June 9, 2015, 7 p.m.
June 9, 2015, 7 p.m.
Still have no idea where Im going with this.
"Kurt!" Rachel exclaimed. "Kurt! Wake up!"
Kurt groaned and threw a pillow over his face, blocking the sunlight.
Rachel sighed loudly, "Fine, be late."
Kurt snorted at her comment. Rachel had woken him up earlier than he expected, like every morning, with her rendition of "Im The Greatest Star." When he tried going back to sleep, she came right back in yelling at him to wake up.
"Rachel!" He yelled, knowing she was still here. "Can you make me a bowl of cereal?"
"Make it yourself, lazy." She yelled back. He pouted and got up. He trotted his way to the bathroom to shower and start his mosturizing ritual. He put on a simple outfit and made his way to the kitchen.
"Morning." Kurt said pouring Rooster Os into a bowl, following with milk.
"Finally got out of bed, I see." Rachel sighed.
Kurt let out a muffled laugh, noticing her normal dramatic self. "I am never late, dont know why you wake me up. That is why alarm clocks were invented."
"If I didnt wake you up, youd miss your first class." Rachel huffed.
Kurt hummed a, Mhm as she sat down at the table by him.
"What was with the broken glass by the table yesterday?" Rachel asked. There was a broken glass? How did he not notice.
Memories flooded back into his mind.
"Oh, Blaine and I ran into the table yesterday dancing." Kurt laughed slightly.
Rachels eyebrows raised in surprise, "Dancing?"
"Whats so bad about that?" Kurt asked, taking another bite of cereal.
"Kurt." Rachels expression softening. "Well, knowing by you, it wasnt some upbeat tune."
"There actually wasnt any music." Kurt said, being a pain.
"Hes engaged." Rachel muttered.
"Rachel, its dancing, not some sultry make out session." Kurt said, a slight blush in his cheeks thinking about kissing Blaine.
"What do you think his now Fiance would think about it, huh?" Rachel questioned.
"Its all innocent, youre overracting." Kurt said standing up grabbing his bag, "I have to get to class." He sighed walking out, walking to NYADA.
Blaine rushed trying to get ready for class. He woke up late due to his alarm not going off. He didnt gel his hair, he wore clothes that he found immedatiely and ran out.
He rushed, going past near-by people on the sidewalk, apologizing for running into them. This was his 4th time being late, one more time hed be on thin water. He was out of breath as he reached the front doors. He passed through them, glad that people were still roaming around.
"What happened to you?" He heard a familiar voice say. He looked around trying to find the source of the sound.
"Alarm clock was an ass." Blaine sighed, finally finding the person that the voice belonged to. Perfectly styled hair and an amazing outfit, yet his expression weak. "You look tired."
Kurt sighed, "No, just annoyed. Rachel and I had a bit of an agruement with her being over-dramatic and blah blah." Kurt said, waving his hand in the air.
Blaine laughed at his sassy style, "I better get a head start to my class. I dont want to be late."
"Wait, uh, Blaine." Kurt said, a bit nervous as Blaine turned around. "Want to meet up for lunch?"
Blaines attention went the floor then back to Kurt, "I cant, Im meeting Nick at that new Italian restaurant they opened down the street from our apartment.
"Oh." Kurt sighed, a bit disappointed. "Then I guess Ill see you whenever."
Blaine nodded and headed to his class. Kurt did the same, going in the oppostite direction.
"Hey, Nick." Blaine said, smiling as he walked into the apartment, coming home from NYADA.
"Hi. Wow, youre a mess." Nick said, referring to his weird clothing choices and not-gelled hair.
"Thanks." Blaine said, forcing a smile.
"I didnt mean that, like-" Nick tried to spit out.
"I know." Blaine sighed.
"Did you pay our bills this month?" Nick asked after a small silence passed.
Blaine facepalmed, "Oh god, no Im sorry I forgot. School kept interferring and then finals are coming up, it slipped my mind."
"This isnt something that can just slip your mind, Blaine." Nick began to say, his voice rising slightly. "Youre worthless. You never can do what I ask for once. I ask myself why I even-" Nick stopped short, filled with anger that Blaine has done this so many times.
Blaine heart broke as he said worthless. He felt tears spring into his eyes. "Wh-what?" Nicks eyes softened, seeing what he just said.
"No, Blaine, I." Nick started.
Blaine shook his head as he walked out, feeling a tear go down his cheek. He grabbed his coat jacket and quickly left, walking into the night.
Blaine threw his hands in his pockets as he walked to Kurts apartment, due to the fact thats the only place he really knew to go. He knocked softly on the door. He smiled when he saw Kurts surprised face appear.
"Oh, Blaine, didnt know you were coming over." Kurt said, hugging Blaine slightly.
"Just couldnt be home right now, I hope its alright Im here." Blaine asked, starting to head back to the door to leave. Kurt could see Blaine was in distress.
Kurt grabbed his hand, "No, its fine, make yourself at home." Kurt looked at their intertwined hands and quickly let go, putting his hands in his jean pockets. Kurt moved out of the way so Blaine could walk past him, he softly shut the door and leaned on the dining table.
"You do realize its almost 11am, Kurt." Blaine said, having second thoughts of staying at Kurts.
"Doesnt bother me if it doesnt bother you." Kurt said with a shrug.
Blaine nodded and sat on the couch. He put his head in his hands and sighed loudly.
"Want to talk about it..?" Kurt asked polietly. Blaine looked up and shook his head. Kurt nodded and sat by Blaine. "Everything will turn out as it should, happily ever after." Kurt smiled softly at Blaines figure.
Blaine looked up and quickly hugged Kurt. It took Kurt a while to process what was happening. He hugged him back softly as Blaine held on tightly.
"Itll be alright." Kurt breathed. "Itll be alright." He repeated. Blaine let go and nodded, looking at the ground.
"Worthless." Blaine said outloud. Kurts head shot up.
"H-he called worthless." Blaine blurted out.
"Who did, Blaine?" Kurt asked.
"Nick." Blaine said quietly, looking up.
"Oh, Blaine." Kurt said, his facial features softening. Blaine looked up at him with his brown pound-puppy eyes. Kurt sighed and got a blanket and pillow. "You can stay here if you want, these are here." Kurt said, pointing to the pillow and blanket.
Blaine nodded and gave Kurt a small smile.
"Want to watch Murder She Wrote?" Kurt asked with smile. Blaine truely smiled and nodded.
"Yeah." he managed to speak. Kurt grabbed the remote and turned on the TV.