Against All Odds
Fireworks. Next Chapter Story
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Against All Odds: Fireworks.

M - Words: 3,926 - Last Updated: Jun 09, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Jun 03, 2015 - Updated: Jun 03, 2015
136 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

I apologize for the Adam and Kurt romance. Same with Nick and Blaine. 

I will love you until my dying days


Kurt was in a trance as he heard his friend sing, "Come What May."  Blaine and Kurt had met each other when Puck suggested going to go "spy" on the Warblers. He always thought there was something there, maybe. They remained friends and went their separate ways until Blaine told Kurt he got accepted into NYADA. That was when Blaine moved in with Kurt and Rachel, then later moved out with Nick. He was happy for Blaine. 


Sing out this song and Ill be there by your side

Storm clouds may gather and stars may collide...


Kurt mouthed the words.

But I love you, until of time.

Come what may


Blaine eyes fell on Kurt. Blaine sang the last line staring into his ocean blue eyes.


I will love you...


The music stopped and Kurt adjusted his posture. Applause exploded throughout the small coffee shop. Kurt joined it, happy for Blaine. Blaine took in the applause as he bowed and thanked everyone, but he couldnt take his eyes of Kurt. Blaine was surprised as Nicholas engulfed him in a hug from behind.


"Im so proud of you, baby." Nick said, nuzzling his head into the crook of Blaines neck. He ripped his gaze from Kurt and hugged his boyfriend.

"Was I okay..?" Blaine asked, worrying he sounded terrible.

"More than okay! You were amazing." Nick said smiling. Nick has always been supportive of Blaine. He was happy to have him in his life.

"Thank you. I love you." Blaine said, pecking Nicks lips. 


Kurt watched as Blaine and Nick interacted. It felt like his insides were boiling. Its been 8 months of them dating, why does he still have this feelings? It cant be jealously, he got over Blaine when he dated Sebastian, even if that relationship went downhill. Hes dating the amazing man, Adam, too. Probably just some disagreements with the food, Kurt thought. He nodded his head, agreeing with himself.

Blaine saw Kurt still sitting awkwardly at the table, fiddling with his hands. He kissed Nick on the cheek as he gathered Blaines instruments, and jumped down the stage to meet his friend.

"Hey you." Blaine said with a wink. Kurts stomach flipped as he looked up and saw Blaine. He shouldnt of ate the free muffins they were giving out tonight.

"Hi, Blaine." Kurt said with a smile, "You were great, you know." 

"Oh, I know." Blaine said, his confidence rising. 

"Full of yourself, arent you." Kurt laughed. Blaine nodded happily as Kurt got up and gave him a small hug, "Im going to go back my apartment. Thank you for inviting me here, I really enjoyed it." 

Blaine pouted, "But, Kurt." He whined. Kurt couldnt help but laugh at those hazel orbs turned him into mush. 

Kurt patted him on the shoulder, "I have to meet, Adam. Finn, Rachel, Adam, and I are having a small dinner." He said with a small smile.

Blaine nodded, understanding. He didnt really like Adam. He may have the charming accent and was very handsome, but he didnt deserve Kurt, "Alright. Still coming to our Valentines party next week?" 

"Of course." Blaines smile widened as Kurt gave him his answer. 

Kurt gave him another small hug before heading out, "Ill see you then."

Blaine watched Kurt strode out of the small coffee shop and went back to meet Nick. 

"Kurts coming to our party next week." Blaine said quietly. Nick immediately stopped packing Blaines guitar in its case. 

"I dont really like Kurt.." Nick said, frustrated.

"Oh, come on, honey. Hes been there for me before you came along. Hes probably one of my better friends. You can stand one night with him." Blaine said with a roll of his eyes. Nick let out a small hufff as he faced Blaine.

"Is he bringing his boyfriend?" 

Blaine never asked him that. It would kind of suck to have Adam there. "I dont think so.. but I didnt really ask." Blaine shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, tell him hes invited." Nick suggested. Blaine sighed. Whatever would get him to stop complaining.


Kurt opened the door to their apartment.

He stopped in his tracks. Rachel and Finn were ontop of each other. It looked like some kind of freak of nature show. Kurt cleared his throat loudly to stop this blasphemy. Rachels face started to turn red, but Finn stayed where he was, not embarassed. Kurt rubbed his temples.

"You guys are a mess." He scoffed, "Get cleaned up for dinner. Adam will be here in a bit and I hope he doesnt have the same encounter as I just did." Kurt shivered. 

Finn climbed off Rachel and Rachel joined Kurt in the kitchen. He prepared to have spaghetti and maybe salad, trying to not go overboard like last weeks dinner.

"Chef Kurt!" Rachel exclaimed. He rolled his eyes at the weird nickname.

"Dork." He huffed, "Start making the salad dressing and spaghetti sauce."

"Yes, sir!" Rachel responded by saluting her.

"Whatever youre on, Id like some right now." Kurt said, referring to her amazing and happy attitude.

Rachel giggled, "Just love, dear." 

Kurt rolled his eyes, "Youre a love-sick puppy." Kurt watched as the water boiled and cut the spagetti noodles in half, placing them into the hot water.

"Oh, come on, Kurt, you know what love is." Rachel implied.

"I feel like Adam and I are on the rocks right now, honestly." Kurt confessed.

Rachels facial expression softened, "Awh, sweetie, why is that?" 

"Hes probably just busy at NYADA this month due to its almost coming to an end." Kurt insisted.

"Hey remember, "It gets better."" She said with a wink, referring to his messed up tattoo.

Kurt laughed, "Im planning on going to Blaines party next week for Valentines day." 

"Really? That should be fun! Are taking Adam? I mean it is Valentines day.." Kurt hadnt even thought of that, he was just happy to spend some time with Blaine.

"Oh, yeah, of course." Kurt sputtered. Rachel patted his back. 


The talked, cooking dinner about Valentines day plans and NYADA drama. Kurt zoned out when she started talking about Finn. He heard a buzz at the door.

"Must be Adam." Kurt smiled. He set down the spoon he was stirring the pasta with and met Adam at the door with a small peck.

"Hey, Kurt." Adam said, not his usual attitude.

Kurt tilted his head, "Whats wrong, honey?"

"I-. Its just school." Adam said with a large sigh.

"Well, next week stop worrying about school." Adams curiousity struck him.

"Why is that?"

"Were going to a party." Kurt said, happily.

"Whos hosting it? And what for?" Kurts felt a bit of sadness that Adam didnt know what next week was. He ignored it a bit.

"Uh, Blaine and Nick. Also its a Valentines day party."

Adam huffed, "No."

"What why?" Kurt asked, his voice pitch raising a bit.

"I dont want to go to a party on OUR Valentines day." 

Kurt pulled Adam close, wrapping his arms around his neck, "We only have to be there for a couple of hours." 

Adam rested his hands on Kurts waist and sighed, "As long as I get some alone time with you."

Kurt kissed his forehead, "Of course."


All four of them sat at the table, chatting. Kurt looked at his plate and back at Adam. He thought when you looked at someone that you loved, youre heart fluttered or your stomach did small flips, but he guessed that wasnt the case. Adam winked at him as he caught Kurts gaze. Kurt forced a smile. No flutters. No flips. Rachel began talking about how Funny Girl. Kurt sighed quietly to himself and picked at his food.

"Didnt you mother ever tell you dont play with your food?" Adam said with a smirk.

Kurt forced another smile, "Just not that hungry."

"But, you were telling us how you were starving a few minutes ago?" Finn said with a confused look on his face. Kurt sighed.

"Guess Im just not hungry anymore, Finn." Kurt rolled his eyes and brought his attention to Adam.


They all talked amongst themselves. Kurt watched Adam, looking to find some sort of feature that will make him see the guy he thought he loved. Adam was great, he really was, just the connection, its been dying. Why has it been dying. Kurt was brought into the real world as Rachel asked him a question.

"Huh?" Kurt said, sitting better in his chair.

"What is for dessert?" She asked again.

"Oh, I didnt prepare anything.." 

"What!" Finn whined.

"There may be ice cream in the freezer.." Kurt suggested. Finn muttered a yes to himself as he got up to get ice cream. Rachel helped him. Adam took Kurts hand and led him to the couch. Kurt didnt really know what was going on, he just followed Adams lead. 

"Kurt." Adam started, "I-" Adam bit his lip. They have been dating for about 1 month now, yet he still get a bit shy.

Kurt smiled at his shyness, "I love you, too." Kurt tried to make it sound convincing. Adams smiled made him sure he was a good actor. Kurt intertwined his hand in Adams and placed them on his thigh as he turned on the TV. They chatted silently as Rachel and Finn moved to their bedroom. Adam looked over Kurts shoulder seeing no appearance of Rachel and Finn. He smiled at Kurt and leaned in. Kurt caught on and leaned in. Their lips connected. 

There was one problem with this, Kurt didnt feel anything when he kissed Adam. He cupped Adams cheek, trying to deepen the kiss to feel something, anything. Adam started laying down on the couch, with Kurt following on top of him. Kurt got access into Adams mouth, exploring. He still felt nothing. He felt Adams hands on the small of his back. Still nothing. No sparks, fireworks. Maybe that was just the first kiss. Kurt didnt really know, hes only had two kisses his whole life. Karofskys, which was not his cup of tea, and then Adams. Kurt didnt feel any sensation. He could tell Adam was enjoying himself, but Kurt was not. Adams hands left his back and explored lower. Kurt still didnt feel anything, only felt uncomfortable space. Kurt pulled back to get a breathe of air. Adam stared at him, waiting, hands still on his backside. Adam leaned in and kissed Kurts neck. Even though, it did feel good, he didnt feel any fireworks. He moaned as Adam began sucking behind his ear. Kurt felt a hickey being formed. He put a hand on Adams chest lowering him down. 

"I think we need to cool off." Kurt huffed as he patted Adams chest, sitting up. Adam nodded and snuggled into Kurt. They turned on the TV and watched a movie, later falling asleep.


"Nick?" Blaine called.

"Yeah?" Nick yelled back.

"Where is my warbler tie?" He called. He searched around trying to find it. Nick came in the room.

"I dont know, why?" He leaned against the door frame, watching Blaine. This is what their relationship had turned into. It wasnt about love as much anymore, more about problems. Like where is my shirt? What is for dinner? He didnt feel like Nick loved him, no matter the affection. Blaine loved Nick, at least he thinks he loves Nick. 

"I want to wear it. Kurt and I are visiting my old school." Nick felt a lump in his throat when he said Kurt. He really hated that guy.

"Why is Kurt going?" Nick asked, crossing his arms.

"Because he use to go there, too..." Blaine said in his know-it-all attitude.

"I want to go." Nick said, standing up straighter.

"Nick, come on, I havent spent that much time with Kurt since I got to New York." Blaine continued searching for his tie.

"How long will you be gone?" 

"Well, probably a couple of days.. He is going to visit his Dad, see his condition. Ill be visiting my parents, also." Blaine ressurred him.

"Text and call me as soon as you get there, please. Just as much as you can." Nick said, hopeless.

"I know." Blaine got up and put his hands on Nicks waist, pulling him in for a kiss. Nick moved fast and moved his tongue passed Blaines lips. Nick then moved to Blaines neck and left a large hickey on Blaines neck that was very noticeable. 

"Nick." He groaned, "I am going out in public."

"Good." Nick grumbled. Blaine sighed at his boyfriend possessive attitude. He continued packing and drove to pick up Kurt.


"You have everything?" Adam asked, stroking Kurts arm. Kurt nodded and leaned in kissing him softly. 

"Ill see you when I get back." Kurt smiled.

"Okay, love you." Adam said quickly. Kurt noticed his awkward and subtle posture. He gave him another kiss and hug. He grasped Adams hands.

"I love you, too."

They stayed staring at each other for a while. Kurt could see something was wrong in Adams eyes. He didnt really want to question it. A knock was heard at the door. Kurt rushed and opened it, looking at Blaine. 

"Hey." Kurt acknowledged.

"Hey!" Blaine said excited. Kurt laughed at his persona, "Oh, hey, Adam." Blaine said extending his hand for Adam to shake. Adam shook his hand and gave Kurt a peck on the cheek and whispered in his ear. Kurt giggled and grabbed his bags. Blaine scrunched up his face at the sight of that. What did they say?

"Lets go, nerd." He said to Blaine while walking out.

"Bye, Adam." Blaine said, before following Kurt. 


Blaine caught up with Kurt.

"What did he say to you?" Blaine asked, curious.

"Nothing." Kurt laughed.

"What do-" Blaine started, but being interrupted by the ding of the elevator.

"Ladies first," Kurt insisted.

"Jerk." Blaine said, sticking his tongue out to Kurt. Kurt laughed and followed Blaine, hitting L on the keypad.


"Alright, so Ill pick you up at your house and well go to Dalton, right?" Kurt said, making sure he had the plan down. Blaine nodded and hugged Kurt.

"Cya tomorrow, buddy." Blaine said as he got into the car with his parents. Kurt waited for his parents to come pick him up at the airport.


"Hey Dad." Kurt smiled as his Dad pulled up. Kurt got into the car.

"Hey, kid." Burt said, paying attention the road, "How is New York treating you?" 

"Good." Kurt said quickly.

"How about that kid, uh whats his name, Albert.. Dylan.." Burt started listing off names now even close to Adam.

Kurt laughed, "Adam, Dad, and hes good. Still strong." Burt nodded his head. 

"What did he have planned why you were gone?" His Dad asked curious.

"I dont know." Kurt put simply.

Burt nodded his head, "Carol is cooking something great for dinner." 

"Sounds great, Dad." Kurt smiled


Blaine called Nick happily.

"Hey babes." 

"Hi." Blaine smiled.

"I miss you." Nick confessed.

"Awh, honey, I miss you, too."

"Youll be home tomorrow, right?"



"Kurt and I are going to Dalton today then heading out seperate ways. I think he is coming home tonight. I thought Id stay another."

"I love you." Nick said out of no where. Blaine was a little taken back.

"Hey, I love you, too." Blaine said softly.

"Ill see when you get home."

"Alright." Blaine agreed and hanged up with one last exhanged of I love yous. 


"Blainers!" Kurt exclaimed.

"Kurtsie!" Blaine said, just as excited. Kurt cringed at the nickname.

"Ew, Kurtsie?" Disgust was written on his face.

Blaine laughed, "You put me on the spot." 

Kurt laughed and patted Blaine on the back, "Well try again next time."

They started walking towards the car as Blaine spoke up, "Blainers, huh?"

Kurt laughed as started the car.


They began their drive to Dalton Academy as a rememberial song came on the radio.

"Oh my gosh." Blaine said as he turned up the radio.


You think Im pretty, without any make up on.


Blaine started to sing loudly. Kurt laughed at his child side. Blaine nudged him and couldnt help but join him.


Lets go all, the way tonight, no regrets just love.


Blaine grabbed Kurts hand, reenacting the song lyrics. Kurt blushed at the gesture.


You make me, feel like Im living a teenage dream!


Blaine and Kurt continued singing the song as they made their way to the campus.


They got out of the car. Kurt looked over Blaine.

"I swear, " He started, walking towards Blaine, "With you wearing those bowties, you forgot how to tie a tie." Kurt sighed as he fixed the younger boys tie. He finished straightening it. Kurt stepped back, noticing how close he was. He played it off with an awkward laugh. 

"You nervous?" Blaine asked Kurt.

"Not really, you look like it though." Kurt chuckled.

"Oh, hey, you wont believe who works here now," Blaine started. Kurt raised his eyebrows in interest, "Its-" Blaine said getting cut off.

"Me." Kurt heard a familiar voice as he looked up and saw the one and only Sebastian Smythe staring down at them at the stairwell.

"Well, isnt it the meerkat." Kurt retorted.

"Gay face." Sebastian replied. Kurt scoffed as Sebastian made his way down the stairwell.

"With me in charge, the Warbles have never been better." Sebastian looks at Blaine, "Still looking super hot, Blaine." Blaine felt a blush rise in his cheeks. He felt very uncomfortable.

"Well be on our way." Blaine said, going to see some of his old friends that havent graduated yet. Kurt followed him, sticking his tongue out at Sebastian while they walked away.

Blaine walked in and saw some familiar faces. He smiled as they acknowledged him and hugged him. 

"Hey guys. New recruits?" Blaine questioned.

"Yeah." Trent said, who was now a senior, "Oh, hey, Kurt." Trent said, giving Kurt a small hug.

"Thought wed pay a visit." Kurt said quietly. He only knew Blaines close friends who graduated. He felt awkward. Kurt sat in a chair as Blaine talked with the Warblers. He loved this place, you could tell in his eyes. He had so much passion for it. Kurt remember when he and Blaine walked/ran down the hall to Warbler practice holding hands. He went into a flashback until Blaine interrupted him.

"Hey, Earth to Kurt?" 

Kurt stood up, "Hm?" 

"Ready to go." Blaine asked politely.

"If you are." 

They headed out and got into the car.

"Have fun?" Kurt asked, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, I really did." Blaine started talking about the conversations he had with them and some old stories on the way back to his house. Kurt laughed, listened, and smiled at what Blaine was saying. 


  Kurt and Blaine decided to skip going to his house and go to the Lima Bean. Blaine went on and on about more Warbler stories. I made Kurt happy to see him happy. Blaine bounced in his seat. Kurt glared over.

"What are you doing?" Kurt laughed.

"I dont know, just felt like it." Blaine said, his hazel eyes softening.

Kurt tore his gaze away from Blaine as he contiuned to drive.

"So how are you and Nick? 8 months now, right?" Kurt tried starting a new conversation.

"Yeah, wow, yeah." Blaine said thinking about how long its been.

"Hes a very lucky guy." Kurt said with a smile. 

"Whys that?" Blaine asked, trying to get more compliments.

"Hmm, probably because he is dating New Yorks number one musician." 

Blaine laughed, "Just music?"

"Ill admit, you have charming looks also, Blaine." Kurt said, laughing, "Now stop fishing for compliments."

Blaine pretending to be offended. "Fishing? No."

Kurt shook his head slightly and rolled his eyes as they turned into the Parking Lot. Blaine got out of the car before Kurt could put it in park and turn the engine off. Kurt watched as Blaine raced to the door of the Lima Bean and got in line. Kurt followed him shortly after.

"Arent you in a hurry." Kurt chuckled. Blaine nodded. 

"Medium Drip and a grande nonfat mocha." Kurt said to the lady behind the counter as they reached the front of the line. Kurt looked at the Valentine decorations. Kurt bursted into laughter remember a memory.

He nudged Blaine, "Remember the guy from the Gap?" Kurt giggled.

Blaine covered his face with his hands, "Please, dont remind me." Kurt patted his back and laugh as he paid for the drinks. 

They retrieved their drinks and sat down and the nearest empty table.

"There are so many memories here. In Ohio." Kurt said smiling.

"You were kind of born here." Blaine stated.

Kurt gave him an annoyed look, "I meant memories that mean a lot to me, genius." 

Blaine smiled, "Name one." 

"When you thought you were straight/bi." Kurt said, trying to hold his laugh.

Blaine scoffed, "That was when I was still figuring things out." 

"So you decided to make out with Rachel?" Kurt laughed.

"Shut up." Blaine mumbled, taking a drink of coffee, "Wait, why is that one important?"

Kurt thought for a moment, "I dont know, it just feels important. Also, I dont think I could of cope if you decided to date Rachel." Kurt laughed.

Blaine shook his head, "Youre something." 

Kurt smiled, "You know it." he took a sip from his own drink as the silence overtook them.


"Well, I had fun." Kurt smiled.

"Yeah, thanks for driving and all that." Blaine wasnt too sure what to say.

"Ill see you tomorrow." Kurt said as Blaine got out of the car going inside his house. 

Kurt gripped the steering wheel and drived home.




"I expect you at the party tomorrow." Blaine said before leaving Kurt to head to his apartment. They got back from Ohio. 

"I will." Kurt said smiling.

"Oh, and bring Adam." Blaine added, not really wanting to say it.

"Was planning to." Kurt said with a forced smile. He gave Blaine a friendly hug as he went home.


"Rachel!" Kurt yelled as he closed the door behind him. Kurt was surprised when he was attacked with a hug from Adam.

"Or Adam." Kurt said smiling as Adam let go.

"Welcome home. I missed you." Adams eyes sparkled as he looked into Kurts. Kurt wondered what he was feeling.

"I was only gone two days, honey." Kurt reached to grab Adams hands.

"I know, but just didnt feel the same." Kurt forced a smile as he felt a lump in his throat. Was he suppose to feel the way Adam is? That he cant go two days without seeing him? He could probably go a week without seeing Adam and be fine..

Adam leaned in and kissed Kurt gently on the lips. Kurt tried to get into it, but nothing happened. He thought maybe he would feel something.

"The party is tomorrow, wear something nice." Kurt said, eyeing Adams outfit. 

Adam nodded and kissed Kurt again. Kurt sighed into the kiss as he felt he was kissing a wall.


"Nick, Nick, Nick!" Blaine called as he made his way into their home. He tackled Nick on the couch. 

"Hi." Nick said, smiling at Blaine brightly.

Nick kissed Blaine gently as they got up and sat the proper way on the couch.

"How was Ohio?" Nick questioned.

"Oh, it was great..." Blaine started telling what Kurt and him did then what he did at the Academy. Nick nodded pretending to listen as his fingers touched the small box in his hoodie pocket, smiling at Blaine. Valentines day was going to be something he would never forget.



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