June 9, 2015, 7 p.m.
June 9, 2015, 7 p.m.
Hmm. Nick is gone. Goodie goodie.
Blaine woke up, feeling warmth behind him. He scooted away, knowing Nicks body was wrapped around his. Nick groaned and laid back.
"Just for two seconds, Blaine." Nick sat up. "I dont understand. What happened?"
Blaine sat up and looked at Nick, "What do you mean?"
"Blaine, we had a fight, we said our sorrys, why cant we just make up?" Nick asked.
"I dont... know." Blaine said quietly. Nick scooted over and put his hands on Blaines shoulders, massaging slowly.
"Let me relax you, Blaine." He whispered in Blaines ear. Blaine did not feel okay with this. He stayed still as he kept applying pressure to his shoulders.
"Nick.." Blaine started, but only to be interrupted by Nick forcefully kissing him. Blaine tried to push him off, but Nick stayed attached. Nicks hands began going under Blaines shirt. Blaine finally managed to push Nick off.
"I-I dont want this." Blaine breathed, getting up quickly, keeping his distance away from Nick. "You- youve changed, Nick." Blaine had fear in his eyes.
"The only one whos changed here is you." Nick scoffed. Blaine began to open his mouth to agrue otherwise, "Dont give me that, no, I am the same and blah blah. It had something to do when you left."
"Well, its kind of hard to forget someone calling you worthless, like I havent heard it enough." Blaine felt tears burn in his eyes. "Being called by it from people that dont accept who I am. Family. Sometimes, friends." His eyes looked up at Nick as he said friends.
Nick sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "What happened, Blaine? We use to love cuddling, do all kinds of.. things, then you start disappearing more, avoiding me."
Blaine looked at his hands, "You kept changing. Getting more defensive. Then you ask me to marry me in front of all those people. I would like a total jerk if I didnt say yes. I dont think I want this, Nick." Blaine said looking up, a tear rolling down his cheek. He slowly removed his wedding ring, placing it on the near dresser.
Blaine saw the anger in Nicks eyes, "I did everything for you. Everything and this is how you repay me." Nick spat. "I will never forgive you for this, Blaine. I am glad I called you worthless, because honestly, Im believing that you truly are that now."
Blaine shook his head, "You-you dont mean that."
"Yes I do. I mean every single word." Nick said, crossing his arms. "Pack your fucking bags and get the hell out of my apartment."
Blaine gulped loudly and packed a small suitcase.
"Dont call me, dont text me, I dont want to see you." Nick slammed the door behind Blaine as he left. Blaine sunk to his knees as he began to sob. He gathered himself together, tears still falling as he ran out of the apartment building, feeling hopeless.
Kurt woke up to a loud banging at the door. He stayed in bed, hoping Rachel would get it since he was rather comfortable. He heard small footsteps and had a victory as the door slid open. He heard Rachel gasp as he heard someone entered the apartment.
There was a muffled conversation coming from the living room. Kurt tried to figure out who could be here so late. Kurt yawned a bit louder than expected as Rachel came through the curtain.
"What?" Kurt said as Rachel sat on his bed.
"Its.. Blaine. He and Nick have, at least he thinks, broke off." Kurt nodded. Kurt felt sad for Blaine, but weirdly happy. He shouldnt feel good about his friend being heartbroken.
"And.." Kurt asked.
"He wanted to see you." Rachel simply put. Kurt nodded as he got up out of bed. He stretched and made his way behind Rachel walking to the living room.
He looked at Blaine, who was a mess. His face was red, clothes wet from most likely the rain outside. He carried a small suitcase. The gel in his hair had worn off, curls escaping. Kurts eyes filled with sadness for the boy. Seeing Blaine in this state broke his heart.
"Hey." Kurt said softly, sitting on the chair closest to the couch, where Blaine was seated. Kurt looked at Rachel of what to do. She shrugged her shoulders. They sat in silence as Blaine looked into space, feeling broken. He felt around his ring finger, maybe hoping the ring would magically appear and this was all a dream. He felt someone sit by him. He looked up and saw Kurts encouraging face to try and tell him that it will be okay. Kurt wrapped an arm around Blaine hesitantly. Blaine buried his head in Kurts shoulder, sobbing silently. Kurt hugged him slightly as he kept crying. Kurt looked over at Rachel and she sighed, sitting on the other side of Blaine.
When Blaine finally broke away from Kurt. Rachel had went back to sleep, but Kurt decided to stay with Blaine just incase he needed anything. Once he got Blaine to lay down and try and rest, he re-washed Blaines wet clothes from the broken suitcase he brought. He offered some of his tone-downed outfits as well. With 2 more hours until he had class, he sighed as he watched Blaine sleep quietly. He walked to his room and laid down, hoping to fit in a small nap before school. A small tug at his curtain made him sit up. Blaine sat in the opening, his figure weak.
"Can- I cant sleep very well, I was- wondering if it was okay to sleep in here.." Blaine asked quietly.
Kurt nodded slowly as he made room for Blaine. Blaine sat on the edge of bed and laid down. Kurt looked over him as he shivered a bit. He offered some of his blankets and Blaine took them slowly.
"Thank you." Blaine said barely a whisper.
"No problem, Blaine." Kurt said quietly, turning the other way, closing his eyes.
He felt something gripping his hand. He turned his head and looked at his and Blaines intertwined fingers. A lump formed in his throat, but he didnt let go. He turned his head back and began to fall asleep.
Kurt woke up to Rachel shaking him quietly. Kurt sat up and looked at his surroundings. He saw Blaine still asleep. Their hands were still attached. He carefully left Blaines grip and gathered some clothes, heading into the restroom.
After he finished getting ready he sat tired at the table.
"I dont want to go to school." Kurt whined. Rachel sighed, "Neither do I. Do you know if Blaine has class today?"
"I dont think so." Kurt said unsure.
"Lets talk about the hand-holding and same-bed situation." Rachel began to say, scolding Kurt. He held up a hand to stop her.
"Im not going to do anything Rachel. He lost his fiance, it would be cold to make a move like that. He needs comfort, that is what were here for, to support him." Kurt reminded her.
"Seems more than supporting for you." Rachel sighed.
"Im not some man-whore you think I am, Rachel." Kurt spat.
"I never said you were." Rachel argued.
"You sure imply it. When I try and be nice for Blaine, you consider me as some kind of slut who throws himself at Blaine. Im not trying to get together with him." Kurt said, trying not to yell. Kurt sighed and looked at the time, "We, well I, have to get to class. Jot Blaine a note where things are. His laundry is in the basket by the machines, he can help himself to any food, Im shopping tonight anyways, and he can use the DVD player, cable TV is also available." Rachel nodded as Kurt left.
Blaine woke up, feeling like absolute crap. He rubbed his face, feeling it swollen. He looked around, noticing he was in Kurts room, hlad he wasnt intoxicated, meaning nothing too bad happened. He got up and went into the kitchen. He looked at a note left for him and went to retrieve his laundry.
He showered and then realized he didnt have any gel. He used Kurts spare toothbrush he bought for Blaine if he needed to stay over and brushed his teeth. He looked at his curly mane on top of head, cringing. He changed into simple sweatpants and a hoodie. He managed to only grab certain clothes which turned out to be housewear and 2 out of town outfits. He sighed as he closed his suitcase and set it by the washing machine.
He made his way to the kitchen and made cookies, maybe to just say thank you to his friends again for letting him stay. He went into the living room and put on a movie as he waited for the cookie timer to ding. He retrieved the cookies and put them on a plate. He helped himself to one.
He couldnt stop thinking about him and Nicks breakup. He wondered if Nick regretted it. Blaine sort of did, but didnt at the same time. It was confusing. Love was confusing. Why?
Blaine grabbed a blanket and laid on the couch, trying to pay attention to movie, but couldnt help thinking about last night. Kurt had stayed with him for at least an hour as he cried. He tried to stop and let Kurt be free, but it kept coming out. Rachel left shortly after 15 minutes, needing "beauty sleep" but Kurt stayed. Kurt let him sleep in his bed, which was really odd, Blaine thought. He missed Nick, the way things ended between them was terrible, why couldnt he fix it easily? He felt hot tears form in his eyes. He tried to close his eyes, forgetting all the bad things.
Kurt walked in, glad to get home before Rachel. He saw Blaine curled up on the couch asleep. His eyes were puffy and slightly red. He was probably crying a bit today. He noticed his hair wasnt gelled. He laughed gently at the sight. He set his bag on the kitchen counter, noticing the cookies. He helped himself to one as he cleaned up Blaines mess.
Kurt went into the living room and turned off the TV and he heard a loud yawn as he bent down to get out the disc and place it in its rightful case. He placed the DVD case in the appropriate space.
"What time is it?" Blaine called, making Kurt jump slightly.
Kurt recovered and looked at his phone, "5:20." he replied, putting his phone on the coffee table. Blaine raised his head and looked at Kurt. Kurt gave him a resurring smile. Blaine rested his head back down.
"Kurt." He spoke quietly.
Kurt hummed mhm response, picking up the Vogue magazine left on the table.
"Why is love so confusing?" Blaine questioned. Kurt was a bit taken back, but thought for it a minute. He set down the magazine, staring at Blaine.
"I think of this, you cant follow your heart when it is more confused in your head." Kurt answered. "Yet, youre mind may be confused, but your emotions never lie. If love isnt confusing, where is the fun in it?"
"When did you become Oprah?" Blaine said, some of his words slurring from being tired.
"You pick up some things watching her a lot." Kurt laughed slightly. "Digging the hairstyle, by the way, Borat."
Blaine couldnt help but smirk at Kurts comment. He grabbed a pillow and covered his face.
"Shut up." He said, the pillow muffling his voice.
"Im going to go and get some groceries. Ill buy you some gel while Im out, sound good?"
Blaine removed the pillow and nodded. "Please."
Kurt smiled, "Alright. Anything else you need?"
Blaine thought for a minute, "Not that I can think of, but make sure you get the raspberry kind." Blaine reminded him.
"I will." Kurt chuckled as he grabbed his jacket and put it on. He slid his wallet in the pocket. "Be back in an hour or so, if Rachel comes home early, tell her where I am please."
Blaine nodded and heard the apartment door shut. He thought of what Kurt said,
You cant follow your heart when it is more confused in your head. Yet, youre mind may be confused, but your emotions never lie. If love isnt confusing, where is the fun in it.