What Our Colors Don't Show
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What Our Colors Don't Show: Chapter 2

E - Words: 2,091 - Last Updated: Mar 08, 2016
Story: Complete - Chapters: 14/14 - Created: Mar 08, 2016 - Updated: Mar 08, 2016
243 0 0 0 0

Monday Mercedes was gone, back in LA once more. Kurt wasn’t sure if she talked to Sam, if anything had been resolved. Frankly he didn’t care. He had other things to worry about at the moment, mainly finding Blaine and finally asking him out. Having confirmation that he was in fact a sub was just the push that Kurt needed to finally do what he had been trying to work his courage up to for so long. He just needed to find him.

While NYADA wasn’t a large school in enrollment, the campus itself was not small. With three theatres, several dance studios, black boxes, rehearsal halls, traditional classrooms, the round room, and spaces Kurt still wasn’t sure what they were used for, it wasn’t an easy task to accidentally run into someone.

Kurt first spied Blaine that day in the middle of one of Cassandra July’s Intermediate dance classes. He was dressed much more like Kurt was used to, although wearing less than he normally did. Today he was wearing tiny black shorts and a sinfully tight tank top. The ensemble left little to the imagination. His hair was no longer slicked back but sweat-damp and curling across his forehead. Cassandra was working them hard and Kurt stood in the doorway for a few minutes watching their dance. Kurt wanted to kick himself because Blaine was just a few feet away and although he had resolved to finally talk to him, Kurt knew he couldn’t, not yet. He scurried away when Miss July glanced his direction. If she caught sight of him he would be pulled in as she often did with loiterers (especially those she deemed simi talented) to join in the fun. He knew that Hauser would not be pleased if he was late to his stage combat masterclass.

Kurt tried not to dwell on the missed opportunity. He reasoned with himself that it was just one moment. There were bound to be others. Unfortunately he didn’t catch even a glimpse of Blaine for almost the entire rest of the week. He was leaving campus on Friday, cursing that he would have to try again the next week and contemplating going back to Mingle with the hope Blaine would be there. He was making his way across the main lobby when he saw him. Blaine was chatting with a couple of girls Kurt didn’t know, smiling politely. Kurt hated to interrupt but couldn’t let manners interfere with an opportunity like this.

He made his way over to their small group and said, “Um.. excuse me, you’re Blaine right?” Kurt mentally cursed at how high and thin his voice was but his nerves were winning out.

“That’s me.” Blaine said with a smile.

“I’m Kurt.”

Kurt was just trying to think of a segue into asking him out, when one of the girls spoke, “We’ve got to run, but I’ll text you about that study group as soon as I figure something out.”

“Great, I’ll see you guys later,” Blaine told them before turning back to Kurt. “So- Kurt- what can I help you with?”

Kurt took a deep breath before saying, “I was wondering if you would like to have coffee with me?”

Blaine seemed taken aback for a moment, then he gave another small smile, “Yeah, that- I think that would be nice.”

“Great,” Kurt squeaked, “I know this great little place not too far from here, but we shouldn’t run into too many other students.”

Blaine seemed surprised, “You mean now?”

“Well, I mean if you don’t have other plans.” Kurt felt silly then. It was Friday night, of course Blaine would have something planned. “If you do, that’s fine, we can figure something out. Or I could give you my number and you can text me.  I just- I just thought we could…” Kurt knew he was babbling and closed his mouth so no more nonsense could escape. He looked at Blaine through wide, shocked eyes.

Blaine just smiled again, “No, that’s fine, no plans.  I just didn’t think you meant now.”

The walk to the small cafe was filled with stilted conversation. Kurt couldn’t believe they had actually resorted to talking about the weather.  Suddenly this felt like a bad idea.  They ordered their coffees, which Kurt paid for, with a few protests from Blaine, and settled down at a little round table with mismatched chairs, quiet once more.

“Can I ask you something?” Blaine broke the silence.  “Why did you ask me out?  I mean we don’t know each other, I just- I don’t know.”

Kurt could see the uncertainty all over Blaine.  He sat stiffly, his face polite but wary too. “Honestly, I’ve been trying to work up the nerve to ask you out for a while now.  Do you remember last semester Miss July brought in some of us to even out your numbers when you were working on that tango?”  Blaine nodded.  “I was there.  I was a little jealous of the girl you were paired with.”  Kurt said with all honesty.  Blaine blushed.  Kurt reached out and placed his hand delicately over Blaine’s, “Really you dance an inspiring Tango.”

“I don’t know about that.”  Blaine squirmed in his seat.  “All I remember is feeling terribly uncomfortable.”

“You certainly didn’t show it.  All I remember thinking is how I wanted to dance with you, that with me leading you around the dance floor, it would have been epic.”

Blaine blinked at him then, and a pleased smile turned the corners of his lips. “You leading? But aren’t you- I mean someone told me you used to date Adam Crawford.”

Understanding dawned on Kurt then, “Ah- I see his reputation precedes him, unfortunately I didn't get that particular memo until months into our relationship.  Imagine my chagrin when I realized we were- let's say more alike than we seemed.”

Blaine laughed and the proverbial ice was broken. It was like that laugh shattered all the tension that had been holding both their bodies stiff.  As they relaxed into their conversation, Kurt finally began to feel like himself again.

“Man, I feel a little stupid now,” Blaine confessed, “I was trying to think of a nice way to let you down easy, you wouldn’t have been the first guy to assume that I’m a Dom”.  Blaine blushed and looked away.  Kurt squeezed Blaine’s hand lightly before removing his own to grab his coffee in both hands.

“And you wouldn’t be the first to assume I am not, even without the factoid of my previous mismatched relationship.” Kurt smiled when Blaine looked at him again. “I still get nervous around cute guys. I mean look how long it took me to get us here.”

“Well, I think I am glad that you finally plucked up the courage.” Blaine told him still smiling.

“Can I be completely honest here?” Kurt asked. “It probably helped that I saw you last week- at Mingle- It helped knowing that I at least had a shot.”

Kurt could see the shock on Blaine’s face. “You saw me there?!? Oh god, I hope you don’t think that that is a regular thing for me. I don’t normally go to clubs to pick up guys- not that that was what I was doing there- it was my friend's birthday and that was where he wanted to go-”

“Hey, calm down, it’s okay,” Kurt interrupted. While Kurt had to admit Blaine babbling was endearing he wanted to ease the tension that was making it’s way back into Blaine’s shoulders. “I didn’t think that in the least. I was there with a friend. She needed some support and - honestly I was excited to try it- the club I mean. It’s not something that I think I would do often, but the honesty of the place is refreshing don’t you think?”

“How so?” Blaine asked warily.

Kurt tried to give him a coy smile, “Well if we didn’t always hide our marks I probably would have approached you a long time ago. It was nice not having to make assumptions about people, their designation, because of their personality or the way they look or dress.”

Blaine relaxed, “I guess it was.  So why didn’t I see you there?”

“Well, my friend realized, at probably the worst moment for me, that she didn’t need to be there.” Kurt told him before adding, “Now that I think about it, I like this much better.”

“Me too,” Blaine said.

They continued chatting for a while; talking about school, movies, anything they could think of until Blaine’s phone chirped an incoming text.

“Do you mind?” He asked indicating to his phone.

“Not at all,” Kurt told him.

“Damn,” Blaine said looking up from his phone, “I have to go in just a few.  I promised some of my friends we would have a study group and apparently they decided tonight was the only day that would work.  I’m sorry, I hate to go but Theatre History is actually kicking my butt.”

“You have Hill or Barker?” Kurt asked.

“Barker, nobody warned me he was a beast.” Blaine laughed.

Kurt shrugged, trying to convey a vibe of nonchalance, “I can send you all my notes when I get home. They are extraordinary, even if I do say so myself. I aced that class.”

“Could you? That would be a lifesaver.” Blaine exclaimed.

“Just call me your knight in shining armor. Give me your info?” Kurt asked handing over his phone.

Later that night as Kurt sat curled up on the couch with Rachel he received a text.


Kurt couldn’t contain his smile.

Kurt’s body thrummed with anticipation. He couldn’t believe he had actually found the guts to invite himself back to Adam’s apartment.  Kurt wanted this, after months in New York he was going to lose his virginity and finally begin to explore his dominant side besides in his own fantasies.

What he had with Adam was not love, but the sweet ways he found to take care of him; taking him on dates, bringing him flowers, making him feel special when school made him feel anything but, added up and Kurt wanted to see what other ways he could take care of him as well.  He kissed Adam letting his fantasies fill him.  He had just pulled back ready to kiss down his neck as he played with the buttons on Adam's shirt but as soon as his mouth was free, Adam growled, “On your knees pet.”

Kurt’s blood ran cold and he backed up.  “What did you say?”  He asked trying to keep his voice even.

Adam looked surprised that he wasn’t just obeying him and it hit him.  “I know this is your first time pet, but asking you to get on your knees isn't that big a deal.  If you need to safe word that is fine, but don’t talk back to me like that.”  His words confirmed Kurt’s suspicions.

“First of all what kind of Dom orders someone on their knees knowing it is their first time?  Being on your knees for someone shows a level of trust that frankly you haven't earned yet.  Secondly, I will talk to you however the hell I want.  Even subs are entitled to have their own voice, thank you very much.  And that leads us to the last point.  I am in no way shape or form a sub.  I’m not even a switch.  I don’t know how you thought-”

“Hey now,” Adam interrupted, “Evidently you thought I was a sub, so I don’t know why you are so offended.”

Kurt huffed a breath, “Well excuse me for not being that experienced with this. You knew that this was my first relationship” His anger began to ebb. “Look, we should have just checked. This is so stupid.”

Adam’s English lilt almost made the embarrassment of the situation disappear, “You have to admit it was fun while it lasted.  And we can still be friends, right?”

Kurt plastered a fake smile on his face, “Of course,” he lied knowing he would do everything to avoid the other man.  He said a quick goodbye and hurried out of the apartment.  He didn't relish the idea of telling Rachel, but he was happy in the fact no one else knew and that he hadn’t invited him to the wedding next week.


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