Against All Odds
Hopelessness Is Sneaking In Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Against All Odds: Hopelessness Is Sneaking In

M - Words: 2,767 - Last Updated: Jun 09, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Jun 03, 2015 - Updated: Jun 03, 2015
135 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

O, drama.

Blaine woke up to a loud ringing, his head pounded as the bells chiming ringed throughout the apartment. Groaning, he reached and grabbed the phone. He wasnt sure where he was, nor why he felt sick. He could barely read the ID as he answered it, voice slightly slurring.

"H-hello?" Blaine rubbed his eyes with his free hand, trying to gather what was going on around him.

"Blaine, please, come home." Come home? Blaine thought for a minute.

"Who are you?" Blaine blurted out, his voice still weak and groggy.

"Oh, you know, only your fiance." The voice replied, sass in his tone. Nick. Thats when the memories came back. Flashbacks quickly took its toll as he quickly ended the call, slamming the phone on the coffee table. 

He remembered, some of it still foggy. He ran to Kurts. Blaine looked around. He was still at Kurts, thats good. He remembered watching a show, what show, though...? Then darkness, must of fallen asleep. Crying, he cried. Blaine thought harder as more memories flooded his mind. He cried in front of Kurt and went somewhere, a bar. Then they danced, a lot. Then back to Kurts and he-. Blaine stopped the flashback as the moment paused in his mind. Him and Kurt kissed, again, and drunk. Was this going to be a repeating thing? Why did he feel the need to kiss Kurt when he was under the influence of alcohol. 

Blaine didnt remember Kurt pulling back, he must of kissed him first, then, right? But why? Blaine rubbed his face and looked at the time, as it was passed 10am. He had classes at 8am.. 

"Shit." He said under his breath as he stood up quickly, his head pounding in return. He heard water running and a high-pitched voice singing, but not as girly if it were Rachel. Blaine rushed to the bathroom and considered knocking, but the water turned off. He quickly ducked onto the couch again, covering himself with a blanket, pretending to be asleep. He earned a horrible headache doing all of that in full speed. He tried to calm his breathing as Kurt came out. 

He peeked his eyes open as Kurt stood in front of him, a towel hanging losely from his hips. Blaine gulped loudly, with Kurts current appearance, and played it off as a snore. He heard Kurt laugh quietly and go to his some-what bedroom that had curtains as walls. He let out a quiet sigh. 

Why didnt Kurt wake him up? Kurt knew his class schedule, at least, he thought he did. As Kurt walked into the living room, now fully dressed, Blaine acted as if he were waking up. His body ached, his head wanted to explode. He groaned as he opened his eyes and the light make his puplis go fuzzy and his eyes hurt.

"Rough morning?" Kurt said to him. Blaine grunted in response. Kurt was acting strangely normal for just kissing his best friend last night.

Blaine tried to play it off as if he didnt remember anything, "What happened last night? Why do I feel like Im being punched over and over."

Kurt let out a large sigh, "I thought maybe getting you out and in town would help you, apparently it did." Kurt said, referring to his state last night.

"What do you mean by that..?" Blaine asked, seeing if he was talking about their kissed.

Kurt walked into the living room, handing Blaine a bowl of cereal and glass of water. Blaine polietly took it. "Well, you downed about 6 beers and danced a lot. You have moves, Anderson, Ill say that." 

Blaine had a slight blush rush to his cheeks. Why was he blushing? 

"Uh, thanks." Blaine said quickly, taking a bite of cereal.

"I called NYADA. They let you have the day off, youre welcome. Took a lot of persauding, but I think theyre alright with it." Kurt eyed his own cereal bowl.

"Oh, wow, thank you." Blaine said looking up, he was honestly grateful. Trying to dance today, with his head hurting as it is, would be hell, "What about you?"

"I didnt drink as much, so Ill be heading out soon. Feel free to stay, shower, and please brush your teeth. I can smell your breath from here." Kurt laughed.

"Shut up." Blaine said with a small smile.

"All jokes aside, how are you feeling, other than your current hangover state?" Kurt asked, his eyes softening.

"I think better. It was nice to just let go for a night, but I have to face him at sometime." Blaine sighed.

"Right here if you need anything." Kurt smiled.

A long silence filled the air. He wondered if Kurt was going to talk about kissing him, he felt like Kurt was trying to keep it to himself, taking advantage of him. He finally set his bowl on the coffee table and stared directly at Kurt.

"Are we not going to talk about how you, I dont know, kissed me?" Blaine scrowled.

Kurt almost choked on his cereal as he heard Blaine say that sentence. "First of all, you kissed me, saying you were telling me a so called, "secret" and I made the mistake of kissing you back." Kurt said, filled with tone.

"No, I-" Blaine stopped and thought about it again, he did kiss Kurt. He made the move. "Im sorry, but really, why did I do it?" He thought outloud.

"I dont know, Blaine, but- I dont know." Kurt tried to say. A small awkward silence passed. "Alright, heres what is going to happen. Whatever, this" Kurt said, gesturing towards himself and Blaine, "has to stop. I dont if its the fuzzy minds, but it happened two times, youre engaged, and I frankly, I dont feel comfortable." Kurt said plainly, he felt very comfortable kissing Blaine, but he couldnt admit that.

Blaine nodded as Kurt continued, "I am pretty sure normal best friends dont do that, and were far from the friends with benefits thing." Kurts heart broke a little as saying that, but he had to give up Blaine. Had to get over him.

"I think thats good. I probably should leave, too." Blaine said as he got up, trying to ignore his head. Kurt stopped his, placing a hand on his chest that he quickly removed.

"There is no problem with you staying here, Blaine. Rachel and I invite you with open arms, more open than when Santana decided to move in." Blaine felt a tingle when Kurt had his hand on his chest, but ignored it, thinking the buzz from alcohol was still there. He sat back down on the couch. "Now, Im going to go to class and try to pay attention. Clean up a bit, and maybe try talking to Nick. A simple text. Tell him why you ran." Kurt tried his best to be supportative. It was for the best.

As Kurt grabbed his bag and flung it over his shoulder and headed for the door, Blaine stopped him speaking up. "Thank you, Kurt. I dont know what I would do without you." Kurt turned back and flashed him a smile.

"You wouldnt have such an awesome friend as me." Kurt winked as he closed the apartment door and regretting winking at him. He fought off the small redness appearing on his face from slight embarassment. 


Blaine got up and took a shower, he cleaned his previous clothes in the washer and dyer. He found some of Kurts useless clothes and wore them until his were done. He quickly put them on and discarded Kurts. He decided he would cook for Kurt, since what Kurt has done for him. He walked into the kitchen as he began making breakfast for dinner.

He heard the door open. He turned around in instinct as he just placed bacon on the skillet.

"Oh, hey, Rachel." Blaine said, putting his attention back to the oven. 

"Blaine.. what are you still doing here? Not be rude or anything, but shouldnt you be with Nick?" Rachel asked, a bit uncomfortable. Blaine flipped the bacon and sat the table, joining Rachel.

"Him and I had a fight, I dont feel like accepting his apology yet, he hasnt even said sorry, in fact." Blaine sighed. 

Rachels features softened as she reached over the table and grabbed Blaines hand. "Alright, I guess its okay if you stay here for a bit." Blaine smiled softly. "What are you making?" Rachel asked, turning her attention to the popping sounds of bacon.

Blaine got up quickly, flipping the bacon again, "Well, with you two being generous, I thought I would make you guys dinner." 

"Arent you a sweetheart." Rachel grinned. The apartment door swung open with an annoyed Kurt Hummel passing through it. Kurt threw his bag to the floor with a loud thud and shutting the door, not caring if it closed fully or not. He pulled out the table chair and sat with a hmfp.

"Dont you know how to make an entrance." Blaine teased. Kurt sighed and crossed his arms, placing them on the table, and burying his head.

"Awe, boo, what happened?" Rachel said.

"Adam, thats what happened." Kurt said, raising his head, only to drop it again.

"He confront you at NYADA?" Rachel asked.

Blaine listened in as he put the bacon on a plate, along with eggs he finished earlier. He made a smile face with 2 eggs and 3 pieces of bacon. He slid in front of Kurt. He added a glass of water with it.

"More than confronted. He decided itd be the perfect time to make a scene in front of everyone in class. No chances with anyone there anymore." Kurt sighed as he looked at the plate of food in front of him. He smiled at Blaine, "Thank you." 

Blaine nodded and turned his attention to making another plate for Rachel and himself. He sat down, handing Rachel hers as he took a bite of bacon.

"I hate exes." Kurt sighed. "All of them have turned out to be bitches." Kurt took a bite of eggs. "I mean, first there is Sebastian. He started out wonderful." Kurt started, Rachel and Blaine listening, "Then he swoops in with some attitude Ive never seen, turning out to be a dick. Glad I didnt waste a kiss with him." Kurt sighed. "Then there is Adam, being, well, Adam." 

"Hey, theres someone for everyone. I never thought I would never find Finn, but hey, he was right there. As many times as he went out with Quinn, then Santana, he was still there in the end, holding me in his arms." Rachel cooed. "And Blaine found Nick."

Blaine kind of choked on his food, and played it off as a tickle in his throat. 

"You alright, Blaine?" Kurt asked, unsure of what was going on.

"Yeah," Blaine said finding his voice, "Just a tickle in my throat."

Kurt nodded and turned his attention back to Rachel, "It just seems so hopeless at times. Guess Im just a silly hopeless romantic." Kurt sighed.

"Dont say that, hopeless romantics are cute." Blaine said, smiling, then realizing what he said. Rachel cleared her throat.

"Great dinner, Blaine." She said. Kurt felt his ears burning. Blaine knew his face was slightly red. 

"Agreed, Rachel." Kurt choked out. "Ill do dishes." Kurt said, getting up quickly. Blaine got up, but Rachel stopped him and shook her head. Blaine was confused but nodded. Kurt took their empty plates and began cleaning. Rachel abandoned the table and made Blaine join her on the couch.

"Have you talked to Nick?" Rachel asked. Blaine shook his head. Rachel thrusted his phone at him. "Call him."

Kurt quietly listened in. Although he did not like the idea of eavesdropping, there wasnt much he could do while washing dishes.

"But, what if," Blaine started, but Rachel stopped him. 

"Just call him, Blaine." Rachel said.

"Okay.. okay.." Blaine heard the small beeps as he typed in his number. He held the phone to his ear. "Hi, Nick." He breathed. "I know, I-. Yes, Nick, I-." There was a pause, filled with muffled sounds of Nick. "Im sorry, I love you, too." Blaine felt tears in his eyes. Kurt also felt own tears. Why did he feel heartbroken. He quickly grabbed the dish towel and wiped under his eyes to stop any fallen tears. He continued cleaning. 

Blaine ended the call and hugged Rachel. "Thank you." He whispered. Blaine looked at Kurt. Why did Blaine still feel sad? He pulled away from Rachel as he grabbed his jacket. "Im going to go, thank you Kurt and Rachel for taking me in last night." Kurt let out a bye, finally earning some courage to speak. As the apartment door slammed, Kurt couldnt help but let a tear go down his cheek. 

Rachel came up behind him and hugged him lightly, "It was for the best, Kurt, you know it was." Kurt nodded as another tear fell. Why did he feel this way? There was no reason to. They were friends, nothing more. Yes, they shared two kisses, but they were drunk. Kurt had feelings for him back at Dalton, but those were over, they had to be over. 

Kurt left her embrace as he went to his room. Rachel slid open his curtain. Kurt let out a small laugh, "This is like some dramatic romantic movie." Rachel laughed shortly, too.  

"Kurt, I remember what you told me when Mercedes, you, and I had that sleep over at my house,"She paused, "remember that?" Kurt nodded. "You talked about how you made it all up in your head when Blaine had that interest for the guy at the Gap. Its just like this, but with Nick. Youll get over it, just made it up all in your head." Rachel said.

"Wow, thanks, Rachel." Kurt said sarcastically, referring to her brutal honesty.

"It had to be said," She sighed.

"I know, just hurts, you know. Liking someone when you know you cant have them nor can you act on it." Rachel nodded and hugged Kurt. 

"Get some sleep, we both have some early classes tomorrow." Kurt agreed and changed once she left the room. He laid in bed, still a bit upset, but like Rachel said, hell get over it. But.. when?


Blaine almost ran home, but still felt a sadness in his heart. Was he forgiving Nick too soon? Nick didnt know about his encounter with Cooper, so was it really his fault, no? Blaine stopped in his tracks, thinking about Nick again. Was he doing the right thing? Was he really ready to forgive Nick? Maybe he just needed to see him, that would make up his mind, right? Blaine began to move his feet again, but stopped every now and then, thinking. Kurt seemed distress, maybe he should go see what is wrong. Wait, no, he needed to go to Nick. He felt the overpowering sensation to go to Kurt instead of Nick, but went foward, heading towards his apartment. Once he reached the apartment, he had no time to think now, he opened the door slowly as Nick emerged.

He stood there frozen as Nick came towards him and cupped his cheeks. He didnt feel happy to see Nick. He forced a smile as Nick leaned into him. Blaine pushed him back suddenly. Nick had hurt in his eyes. 

"I-Im sorry, just, come here." Blaine said, remembering he said some of those words to Kurt when he kissed him. Nick leaned in again and met Blaines lips. Blaine kissed him back, but didnt feel as connected as usually did with Nick. Nick broke the kiss and pulled Blaine inside. He began gripping at Blaines shirt, trying to remove it. Blaine pulled back quickly, adjusting his shirt back.

"Wha- what are you doing?" Blaine blurted out.

"I missed you, I need you, come on, Blaine." Nick said, he looked enraged and different.

"Not tonight.." Blaine said quietly. "Can we just go to bed?" Nick sighed a nodded. 

Blaine changed into boxers and a tank-top as he got into bed with Nick. Nick curled up closely to Blaine, but Blaine pulled away feeling slightly uncomfortable. 

"Okay, what the hell is your problem." Nick finally said, his voice loud, sitting up.

"Why are you yelling at me?" Blaine asked, with a hopeless expression.

"Because since you got here, youve been pulling away from me Blaine. I just want to share affection towards my fiance." Nick sighed, running a hand through his hair.

Blaine fiddled with his hands silently, "Sorry." 

Nick scooted close to him and wrapped an arm around him. Blaine tensed up. Nick sighed, "Forget it. He let go and went to his side of the bed, facing away from Blaine and closed his eyes. Blaine reached out to touch Nick on the arm, but Nick pulled his arm away from his reach. Blaines sighed as he rolled over and turned away from Nick. He just wanted things to go back to normal. 


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