What Our Colors Don't Show
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What Our Colors Don't Show: Chapter 13

E - Words: 4,142 - Last Updated: Mar 08, 2016
Story: Complete - Chapters: 14/14 - Created: Mar 08, 2016 - Updated: Mar 08, 2016
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A couple of weeks passed and Kurt heard nothing from the casting director, he tried not to dwell on it too much. It was his first real audition and he was bound to be rejected many more times before being cast. Instead of focusing his energy on a failed audition, no matter how well he thought it had gone, he focused on planning their wedding. He and Blaine researched and talked about what they wanted to do until Kurt could hardly remember what ideas they rejected and what they truly wanted to use. The details were getting to be too much for both of them, and more than once they laughed together, happy that they weren't on a strict timeline yet, as they hadn't set a date.

Kurt went on a few auditions he read about online, monstrous things where he surely blended into the crowd. Blaine found a few classes to take around the city to help him with his all important senior year coming up because Kurt's audition had proved to him just how important the senior showcase could be. He also began texting Cooper, who had gone back to LA. Kurt was glad to see him regain part of his family, even if talking to Cooper had confirmed he would never see his father again.

One night, Blaine came home from an acting workshop, looking sad. Kurt could tell immediately that something was wrong."What wrong, my love?" Kurt asked as soon as he saw him.

"It's silly," Blaine tried to deflect but Kurt leveled him with a gaze that told him he wasn't buying it. "I just- the workshop was brutal, the instructor didn't have one good thing to say to me. Everything I did was wrong, I couldn't even point correctly. Maybe I'm not cut out for this after all."

Kurt folded his arms over his chest, "Exactly how impressive was this guys resume?"

"He didn't say- but" Blaine began.

"If he was anyone important he would have. Blaine, sweetheart, you were accepted into probably the most elite musical theatre program on the planet, you are clearly talented. If you want it, you can go out and get it. And no half rate nobody is going to stop you unless you let him. He's one guy, and he probably takes pleasure in bullying those more talented than him out of the business." Kurt told him sternly before snaking his arms around his waist. "Believe me when I tell you that you are the most talented man I know. And I am not biased at all."

He kissed Blaine warmly hoping to drive the point home. When he pulled back Blaine chuckled, "Yes, not biased at all."

"But really," Kurt said, "You are amazing, and it is his fault if he can't see it."

Blaine hugged him tightly as if he were a lifeline. "Thank you Kurt."

They stood and swayed in their livingroom for a minute before Kurt pulled back, "I have an idea that might cheer you up."

"Oh really," Blaine asked looking up at him through his eyelashes seductively.

"Not that," Kurt laughed. "Well- not yet. First, want to cook with me?"

Kurt could tell he was confused but he nodded anyway. Kurt bounced over to the book shelf and pulled out his mother's cookbook. "Pick anything you want," he said nibbling his lip unable to contain his excitement. It had been too long since he had gotten to do this and he wanted to share this with Blaine.

Blaine's eyes lit up in understanding and he began flipping through the pages before landing on Orange Ginger Salmon. Together they checked the ingredients and made a list of the things they would need. They dashed to the corner market, laughing as they picked up their supplies before heading back home. They worked in tandem, hands brushing, exchanging small touches as together they prepared the meal. Blaine was just sliding the pan into the oven when Kurt's phone rang. He didn't even look at the screen when he answered, "Hello?"

"Hello, is this Kurt Hummel," the man on the other end asked.

"This is he."

"Hello Kurt, this is Vincent Salvaggio, how are you this evening?"

Kurt's heart lept to his throat and he could barely choke out a "Great," before Mr. Salvaggio was speaking again.

"I was calling to let you know that the directors have made a decision." He pause, Kurt was sure just to give him an aneurism. "They would like to offer you the role of Ben, the lead."

"Oh my god, really?" Kurt asked, hardly able to believe his ears. He could feel tears burning his eyes and Blaine was by his side in an instant. He tried to give him a reassuring smile, but was sure that his mouth wasn't working properly.

"Absolutely," Vincent assured him. "They will begin workshopping the script soon, just after the July 4th holiday and then go into full pre production after that. They have a tentative opening date slated for next summer. I will have an assistant bring you a contract sometime tomorrow. But I wanted to call you myself, and welcome you to Broadway. Congratulations, Mr. Hummel."

Kurt managed to find his voice to say, "Thank you very much. I can't believe it. Thank you."

When he hung up the phone he turned to Blaine and whispered, "I got it, I got the lead."

Blaine immediately picked Kurt up and swung him around all the while yelling how proud he was of Kurt. Kurt laughed then, everything hitting him. It was actually happening, his dreams were coming true.

Once Blaine set him down and he thoroughly kissed him, Kurt said, "It's going to be crazy busy who knows what is going to happen.- Let's get married now. I don't care about anything else but just doing it."

"But our families," Blaine began but the spark in his eye told Kurt he was just as excited.

"We will call them, have them come up. Anyone we can get here in two- three days. I think Hauser is registered as an officiant with the state of New York, I'm sure I could get him to do the ceremony. But let's do it. Are you in?" Kurt asked, vibrating with the need to make Blaine completely his.

"I'm in, of course I'm in." Blaine said, a huge smile in place.

Kurt kissed him elated. "We need to call everyone, see how soon my parents can get here and Cooper-"

"You want to invite Cooper?" Blaine asked in disbelief.

"Of course, he's your brother. We just need to get them here. Don't tell them why." Kurt laughed again unable to contain his giddiness.

The sat together at their small kitchen table as they called everyone they could think of to get them to New York as soon as possible.

Two days later, Kurt and Blaine were meeting the Hummel's at the airport. It had taken extra effort to get them there, as they weren't traveling alone anymore. Kurt was about to meet his new foster siblings for the first time. He spotted his father first, he was carrying a little girl who was snuggling into his chest asleep. Beside him Carole was leading a gangly boy towards the baggage carousel. They hurried to meet them.

"Kurt!" Carole exclaimed pulling him into a hug, "Blaine," she smiled giving him the same treatment. Burt just smiled at them as he balanced the sleeping little girl in his arms. "I'd like you to meet August and the sweetie using your dad as a pillow is Aggie."

Kurt extended his hand to the young man, probably 12 or 13 and said, "Nice to meet you August."

He gave a shy smile and mumbled, "Thanks."

Kurt and Blaine grabbed the luggage when Carole pointed it out as it came around. Kurt smiled at August as he grabbed first his then his sister's luggage without prompting. "Have you ever been to New York before?" he asked him as they made their way out to the taxi stand.

He shook his head, "Naw, never even left Ohio before. I'm glad our case worker approved the trip, she said it normally takes weeks."

"You never did say why it was so important we were here," Burt added as they piled in the taxi.

Kurt tried not to glance at Blaine when he answered, "I promise you'll find out soon enough."

They left his family at their hotel with instructions to be ready to go 'out to eat' at 6. "Dress your best," Kurt warned.

Back at their place they readied themselves in suits bought just for the occasion. Elliot, Rachel and Professor Hauser were the only ones to know what was about to happen and were helping finish preparations and seat guests as they arrived. Kurt and Blaine just had to get their families there, the other guests had instructions on where to meet. With a kiss they parted, the next time they saw each other would be at their wedding.

Kurt knocked on the hotel room door and was surprised when Aggie opened it. "Are you Kurt?" She asked her big brown eyes wide.

"Yes I am," Kurt told her, "and I hear that you are Miss Aggie, is that right?"

"I am! My name's Agatha Desiree King. I'm eight. My brother August is 12. You're Papa Burt's son right?" she asked, a smile on her face. Her dark cloud like hair almost created the perfect halo around her head, her cherubic face helped to complete the picture of the sweet angel Carole had described to him over the phone.

"That's right, and my goodness don't you look fancy? Are you ready to go?" he asked and she twirled around, letting the purple gauze of her dress rise and fall. He saw Burt chuckling behind her.

"We're about ready, August is just having trouble with his tie." he said.

"Carole," August moaned as she tried to help him, "I can do it."

Kurt walked up to the pair. August was glaring at Carole who backed away looking defeated. Around his neck hung a tie slightly crumpled.

"Where did you learn to tie?" Kurt asked his voice even.

August rolled his eyes, "Youtube, they have videos for everything."

"Do you mind if I show you? I promise there is no replacement for a real life tutorial." Kurt smiled.

August looked at him with distrust for a moment before sighing, "Fine, but only 'cause everyone's waiting."

Kurt took his dark hands in his and guided him, talking him through each step as he stood behind him and watched their movements in the mirror. August's movements were stiff at first but soon relaxed and the tie was tied in a perfect windsor knot. "There, now next time you should be able to do it yourself." Kurt smiled.

He was happy when August returned the smile and said, "Thanks man," softly before heading to the door.

Kurt led them to a secluded part of Central park, rows of white chairs were set up facing a gauzy white canopy. Hauser was already in place, a small book in his hand. Kurt could see the crowd of their friends milling around talking in low voices.

"What?" Carole squeaked.

"Surprise. We're doing it- today. We couldn't wait any longer." Kurt said as he felt the tears prickling his eyes.

Burt shook his head, "I should have known. Only you would throw a surprise wedding for your guests."

Kurt turned towards Aggie and August who were looking a little lost, "As long as you are a part of our family you should know that we don't do things half assed."

"Kurt!" Carole admonished him.

"Sorry, I mean half way." Kurt smiled sheepishly and August laughed.

"You have a place of honor in the front, all four of you." Kurt said leading them up the aisle. John and Liezel were already sitting on the other side, Cooper next to them. Kurt smiled and waved at them and hurried over to Elliot and Rachel standing beside the canopy.

"Blaine is already in place," Rachel smiled at Kurt her face showing nothing but happiness. "I will text him when we are ready."

Kurt looked around at the group gathered there. It seemed like everyone he could think of was there. He looked at his watch, and thought even if they weren't, it was already five minutes after the appointed meeting time. He wouldn't put this off any longer for anyone. "Text him." Kurt instructed Rachel.

He saw her hit send and with a kiss on the cheek both she and EIliot took their seats. Almost instantly music began to play and Blaine made his way up the aisle to him. Kurt had never felt as happy to see anyone in his life. He looked remarkable in his fitted grey suit, his silver bowtie reminding Kurt of seeing him not so long ago at Mingle. He couldn't hold back his smile, or his tears as he thought how lucky he was to get to spend the rest of his life with him.

"We are gathered here today," Hauser began in his deep booming voice, "To celebrate the reuniting of two souls. As we each receive our mark we are assured that there is someone out there without whom our lives will not be complete. Some say they are our other half, split from us upon our making, others they were made just for us, our complement. Regardless of how or why this connection exists, we know it to be true. Everyone strives to find their match. Kurt and Blaine were lucky enough to do so and we are here to celebrate that fact. Kurt Hummel do you vow in front of all those assembled here that you have found your soulmate, seen your name upon his skin and promise to cherish that bond until the end of your days?"

Kurt looked deeply into Blaine's tear glistening eyes and said a trembling but assured, "I do."

"And do you Blaine Anderson, vow in front of all those assembled here that you have found your soulmate, seen your name upon his skin and promise to cherish that bond until the end of your days?"

Blaine inhaled a shaky breath before saying, "I do."

Hauser smiled, "Now the couple would like to make their own vows. Kurt."

Kurt never took his eyes off Blaine, "I told you before that I would love you every second I have with you, at the time I didn't think I would be lucky enough to have this with you. I foolishly hoped but I honestly didn't think I would be fortunate enough to love you forever. I will, though, love you forever. I will love you when we are poor and struggling actors, and maybe even sharing double billing on Broadway. Whatever life throws at us, I know I can survive as long as I have you by my side. I can't wait to share this journey with you. I could make a list of promises, things I will and will never do, but you know what is in my heart. Now in front of all these people, I just need to promise to love you and cherish every moment we have together."

Hauser rolled his eyes fondly at him before saying, "Blaine."

"I never thought I would be here," he said so low the crowd had to strain to hear. He cleared his throat and then spoke up, "I didn't think I could ever trust anyone again enough to let myself love them. Before I knew what was happening though, I realized I trusted you. The first time you told me you loved me I couldn't say it back. It wasn't because I didn't, I did, I was already so deeply in love with you I didn't know what to do. I trusted you, I just didn't trust myself. I promise to love you, to trust you, and to trust myself. There are so many things ahead for us and I can't wait to live it with you. It's us against the world, always, and forever. I love you."

Kurt leaned forward not content with the formal space between them, Hauser's voice stilled his movement.

"Kurt and Blaine have professed before you the connection between them, and have exchanged vows. Thier marks have turned black and their rings have been discarded. They stand before you now united as one, in their eyes, our eyes and the eyes of the law. By the power invested in me by the state of New York I am please to pronounce you husbands, bonded for life. You may now kiss."

The crowd chuckled at Hauser's emphasis but Kurt didn't care, he captured Blaine's lips in a longing, loving kiss. The laughter turned to cheers as they kissed longer than was probably socially acceptable. When they finally pulled back Hauser announced to the waiting crowd, "I am pleased to introduce to you, Kurt and Blaine Hummel-Daza."

The crowd clapped and together they walked back down the aisle.

People milled around snacking on the hors d'oeuvre now sitting on long tables near the canopy. the newlyweds had already greeted a few guests before John and Leizel could reach them. "Why didn't you tell me?" she said as she reached her son.

"I told you," Blaine smiled at her, "we wanted it to be a surprise."

"Not that," Leizel uttered. "That you were going to change your name."

"Oh, it just felt right. Dad is never going to come around, and I always hated that I never had more of a connection to you and your family. I wanted your name and- and Kurt agreed. I know you may not keep it when you marry John but-"

She cut him off, "I am, next week I will be Leizel Daza-Engleman. I love it."

Blaine then looked at Cooper who stood behind his mother, "I'm sorry that we no longer have the same last name-"

"No sweat man, if I could get rid of the old man too I would. Maybe when I find my soulmate." Cooper's smile eased the tension running up Blaine's back.

"Welcome to the family officially," Leizel told Kurt bringing him into a hug.

Kurt turned around to see his parents standing there, Aggie holding Carole''s hand and August standing slightly back from them.

"You going to tell us why you couldn't give us more notice? We weren't sure if the caseworker would let us bring the kids." Burt scolded playfully.

"I didn't even think of that," Kurt admitted, "But we actually had other news we wanted to share." Kurt grabbed Blaine's hand who was beside him in a instant. This was a big moment for both of them.

"We were planning everything, thinking maybe November, but we decided we didn't want to wait, because I'm not sure how busy I''m going to be pretty soon- with the new job."

"Job?" Carole asked.

Kurt nodded to Blaine who spoke, "Yea, Kurt starts his new position as soon as we get back from Mom and John's wedding."

Burt was getting impatient, he could tell by the look on his face when he warned, "Kurt-"

"I auditioned for a show a few weeks ago- and I was cast." Kurt said in a rush.

"No way, You too?" Cooper exclaimed.

"Really?" Blaine said looking at his big brother, "You were cast too?"

"Yea, I'm Louie, a supporting character. What about you Kurt?"

Burt interrupted them, "Just hold your horses you three and let the rest of us catch up. Now Kurt tell us what this is all about and no more games."

Kurt nodded, "I was cast in a show that starts workshops right after the July 4th holiday" He looked over at Copper, "I'm was offered Ben, the lead."

"That's fabulous," Leizel said.

"When is this going to be? Where?" John asked.

Kurt looked around the group and Cooper nodded at him, "They're looking at an opening date next summer- on Broadway."

The response was more than expected, everyone was talking and congratulating him all at once. Blaine stood beside him beaming and Kurt took it all in. Everyone except the two kids seemed to be beside themselves with joy. August still carried the wary look Kurt had seen on him since they met but Aggie just looked confused. She came over and took his hand and he knelt down so he was on her level.

"When you say you are going to be on Broadway, that means you are going to be in an important play right? Like 'Matilda' or 'The Lion King' right?" She asked.

"Exactly sweetie."

"Then do you think if we are still living with Papa Burt and Mama Carole, I can come back and see you in it. I want to be an actress too." She looked so scared he may say no that it broke Kurt's heart.

"I promise," Kurt told her smoothing his hand down her cheek, "I will do everything I can to get you here on opening night, whether you still live with them or not. Deal?"

She smiled again, "Deal. I think I like having you and Blaine as big brothers. He is my brother too right?"

Kurt looked over at his husband, "More like brother in law, but yea basic principle."

When Kurt looked at August he was glaring at him.

He didn't find out why until hours later, Blaine was dancing with Aggie and Burt and Carole were dancing together as well. Kurt found August sitting by himself. For a moment, he just took in the crowd. Puck was dancing with one of Blaine's NYADA friends, clearly looking for a companion for the night. Elliot had brought Draco who was tucked in close to him, his head resting on his shoulder. Mercedes was dancing with a man he didn't know but looked content. He made a mental note to ask her about it later. He watched Blaine do an over-exaggerated waltz, making Aggie laugh in his arms. He couldn't help but think what a great dad Blaine would make someday. He then turned his eyes back to August who was looking at the same view with a scowl on his face.

"Want to talk?" Kurt asked and he just glared at him. "I'm sorry I upset you, but I can't make it right unless you tell me what I did."

"You shouldn't make promises you can't keep." August huffed.

"You mean to Aggie?" Kurt asked.

He rolled his eyes, "She just a little kid, she thinks your parents are going to adopt us and we will have a real family again but that is not how this works. No one wants kids like us."

"Like what?"

August just looked at him like it should be obvious. "This isn't our first foster. It's our 6th in two years. No one wants two kids that aren't theirs."

Kurt sat next to him, "I don't know if my parents have talked about adoption, so you may be right about that part of it, I honestly don't know. But my parents aren't going to give up on you. And as I said, I will do anything to get Aggie here for opening night regardless if she lives there or not, you too if you want to come. Just- my dad and Carole have a lot of love to give. You just have to give them that chance. Trust me, they may surprise you."

August's lip twitched like he was holding back a smile "You talk like your dad, big speeches from you too."

Kurt laughed, "Well I did listen to them all my life, I'm not surprised they rubbed off on me. You should listen to them too, most of the time they are pretty good."

August relaxed a bit, "Yea, Burt is pretty cool- you really don't think they will send us away too?"

"Not if they can help it," Kurt said clapping him on the shoulder. "Welcome to the family."

When she received the call for siblings Carole almost said no. She wasn't sure if their first placement should be two kids, and so much younger than she originally wanted. However, when the casework first shared their story with her she couldn't say no. Their father had died four years ago, an innocent bystander, just like Finn. Their mother, in a car accident two years later. They were too young to have lost so much already.

It broke her heart when she met them. Aggie was an angel of a girl with a beautiful fluff of natural hair. Carole mused she always wanted a girl, and knew she was going to have to seek help in learning how to care for and do her hair, but it would be worth it. Aggie had latched onto her almost instantly clearly yearning for love and affection. 

August however, was so guarded. He reminded her of Finn sometimes, when he was trying to appear tougher than he really was. She could hardly get two words out of him at first. Now weeks later, he was beginning to open up- a little bit anyway.

She tried to keep herself from falling in love, but should have known it was inevitable. She turned to her husband, her rock through everything. He was settled into bed, and she knew he would be asleep soon if she didn't say something then. "Have you ever thought about adopting?" She asked in a small voice.

Burt just smiled, "I already downloaded the paperwork, we can look at it in the morning."


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