July 31, 2013, 2:33 p.m.
July 31, 2013, 2:33 p.m.
The three days before the departure of the royals was spent in planning. Kurt and Blaine sat with King Burt and William finalizing every detail they could think of. The story Sebastian told them was repeated innumerable times, before everyone knew it to the finest point. William combed through the history books, finding precedent for their actions. While it was easy to find incidences like the kidnapping of a princess, no mention of two men marrying, let alone ruling together was made throughout written history. This did not discourage the couple, instead it renewed their determination to make Illyria a safe haven for those like them.
Their nights were spent entwined together on Kurt’s bed. If King Burt knew this was how they slept, he made no mention of it. Kurt was pleasantly surprised who well his father was taking the news of his attraction and love. He feared King Burt while supporting him, might not really approve, but the happy looks he sent them spoke otherwise. Though no one aside from Burt and William knew of their love, many noted the change over the king. While always a kind man, his smiles were easier to come by and his mood seemed light.
With the days intent on planning, and their nights focused on each other, neither man saw Princess Rachel until they prepared to depart for her kingdom. They cordially helped her into the coach that would carry her, Queen Carole, King Burt and William to Navarre, but she averted her gaze from their kind faces.
Blaine, Kurt, Finn and Lady Sue rode alongside the coach as they traversed the countryside between the two castles. The sun was starting to set and they were searching for a suitable place to stop when Finn pulled his horse up beside Kurt’s. He spoke low, keeping the conversation solely between the brothers. “Kurt, can I ask you something?”
Kurt smiled at his brother, “You already have, but feel free to ask away.”
Finn glanced nervously to the coach, “Are you planning on marrying the Princess Rachel?”
Kurt eyed him for a moment, pondering whether he should be truthful with his brother just yet. He truly wanted to, but they were out in the open and he couldn’t take the risk. “I plan on marrying within the week,” he said instead with a smile. He was so caught up in picturing marrying Blaine, he didn’t see the disappointment shining in Finn’s eyes.
Night was upon them, the princess and queen were sleeping in the coach, while the rest were scattered around the area sleeping. Kurt however couldn’t find solace in sleep. His mind would not still and his arms ached to be filled with Blaine. He knew he needed to rest, tomorrow they would be arriving in Navarre, with luck so would the King and Queen of Padua. A rustling to his left, made him turn to see Blaine quietly making his way towards him. As if on silent command, Kurt stood and walked into the trees nearby.
Blaine reached him in seconds, bringing him into a searing kiss. “I know you have been no more than ten feet away all day… but I missed you.” He said once he pulled away, stroking Kurt’s cheek lightly with his thumb.
“I know, but after tomorrow we can be together, we can be open with our love… then we can marry and no one can separate us again.” Kurt whispered tangling his fingers into the curls at the base of Blaine’s neck.
The drank each other in, feeling more rested in each other’s presence than a full night’s sleep would do. So they sat at the base of a tree, twinned together, talking and exchanging kisses as the moon drifted across the sky. When night threatened to end, they finally made their way back to their bedrolls to catch a few moments of sleep.
Late morning the group entered the kingdom of Navarre and soon began to approach the King’s castle. Citizens lined the streets cheering their princess’ safe return. Rachel for her part, leaned out the windo of the coach, waving and blowing kisses to her subjects. It was the first time Kurt or Blaine saw true joy from her.
As the castle drew nearer, Kurt surveyed the steps. King Hiram stood in the center, a darker skinned man to his right. Kurt assumed this was his advisor, King Burt had explained the man was Leroy and had been with the king since boyhood. A few steps down, wearing looks of covert disdain, none other than Blaine’s parents stood. It was impossible to misconstrue who they were, Kurt could see pieces of Blaine in each of them. A taller man stood even lower, his arm around a beautiful red head; Prince Cooper, Blaine’s brother and the next in line for the throne. Beside him stood an older man, his grey hair and build shining in the sun, Sir Dalton.
When the coach stopped, on cue, Blaine and Kurt dismounted in tandem and together helped Rachel down. Each took an arm and led her back to her father. Throwing all propriety out the window, Hiram rushed to his daughter taking her in his arms. After a moment, the three royal families and their advisors entered the castle. Kurt and Blaine separated for the first time since meeting. They were only on opposite sides of the room, but they felt worlds apart; Kurt standing with his accepting family, Blaine with his cold power hungry family.
King Hiram sat in his throne and took in the sight before him. Never before had these three rulers been in the same room together. It felt as if something momentous was going to happen. He couldn’t help but wonder which of these two men wanted to marry his daughter. Which kingdom would he forever be linked with? “Welcome to Navarre,” he finally said, “which of you do I owe thanks for my daughter’s return?”
Kurt glanced at Blaine, now was the time. They strode forward, meeting in front of the king. “Both of us, your highness. We worked together to rescue the princess.” Kurt announced.
Blaine saw his father stiffen at the words, bracing himself he continued. “But before you give us thanks, I must first offer my sincerest apologies. If it were not for my father, she would not have needed rescuing.” On cue, a delegation of Burt’s knights entered the room stopping all movement from within. Blaine looked to his father once more. “My parents along with Sir Dalton arranged her kidnapping in hopes you would give her to me in marriage securing a link between our kingdoms.”
King Hiram stood sharply from his seat. “This is an outrage.”
“Please sir,” Kurt stated taking a step forward, “This plot was uncovered just before we found the princess.”
“I suppose you wish to marry her then Prince Kurt?” King Hiram asked still clearly enraged.
“No sir, I do not.” Kurt stated, murmurs erupting around the room.
Hiram turned to Blaine, “Surely you don’t expect her hand, after what you just told me.”
“No your highness I do not, my heart does not belong to the Princess Rachel. I merely wanted to return your daughter to you and see that justice is done.” The room when utterly silent.
“Justice?” Hiram whispered, and the word echoed from the King of Padua as well.
Blaine straighten his back once more. “We have spoken to King Burt about this matter, we propose that you spare their lives, but make them abdicate their thrones. My brother and I had no knowledge of this plot, let him rule in their stead.”
Blaine’s father began to object, but Kurt spoke over him, “If they refuse to give up their rule and titles, leaving the region completely; Illyria will wage war against them. Our knights are brave, strong and many. We will win, and their kingdom will be ours. Either way, Padua will have new rulers.”
“How can you believe this is true?” Sir Dalton exclaimed, turning all eyes to him. “All we have is their word, where is the proof?”
Kurt turned to the man; his face and voice transformed from regal to icy in a second. “How did you know to send Prince Blaine?”
“What?” he asked dumbly.
“How did you know to send Prince Blaine to the princess’ rescue?” Kurt asked again.
“A messenger came bearing the news.” Sir Dalton replied standing up to his full height in challenge.
Kurt stood firm in his questioning, “From whom did the messenger come from?”
Sir Dalton stood stumped for a moment; Kurt could see him trying to think of an answer to save them. “King Hiram I presume.” He chanced.
“I sent no messenger to Padua; the thought never even crossed my mind.” King Hiram interjected.
“The messenger came from your own agents, instructed to let you know if King Hiram sought help from anyone other than Padua. I can regal you with the whole story Sir Sebastian related if you would wish.”
“I have heard enough.” King Hiram’s voice cut through the room. “It is clear to me what happened now. After my refusal to arrange a marriage between my daughter and Prince Blaine, you decided to take matters into your own hands. However, this misguided ridiculous form of matchmaking, I perceive as an act of war. Either abdicate your thrones and leave the area immediately or I will back Illyria in war against you. We may have no knights here in Navarre, but we have plenty of money and resources to keep Illyria’s men in shape to end your kingdom.”
The room stared at the King and Queen of Padua along with Sir Dalton in silence awaiting their reply. However it was Cooper that spoke. “I have stood by and watch you do many thing that I have not agreed with, but this has gone too far. If you do not step down, I will join with Navarre and Illyria with all that would follow me, to make sure your reign ends.”
The three without word stormed out of the room, not even a second later King Burt commanded the knights, “Follow them, make sure they end up far away from here.”
Once the knights exited, King Burt turned to Prince Cooper. “Your words have shown you worth to rule, however, before I can endorse your coronation, I must ask you a few questions.”
Cooper for his part looked confused, this was not standard, there was no reason for a King from another country should mettle in the affairs of his kingdom. “I would gladly accept your endorsement,” he finally said, “you may ask anything you wish. I would be happy to have an alliance with Illyria.”
“That has yet to be seen,” King Burt stated, “however, if your answers satisfy, there is a distinct possibility we shall become allies. What do you think marriages should be based on? Love? Money? Friendship? Power?”
Cooper smiled looking over at Annabelle, “I believe love and friendship should be the basis of any marriage. While my father does not believe in love, I know it to be true. No one should be forced to marry anyone they do not wish for whatever reason.”
“Do you believe there is a reason two people in love should not be married?” Burt asked sternly again.
Cooper pondered the question, as Kurt and Blaine both held their breath in anticipation. “As long as they are not bonded to anyone else, I can think of no reason two in love should not be wed. If their love is true and they are free to give it, they should be happy.”
Burt nodded, “One last question, would your opinions change depending on the people involved?”
A laugh erupted from Cooper and his face broke out in a grin, “As long as it is not my wife, then no, but that is for my own selfish love-struck reasons.”
Burt finally smiled at the young man, “Very well, I will gladly see you rule over Padua and you may count Illyria as a friend.”
King Hiram seemed to survey and take in Prince Cooper before he spoke. “You have a different air about you than your father,” his eyes shifted to Princess Blaine, “both of you. I believe our kingdoms can reach an alliance as well.”
Cooper then shocked everyone; he bowed first to King Burt then to King Hiram, “In my reign I will strive to rule by your example, not that set by my father. I humbly accept your offers of friendship and will do all with in my power to help it flourish.”
Kurt stole a glance to Blaine when he received a smile he stepped forward. It was now or never. “Prince Cooper, there is a matter that requires your attention.” When Cooper’s attention was entirely on him, Kurt continued. “I revealed earlier that I do not seek Princess Rachel’s hand in marriage. In truth my heart belongs to another. Under normal circumstance, etiquette requires I ask their parent’s for their hand in marriage. But for us circumstances are not what you might call normal.” Cooper’s brows were furrowed with the unspoken question, and in that moment he looked more like Blaine than Kurt could have imagined. A glance at Blaine over Cooper’s shoulder spurred Kurt on, his loving hopeful face open for the room to see if they would just look. “I am in love with Prince Blaine, and he loves me. We already have my father’s blessing, now we seek yours.”
Cooper spun to face his brother, “Blaine?” he asked.
Blaine’s heart thudded in his chest, he couldn’t tell what Cooper was thinking or feeling, he couldn’t read the look on his face. He could only nod, willing Cooper to speak clearly.
“Is it true, do you love this man?” Cooper asked, eyes darting over Blaine’s face.
“I do, and I wish to marry him.” Blaine told him plainly.
The smile that broke out on Cooper’s face was one of the best things either Kurt or Blaine had seen. Tears glistened in his blue eyes as he almost whispered. “You have found love. For so long I feared father would push you into a loveless marriage, that you would never feel the unmitigated joy love can bring you. I happily give my blessing to this union, if it is what you wish.”
Forgetting the formal setting, forgetting everything but the words falling from Cooper’s lips, Kurt and Blaine rushed to each other’s arms, kissing and laughing, unmindful to the eye upon them or the happy tears cascading down their cheeks. They were lost in joy and the feel of each other, until a voice cleared reminding them of where they were. They looked up to see King Hiram looking at them gravely.
“I congratulate you both on your impending nuptials, and my commend you on your courage. Not many would so readily challenge precedent in such a way, I find it… inspiring.” He said, his face unchanging.
King Burt broke through the air, reminding him they still had plans to enact. “My family and I must be off then, we have many preparations to attend to. The wedding will take place in five days in our castle, please join us then.” It felt like Kurt was about to be ripped apart, knowing he was going to have to leave Blaine behind.
He barely heard King Hiram speaking, “I humbly offer our castle to you Princes Cooper and Blaine as accommodations before we make our way to Illyria.”
“I would like to stay too,” Finn interrupted, “Planning such celebrations is not my strong suit, if it please you father, let me stay and accompany our guest to our kingdom.”
Burt nodded and once again took his leave. Once he and the queen were out the door, Blaine excused himself under the pretense of seeing his fianc� off.
They were alone in the corridor, leading to the front gate. “I don’t want you to go.” Blaine whispered against Kurt’s neck.
“I don’t want to go either, but we knew if all went well this would happen.” Kurt cooed kissing Blaine’s head lightly.
“Five days, I don’t know if I can stand it.” Blaine murmured, clinging tighter to Kurt.
Kurt eased him back so they could look into each other’s eyes. “It will be hard, and I don’t know if I will sleep a wink… but when I see you again, we will be getting married and then we will never have to be apart again. I love you, and my heart will always be with you.”
Their kiss was long and slow, as if they could will it to last forever. Only when King Burt returned insisting they had to leave immediately, did they part.