What Our Colors Don't Show
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What Our Colors Don't Show: Chapter 3

E - Words: 1,970 - Last Updated: Mar 08, 2016
Story: Complete - Chapters: 14/14 - Created: Mar 08, 2016 - Updated: Mar 08, 2016
276 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Sorry this is late, but you are still getting 2 chapters today. 

Kurt had a date. Not just any date, but a third date with none other than Blaine Anderson. They had gone out on Tuesday after Blaine had nervously called Kurt saying he had ended up with an extra ticket to a show in a small theatre in Queens, his friend was sick and now couldn’t go.  Kurt had picked him up at his apartment. The show was atrocious but they had enjoyed themselves despite that fact. Their walk back to Blaine’s apartment was filled with silly conversations about what they would have done if they had been cast in the show themselves. Kurt’s only regret was not kissing Blaine in the awkward pause between goodbye and the shut of the apartment door.

Kurt wasn’t going to make the same mistake twice. The next day he asked Blaine out again and once his yes was secured he began planning. He would have liked to take Blaine out on an extravagant date with a five-star restaurant  and exclusive Broadway tickets; unfortunately as it so often was, Kurt’s bank account didn’t agree with his extravagant tastes. Instead, Kurt found a quaint Filipino restaurant not far from a jazz club Mercedes had raved about. Kurt made sure to look his best before picking Blaine up, swinging by a flower cart on the way. Blaine’s blush when he received the bouquet of roses made it all worthwhile.

Kurt liked the ease of their conversation as they walked together through New York. He was surprised then when Blaine stopped mid-sentence when Kurt steered him towards their destination with his hand on the small of Blaine’s back. “What?” Kurt asked, afraid he had made a misstep.

“How did you know?” Blaine asked, a small smile forming on his lips.

“Know what?” Kurt said with a laugh.

“You didn’t know?” Blaine’s smile changed and he looked almost in awe of Kurt. “My mom, she is Filipino, this- I had no idea this was even here.”

“That’s good, right?” Kurt asked, taking Blaine’s hand.

Blaine squeezed it back, “It’s wonderful. I just hope their Laing is even half as good as my mom’s.”

Once seated, Kurt couldn’t stop himself from taking Blaine’s hand. His eyes were closed and his nostrils flared as he took in the smells that seemed to transport him to another time and place. Blaine opened his eyes and turned that sweet smile to Kurt once more. “I don’t know how you knew, but I have been feeling so homesick lately. I know I was just there a month ago, but it was only a few days and she didn’t- it was Christmas, she just cooked turkey and all that. Thank you Kurt.”

Kurt shrugged, “I didn’t know, but I saw it and wanted to try something new. I’m glad though-that you like it.”

Blaine helped Kurt order, explaining what each option was. Their waitress smiled at them each time she passed by. Kurt could understand her impulse, there was something truly mesmerizing about Blaine as he spoke, his face lit up and was so animated. Kurt felt like he could barely catch his breath. Once their food was ordered, Blaine continued telling Kurt about sitting in the kitchen as he watched his mother cook and other childhood memories.”It’s hard sometimes,” Blaine said eventually, “I’m proud of my heritage, but I rarely get to share it with anyone. I don’t look like my mom, at least not enough for people not to assume I am anything but white. The last name Anderson doesn’t help. Sometimes I wish I looked more like her.”

“I can see how that could be hard,” Kurt said, “but please know you can always share that part of you with me. I wish I could say that I knew, but it was just luck. Your mom sounds like an amazing woman.”

Blaine laughed, “She is, I think she would like you. Tell me about your mom.”

“Oh.” Kurt breathed. “My mom- my mom was a beautiful, strong woman. We used to bake together and she taught me how to cook. My favorite thing was, she would give me a cookbook and have me pick out whatever I wanted. We would go to the store, buy the ingredients, and learn to make it together. There were some complete disasters, and quite a few things my dad refused to try, but mostly they became a new staple to our menus. Those are- those are some of my best memories of her.”

Blaine looked stricken then, “Kurt , is your mom-”

Kurt nodded sadly, the loss of his mom still hurt even after all this time. “She died when I was eight. My dad and I are close so that helps. He remarried and my step mom- I couldn’t ask for better.” Kurt changed the subject, steering them to happier topics.

The jazz club was just as good as Mercedes had said. The band shifted from ragtime to swing, bebop to hot jazz, each style just as good as the last. They ordered drinks, sipping and talking before Kurt worked up the courage to ask Blaine to dance. The dance floor was full, and while there were many dancers more skilled than them, they were having too much fun to care. Kurt led them in fun and sometimes silly moves until they were slightly sweaty and breathless.

The cool night air felt nice on their overheated skin as they made their way back to Blaine’s apartment. It was getting late and although Kurt hated to end the night he also knew he would have to make the trip back to Bushwick. Many times as they danced in the club Kurt had wanted to kiss the smile off Blaine’s face; he held himself back though. They walked hand in hand talking non stop about whatever popped up. Before Kurt knew it they were at the steps leading to Blaine’s building.

“I had a really great time tonight,” Blaine said. “I mean it, this- it was just perfect. Thank you.”

“Thank you for sharing it with me,”

Blaine shifted on his feet as if he wasn’t sure what to do. “I guess I should go so that you can get home. You’ll text me when you get there, right, so I know you got home safe. It’s pretty late.”

“Of course. Night Blaine.” Kurt said and Blaine started to turn to his door. “Wait.” Kurt whispered tugging on Blaine’s hand which he hadn’t let go of yet .

Blaine turned and Kurt closed the space between them, kissing him.

It started sweet and innocent. Kurt reveled in the soft press of their lips together, the faint taste of Blaine’s beer on his lips. Kurt swiped his tongue over the seam of Blaine’s lips which parted almost instantly. They kissed, learning each other, standing in a pool of light on a street in New York. Kurt didn’t want to stop he wanted to take Blaine into the apartment and learn more, learn all of him. He never wanted the feeling to stop. His heart was pitter pattering an erratic rhythm in his chest and he could feel his body tingling in an intoxicating way. Contrary to his desire though he pulled away. For a second Blaine seemed to chase his lips, leaning forward before he opened his eyes. His face was flushed, his eyes dark and wide, and a bashful smile played on his lips.

Kurt’s voice was high and breathy as he spoke. “I’ll see you soon. Goodnight Blaine.”

Blaine looked slightly shell shocked as he said, “Real soon, I hope.” He blushed and hurried to the door. Just before he shut himself inside he turned back to Kurt standing at the bottom of the steps, “Goodnight Kurt.”

Kurt spun around in the middle of the sidewalk unable to contain his joy. He hopped up and down for a minute before the realization hit that Blaine could be watching him through the window as he acted like a complete fool. Still with a smile on his face he made his way home. He knew he had to look like an idiot, with his dopey grin and inability to contain small burst of laughter as he thought about their evening. When he let himself into their apartment, Kurt was glad that Rachel wasn’t awake to see him. One day he would share this with his roommate, but now was not the time. As promised Kurt texted Blaine that he was home, bidding him good night again.

He changed into his pajamas before sitting at his vanity to complete his nightly routine. Before beginning, as always, Kurt took off his ring, in the effort to keep it clean. This time however, Kurt took a moment to stare at the mark circling his finger. He’d often wondered whose name dwelled somewhere in those lines, never before daring to dream a man’s name in their place. Now, he couldn’t help but hope that there could even be a slim chance of it being Blaine’s name. He knew he was falling for him fast. He just hoped that Blaine could eventually feel the same.

Finally he pulled himself away from thoughts of his mark to complete his nightly routine. His thoughts never did stray far from Blaine though. Even as he went to sleep, Kurt pictured the smile he wore just before closing the door.

Kurt slammed the door to his room and sprinted to his bed. He couldn't believe today of all days it was happening now. He was in the middle of history class listening to his teacher drone on and on about The Federalist Papers when the burning itch began. It only took him a minute to figure out what it was. He hadn’t even alerted the teacher, instead just gathered his things and rushed out the door. He knew it could take hours for his mark to fully emerge, but didn’t want to chance it. If he was marked as a sub- well the bullies didn’t need any more fodder than his general being supplied. Azimo, Karofsky, Finn, Puck and the rest of the McKinley football team took enough pleasure in trying to break him, they didn’t need another excuse, another slur to throw at him.

His dad’s new mark had come just two weeks before, taking less than an hour. Kurt hoped now that it was here, that he should be like his father and the agonizing wait would be short. Unfortunately, Kurt wasn’t so lucky. The school day had ended and the time before his father would be home was dwindling away and no color marred his skin.

Kurt tried to distract himself; picking up books, scrolling through Tumblr, he even put on The Sound Of Music. Nothing could keep his eyes, or his mind, away from his finger.  He thought he would go mad with the wait.  Then he saw it- a tiny line beginning to form. Red. He let out a sigh of relief.  He’d hoped, but didn’t dare believe, he would be a Dom. The idea of giving up control to anyone, even his soulmate, terrified him.

Soon red lines looped and swirled around his finger, an intricate unique pattern that Kurt knew one day would morph into his soulmate's name.  He would be able to read it for only a few hours before eventually turning back into beautiful filigree, black instead of red.  He wished he could glimpse it now, just for a moment, it would be enough to truly convince him there was someone out there for him somewhere.  Kurt hoped he could be a good Dom to them, he wanted whoever it was to be proud to be with him.


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