Mend and Break
Chapter 3 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Mend and Break: Chapter 3

M - Words: 2,702 - Last Updated: Jul 04, 2015
Story: Closed - Chapters: 5/? - Created: Jun 20, 2015 - Updated: Jun 20, 2015
141 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:


Once again, I looked it over, but if there are any mistakes I am sorry. 

Kurt sat in the waiting room, staring blankly at the TV. He leaned back in his chair, rubbing his face and sighing quietly to himself. Was Blaine okay? Why did Kurt care so much? Why did everything revolve around Blaine now? Kurt asked himself millions of questions. 

"Kurt?" Kurts thoughts came to a stop as he looked up at Karens tear-streaked face.

Kurt felt tears of his own sting in his eyes from her appearance. "Is he..?" Kurt couldnt bare to say the final word. Blaine was doing so well. He wanted to have fast food for gods sake. How could something like this just suddenly happen? Kurt wanted him to be okay. Blaine had to be okay. He only knew the guy for a day it seemed, but damn, he cared about him. 

"Blaine is fine." Karen said weakly, taking a seat by Kurt. Kurt was relived. Blaine was going to be alright. He noticed Karen still upset.

"Is everything alright?" Kurt asked, softly.

"He.." Karen paused, "He almost died, Kurt." Karen made straight eye-contact with Kurt. "2 minutes. For 2 minutes he was counted dead. We made sure we fixed the internal bleeding and external. He should be fine for 2 weeks here then he is free to go." Karen explained.

Kurt nodded, amazed that Blaine is alive, thankful. "Can I see him?" Kurt choked out. Karen nodded and got up. Kurt took it as a hint to follow her.


Floor 3, Room 072.

Karen opened the door and Kurt followed behind her as Blaines head popped up. Kurt smiled weakly.

"Kurt!" Blaine exclaimed, his voice slightly scratchy and weak.

"Feeling better?" Kurt asked, tilting his head. Blaine nodded. Kurt saw the same old faded red cast on his leg, along with the minor cuts and bruises, but no matter how damaged Blaine looked from all of it, he saw Blaine smiling. Smiling wide and proud. Kurt felt the corners of his mouth twitch at the sight.

"You two take care, Ill be back in a couple of hours to check on your Blaine. Kurt if anything goes wrong, tell the front desk to get Ms. Lupine. Okay?" Karen addressed both of them. Kurt nodded. The door shut and Kurt pulled a chair near Blaines bed.

"Guessing leaving in a week isnt happening." Blaine sighed. Kurt tugged a smile on his face.

"Two weeks, maybe a bit longer and youll be out." Kurt suggested. Blaine shook his head.

"Everything is just so boring here. I have to sit in a bed for 24 hours, stare at white walls and watch bad television." Blaine complain. "I dont want to watch the news or another old Barney. Why cant there be Nick or Disney." 

"You sure complain a lot." Kurt teased. Blaine pouted.

"Stop with the puppy eyes." Kurt laughed.

"I like your laugh." Blaine blurted out. Kurt felt a small smile appear and a confused expression. Blaine smiled cheesy and changed the topic.

"You said your dad was a Buckeyes fan?" Blaine asked.

"Big time." Kurt sighed, not really liking sports. "I never was a sports fan, though. Rather read the latest addition of Vogue." 

"Boring." Blaine fake yawned. Kurt gawked at him. 

"Vogue is not boring." Kurt defended.

"Mhm." Blaine hummed. Kurt crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair. Blaine chuckled. "Im pulling your leg, Kurt. Any gay guy appreciates Vogue." 

Kurt felt the corners of his mouth twitch that Blaine confessed he was gay. "Thats what I thought." Kurt said coolly. A comfortable silence passed.

"I got Karen to get a vase for you flowers." Blaine told Kurt. "She said they were beautiful."

Kurt nodded slowly, looking at the flowers. 

"Kurt." Blaine spoke, getting Kurts attention. "What are we exactly?" Blaine asked suddenly. Blaine really switched from topic to topic. Kurt would have to get use to that.

Kurt took a moment to think, "Id like to think new friends...?" Kurt offered.

"Id like that." Blaine smiled.

"Me, too." Kurt smiled along. Kurts side vibrated. He jumped from the contact, but got his phone out and saw Rachels caller ID. Kurt answered the call, standing up.

"Hey, Rach." Kurt sighed.

"Im sorry." Rachel said quickly. Kurt pointed to the phone with his free hand and mouthed, be back. to Blaine, going outside into the hall.

"Im sorry, too." Kurt admitted. "I got defensive for someone actually caring for my safety." 

"Its was a really courageous thing to do Kurt, you know, saving uh-" Rachel was a lost of the guys name.

"Blaine." Kurt finished.

"Yeah, sorry." 

"Im at the hospital right now." 

"Oh, thought youd be on your way home." Rachel said sadly.

"There were some problems with Blaine.. but hes fine now." Kurt explained. "Ill be home in 30 minutes or so." 

"Okay. Maybe we could go to the spotlight diner later..?" Rachel offered.

"Thatd be great, yeah." Kurt smiled.

"Ill let you go, then." Rachel finished.

"Okay, Rach, love ya." Kurt said.

"Love you, too. Bye!" Rachel ended the call. Kurt put his phone back in his pocket and entered the room.

"Boyfriend?" Blaine asked.

Kurt rolled his eyes, "No, room mate." 

"Good.." Blaine smirked. Kurt raised an eyebrow and sat down.

"Youre an interesting person, Blaine Anderson." Kurt laughed.

"I know I am." Blaine said, full of himself.

"You never got to eat your fast food." Kurt smiled.

"I know!" Blaine exclaimed. "Such a bummer." 

"Bummer?" Kurt teased.

"Shut up." 

Kurt giggled. "Well I got a about an hour until I have to be somewhere, whats your favorite kind of music?" Kurt asked.

"Get to know game? Alright. Id say my favorite music would be pop. Katy Perry showstoppers." Blaine answered.

"Katy Perry?" Kurt smirked. "Very top 40s."

Blaine rolled his eyes and put on a playful smile. "What about you, Kurt Hummel, favorite music genre?" 

Kurt wasted no time in giving an answer. "Broadway." He put simply.

"Oh, a Broadway guy?" Blaine mused.

"Wicked, Phantom Of The Opera." Kurt went on.

Blaine smiled, he liked getting to know Kurt. "Give me a sneak peak of what Broadway music sounds like." 

"Im not singing in a hospital." Kurt laughed.

"So you do sing?" Blaine asserted.

"Maybe I do, maybe I dont." Kurt shrugged.

"Oh, you do." Blaine insisted.

"What about you, showstopper, do you sing?" Kurt asked.

"I sure do, and Im proud of it." Blaine sang.

Kurt laughed, "What other hidden talents you have up your sleeve?" 

"Oh, you know, I play guitar, piano, ukulele anything with strings." Blaine bragged, "I also won nationals in my school show choir, singing the lead." 

"Arent you a big shot." Kurt smiled. "Wait, show choir?" Kurt leaned in, full of interest.

"Dalton Academy Warblers." Blaine confirmed.

"New Directions." Kurt said.

"What?" Blaine asked, confused.

"Lima, Ohio, New Directions. We faced you at Nationals and we placed 14th place while you got 1st. Oh damn you!" Kurt exclaimed with a smile.

"Not my fault your lead soloist decided to eat each others faces on stage." Blaine snorted.

Kurt laughed, "Dont act like were all trash, you were basically in a boy band." 

"No! It was in acapella group." Blaine notified.

"Which screams gay." Kurt chuckled.

"Oh, whatever." Blaine huffed. Kurt smirked. 

"Wipe that smirk off of you face." Blaine whined. "Its really cute." Blaine surmised.

Kurt looked at the ground, hiding his blush. Hes only known Blaine for a short time and he was already making him blush. Red flags began going up. Kurt cleared his throat and checked the time.

"I have to meet my friend at the Spotlight Diner." Kurt announced, grabbing his coat and putting it on quickly.

"Wait, Kurt, Im sorry, do you really have to go?" Blaine asked.

"Yeah, sorry, Ill be back tomorrow." Kurt said, heading for the door. "Bye, Blaine." Kurt added, shutting the door. 


Kurt made his way to the diner and opened the door, spotting Rachel. He sat down next to her, flashing her a smile.

"Hey!" He spoke, grabbing a menu. "Sorry Im a bit late. Got caught up in talking." Kurt admitted.

"Thats fine." Rachel smiled. "How is he?"

"Good, good." Kurt looked over the menu.

"No, like, how is he." Rachel hinted.

"Oh." Kurt cooed. Kurt thought for a moment. Blaine was flirtatious; a lot, he was really friendly. A huge dork and has the doughiest puppy eyes hes ever seen. "He-hes nice." Kurt went with.

"Hmm. Just nice?" Rachel hummed.

"Yes, just nice." Kurt finalized. Rachel giggled quietly.

"Kurt youre blushing. Youve only known him for a couple of days." Rachel teased.

Kurt covered his face with the menu. "Im not blushing, its just warm in here. You think I should get pasta or a sandwich?" Kurt tried to get off the topic.

"Kurt, dont tell me you have a crush on this guy." Rachel laughed. 

"I-I dont know. Hes-" Kurt sighed, processing his words. "Im confused. Hes handsome, charming, funny, but you know, like you said, weve only known each other for 2 days, barely, and that was because I called 911 for him, then decided to stay and check on him. I mean come on, how can I already have a crush on him? We met in a hospital out of all of the places. Doesnt really scream romantic." Kurt asked.

Rachel shook her head, "Oh, honey, youve got it bad." 

Kurt groaned and waited for the waiter to just take their order.


Kurt walked to the hospital after class, the exercise good for him. He opened the front doors to see Karen once again.

"Hi, Karen." Kurt chirped. 

"Kurt! Nice to see you again." Karen said happily.

"Hows patient in room 72 doing?" Kurt asked, leaning against the counter, balancing on his toes.

"Good. Just gave him lunch, dont think hes enjoying to much.. which reminds me." Karen started, Kurt knew what she was talking about.

"I know, I know, shouldnt sneaked in food." Kurt sighed.

"Ill let it slide, but next time maybe try something healthier. Theres a restaurant downtown that sells fresh salads." Karen smirked. Kurt smiled a bit and nodded.

"Im going to go up and say hi." Kurt announced, settling back on his feet.

"Alright, remember.." she began

"..To call you if anything happens." Kurt finished, getting an approval nod from Karen. "I wont forget." Kurt said, going to the elevator. Kurt hit 3 . The elevator settled on the right floor and Kurt got out, making his way towards the hallway, while waving to a couple of staff by the center counter. He stopped at room 072, reaching for the doorknob,  quietly going inside.

"Hey, showstopper." Kurt smiled, shutting the door behind him. He saw Blaine face him and a smile appear on his face.

"Hows the hospital treating you?" Kurt asked, sitting in his original spot.

"Still serving me with shitty food." Blaine sighed.

Kurt laughed, "Ever going to stop complaining about the food?" 

"Not until they serve me something that isnt horse meat." Blaine huffed.

"God," Kurt moaned, "Youre such a child." 

"No Im not!" Blaine whined.

"Point proven." Kurt smirked. Blaine pouted.

"Stop with the puppy eyes, please." Kurt pleaded.

Blaine smirked, proud of himself. "Not much of a child anymore, huh."

"Nope, youre still childish." Kurt declared. Blaine huffed. 

"Can we do more of the Get To Know Each Other game?" Blaine asked.

"Its not really a game... but sure." Kurt smiled. "So I know now that you are a private rich boy, show choir winning, lead singing, and sports loving guy. Along with you lived in Ohio. Also, youre very childish." Kurt stated.

"Ouch, private rich boy." Blaine acted to be hurt.

Kurt rolled his eyes.

"Okay, so I know that youre a Broadway guy. You also lived in Ohio. I beat your ass at Nationals. You can sing. You are caring." Blaine paused a moment, "Beautiful." Blaine added with a slight smile. Kurt felt a small blush rise in his cheeks, "And you have a hell of a laugh." Blaine finished. Kurt looked at the ground, trying to hide a smile.

"I never asked," Kurt began, "How are you feeling? The cuts are slowly healing I can sort of tell, I think." Kurt said, trying to change the topic.

Blaine was taken back, but responded, "Uh, good, feeling better. Nothing like yesterday."

"Thats great." Kurt smiled, looking up.

"So you said you have a room mate..? Why happened to your mom and dad, I understand everyone needs to move out eventually, but you know..?" Blaine asked.

Kurt felt a lump in his throat at the thought of his mom. "Well.. uh, my dad is back at Ohio. I came here since Im enrolled at NYADA. My mom... she passed when I was 8, but now I have a step-mom named Carole. Then I had a step-brother. Finn,... who also passed." Kurt paused. "I dont know why Im telling you all of this." Kurt said to himself, looking at the ground.

"Im really sorry.." Blaine said, softly. "I-I dont know what its like losing someone you love." Blaine confessed. Kurt nodded sadly and took a deep breath.

"Its alright." Kurt forced a smile. "What about you? Why are you in New York?" 

"Uh, I enroll at New York Community College. I wasnt lucky enough to get NYADA, I didnt really think about enrolling there until I got into there, but you got into NYADA? Thats awesome, you must be one good singer then." Blaine smiled.

"Yeah, I had to perform twice to get in, both where my nerves were going crazy. I did Not The Boy Next Door and Being Alive." Kurt sighed, remembering. "I had to wear these crazy tight gold stripper pants, yes stripper pants, and then the Being Alive performance was out of the blue at the Winter Showcase."

"Stripper pants, huh?" Blaine smirked. Blaine imagined the images, running through his head, feeling a slight blush form. 

Kurt snorted, "God, I was so nervous." Kurt paused a moment. "Sheesh, sorry Im talking so much about myself. What about you? Any stories to tell?"

"Dont worry, I really like getting to know you, Kurt. It kind of feels like Im not getting to know you, but remembering you from something, I guess. Also its refreshing to talk to someone other than hospital staff." Blaine confessed. 

"Thats deep." Kurt laughed.

"Way to ruin a moment." Blaine quipped.

"Sorry." Kurt apologized. 

"Well have many more, Im sure of it." Blaine reassured.

"Damn, youre full of yourself." Kurt laughed.

"I dont see you denying it." Blaine sang. Kurt rolled his eyes. Blaine let a small silence pass over them. "You think Im allowed to have coffee?" Blaine asked.

"I dont know, youd have to ask Karen." Kurt replied.

"Hm, I could use a medium drip right now." Blaine sighed.

"Medium drip?" Kurt questioned.

"Yes, a medium drip." Blaine confirmed. "What about you, classy." 

"Nonfat mocha." Kurt answered. "Same coffee order as high school. Ill go ask Karen if Im allowed to sneak in coffee." Kurt said, getting up. Blaine nodded wildly in approval.


Kurt carried the coffee tray down the hallway, entering Blaines room. 

"Why is your hair wet?" Kurt asked, setting the coffee down.

"I had to get a sponge bath. Pretty creepy, though." Blaine shrugged. Kurt snorted. "Coffee, please..?" Blaine reached his arms out. Kurt laughed a bit and handed him his cup.

"Medium Drip for one Blaine Anderson." Kurt announced.

"And one Nonfat Mocha for Kurt Hummel?" Blaine clarified. Kurt nodded in approval, taking a sip.

"You look better." Kurt acknowledged.

"Funny what bathes can do." Blaine said. 

"Like making your hair crazy curly." Kurt laughed, noticing Blaines wild hair.

Blaine scolded Kurt, "These curls are sexy, admit it." 

"Bed head sexy? Not too sure..." Kurt fake-shrugged.

"Not hearing a direct no." Blaine smirked, drinking his coffee.

"You know, youre healing impressively for being shot and beat the living shit out of." Kurt noticed.

"I love it." Blaine laughed. Kurt smiled. 

"So, tell me about Dalton Academy." Kurt suggested. 

Kurt listened to Blaine ramble about Dalton as he nursed his coffee. He smiled at the right times, laughed at the right times, frowned at the right times. He loved Blaines enthusiasm. 

"Sounds like a really fun place." Kurt laughed.

"You wouldnt believe it." Blaine sighed happily.

"You know, I spied on you guys. I went down the stairwell and stopped some kid named Derek. He caught me right away and got the head of Dalton to kick me out." Kurt confessed. "I heard someone singing Teenage Dream as I was being escorted out." Kurt laughed. 

"Holy shit, how did we not meet sooner." Blaine murmured. Kurt was going ask, but decided to keep it to himself.

Blaine took another drink of his coffee as Kurt checked the time and frowned. 

"Have to go?" Blaine asked, noticing Kurts expression.

"Sadly." Kurt muttered, standing up. He pulled on his coat. He stood by Blaines bed. "Dont fight any nurses tonight, alright?" Kurt smiled.

"Ill try." Blaine smirked. Kurt snorted and made his way towards the door. 

"Bye, Blaine." Kurt said, grabbing the doorknob.

"See you later, Kurt." Blaine replied.

Kurt turned the Knob, "See you later." Kurt sighed, shutting the door behind him.



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