July 4, 2015, 7 p.m.
July 4, 2015, 7 p.m.
Sorry for any mistakes like always, same with the weird plot in this one. Was kind of hit with writers block, but I got the next chapter down and will updated tomorrow.
Kurt walked with another bouquet in his hands for Blaine. He had some extra cash on him after eating Lunch once his classes were finished. A wide smile on was upon his face that would take a lot to erase. He knocked on Blaines door and made his way through the frame.
"Hey, Blai-" Kurt started before he saw two adults in front of him, almost looking like they were scolding Blaine. There was a woman and a man. The man had black hair that was pushed back, flatly, and he was in a business suit. The woman was in a blue dress and her blonde hair pulled into a bun.
Kurt walked slowly into the room, placing the flowers behind his back.
"Kurt, these are my parents.." Blaine said slowly, motioning toward the two figures. Kurt made an o shape with his mouth.
"Oh, uh, Im Kurt." Kurt saw the woman eye him up and down. He had to stop himself before turning into sass mode. The man glanced at him and then back at his son, as if he is wanting answers. There was a weird silence around the room. Kurt slowly put the flowers in the sink and made his way a bit closer to Blaines bed.
"Uh, mom, dad, this is the Kurt that called 911." Blaine addressed. Kurt shuffled his feet awkwardly. Why did it feel so weird to meet someones parents?
"Im Pam." The lady said with a warming smile. "Thank you for calling them when he was in need." She said politely. Her posture stayed sharp and voice clean. She nudged her husband to say something, along with a scowling look.
"James." The man put simply. Kurt nodded and turned his attention towards Blaine.
"Theyre here to visit.." Blaine explained.
"Okay, I cant hold it any longer." James blurted out. Pam reached out and touched the mans shoulder tightly.
"James.." She scolded.
"Dad-" Blaine started.
"What do you want with our son. You called the hospital, great, hes alive. Why are you still here?" James asked.
"I-I dont know, I-" Kurt stammered.
"Hes here because we knew each other before the accident.." Blaine lied, a smile plastered on his face.
"You did? Why didnt you mention him?" Pam asked.
"Well, we met about 3 weeks before I got shot." Blaine started. Kurt eyes went wild, but made his facial expression look convincing as Blaine lied through his teeth, "It was at the coffee shop I tell you guys about. He and I hit it off immediately. He was actually the barista there, which is how we started talking."
"Yeah.." Kurt agreed. "He had a medium drip and he made a funny conversation when I handed him the coffee so we finished talking after my shift was over.." Kurt finished. Blaine nodded.
"Oh. Still doesnt answer my question, Blaine. Why didnt you mention him?" Pam asked again
"I dont know, I thought you guys would be worried about me not working hard enough on my school work." Blaine faked a sigh. Kurt gave a sympathy look at Blaine, knowing hed dropped out of school and was still lying.
"Oh, honey." Pam laughed, "You can have friends. Just dont let them take too much time away from your studies of becoming a Doctor." She winked. Why did she wink? Also, Doctor?
Blaine cleared his throat quickly, "Yeah, Doctor. Guess this gives me some experience of how to treat the patient." Blaine laughed, nervously.
"Thats right." His dad chimed in, "Youre going to be one hell of a doctor, too, Devon."
Devon? Kurt thought. He tried to hide his laugh.
"He sure is." Kurt said with a wide smile. Blaine scolded him and turned his attention back to his parents.
"Well, this is great! Its great to meet you, Kurt!" Pam exclaimed. Kurt forced a closed smile and a chuckle.
"Pam, darling, we have to get going if we want to see that Broadway show." James informed. Kurt was glad they were about to leave. He had too many question to ask Blaine.
"Oh, yes." She smiled. She grabbed Blaines hand. "Well, sweetie, well be back tomorrow, okay?"
"Alright, mom." Blaine smiled back.
"Love you." She added.
"Mhm." Blaine nodded. "Love you, too." Pam grabbed her husbands hand and walked out of the room, door slamming shut. Kurt sighed.
"Blaine Anderson." He started, crossing his arms, hip sticking out. "You have a lot of talking to do."
"I know." Blaine sighed. Kurt laughed and grabbed the flowers from the sink.
"Maybe this will cheer you up?" Kurt asked, handing the flowers to Blaine.
"Maybe." Blaine smiled, setting the flowers on the bedside table. Kurt walked over and grabbed his same chair, pulling it up to Blaines bed.
"Okay, Devon." Kurt mocked, "Whats up with the Doctor thing?"
"They want me to become a Doctor." Blaine said.
"Well, no dip. I got that part dingus." Kurt laughed.
"Okay, okay. Since my brother, Cooper, ran off to LA to focus on his dreams of making it big, Im the one in the family who has to be the big shot and not some Hollywood actor." Blaine explained.
"Blaine, you cant live your life doing something you dont want to.." Kurt sighed.
"Well, maybe I want to be a Doctor." Blaine suggested.
"You told me only a couple of days ago you wanted to be a performer, Devon." Kurt said flatly.
"Stop calling me Devon, and yes, I want to be a performer but I cant ruin my parents dreams." Blaine informed.
"So youd rather ruin your dreams instead of theirs..?" Kurt asked.
"Not really, but I feel like I dont have a choice." Blaine confessed.
"Oh, Blaine, you have a choice." Kurt said sweetly. "Youre going to have to tell them everything. School, the dorm, being a doctor, you cant let them live your life."
"I know." Blaine said quietly. "Sometimes just feels like Im so small and they can just tower over me and-" Blaine started, rambling. Kurt grabbed his hand.
"You have to tell them that, too." Kurt squeezed Blaines hand. Blaine sighed Kurt slowly drew his hand away from Blaines, wondering why he grabbed it in the first place.
"So we knew each other before the accident?" Kurt smirked.
"They would of went all kinds of shit-nut crazy if they thought you just stalked me here." Blaine admitted.
"Well, I kind of do if you think of it that way." Kurt laughed.
"Guess so." Blaine laughed along.
"Im now a barista. Never thought Id be one of those." Kurt smiled.
"Youd look cute in an apron." Blaine chuckled.
Kurt blushed slightly and looked at the ground. "You sure know how to charm, huh?" Kurt grinned.
"I may know a few things." Blaine said cocky.
"Youre such a dork." Kurt groaned, leaning back into his chair.
"But, you love me." Blaine smirked.
"For a guy Ive known 2 weeks, Ill admit, youre one friend that I havent tried yet."
"A gay friend?" Blaine asked.
"No, an insane one."
"Rude." Blaine huffed. Kurt rolled his eyes and laughed.
"Blaine Devon Anderson!" Kurt heard down the hallway when he was in Blaines room. Blaine had fallen asleep from his recent prescription. Kurt didnt know whether to wake him or let the ladies yelling do it for him. Kurt sighed and shook Blaines shoulder gently.
"Blaine." Kurt said quietly.
"5 more minutes." Blaine mumbled, turning his head away from Kurts direction. Kurt shook his shoulder a bit more.
"You dont have 5 more minutes. Come on, wake up." Kurt urged. Blaine groaned and his eyes fluttered opened.
"Is it time for some more tests or something?" Blaine grumbled.
"I dont know, only know someone-" Kurt turned his head at the door swinging open fiercely.
"Blaine Devon Anderson." Pam said, voice low yet stern. She stomped to the edge of Blaines bed and slammed her hand down on the footboard. "When the hell were you going to tell me you dropped out of school? Or left the dorms? When!" She screamed. Blaine tried to process it all, hed just woke up. Only thing he knew is that Kurt was by his side and someone was screaming at him.
"Mom?" Blaine asked, rubbing his eyes. Kurt looked at Blaine, expression filled with sympathy. He couldnt tell where this was going to go.
Pams face with red with anger. "Answer my question!" She yelled.
"Answer what...?" Blaine asked.
"She knows." Kurt whispered quickly. Blaine looked at Kurt with a confused expression.
"Im sorry for lying, but yeah, Kurt and I really didnt meet 3 weeks ago. Sorry." Blaine said, voice unsure. Kurt shook his head and stared at the floor.
Pam pinched the bridge of her nose. Kurt looked up and inhaled deeply.
"Mrs. Anderson, if I may-" Kurt started, trying to calm her down.
"You may not." she spit. "Id rather not you be here, either." She growled. Blaine looked over at Kurt, eyes looking like an innocent child. Kurt bit his lip.
"I already know about all of this." Kurt defended.
"Oh, so you tell your little stalker this but not your own parents!" Pam exclaimed.
"Dont bring Kurt into this." Blaine warned.
Pam sighed loudly, "Why did you drop out."
"Because maybe I dont want to become a doctor!" Blaine yelled, receiving pain in his head.
"Blaine, honey, dont yell." Kurt said quietly. Blaine acknowledged that Kurt said honey. He felt his heart warm for a minute until his mother blurted in.
"You said you wanted to be a doctor." Pam defended.
"No, you said you wanted me to be a doctor. I didnt have a say in it." Blaine spat.
"Youre a disgrace, just like your idiot brother." Pam yelled, slamming the door shut. Blaine covered his face.
"Youre not a disgrace, Blaine. Youre so not a disgrace." Kurt reminded him.
"I- just." Blaine choked, feeling abandoned by his parents.
"Shh," Kurt began, removing Blaines hands from his face. He grabbed his hand, hesitantly. "Blaine, no matter what happens with your parents, I am right here. I am not going anywhere. Okay?"
Blaine nodded. "I lost them. Just like Cooper did."
"Maybe you didnt. You know, you can sign up for the second semester at NYADA. Its one of the top schools around the world, I bet if you tell your parents that, theyd reconsider you performer dream." Kurt suggested.
"I dont want to go to college, Kurt." Blaine argued.
"Okay, okay." Kurt sighed. "Maybe-" Kurt started.
"Kurt, can we just sit in silence please." Blaine asked, looking at Kurt, sadness filling his eyes.
"Yeah.." Kurt said quietly, squeezing his hand gently.
"Call me if anything happens, okay?" Kurt asked, putting on his coat.
"Will do." Blaine confirmed. Kurt walked over the bed, gripping the railing.
"Be good?" Kurt smiled.
"No promises." Blaine laughed.
"Mhm." Kurt chuckled. Kurt was taken back when Blaine placed his hand ontop of Kurts.
"Thank you." Blaine said softly, intertwining his fingers with Kurts. Kurt gulped down the lump that formed in his throat.
"Yeah." He choked. He cleared his throat, removing his hand. "Ill see you tomorrow, extra early." Kurt finished, walking to the door.
"Bye." Blaine smiled slightly.
"Bye, Blaine." Kurt sighed, exiting.
"Karen, hey." Kurt breathed, it was freezing outside. He got up at 5 to make sure he made it as visiting hours began, with the hour long subway drive.
"Kurt! Youre early." She laughed.
"Yeah.. yeah." Kurt nodded, rubbing his hands together.
"Well, visiting hours dont begin until 8, you know that?" Karen informed.
"Wh- wait." Kurt paused. "I thought they began at 6?"
"Thats family.." Karen said sadly. Kurt sighed annoyed.
"Okay. Ill just sit and wait." Kurt finalized. He turned on his heel and walked to the small waiting room.
"Kurt." Karen addressed. Kurt spun around, raising his eyebrow.
"Ill be his first nurse today. Come on." She smiled. Kurt did a small victory inside his head and followed Karen.
"Blaine, visitor." Karen said, opening the door. She headed towards all the medical equipment, beginning to press buttons and writing things down.
"Kurt!" Blaine practically exclaimed.
Kurt smiled and pulled his chair up, like everyday.
"Well, everything looks great, Blaine!" Karen finished, placing her hands on her hips. "Ill get out of your way."
"Thanks, Karen." Blaine smiled, turning his attention towards Kurt.
"Youre here really early, what time is it?" Blaine asked.
"About 6 ish." Kurt answered.
"You didnt have to get up that early to see me.." Blaine began. "You-"
"Stop it, Blaine. Youre not some pity-project. Ive told you this before and Ill tell you again, I came here because I want to be here. Because I cant stand not seeing you everyday." Kurt sighed.
"Okay." Blaine said quietly. A silence passed them as Blaine spoke up. Could he say it to Kurt? The feelings he has held inside ever since he saw his awkward introduction. Kurt Elizabeth Hummel. The name was perfect. He was perfect. "Kurt." He started, grabbing his attention. "I-"
"I have news!" Karen shouted, almost running into the room interrupting Blaine. Blaine sighed to himself, annoyed and looked over at Karen. "Blaine, you get to leave this afternoon." Blaine eyes lit up, Kurts did also. "Yet, theres a catch. You have to have three things. 1, A actual safe place to life. 2, Someone to watch over you. 3, You take all the pills youre suppose to. Also every month youll come here to make sure everything is going as planned. In six weeks youll come back to get your stitches out, also. Then eight weeks your cast." She finished.
"That- Thats great." Blaine smiled.
"Can you do all three of those things for me?" Karen asked.
"Ye- yeah of course." Blaine confirmed.
"Great." She smiled, "Ill gather your paperwork and youll be leaving around 12-3." Karen said with a nod.
"Okay." Blaine agreed. With that, Karen left the room. Blaines smile was widely contagious and spread onto Kurt.
"So does this mean Im staying with you." Blaine smirked.
"Dont get any ideas, perv." Kurt laughed.
Blaine laughed. "What am I going to do when you have class? "Blaine asked.
"Aw, Blaine, youre a big boy you can take care of yourself." Kurt teased. "Rachel is usually there when Im not."
"Okay." Blaine understood. Blaine took a moment to think of what he was going to say in the past before Karen came into the room. Not truly interrupting, since Blaine had no idea what to say. He may not be the best at admitting his feelings, but it was the way he flirted with Kurt that made his heart with pride and genuine love. Could he be in love with someone he met about 2 weeks ago? Can love happen that fast? Thoughts raced through his mind before he blurted out once again, trying to admit his feelings. "Kurt." He started, taking a deep breath. This is was the time. He had to tell Kurt, right? "I-" He began, all confidence rushing out of him like a deflating balloon. "Im just really glad Im getting out of here." Blaine finally said, drawing his lips into a straight line.
Kurt smiled slightly, "Yeah, me too."
"You have everything?" Kurt asked, scanning the hotel room as Blaine sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for a wheel chair.
"I only had one set of clothes, Kurt, which Im wearing now." Blaine explained.
"Your medicine, honey, medicine." Kurt sighed.
Blaine laughed when Kurt called him honey. It was like he was floating on a cloud when Kurt gave him small pet names now and then.
"Oh." Blaine said, "Yeah." He clarified.
"Great. Great." Kurt smiled, rubbing his hands together. "Ready to see actual colored walls?"
"More than you know." Blaine smiled back.
"Well, get ready to spend 3 more weeks in bed!" Kurt said sarcastically.
Blaine groaned, smiling. Kurt snorted at his childish attitude as Karen dashed through the doors, giving Blaine his wheel chair.
"Youre ready to go. Yet, you have some last minute visitors.." Karen said, her smile fading. Two figures walked through the door. Kurts smile slowly faded also.
"Devon." A deep voice said, acknowledging Blaines presence. "We have paid your last medical bill, but you are now alone. You will fend for yourself. You had a plan in life, which you failed. Youve always failed. Youre just a failure. A disgrace to this damn family just like-" Mr. Anderson began yelling.
"Stop." Kurt spat, strangely confident. He couldnt see Blaine cowering getting the taunts from his father.
"Oh, so now your fuck boy is talking for you." James smirked.
"Okay, thats enough." Karen stepped in. "Family or not, you will not be acting that way around a patient. Either I escort you out or I will get security to." Kurt stood bravely, using what he learned from the past bullies in his life. He gulped down the lump in his throat.
"Ill see you two later when I come for a house visit. You have a good evening, remember what I told you." Karen finished, pushing the Andersons out. Blaine dropped his head in his hands. Kurt walked over, grabbing his forearm.
"Hey, lets go. Ill make dinner and you can watch some decent television." Kurt said soothingly, helping Blaine into his wheelchair. Blaine nodded as Kurt grabbing Blaines items and pushed him out, letting him leave.
"Well, home sweet home." Kurt sighed, sliding the door closed. Blaine was still down. Kurt rested his hand on his shoulder for a second and dropped his hand back to his side, walking into his room to get Blaine set up. Kurt thought about the conversation as he changed the sheet he washed before he left. How could parents be that harsh to their own son? Blaine was torn about it, no child wants to hear they are a failure from their parent, especially father to son. Kurt laid the last pillow on the bed and headed out.
"All set up." Kurt said, laying out Blaines medicine on the table. He grabbed a glass of water and handed Blaine his pills, along with the glass of water. Blaine took it with no hesitation, handing it back. Kurt frowned and pushed Blaine to the room.
"Need help getting onto the bed?" Kurt asked. Blaine nodded and Kurt walked over, supporting him by grabbing his arm as Blaine carefully got up into a sitting position on the bed. Kurt helped him lay down and pushed his wheelchair so Blaine could access it if he needed to.
"I think thats all." Kurt smiled faintly, sitting on the bed.
"Where will you sleep?" Blaine asked, looking up.
"The couch." Kurt explained.
"Wait what?" Blaine said, voice rising slightly. "No, no, Kurt this is your home. This is your bed. If someone sleeps on the couch, it would be me." Blaine continued, starting to get up. Kurt pushed him back down gently.
"Im fine, the couch is comfortable. You need the bed to heal better, okay?" Kurt said in a calming voice.
"Okay." Blaine replied, quietly.
"If you need anything, Ill be out there making an early dinner." Kurt began, standing up to be stopped by a hand on his. Kurt looked down to see Blaines hand desperately trying to connect with his. Kurt sat back down slowly, unsure of what was going on. Blaines grip tightened. Butterflies formed in his stomach as Blaine held onto his hand. He shouldnt be feeling butterflies, more like sympathy, which he did. Yet, with the butterflies, it overtook the pity. Kurt looked at Blaines hazel orbs, sadness filled in them. Kurt squeezed his hand then rubbed his thumb on the back of his hand lightly.
"Itll be okay." Kurt choked out, losing his voice. Blaine nodded, lost at the sight of their hands together. He started at the intertwined hands, lost in a trance. He looked up at Kurt, whose eyes were also upon their hands. Blaine began to sit up, but Kurt acted quickly, placing a hand on his chest, pushing him back down. Blaine obeyed, disappointment overtaking him, until he saw Kurt hovering over him, face coming closer in contact. Blaine raised his head up to meet Kurts lips. It felt right, like the sadness had left his brain and the sensation and fireworks taken over.
Blaine put his hand on the back of Kurts neck, pulling him in closer. Kurt responded, sinking his body a bit lower, but not touching Blaine. Kurt pulled back, finding his breath. Blaine stared at him with wide eyes, yet a small smile crossing his face.
Kurt returned to his place, holding Blaines hand, wondering what he had just done. It seemed like the right thing to do. Kurt squeezed Blaines hand once more before releasing his grip and leaving the room.