Mend and Break
Chapter 1 Next Chapter Story
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Mend and Break: Chapter 1

M - Words: 2,100 - Last Updated: Jul 04, 2015
Story: Closed - Chapters: 5/? - Created: Jun 20, 2015 - Updated: Jun 20, 2015
143 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:



I am not the most fluent writer, so place excuse any mistakes. I went over it and editted the mistakes that I could see. 

We all do odd things for no reason at all. It is almost an instinct and we act upon it quickly, not wanting to lose the opportunity or chance of it slipping it away from our reach. Either going for a walk instead of taking a taxi or getting something new, when its not needed. 

Kurt sat in the ER waiting room, legs crossed, hands intertwined together cupping his knee, waiting for a complete stranger to be okay. 


"Rach, Im going to get some groceries real quick for breakfast tomorrow." Kurt announced, putting on his coat.

"Kurt, its almost 12." Rachel argued, crossing her arms. 

"Ill be quick." Kurt shrugged sliding the door open, "Dont wait up." He said with a smirk as he shut the door.

Kurt threw his hands into the coats pockets and made his way down the stairwell. He turned the sharp corner and pushed open the door with his shoulder. The night was dark, as usual, with the street lights dim.

Kurt let out a shaky breath. He never really liked the night. He enjoyed the beauty of it. Yet, it was something about how you couldnt see everything that was going on. Not knowing if someone was around the corner or if a wild racoon could pop out at any moment. Then there was the eerie silence and out of the blue you can hear a noise, unable to spot where it came from. Kurt shuddered at the thought as he began regretting to get groceries. He sighed quietly as he made his way through the darkness.


"Yeah, alright." Blaine laughed into the phone as he walked to his temporary home. Blaine exchanged byes as a beep sounded, ending the call. He slid his phone into his jacket pocket while turning the corner.

"Just one more block, Anderson." Blaine said to himself, rubbing his hands together, trying to create a sliver of warmth. A rustle came from behind him. He quickly turned around, trying to see where the noise arised. He turned back on his heel as he walked a bit faster, wanting to just be home. An utterance made an irruption once again, as it began increasing in sound.

Blaine was suddenly knocked off his feet, the air taken from his lungs as he gasped from the impact. His point of view was now staring at the stars. A blow to his side made his star watching come to an end. He tried getting up, only to be pushed harder into the asphalt. Blaine tried to call out for help, but was at a lost of words, tasting blood in his mouth. His leg erupted with pain as a sharp crack was heard. Blaine yelped, only to be kicked in the gut from making a sound. Blaine bit his tongue, feeling sharp needles being stabbed a million times over and over in his body. 

Then Blaine couldnt help but yell as a thousand blades shot through his side. A bang echoed as shuffling feet ran away from Blaines helpless figure. Blaine groaned loudly from the pain as blood dribbled from the small, but aching, hole that appeared from a bullet. Black filled Blaines vision as his hearing was stopped short, only static being heard. His chest fell heavy and rised the same, blackness seaping in, ending.


Kurt heard a loud shot as he made his way to town. He stopped in his tracks, wanting to turn back. Kurt saw as figures in the dark ran away to a truck. The headlights lit up, showing the road to freedom as the truck slowly disappeared from sight. Kurt began walking towards where the sound emitted from, only to see a body on the ground. Kurt gasped, covering his hand with his mouth. 

Kurt ran and leaned down quickly. He shook his head as he saw the dark marooned liquid covered the bodys upper and lower stomach. Kurt grabbed the persons wrist, checking for a pulse. 

"Please.. please.." Kurt said under his breath, trying to feel the slightest heartbeat. Kurt gave up and leaned his ear to their chest, seeing the figure was a male. A slight thumping was heard. Kurt sighed in relief as he fished for his phone, standing up.

"Hi! Uh, hello. I-I found a guy on the street, it-it looks like hes been- no, please let me- hes been shot. Yes, shot. Uh, Robinson Avenue on your right... Thank- thank you." Kurt finished the call. He leaned back down.

"Itll be alright.." Kurt whispered staring at the poor man. "Youre going to be alright..."


Sirens wailed in the distance. Kurt stood up immediately. watching the abulance park on the side of the street. A woman exited the vechile as she began barking orders. 

"Get a sterile dressing to place on top of the wound! Start getting an IV ready in the van! Come on!" The lady screamed, watching the staff go to work quickly. She leaned by the man. "Weak pulse. Come on people!" 

Kurt watched as everything moved in a blur. A tap on his shoulder knocked him out of his trance.

"Uh, yeah, yes?" Kurt answered, turning around.

"My name is Karen. Do you know him." She asked. Kurt regonized her as the girl who was commanding everyone.

"N-no." Kurt said, stammering.

"Alright." She looked around, "Lets go!" She pushed past Kurt.

"Wait!" Kurt stopped Karen. "Can I go ahead and come along anyways...?" Kurt asked quietly.

"Have to get your own ride. Now lets go people!" She ran towards the car, jumping into the back as the doors shut. 


Kurt sat in the waiting room, head in hands. He wasnt sure why he was here, just felt the need to stick with the guy. It was a normal thing to do, right? Make sure everyone is alright? Kurt rubbed his face and looked around the room. Red chairs, white walls. Quiet murmurs from nearby family and friends. Kurt leaned back in the chair, staring at the ceiling. 

"Excuse me..?" Kurt looked around until he saw a familiar face.

"Mhm?" Kurt said groggily.

"So, Mr. Anderson is in ICU. He has been vomitting due to some internal bleeding, but hes on IVS and everything we can give him. We are having to avoid anything beng taken through the mouth due to it being a gun wound in the adbomen. He has a weak blood pressure and he major organ damage. Including a broken leg located just below his knee. Hell be having surgery in a few hours, also." Karen finished with a small sigh.

"Wh- wait." Kurt said, trying to take in all the information, "Why are you telling me this?" Kurt asked, confused.

Karen sat took a seat by him, "We tried contacting his family and none of them answered after the 15th call. Youre really the only one that can possibly keep this guy some company." Karen shrugged.

"Why would I want to do that?" Kurt inquired.

"Well, youre here now, arent you? Has to be a reason. You want him to have company." Karen put simply. Kurt tried to protest, but ended up keeping quiet.

"I guess.." Kurt finally said. Karen nodded in agreement and stood up.

"Ill let you know when you can see him, if youre still up for it." Karen headed down the hallway. Kurt leaned back and stared at the ceiling some more. Why was Kurt here? He usually wasnt the one to save people either, but he couldnt just let the guy die, could he? No. 

Kurt let out a large sigh and closed his eyes, forgetting about everything and just wanting to sleep.


Loud, echoing beeps and sharp rings sounded. Blaine felt as if his head was mush and he was being hit with a bolt of lightning everytime he breathed. He yelped in pain when he tried to moved. A hand was on his arm immediately.

"Shh." A voice said, soothingly. Where was he? Why was he hurting on every inch of his body. Blaine felt bile rising. He struggled sitting still. He could barely breathe as he began to see darkness around the edges of his eyes.

"He-help.." He said weak, as black overtook his eyesight.


Bells chimed, along with vibrating in Kurts pocket, waking Kurt up. Kurt looked around, remembering where he was and why as he answered, voice a bit weak and scratchy.

"Mhm?" He hummed.

"KURT!" A females voice boomed. Rachel.

"Rach.. please.. headache." Kurt groaned.

"Ive been worried sick, Kurt! S-I-C-K!" Rachel complained.

"Im fine, god." Kurt rolled his eyes.

"Well Im not!" She hissed.

"Listen, Rachel, Im fine. Ill be home soon." Kurt ended the call, not waiting for a response. He put his phone back in his pocket and made his way to the front desk.

"Uh.. is Mr. Anderson alright to have vistors yet..?" He asked.

"Ill let you know." The lady said, unamused. Kurt nodded and made his way back to his seat. A large sigh escaped his lips as he looked around. It reminded him of when he was 8, waiting for the results of his moms condition. Kurt felt a lump form in his throat from the thought. He never wanted to visit a hospital after seeing his mom pass, yet here he is, waiting for a stranger to come out of surgery and visit him like they were long-time buddies. Chums. Mates. Pals. Strangers.

Kurt adjusted in the chair, grabbing the nearest magazine, trying to pass time.

"How you holding up?" A voice called. Kurt looked up and saw Karen.

"Oh, swell." Kurt joked.

"Mhm." She smiled weakly. "Hes doing great, honestly. Weve gotten it stitched, well stapled, and pumping some medicene in his veins. We have to watch carefully at the organ damage, though, sadly. His leg has a nice cast, were just waiting from him to wake up to see how he is feeling." Karen said.

"So hes going live?" Kurt asked.

"Hes tough, so Id say yes." Karen smiled.

"Thats great." Kurt smiled with her.

"Not sure if hes up for any vistors, but help yourself to see him. Hes in ICU room 23." Karen announced as she headed in the opposite direction.

"Hey- Karen, thanks." Kurt said as she turned around. She nodded and continued walking.


Kurt read the numbers as he looked for 23. 

19... 20... 21... 22... 23.

He carefully opened the door, making sure not to wake him. Kurt made his way to a chair and sat down. Hoping it was okay to stay and not freak the guy out too much, Kurt stared at his hands, fiddling with his thumbs, bored.


Blaine felt his eyes flutter open, feeling a wave of relief hit him. He still felt like he was dying, but the piercing needles had stopped constantly stabbing him. Blaine carefully sat up enough to look around. He lifted his arm and saw an IV under his skin, pumping fluid. He felt something wrapped around his leg and his side was itching. He put his arm down and saw someone sitting in a chair across from him. A regular reaction would be to scream and run, but Blaine couldnt move.

"Um..." Blaine said awkwardly, seeing the head bounce up. Blaine was taken back from the mans face. He was really beautiful. Blaine quickly cleared his throat. "Wh- who are you?" Blaine was really confused.

"Oh, sorry.." The man began, standing up slowly. "I-Im Kurt." He said innocently.

"I dont know any Kurts.." Blaine said, eyebrows raised in concern.

"Not a lot of people do." Kurt shrugged.

"Why are you here...? Not trying to be rude-" Blaine was cut off.

"No, no, I should of made a better introduction." Kurt started, sitting back down. "I was walking down the street then I saw you were shot and pretty beat up. Called 911.. decided to stay and make sure everything went smoothly I guess, and now were- well, Im here." Kurt motioned around the room with his hands as he finished.

"Oh.. I guess I kind of get it.." Blaine said, confusion still in his voice.

"How are you feeling?" Kurt asked.

"Drowsy and a bit sick." Blaine said, staring at the edge of the bed.

"Why dont you lay back instead of sitting up..?" Kurt suggested, getting up and helping Blaine with his pillow.

"Thanks." Blaine said quietly.

"No problem." Kurt answered, stepping away from the bed. He stared at Blaines facial features. He had wild dark curls and trianglur eyebrows that somehow fit him. 

"Well, I might as well go." Kurt announced, grabbing his coat. 

"No!" Blaine practically yelled, stopping Kurt in his tracks. "I mean- will you be back..?" Blaines eyes looked lost, innocent, scared. 

Kurt bit his lip for a moment, thinking. "Yeah." Kurt whispered. "Uh, yeah." He said louder, making sure Blaine heard him. Blaine smiled weakily and nodded. 

"Thanks- by the way, Kurt. Im Blaine." Blaine said as Kurt made his way towards the door. 

"Bye, Blaine." Kurt said, liking the way his name rolled off his tongue, then quietly shutting the door. 




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