March 8, 2016, 6 p.m.
March 8, 2016, 6 p.m.
Kurt and Blaine spent the next couple of days entertaining all their out of town guests as they waited for NYADA's graduation ceremony. They fielded many questions from everyone about their future, but besides their short conversation in bed they hadn't had a chance to figure out what they were going to do.
John had offered up the possibility of them moving to New Haven, boasting endlessly about the theatre department of which he was a part. Much to Blaine's chagrin one of John's classes was theatre history; although he had manage to scrape out an A, mostly due to Kurt's notes, the class still remained his least favorite to date. Burt had offered up a spot back at his tire shop in Ohio, but Kurt was pretty sure he was just messing with them. The Berry's wondered whether they were moving, and leaving Rachel alone, while she rolled her eyes fondly at their concern. Carole asked what Kurt was going to do while Blaine finished up his last year of school. Leizel picked up on their frustration first and put a stop to all the questions by saying, "Let them breath, they will figure it out when they figure it out and I'm sure they will tell us when they do."
The graduation ceremony was not as exciting as Kurt hoped it would be, though thankfully with only two dozen graduates it was short. Just like that his educational career was over and real life loomed in front of him.
With a heavy heart he said goodbye to his family knowing it would be months before he saw them again. He had grown fond of John and Leizel, but saying goodbye to them was much easier, for Blaine as well, because they were just a train ride away. With the Berry's gone too, they finally had a chance to breathe and think, and talk. Rachel sat with them in the living room she shared with Kurt, and they discussed what would come next.
"What do you want to do Rachel?" Kurt asked.
Rachel laughed, "It's not really up to me. I mean this is your relationship and it is up to you where you want to live."
"Blaine?" Kurt nudged him, wanting to hear his thoughts.
"My place is too small for two people. I mean I love you but even without your extensive wardrobe we can barely turn around without running into each other." Blaine said playfully.
Kurt took a deep breath, "I think we need to get a new place, just Blaine and me. I mean, no offense Rachel, you have been great, but I think we need our privacy. Will you be okay if I leave?"
"Kurt," Rachel sighed, "I started asking around as soon as I found out you two were soulmates. Tess wants to move in so you don't have to worry about me."
As easy as that and it was decided they would move into a new place. They began looking which proved to be a much more arduous task. Blaine's trust fund from his father was still very healthy since he had found the cheapest place in the city where he could still feel safe, and Kurt's college fund was largely untouched, leaving them with a good budget to work with. However, they also knew that the theatre world was a fickle place and there was no guarantee of job security ahead for either them. In the end, after weeks of diligent searching, they found a nice, decent sized place in Hell's Kitchen.
Sitting curled up on their new couch together in their new apartment, boxes still serving as the main decor Kurt and Blaine talked about the wedding waffling between an extravagant affair or a quaint gathering with just close friends and family.
"I don't know," Kurt said, " I always dreamed about a big wedding and inviting everyone I had ever met- but that doesn't seem like us."
Blaine snuggled in closer to him and Kurt tightened his arms around his frame. "It doesn't seem as important now as it did when I was a kid," Blaine added, " I mean I already know it is you and that is all that matters to me. Don't get me wrong I still want the ceremony but just because I want everyone to know that we belong together not because I need it."
"So small is okay?" Kurt asked but was interrupted by his phone ringing. He kissed the top of Blaine's head before answering, "This is Kurt."
The voice on the other end was as unfamiliar as the number on the screen. "Yes, this is Teresa with Mr. Salvaggio's office. He spoke with you a few weeks ago."
"Yes, I remember," Kurt managed to say as he grabbed Blaine's hand who looked at him with concern.
"I was calling to set up an appointment for your audition. Would the day after tomorrow work for you, around three?"
Kurt didn't even have to look at his calender to know the time would work. "Yes, of course."
"Mr. Salvaggio would like you to sing 'Blackbird' for the directors. You may be asked to do cold readings and learn a short dance combination."
Kurt listened as she gave him the rest of the information he needed with the added promise to email everything to him as well. With a shaky, "Thank you, goodbye," Kurt hung up the phone.
As soon as he pulled the phone away from his ear Blaine was speaking, "What, what is it?"
Kurt could hardly catch his breath enough to say, "I have an audition."
Blaine helped Kurt prepare, all thoughts of ceremonies once again pushed to the side.
The morning of the audition, he made Kurt breakfast waking him up with a kiss to get ready. Kurt waited for the nerves to set in but they never came. He ate and dressed with care but any time doubt would begin to creep in he would look over to Blaine and they flittered away like meaningless fluff. They walked together to the office building where the audition would be held, no line of hopefuls greeting them, just a small lobby with a few other men. Kurt checked in and sat next to Blaine. Five minutes later a tall man with dark hair emerged from the office and another name was called. Kurt felt Blaine stiffen beside him, "Blaine, honey, what is it?" he asked looking over at him.
Blaine, however, was looking at the man who had just left the office,"Coop?" he asked his voice small and sounding so young.
The man's eyes widened at the sight of him, "Blaine, oh my god, what are you doing here?" he asked quietly but a with a pleased smile on his face.
"I'm here waiting with Kurt-"
Coop's eyes met Kurt's and it hit him just who this was, Cooper Anderson, Blaine's brother. He stood with his hand held out. "Hi, I'm Kurt Hummel," he introduced himself. Blaine stood with him and added with that beautiful smile of his, "my soulmate."
Cooper's eyes widened comically, "No- really? I had no idea, does dad know?"
Blaine's face paled, "No, I haven't talked to him in nearly five years."
Kurt could see the hurt in both men's eyes, "Honey, why don't you and Cooper go someplace and talk, I will meet you when I'm done here, okay?" He wanted to give them time to catch up.
"Are you sure?" Blaine asked, "You don't want me to stay?" Kurt could tell he was nervous but also yearned to reconnect with his brother.
"Go, I'll be fine."
Blaine kissed him lightly on the mouth, "For luck," he whispered. "Thanks. Text me when you get out."
Five minutes later Kurt was called in.
Cooper led them to a small coffee shop down the street from the building and Blaine couldn't figure out what to do with himself. He hadn't seen Cooper for so long and he wasn't sure what to think of him anymore. He had seemed accepting when he met Kurt, but that seemed too good to be true. The silence was nerve wracking but Blaine couldn't think of anything to say. They ordered their coffees and sat at a small table. Blaine was just about to comment on the weather of all things, when Cooper spoke.
"What happened to you?" he asked, concern clear on his face.
"What do you mean?" Blaine asked startled by the question.
Cooper sighed, "I mean- you just dropped off the face of the earth. Dad told me he sold the house and was moving to Columbus. It wasn't until Christmas when I visited that I even knew you and Leizel weren't with him. You know him, he wouldn't talk about it, forbad me from talking about you or trying to contact you, said he would cut me off."
"He never told you?" Blaine asked shocked. Copper just shook his head. "Did he even tell you I was gay?"
"Well, I figured that out back at the office." Cooper laughed.
"I'm not surprised he didn't say anything. He would have forced me to marry a girl I think if he could have. My mom left him- I didn't know he didn't tell you I just thought-"
"You thought I didn't care?" Cooper asked clearly hurt. "I know I was kind of a dick sometimes, but it wasn't you. It was dad, always trying to make me feel like you were going to be the good son, the one to make him proud. I was just so damn angry and- I know I should have never taken it out on you, but I'm sorry I did. I always wanted to know you better but I was afraid that if I did, everything dad told me would be true. It was easier to push you away."
"I get it. I always wished we were closer. Did you know dad would do the same thing to me about you, always tell me he wished I was more like you?"
Cooper balled his hands into fists, "That fucker- And he is doing it again."
"He has another kid, Archer. He's 3."
"His soulmate?" Blaine had to ask.
"No, at least I don't think so. She's nice, I think you would like her." Cooper told him.
They talked about what they had been up to. Blaine had never known that Cooper was an actor, he never knew they had so much in common. They laughed together and reminisced. "I'm only here for a few days," Cooper said, "but if this audition pans out I will be moving here, so maybe we can do this more often."
"Is this for the Beatles thing?" Blaine whispered, knowing that the project was not public knowledge yet.
"How did you- oh Kurt- is he up for it too?"
Blaine shrugged his shoulders, "We hope so, but who knows what will happen."
Two hours had passed before Kurt texted.
Kurt: Will you still be another half hour or so. Are you still with your brother?
Blaine:Is that a good thing? But yes still with Coop
Kurt: Not sure Make reservations? The Filipino place? Meet you there? about 6:30
Blaine asked Cooper if he would like to join them for dinner. Once Cooper said yes, he texted Kurt back to tell him so. Blaine couldn't decide whether to be worried or excited that Kurt was taking so long.
When he met them at the resturant, Cooper asked, "How did your audition go?" before Blaine could.
"You can never tell with these things." Kurt said, but didn't elaborate more.
Cooper sat in his father's office his head bowed not able to look at his livid face. "Really Cooper a C? This is completely unacceptable. You are an Anderson, you need to act like one. Blaine is a straight A student. What is wrong with you."
Cooper wanted to point out that Blaine was in the 3rd grade and when he was in 3rd grade he had made A's too- mostly. "Freshman year is hard." He whimpered instead.
"Oh is it hard?" His dad's voice pressed mocking him. "Well then I guess it's okay to resign yourself to mediocrity. No son of mine is going to be a stupid loser. Either straighten up or don't come crawling back here."
"Yes sir," Cooper whispered, trying to hide the tears in his voice. He stood to leave the office, glad his mother was waiting downstairs. She understood.
"Oh and Cooper?" His dad called, "Drop the acting class, it will turn you weak and gay. I expect you to be a Dom, a real man, so drop it."
"Yes sir," Cooper heard himself say as his heart broke. He knew his dad would never love him as much as Blaine.