July 4, 2015, 7 p.m.
July 4, 2015, 7 p.m.
Thoughts? Anything to improve the story? Please tell me! It helps a lot!
Sorry for any mistakes.
-- Day 5 of Blaine being in the hospital --
Kurt slipped into his apartment, tired. He fell onto the couch without missing a beat. His head ached, everything ached.
"Oh, Kurt, youre home!" He heard Rachel screech. Kurt let out a quiet exhale to himself. Rachel made her appearance around the corner, taking a seat on the couchs arm chair.
"Youre home early." Kurt yawned.
"I know!" Rachel exclaimed.
"Why are you in such a good mood, its exhausting." Kurt groaned, feeling his head pulse.
"Why arent you? I thought you visited your boyfriend after class or work." Rachel asked.
"One, hes not my boyfriend. Two, I forgot to stop by." Kurt explained. He paused a moment, "I forgot to stop by." He repeated, quieter to himself. Rachel was about to speak as Kurt got up and put a finger to stop her. He quickly grabbed his coat and put his hand on the door knob.
"Where are you going? You just got home?" Rachel questioned. Kurt pushed the door open and replied with a witty remark.
"Hot date." Kurt teased, passing through the door to the busy streets of New York.
Blaine sat in his bed, the pain killers taking their course through his body. He was feeling better than he did on the first night. All he really wanted to do was sleep, but there was Kurt and it somehow took all the pain away. He wanted to get out the cast of his leg desperately and make his side to magically heal.
It was until Blaine noticed the time that he realized Kurt wasnt here all day. He thought he would stop by at least sometime in the afternoon, but he didnt. Then Blaine hoped for sometime this evening, and Kurt was no where to be found. It was now close to 8 where visiting hours were almost over. Disappointment crept into his heart as he felt sadden that Kurt couldnt make it. Then anger rushed over him only the be covered by a thick layer of sadness. A soft knock was heard at his door, making Blaines mood swings come to a halt.. He mumbled a come in as Karen made her way through the door.
"Hey, Blaine." She smiled. "How are you feeling?"
"Has Kurt been here?" Blaine blurted out, ignoring her question.
Karen paused a moment. "No, honey, he hasnt." She frowned.
Blaine nodded, understanding. "Okay. Emotional or physical?" Blaine asked, referring to her previous question.
Karen smiled sadly, "Maybe he was just busy today." Blaine scoffed. He knew why Kurt didnt show. It was only a matter of time.
"What if isnt. What if he doesnt want to waste him time with a crimp anymore." Blaine questioned, voice thick.
"Blaine, dont think like that." Karen said with sympathy, trying to soothe Blaine.
"Its true." Blaine laughed to himself, "I knew it would happen sometime. I was just a pity project. He wanted to make sure that the guy who got shot and wasted his time saving him was okay. So it was worth it." Blaine sighed, leaning into his pillow.
Karen frowned at Blaines words. "I brought you some pain killers and water. Take them at 10, if youre still awake, or if you wake up in the middle of the night and feel pain. Just make sure you write the time you took them so your nurse knows in the morning." Karen said, placing the objects on the bedside table. Blaine replied with a gruff hm. Karen patted his shoulder and left the room. Blaine looked at the chair in the corner where Kurt would pull up to his bed and they would talk until it was late or Kurt had a late shift at work. He loved talking to Kurt. It was something that Blaine didnt usually feel. It was something he couldnt explain enough in words.
Blaine rubbed at his face roughly. Kurt was gone. He kept telling himself over and over someone like Kurt was too good to be true. Hed would eventually leave and Blaine had no say in it. The thoughts continued to string around in Blaines head. A loud slam interrupted his thoughts. He turned his head in instinct and smiled, all the thoughts vanishing.
"Im so sorry, Blaine." Kurt breathed, he ran the way here. All the taxis were avoiding him and the Subway would take too long. Kurt grabbed his chair, pulling it up to Blaines bed. "Im really sorry." Kurt apologized.
"I dont care how late you are you here, just glad you actually came." Blaine smiled. Instantly regretting what he said to Karen. "Wait-, arent visiting hours over?" Blaine asked.
"Karen let me come in." Kurt shrugged. He gave Blaine a half-smile with a full one in return.
"You didnt think I forgot you, did you?" Kurt teased.
"Oh, no no." Blaine shook his head.
"Funny," Kurt started, putting his finger on his chin, "Karen said you were a wreck."
Blaine tried to hide the redness covering his cheeks. "I wouldnt say wreck. Just disappointed."
Kurt grinned, "Well, Im here now, right?" Blaine smiled. Kurt felt relief washing over him seeing Blaines nervous smile.
"Mhm. You have some explaining to do." Blaine insisted.
"Alright, alright." Kurt sighed. "Well, one, I had class and Madam Tibeuduex was a complete bitch, saying that my pitch was off, which it clearly wasnt, so I had to stay late to have pitch lessons. My pitch is perfect, trust me." Blaine laughed to himself as Kurt went on, "Then Isabelle called me for an emergency meeting and I ended up staying there for a couple of hours helping her. I just really wanted to be home, so I went straight to the apartment." Kurt explained.
"If you were that tired you didnt have to visit me.. I mean its great, but-" Blaine started.
"I wasnt forced to visit you, Blaine. I wanted to see you." Kurt said, interrupting Blaine.
Blaine couldnt help but smile. "Thanks."
"Oh! How are you feeling?" Kurt asked, voice chipper.
"Why do you ask that everyday." Blaine groaned.
"Because I care?" Kurt said, smiling.
"Well, in that case, Ive been having slight pain in my side, but it gets better now and then. Leg just feels numb all the time and the bruises only hurt when I hit them on something." Blaine confirmed.
"One more week and maybe youll get out. Maybe quicker if you bite one of the nurses." Kurt grinned.
"Ive already bitten one of them." Blaine confessed.
"What?" Kurt exclaimed, laughing. "Blaine Anderson." Kurt scolded, playfully.
"He was trying to feed me the food, because I wouldnt eat it, and I bit his hand." Blaine said plainly.
Kurt chuckled, "Youre so weird."
"Thats rude."
"Its a good kind of weird." Kurt laughed.
Blaine grinned, "Good."
Kurt looked at the ground for a moment. He bit his lip. Blaine was amazing. He made him smile, laugh until he cried, made his day that much better. He made Kurt pretty much complete, as cheesy as it sounded.
"Blaine-" Kurt was interrupted by a knock at the door. Karens head poked in.
"Kurt, Im really sorry, but you got to go." She said sweetly. Kurt nodded and got up, returning the chair to its rightful place.
Kurt stood by Blaines bed and touched the top of Blaines hand lightly. "See you tomorrow." Kurt began making his way to the door. "Before visiting hours are over." He added with a smile.
"Wait, Kurt-" Blaine started as the door shut. What was Kurt going to say? Was he just going to say some witty remark or something serious? Why did he touch his hand? Questions raced in his mind, not being able to sleep.
"How was the date?" Was the first thing Kurt heard when he opened the door. Kurt jumped in surprise.
"God, do you just stalk around and wait for me to come home?" Kurt asked, calming down.
"Duh." Rachel said in a perky, annoying voice.
Kurt scoffed and went into the kitchen.
"So?" Rachel said, following and pestering Kurt. Kurt gave a roll of his eyes as an response as he got out a blue bottle from the fridge, sitting down.
"Dont give me that sass, Hummel." Rachel provoked.
"I dont know what you are wanting me to say." Kurt placed the bottle on the table with a loud thump.
Rachel slowly sat down next to him. "Kurt we need to talk about this guy. What is up with him?" Rachel asked.
"Is it bad Im falling head over heels for a guy who I met a week ago?" Kurt admitted, eyes confused.
"I dont think its bad thing.." Rachel began, her voice unsure.
"Its weird, I know, Rach." Kurt sighed, taking a drink. Rachel grabbed Kurts hand.
"Kurt, I think its a good thing that youre having an interest after the whole Adam debacle, but the guy is in the hospital. Also you met him a week ago, well not even a week. Yes, you visit him everyday and have a good friendship beginning, but its just a friendship. I really hate to say this, but you cant make a move on this guy." Rachel explained.
Kurt nodded slowly. "I know, just, god, I get butterflies when I even talk to the guy." Rachel squeezed his hand.
"Maybe give it a few months, or more even. Maybe hell make the first move, if he feels the same way." Rachel reassured him. Kurt let out a weak, petty laugh.
"Yeah, alright." Kurt said, getting up. "Im going to go to bed." Kurt announced, heading to his room.
"Kurt. Kurt. Kurt." Blaine chanted, trying to get Kurts attention. "Kurt. Kurt. Ku-"
"Yes, Blaine." Kurt sighed, looking up from his notebook, feeling butterflies in his stomach looking at Blaines eyes staring deeply into his.
"Whatcha drawing." Blaine asked. Kurt knocked out of his haze.
"Classified." Kurt said, looking back at his notebook.
"Lies!" Blaine declared. Kurt rolled his eyes, forming a smile. "You sure roll your eyes a lot." Blaine huffed.
"Just the sass in me." Kurt shrugged, attention locked on the notebook.
"Kurt. Kurt. Kurt. Kurt." Blaine badgered when Kurt went silent. Kurt exhaled loudly and closed his notebook.
"Yes?" He said, eyebrows raised.
"Hi." Blaine grinned. He loved it when Kurt was annoyed at him because he knew he could still get a smile on his face no matter how annoyed he was at him.
"Youre a brat." Kurt grinned.
"What am I, Kurt, really? You say Im a child, brat, dork, nerd, weird, make up your mind." Blaine exaggerated.
"All of the above." Kurt said, smiling sheepishly. "Whats your middle name?" Kurt asked, curious all of the sudden.
"Random question, but Devon. What about you, Hummel?" Blaine questioned.
"Elizabeth." Kurt put simply.
"Elizabeth? Explain that one. Kurt Elizabeth Hummel." Blaine said, intrigued. Kurt smiled at Blaine calling him his full name.
"Well," Kurt started, "It was my mothers name and after her passing, I changed my middle name to Elizabeth." Kurt shrugged.
"Thats sweet." Blaine cooed. Kurt felt his cheeks heat up. He cleared his throat quickly.
"So.. I have some news." Kurt informed, changing the topic.
"Oh, I love news." Blaine said with a sly smile.
"I know you do." Kurt continued, "Karen told me this evening that if you were doing good, shed let you go in a day two when they get some of your tests back, but you have to stay in bed for the weeks you were suppose to at the hospital and eat healthy. No junk food thats greasy."
Blaines eyes lit up, "Really?" He exclaimed, then slowly frowned. "Wait, that means I wont see you anymore, will I?" Blaine asked.
Kurt shook his head, "No, youll still see me. You need someone watching over you. Also, I wouldnt get up and leave as soon as youre doing better." Kurt reassured.
"Youre great, you know that, Kurt." Blaine grinned.
"I try." Kurt said with a smile.
"Wait." Blaine began, "Theres a problem.."
"What?" Kurt questioned, confused, smile fading.
"I dont exactly have a place to, um, live. Well, I guess I do, but it isnt the best-" Blaine stammered.
"Spit it out, Blaine." Kurt sighed.
"I live in a hotel room that I may or may not have broken into..?" Blaine said quietly.
"What do you mean you may or may not have broken into?" Kurt asked, confused.
"I didnt really have the money." Blaine confessed. "I tried living in the dorms at school, but they were horrible. My room mate slept with every girl he laid eyes on. I couldnt stay there, but I didnt have the money either. My parents thought I was going to get a job, but I havent really tried to get one.."
"Oh, Blaine." Kurt muttered. "You cant just break into hotel rooms. Im surprised they havent caught you. God, how are you going to pay for the medical bills here?" Kurt worried.
"My parents said they would cover it, but I havent really told them about the whole hotel thing." Blaine explained. Kurt seemed more worried than Blaine was.
"Blaine, you arent staying in a hotel room anymore." Kurt confirmed.
"Im not going back to that dorm." Blaine stated.
"You could just ask for a new room mate, Blaine." Kurt said.
"You dont think I tried that?" Blaine grumbled. Kurt exhaled deeply. "Im not a bad person, you know. I dont usually do those things." Blaine said quickly.
"I know, Blaine. Its just-." Kurt paused a moment, "You just cant stay in that hotel room."
"Where else am I going to go?" Blaine mumbled.
"Why dont you tell your parents that you cant stay in the dorm." Kurt put simply.
"Because theyll also know I dropped out of school.." Blaine said quietly, eyes dropping to the edge of the bed.
"Blaine!" Kurt yelled. "Why the hell would you drop out of college?"
"You cant judge me, Kurt." Blaine spat, looking over at Kurt.
"Im sorry, Im sorry. I bet you have a good reason why you dropped out." Kurt lowered his voice.
"I want to be a performer. I want to do what I love, which is singing for other people. I dont need a college degree for that." Blaine defended.
"What is going to happen if you dont get any people to perform for?" Kurt asked.
"I will." Blaine proclaimed. Kurt rubbed his temples and inhaled deeply, followed by a short exhale.
"If youre up for it, Ill talk to Rachel about you staying with us. We have an couch, you could take my bed until youre healed up, but as soon as you are, youre getting a job." Kurt sighed.
"Thank you, Kurt. Thank you. Thank you." Blaine repeated.
"Yeah..." Kurt nodded. "Youre going to have to tell your parents eventually, Blaine."
"I know, but I cant right now. Theyre stressing over this, if I added the hotel and my fail in college, it would make it that much worse."
"I get it." Kurt said softly. Blaine let out a sigh of relief.
"How did you break into a hotel room anyways?" Kurt said with a smirk.
"Classified." Blaine replied.
"So you want to be a performer." Kurt asked, changing the topic after a silence passed.
"Its something about being on a stage and letting your emotions out with song that really hits me." Blaine smiled.
"Theyre looking for live music talent at Café One down by Amsterdam Avenue." Kurt told Blaine, smiling.
"Maybe you can put in a good word for me?" Blaine hinted.
"Maybe." Kurt grinned.
"Kurt. I have all my stuff in that hotel room, though." Blaine mentioned, remembering his guitar and clothes were there. Some of his valuables from home, even.
"How did you make sure no one would steal it or get that room..?" Kurt asked.
"Its a rundown hotel. As far as I know, only two people are staying there." Blaine answered.
"Which hotel..?" Kurt was curious.
"The one east of Bushwick..?" Blaine said, his voice a bit high at the end of the sentence, wondering what Kurt would say.
"Youre living in that trash?" Kurt cringed.
"Yeah..." Blaine sighed.
"Youre a mess." Kurt laughed.
"I know." Blaine let out a breathy laugh.
"But.." Kurt paused, "Youre a beautiful mess." Kurt felt his neck and cheeks heat up as soon as it came out of his mouth. The corners of Blaines mouth went up slightly and turned his attention towards the TV that rattled on about worthless news stories. Kurt turned back to his notebook like nothing had happened, finishing the heart that incased Kurt + Blaine feeling like he was a 16 year old girl in highschool.