June 9, 2015, 7 p.m.
June 9, 2015, 7 p.m.
Im running out of ideas for this. I know how I want it to end, but I dont want it to end that soon or fast.
Adam gripped Kurts hand tight as they walked to Kurts apartment. He could tell that Kurt was tense and not acting the same why he usually does.
"Kurt? Are you okay...?" Adam asked softly as they entered the apartment.
"Yeah, why wouldnt I be?" Kurt said, his pitch high. Adam sat down and grabbed Kurts hand. Kurt looked at the gesture, and geniunely smiled. Maybe Adam wasnt that bad at all? He could of mistaken him. He saw a whole different side of him. Adam leaned in and lightly kissed Kurt.
Kurt actually felt some sort of flutter in his heart. He kissed Adam back. As they pulled away, Kurt was smiling truthfully for once in Adams presence.
"I love you." Adam blurted out.
"Me, too." Kurt replied.
Nick stared as Blaine passed out on their couch. He wouldnt remember anything that happened tonight, hed had probably a bit too much to drink. He draped a blanket over Blaines still body as he headed into their room. Nick actually did it, got Kurt to stay away from Blaine, at least he think he did. With that Adam character around, he could finally do what he was waiting for, proposing to Blaine.
Kurt woke up, noticing his shirt is off.
"Wha-" He started as he saw someone by him. Kurt quickly jumped up and noticed it was Adam. Kurt quickly rubbed his face. What the hell happened when he got home? He found his discarded shirt and quickly putting it on. He went into the restroom and splashed water in his face. He saw small red spots on his lower neck.
"Hey, Kurt." Kurt turned around and saw Adam.
"Uh, hey." Kurt said, still looking at himself in the mirror. Adam came up behind and started massaging his shoulders. Kurt was annoyed. He shoved off Adams hands and went into the kitchen.
"What is your problem?" Adam asked as he followed Kurt like an obedient dog.
"Its called personal space." Kurt spat. Adam gave him a look, a look that seemed like Adam was heartbroken at his sudden hositality.
"What happened? You were fine last night. Did I do something wrong?" Adam started interograting.
"Adam. Adam!" He grabbed Adams arms and pulled him close to make him shut up. "I- Im just not a morning person." Kurt said, his voice quiet. Kurt patted his bare chest. "Go get changed and well go out for post-valentine date." He suggested. Adam nodded and went to retrieve his clothing. Kurt sighed as he gripped the counter, hes going to need better acting skills.
Blaine woke up and groaned at the sudden pain in his head. Some events popped up from last night, but only one stood out, he kissed Kurt. His best friend Kurt. Kurt Hummel. Blaine raised his finger to his lips as he thought about it. It wasnt something he expected, which wasnt a bad thing. He looked at his hand and found a ring on his left hand. He remembered that clearly.
"Morning, sunshine." He heard Nick say as he strode into the living room. He wrapped his arms around Blaine.
"Morning." Blaine said quietly.
"Whats wrong, we should be celebrating, Finance." Nick said with a smile.
"I know, just hungover, not feeling that great." Nick understood. He grabbed Blaine a glass of water as they discussed their plans for the day.
"Kurt. Youve been acting weirdly today... I mean, I had fun, just- is it because of last night with Blaine?" Adam asked while cuddling with Kurt on the couch.
"What with-" Kurt started as he remembered his magical encounter with Blaine. He got lost in a trance thinking about it until Adam interupted his fantasy.
"No, just thinking." Kurt said.
"About what?" Adam asked, nuzzling his head into Kurts neck.
"Us, I guess."
"You, guess?" Adam said in a weird tone, pulling back.
"I mean, just, I-." Kurt was at a loss of words.
"Are you having second thoughts of us as a couple...?" Adam asked, worry in his eyes.
"No, uh, of course not." Kurt said, taking Adams hands. "I love you, I know I do, I just think were moving a bit too fast." Kurt covered up.
Adam sighed, "Its been a month, Kurt."
"I just need some time, you need to accept that." Kurt crossed his arms, as he leaned back into the couch.
Adam let out a huff as he rested his head on Kurts shoulder. "So are we okay?"
"I think so." Kurt said, his voice unsure.
"Stop." Adam yelled at Kurt, "Kurt come on. I didnt mean it!" Adam, raced after Kurt.
Kurt turned around, anger in his eyes, "Of course you meant it."
"Kurt." Adam said coldly as he turned him around, grasping his shoulders.
"Let go of me." Kurt said, trying to get of his grasp.
"Just fucking listen to me, Kurt!" Adam said, breathing hard, "I didnt mean what I said."
"You didnt mean that I was just a rebound? Is that why you decided to date me literally TWO days after you broke up with whatever the guy names is. I am not just some toy you can have until you get over your break up." Kurt scolded.
"It was four days." Adam defended.
"Not helping your case." Kurt spat.
"You werent a rebound, Kurt, I broke up with him to be with you."
Kurt laughed at his lie. "You-, god. You told me, about two weeks in our relationship about this guy. You said that he broke up with you, Adam. You didnt break up with him. Let me go, were done."
"Kurt, please." Adam begged. Kurt finally got out of his lock as he ran home, not listening to a word Adam was saying.
Kurt didnt cry, he was happy and angry the relationship ended the way it did. Happy because he could finally stop pretending, but mad being used. Kurt let out a frustrated yell as he ran his fingers through his hair. He took a deep breath, calming down as Rachel came in, hearing the commotion.
"Kurt?" She asked, coming closer to the boy.
"Its over. Adam- and I, it-." Kurt stammered. Rachels face soften as she hugged Kurt.
Kurt pulled back, "Thank you." He said quietly.
"Nick, Im going to Kurts!" Blaine yelled as he headed for the door. He heard Nicks quick footsteps.
"Him and Adam broke up, going to make sure hes alright." Blaine said as he was opening the door.
Nick didnt want to say no, but he didnt want to say yes either.
Blaine didnt wait for a response as he closed the apartment door and walked to Kurts.
Knocking woke Kurt out of his daze of watching Murder She Wrote. He quickly paused the TV as he opened the door. Blaine immediately hugged him.
Kurt laughed, "Hi to you, too." Blaine pulled back and looked at him in his eyes.
"Are you alright?"
"Yeah, perfectly fine. Why?" Kurt replied, heading to the couch.
"Because of Adam..?" Blaine said, taking a seat next to Kurt.
"Oh," Kurts eyes went to the floor, "that." Kurt scoffed at Adams stupity.
"What?" Blaine asked.
"Just, he wasnt the one for me. Kurt Hummel is single and Im free again." Kurt said as he raised his arms in the air, having a celebration.
"You dont feel a bit of sadness?"
Kurt shook his head.
"Well arent you cold hearted." Blaine spoke.
Kurt snorted, "No, just dont like being used."
Blaine turned his attention to the TV. He remembered the kiss, he needed to talk about it, "Kurt, do you remember the, uh, game from the party."
Of course I do, Kurt thought. Kurt nodded.
"Can we just forget that.. Im sorry I was drunk." Blaine blurted out.
Kurt didnt want to forget it, he just nodded. A silence passed them.
"What episode are you on?" Blaine asked, referring the TV paused.
"Uh, season 12 episode 23. The one where the virus is stolen?" Kurt said leaning back in the couch.
Blaine nodded and grabbed the remote and turned off the TV. "Come on." Blaine said, extending his hand out. Kurt looked at him and his hand several times.
"What?" Kurt questioned.
"Youre going to dance with me."
"Why...?" Kurt set retrieving the remote and bringing it closely to him.
"We never finished at the party." Blaine pried the remote from Kurts hands. Kurt gave up and stood.
"Theres no music." Kurt said, trying to get out of the dance.
"Then imagine it." Blaine said quietly.
"Youre a dork you know." Kurt said with a small laugh. Kurt grabbed Blaines hand as they danced around the apartment. Blaine ran into the dinning table.
"Owww." Kurt groaned as he got up. "Nice moves, Anderson." He stood up and helped Blaine up.
"It got in my way." Blaine stuck his tongue out at the table.
"Blaine, its a table."
"Tables are my worse enemy."
Kurt shook his head and checked the time."You should get home." Kurt said, sitting back on the couch.
Blaine let out a long sigh, "I dont want to. Nicks been on my ass all week for no reason." He plumped down next to Kurt.
Kurt put a hand on his friends shoulder, "Maybe just post-engagment stress, I bet it will pass." Kurt said forcing a smile when he said engagment.
"What if were moving too fast by getting married." Blaine said, new questioned popping into his mind. Blaine began rambling about what could go wrong. Kurt tried to shush him, but he kept talking.
"Blaine!" Kurt finally semi-yelled, making the boys questions come to an end.
"Its going to be alright, okay?" Kurt said with a conviencing smile. Blaine could only nod.
"Do you love Nick?" Kurt asked him. Blaine nodded again.
"Then youll be fine." Kurt sighed. He hated talking about his and Nicks relationship. He still didnt like Nick, no matter how happy he made Blaine.
"Thanks." Blaine said quietly as he got up. He sort of hugged Kurt as he made his way to the door.
"Next time Ill bring music for dancing." Blaine said with a small smile, leaving the apartment. Kurt could feel a blush appearing on his cheeks. Why was he blushing again over Blaine?
"Im home!" Blaine called as he opened to door. He set down his coat on the couch and went into the kitchen, where Nick was cooking.
"Breaking tradition tonight, I cook." Nick said, attention still on the food. Blaine sat down in the chair fiddling with his hands. He wasnt sure why he asked Kurt to dance.
"Youre not very talkative." Nick stated turning around and staring at Blaines dull figure. Blaine just strugged his shoulders. Why couldnt he start an average conversation with Nick. All they really talked about was Nick and his interest, sometimes Blaines, either way, they ran out of topics.
"Uh, how was work..?" Blaine asked, trying to break the silence.
"Oh, you wont believe it. You know the crazy guy with the cubical next to me?" Nick started as he talked about how crazy his day had been. Blaine nodded, pretending to listen and watching Kurt and him dance in his mind. He was glad he had Kurt.