July 4, 2015, 7 p.m.
July 4, 2015, 7 p.m.
Sorry for any mistakes. Like where the story is going so far, though?
Kurt opened the apartment door, tired. He hung his coat up, rubbing his eyes.
"Kurt Elizabeth Hummel." A voice said out of no where. Kurt jumped in surprise to see Rachel standing in front of him, arms crossed.
"God, Rach, you scared me." Kurt laughed shakily.
"You cant end a call on, Ill be home in a couple hours!" Rachel screamed at him. Kurt was taken back from the sudden agressiveness. He put his hands out to stop Rachel.
"I can expain, calm down." Kurt said calmy.
"Then explain!" Rachel yelled. "Please." She said quieter. Kurt led her to the couch as he took a deep breath.
"I was normally just getting groceries, like I planned." Kurt started, "Then I heard a gunshot." Rachel was about to interrupt, Kurt held a finger up, stopping her. "I went to sorce of it and found a guy, his name is Blaine, and he had been shot. I called 911 and stayed at the hospital." Kurt tried to explain in the shortest way possible.
"You could of died!" Rachel yelled at Kurt.
"But I didnt." Kurt shrugged.
"Kurt! Really? Youre going to act like this is no big deal?" Rachel asked, looking for more answers.
"Im looking at it as I saved his life, Rachel. Putting others before yourself." Kurt retorted.
"Its great that you saved his life, Kurt, okay, but the fact that you could got shot. You should of called me." Rachel huffed.
"Called you and put another life in danger?" Kurt asked.
Rachel rolled her eyes, "This conversation is going no where."
"Im going to get cleaned up then." Kurt announced.
"For what?" Rachel questioned.
"To go visit Blaine." Kurt said, going into the bathroom.
Rachel got up and knocked on the door, getting a mhm from Kurt.
"Why? You know hes okay." Rachel questioned.
Kurt turned on the faucet to the shower, ignoring Rachels question.
"Kurt!" Rachel said loudly.
"Im taking a shower, Rachel, Id like some privacy." Kurt stated, ending the conversation. Rachel grumbled and walked away, going into her room.
Kurt got out of the loft fast enough to avoid any more encounters with Rachel as he walked down the white tiled hallway. Kurt held orange and yellow flowers in his hand, along with a couple of roses tied into the mix. He went to the center counter, seeing Karen working on documents.
"Do you just run everything around here?" Kurt asked, with slight humor.
"If people would do their jobs, I wouldnt have to." Karen responded, looking up. "How are you, Kurt?" She asked, taking a break from writing non-sense on papers.
"Im good.. How is Blaine?" Kurt set the flowers on the surface.
"Good, so far, were running a couple of tests today and I think we can get him out of here in a couple of weels." Karen informed.
"Thats great. Am I allowed to see him?" Kurt asked.
"Of course! Room 103, Floor 4." Karen smiled.
"Thanks." Kurt smiled back and grabbed the flowers, heading to the elevator.
"Mr. Anderson?" Kurt said, making his voice deeper in pitch as he opened the door, trying to mock a doctor.
"I told you, Jim, Im- oh Kurt." Blaine acknowleged, the corners of his mouth forming a smile.
"What have you been telling, Jim?" Kurt smirked.
Blaine let out a struggled sigh, "Hes the nurse, bugs me every minute it feels like."
Kurt nodded and smiled a bit, "I got some flowers. I dont know how they will help, but you know." Kurt shrugged, setting the bouquet on a table near-by.
"Someones friendly today." Blaine said. Kurt snorted at his comment and sat down.
"How are you feeling?" Kurt asked.
"Pain killers are helping, a lot. Still feel like Im being stabbed, constantly." Blaine notified.
"Awh, poor you." Kurt taunted.
"It really hurts! You try getting shot!" Blaine squeaked.
"Mhm." Kurt hummed, smirking.
"Shut up." Blaine whined.
"Alright, alright." Kurt laughed, "I cant imagine what you must feel like right now." He admitted.
"Pain." Blaine sighed.
Kurt gave a wearily smile and got up. "I never really introduced myself. Kurt Hummel." Kurt stated, sticking out his hand.
Blaine gave a confused expression, but took Kurts hand followed with a small smile, "Blaine Anderson."
Kurt released his grip. "Karen said youd be out in a week or two."
"Really?" Blaine said, excited.
"Mhm." Kurt afirrmed. Kurt looked around the room, "Hospital not feeding you well?" Kurt joked, addressing the barely eaten food by Blaines bed.
"Its like eating cardboard." Blaine complained.
"Hm, theres a burger place downtown from here, probably could sneak in some food." Kurt offered.
Blaine raised his eyebrows, "Isnt someone a badass?" Blaine teased.
"With that attitude, Ill rethink getting you food and help myself." Kurt said, walking away to grab his coat.
"Wait!" Blaine almost yelled. Kurt turned around, a smirk on his face. "I- Im sorry. Please get me some normal food?" Blaine pleaded.
Kurt laughed, "Only known you for a couple of hours and Im already falling for your puppy dog eyes. What do you want?" Kurt asked.
Blaine felt a small blush rise in his cheeks, but quickly let out a small hooray. "Anything with real meat."
"Ill get a vegan burger for you." Kurt jested.
"Kurt." Blaine whined.
"Okay, okay." Kurt shook his head, "Ill get you a cheeseburger and fries, good?"
"Large Dr. Pepper?" Blaine added.
"I guess, since youre in pain." Kurt reasoned.
"Thank you, Kurt." Blaine thanked.
"Mhm." Kurt finalized, putting on his coat, "But... if I get kicked out, Im blaming you." Kurt added, opening the door.
"Wait, Kurt. Thank you, though, really. I could be dead right now, but you came along like some guardian angel or something, which could work on you, you look like one. Anyways, really, thank you so much." Blaine said out of the blue, sputtering a bit.
Kurt stopped his in tracks for a moment, taken back from Blaines comment, a small blush rising in his cheeks. "Yeah." Kurt said quietly, shutting the door behind him.
30 minutes later, Kurt Hummel was sneaking in greasy burgers and fries to room 103. He opened the door quietly, to see Blaine asleep. Kurt shut the door softly and made his way to the middle of the room. He set the bag down and went to the side of Blaines bed.
"Hey, Blaine?" Kurt spoke, shrugging Blaines shoulder gently.
Blaines eyes fluttered open. "Hey, angel." Blaine slurred, his eyes closing again. Kurt furrowed his eyebrow at the pet name as Blaines eyes opened again.
"I got the food, better wake up or it will be cold." Kurt said, ignoring Blaines angel comment.
"Hmm." Blaine hummed, sitting up. Kurt put his hand on his chest as an instinct, pushing Blaine back down gently. He removed his hand quickly, as if he got burned.
"Dont sit up." Kurt cautioned, not wanting Blaine to mess with the stitching on his side.
"My side hurts." Blaine complained, words still slightly slurring.
"I know, want your food?" Kurt asked, regretting waking Blaine up.
Blaine nodded his head and rubbed his eyes, trying to wake up. He inhaled deeply, followed by a short exhale. Kurt got out his food and set it on the bedside table. Blaine yawned and rubbed his face, again.
"Cheeseburger, Fries, and a large Dr. Pepper." Kurt announced.
"Perfect." Blaine approved. "Can you help me sit up, I cant really eat laying down." Blaine informed.
"Uh, yeah." Kurt said. Kurt didnt really know where to place his hands to help him up. Blaine held out his hand and Kurt took it. He placed his hand on Blaines shoulder as he carefully pulled him up into a suitable sitting position.
"Better." Blaine confirmed, grabbing the burger off of the table, tearing off the wrapper. Kurt sat down. Blaine suddenly groaned in pain. Kurt sprang up.
"My side really hurts." Blaine moaned.
"Uh, here. Maybe its the blanket." Kurt said, taking the burger of Blaines hand and setting it back on the table. Kurt pulled the blanket down to Blaines waist and saw a small circle of red around Blaines wound. He quickly pulled up the blanket. "Okay, Blaine, Im going to get a nurse, alright?" Kurt proposed. Blaine nodded.
Kurt rushed out of the room and went to the desk. "Patient in 103 is uh I dont know how to describe it, but he just needs a nurse immediately." Kurt stammered. The lady at the desk was confused, but called in over the P.A. system.
"Nurse needed in room 103. I repeat, Nurse needed in room 103."
Kurt headed back to the room, quickly.
"Kurt?" Blaine called. Kurt went to the side of the bed.
"Right here, Blaine, itll be alright." Kurt assured.
"It hurts, Kurt." Blaine choked.
"I know, I know." Kurt remarked. Blaine lifted his hand to Kurt. Kurt was confused at first, but slowly took his hand as Blaine squeezed tightly.
"Hey," Kurt began, wanting to get Blaines attention off of the pain, "You like sports?"
Blaine nodded,"Football. Buckeyes."
"My dads a big fan of the Buckeyes." Kurt said.
"Th- they won last night." Blaine winced as he felt another spring of pain enter his side.
"Really? How much did they win by?" Kurt asked, feeling sympathy for Blaine, wondering where the hell the nurses were.
"21.." Blaine said, pausing from feeling the pain increase suddenly, "points." Blaine finished.
"Thats-" Kurt was cut off by Karen, running in.
"Whats the problem?" She asked.
"Hes bleeding where he got shot." Kurt informed as Karen pulled the blankets down, Kurt saw the blood soaked into Blaines gown. She nodded and looked the fast food. "Did he eat that?" Karen quiered, alarmed.
Kurt shook his head quickly.
"Well talk about that later, then." She addressed Kurt as she began unhooking cords from behind the bed. "Hell have to go to immedate surgery." Kurt felt Blaines grip tighten. He looked at their hands quickly and back up.
"Okay." Kurt breathed.
Blaines bed began rolling away as their hands lost connection.
"Kurt?" Blaine asked, wondering where his hand went. Karen looked back at Kurt and then foward, wheeling Blaine away. Kurt stood in the middle of the room, confused and lost.