighs, glancing around him to the other students, and reaches out touching Blaine's hand with his fingertips.
Blaine flinches, retracting his hand from Kurt's touch and keeps his eyes on what he's doing. "Just don't, okay ..." he mumbles quietly. For a moment Kurt looks at him in surprise, and then shakes his head slightly, not sure how to react to that. "Well, okay ... but it looks like we still have to get things organized for our assignement. I guess you didn't really pay attention when the teacher said we had to pair up like we are now."
"What?" Blaine's head snaps up, staring at Kurt, a look in his eyes that Kurt can't really decipher. "Euhm, I mean ... I guess so. Just ... well, you know I have to work, so I guess it's like before right?"
"Yeah, sure, whatever." Kurt replies starting to get annoyed. "You know, you're really giving me a whiplash here, one minute you're practically ignoring me and the other you act like ... I don't know, like yourself again."
"Look," Blaine starts, "sorry okay, it's me ... not you, alright?" He shrugs dismissively, writing down the few last things the teacher put on the board. "Just forget it, and pay attention."
"Well here we go, here's that mister goody two shoes again from the beginning of the year." Kurt rolls his eyes but turns to pay attention to his teacher anyway, just missing the small grin on Blaine's lips after that.
The days pass again, torturingly slow at school and at night at home. The working on their assignement hasn't really happened yet, and Kurt has to admit that he misses Blaine's presence during their lunchtimes more and more. Though he won't admit that to himself just yet, he can't help but text him on a friday night almost two weeks later, knowing he's at his job but hoping that during his breaks he'll just answer him. They're not entirely back to where they were, there's still a strain on it, and Kurt doesn't really know what to do about it to fix it again. And even though Blaine doesn't actively try to avoid him in school anymore, he still doesn't really hang out with him either anymore. And yes, Kurt has his other friends to sit next to at lunch time and in his free periods but still, even if he was mostly silent, the absence of Blaine in his life has become more and more obvious to him. And now he's sitting here, waiting and checking his phone every five minutes for a reply from Blaine. Kurt looks at the clock on his laptop after watching a movie on it at which he was only paying half of his attention to, it's already after 1am and still no sign of Blaine. He can't help but get an annoying feeling in his stomach, not sure what to think of it, because no matter what eventually Blaine had always answered one of his texts.
When Kurt finally gets into his bed, purposely leaving his phone behind in his room as he was getting ready for bed in the bathroom, he takes it and unlocks the screen again. Still no reply from Blaine, and Kurt sighs dropping his phone on his nightstand as he turns to his side and snuggles deep underneath his sheets and cover. It takes him a while but he finally manages to fall asleep, though a restless one, after another hour of tossing and turning.
Kurt opens his eyes, not really sure of the time and why exactly he woke up, and turns on his back on his bed. He rubs his eyes and suddenly he hears his phone buzzing, realizing that must've been what woke him in the first place. Blindly grabbing for his phone on his nightstand he holds it above him and unlocks the screen, his eyes wide as he notices the text from Blaine.
"Sorry, forgot phone next to my bed. Talk to you on mondaymorning ... B Xxx"
Kurt rereads it a few times, not really sure what he should make of it. Except for that short time they had their differences, Blaine never really dismissed him as easily like that. So that's why he can't help himself and immediately texts back,
"Blaine, everything alright? I thought we could hang out today or tomorrow? Btw still need to start on our assignement Xxx"
As soon as the text is sent, he looks at the clock, noticing it's only 8am and Kurt groans, scowling at Blaine for a moment for waking him up so early. But knowing he won't be able to sleep anymore, he swings his legs out of bed and heads straight over to the bathroom, leaving his phone laying on the bed.
When he walks back into his room after taking a shower and doing his morning routine, Kurt dresses himself quickly and as he's done walks over to the bed, picking up his phone again and notices he has two missed calls coming from Blaine.
"Fuck!" he mutters as he hurries to go through his contact list and immediately presses dial as he reaches Blaine's number. It only takes two rings to go straight to voicemail so he tries again, ending with the same result. 'He must've fallen asleep.' he thinks, though the worry is nestling inside his brain anyway.