True Love's Quest
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True Love's Quest: Chapter 8

M - Words: 3,187 - Last Updated: Jul 31, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 10/10 - Created: Feb 24, 2012 - Updated: Jul 31, 2013
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Three days the trio rode through the woods, never leaving the sight of the stream. Each morning Rachel would ride behind Blaine, and every afternoon, after a short break she would join Kurt on Merlin. The princes said that it was not to burden either of the horses more than necessary, but really, they were trying to keep a distance from her. This however didn't work, as Rachel was more confused than ever. After the awkward night of spying a naked, wet Kurt in the brook, Rachel welcomed the distance in her embarrassment. Having her arms tightly wound around Blaine, her mind wondered to future with him. Unfortunately, her mind did the same thing while wrapped around Kurt's waist as they rode. Rachel was more confused than ever, she could picture a life with either man but something just didn't fit.

The evening of their fourth days ride from the fortress was coming to a close, the sun was dipping in the sky and the trees began to thin out. Kurt urged them to push forward; he could almost feel his home pulling at his very bones. He passed two large oaks and they were finally out in the open once more. Kurt quickly disentangled Rachel's arms from their position around his waist and slid deftly from his saddle. A bubbling laugh erupted from him and he couldn't resist the urge to spin around taking in his surroundings.

Blaine watched the elation play across Kurt's features and had to tighten his grip in the saddle to keep himself from leaping from his horse, pulling Kurt into his arms and kissing him soundly. Rachel watched on in bewildered amusement as the scene played out before her. She saw Blaine's smile grow and not for the first time marveled at their strong friendship.

Kurt turned a beaming face back to the pair. "Welcome to Illyria." he said with a regal bow. "Not only are we in my homeland, but I know where we are."

As they set up camp for the night, Kurt explained,”I wasn't sure which stream we were following. As it turned out this is the Delany River or rather one of its tributaries. Just over that hill lays the city of Amon; I traveled here with my father for the first time three years ago. Amon is where my stepmother is from. I know the way well. If we follow the roads in two weeks time my father will be greeting us into the castle." He studied the faces of his companions before continuing, neither looked too please with this estimate. "However, as the hawk flies," he added stroking Pavarotti's head where he had landed perching on Kurt’s shoulder, " four days, we should be in my home in four days. That is if we can commission a horse for you, Princess Rachel."

Blaine could hardly hold in the cheer that wanted to escape at this. Instead his face broke into a heart shattering grin that left both Kurt and Rachel breathless. "Do you think it will be hard to find a horse for the princess?" Blaine finally asked around his smile.

“Well, considering that Amon breeds and trains most of the horses for the knights of the kingdom, I think it will be a fairly easy task," Kurt beamed.

Rachel blanched at this; she couldn't stop herself to maintain her regal air. "You expect me to ride a warhorse?" she exclaimed.

Kurt's eyes found hers; finally releasing Blaine's where they had wandered all but forgetting about the lady. "Not all of the horses are trained for battle princess. Merlin comes from here. He was trained to protect himself and his master like any great horse, but he is by no means a warhorse. They even trained the queens riding horse. Have no fear, even in my haste to return home, I would not endanger your life."

"Of course," Rachel demurred feeling her cheeks redden at the implication of her statement.

Once they were fed, they made to sleep. Kurt insisted that Blaine take the bedroll while he slept on the ground. In turn, Blaine urged Kurt to at least take the blanket saying they could each sleep under their cloaks.

The next day as they entered the bustling city of Amon, Kurt led the way. Blaine could see how much the citizens not only respected but also loved Kurt. Smiles and cheers accompanied them to the large house surrounded by several even larger buildings that were the stables. Horses speckled the fields surrounding the estate. As they approached the house, a large smiling man descended the steps to meet them.

"Prince Kurt, your father did not send word of your coming; how may I be of service to your majesty?"

"That is because neither of us knew I would have to the fortune offs passing through Amon." Kurt said sliding from his horse and moving to help Rachel down from Orion's back. "We are in need of a swift yet gentle horse for Princess Rachel of Navarre. We need to make haste to my father, and luck brought us straight to your doorstep. Can you help us? You know you will be more than fairly compensated."

The man’s smile grew, "without a doubt, I think I have just the rights horse for her majesty. A beautiful mare, regal in presentation, with a gentle but fiery spirit. Come let me show you." the man began yelling orders in a gruff language none of the trio understood. Young men seemed to appear out of nowhere scrambling to do the man’s bidding. Rachel and Blaine turned to Kurt in confusion as the action happened around them.

"Marinesh, the language of the horse masters. It has been passed down for generations. None but those trained by this elite group of horsemen know it." Kurt explained as a beautiful black horse was led before them.

The man was once again standing in front of them, the horse’s bridle in his hands, “May I present to you Inara, as I said a fine horse.”

Rachel slowly approached the noble beast, reaching forward with one hand. Inara, lowered her head to nuzzle the hand with her nose. A smile played on Rachel’s lips, “She is absolutely beautiful.”

A few minutes later, a fine saddle and fresh supplies were loaded on Inara’s back, and Rachel was perched on the back of her own horse. Kurt assured Fil, the Horse Master, he would send payment as soon as they returned to his father. Fil waved the statement off and sent them on their way.

Inara was, indeed, a fast horse, keeping up well with no problem. The three raced across open fields the rest of the morning. As disappointed as Rachel was to not be wrapped around her princes, she thrilled at riding her new horse. It also let her mind rest from matters of her future and a marriage she knew she would soon face.

With the addition of the new horses, not to mention the luxury of each having their own bedroll and blanket once more, the journey seemed to speed by. At least once a day they happened upon a village, so they were no longer living off only what Pavarotti could catch. All this made the four days fly by.

The sun was slowly dipping in the west at the end of the fourth day. Rachel had been urging them to stop and rest, but Kurt ignored her. He was so focused he hadn’t spoken in the last hour. After hearing Rachel complain one more time, Blaine spoke up. “Prince Kurt, perhaps we should stop for the night.”

Blaine’s voice seemed to snap him out of his thoughts. Kurt turned towards his companions, “No we are almost there.” Just then, they rose to the top of the hill, Kurt’s face was the picture of elation as he pointed. “There, there is Hummel, capital city of Illyria, my home.”

Their destination in sight, all weariness was lost and they sped toward the castle in the distance. Trumpets began to sound as they neared the city walls. Shouts could be heard, spreading the news of their approach. The gates were flung open, but they did not slow their horses until the castle loomed in front of them. Standing on the steps stood King Burt, his wife and stepson by his side, a relieved smile on his face. Knights lined the steps, and Kurt noticed both William and Sue there as well.

They dismounted their horses, Kurt helping Rachel off Inara, and approached. Kurt bowed before his father, a gesture followed by Blaine and a curtsy from Rachel. “Father, I have returned from my quest as promised. Princess Rachel is safe once more.”

King Burt’s pride in his son shone clearly on his face. “You have done the kingdom well this day my son.” His eyes drifted over to Blaine, but he raised no questions before adding. “Come let us feast and rejoice this joyous day.”

Kurt bowed again, “With all due respect, your highness, but we are weary and wish to rest. If it pleases you, could we delay the festivities?”

Burt raised his voice to the surrounding people. “Let the news be spread that my son has returned, victorious in his quest!”

The guards and knights dispersed leaving only Kurt, his traveling companions and his family alone on the steps. They entered the castle and Kurt turned towards Finn, “Could you please make sure Rachel is attended to, I need to have a word with my father before I retire.”

Finn nodded before extending his arm to the princess and leading her towards the west wing of the castle. Kurt watched them disappear around the corner before turning back to his father. He saw worry pass over Blaine’s face as his eyes slid past him. Knowing others were listening, Kurt put on his most regal air. “Father, may I present to you Prince Blaine of Padua,” Kurt noticed the surprise and hint of distrust pass through his father’s eyes. “He was instrumental in the rescue of the Princess and without him, I surely would have broken my promise of returning to you. There is much still I need to relay of our adventures, but exhaustion prevents me from doing so at this time. If it pleases your highness, I request a private audience with you, in the morning once my body has had time to recover from this journey.”

With bated breath the couple waited to hear what King Burt would say. “Prince Blaine,” he began, “I am honored to meet you, and if what my son says is true, I owe you a debt of gratitude for his safe return. You are most welcome in Illyria.” The king then turned to his son, where his eyes softened. “Go my son and rest, you have done well. Any matters that need my attention can surely wait until morning.”

The king tried to order servants to attend to Blaine but Kurt insisted the task lay on himself, claiming it was little repayment for his own life. Meaning, the two were soon traveling the passages of the castles alone. Kurt led Blaine to his wing of the castle, they entered a finely decorated room, with all the trappings one could need. Blaine turned to him a questioning smile on his face. This is the guest chamber, or well one of them, my room is just next door. In fact when I was small this was my nurse maid’s room.” Kurt pulled aside a tapestry revealing a plain wooden door. With a flourish, the door was opened to reveal a lavishly decorated room. Everything was silvers and blues, reminding Blaine of the water of a brook at twilight, and of Kurt’s eyes. He couldn’t help but smile at how much this room reminded him of Kurt.

Kurt cupped his face, bringing him close. As he spoke his lips lightly brushed Blaine’s making both their hearts race. For so long they had to keep their distance, but now safely hidden in Kurt’s room, there was no need. “Tonight we will rest, and tomorrow we will go to my father and tell him everything.” Kurt couldn’t help but steal a kiss before he continued. “Then we will enact our plan, soon… soon we can begin our life together… soon we can do this without fear.” He then let his lips graze lightly once more against Blaine’s before kissing him soundly.

It took all of Kurt’s strength to pull away, eliciting a small groan of displeasure from Blaine. “But first we should wash up and sleep.”

The thought of a hot bath and a proper bed was the only thing that could have pulled Blaine away from Kurt at that moment. However, as nice as kissing Kurt was, Blaine’s muscles ached and he knew he smelled of smoke, horses, and dirt. Blaine blushed as he stepped back from Kurt so he could call attendants to draw them baths. Kurt also ordered (though coming from him they seemed more like kind requests) fresh clothes to be brought for Blaine. Before they parted however, Kurt handed Blaine one of his own nightshirt for him to wear.

Kurt sank into the warm water of his bath. He had thought the brook was nice, but the water and oils helped to relax his muscles in a way that the stream never could have. He meticulously cleaned himself, trying not to think of Blaine on the other side of the once again hidden door doing the same. Kurt stayed in the water until it cooled completely. After dressing in his nightshirt, he slipped under the tapestry and rapped lightly on the door. Almost instantly, it was flung open revealing a freshly washed Blaine with a smile on his face.

“I was just about to knock so I could bid you good night.” Blaine said with a smile.

“Latch your door,” Kurt told him a serious look in his eye. Blaine wondered if perhaps he had heard of someone wanting to hurt him. He did as he was told worried about what this could mean. As soon as he returned to asked, Kurt pulled him into his room. He left him only momentarily to lock his door as well. Thoroughly confused, Blaine was just about to ask Kurt what was wrong, when a finger was placed gently on his lips.

Kurt blushed looking down as he spoke. “I just want to be close to you. We have had to be so distant pretty much since we confessed our love… and I know that, they will have to stay that way until our plan is complete… I just… can you stay here… with me… I just want to hold you.”

The shy, ineloquent way Kurt rambled made Blaine’s heart swell in his chest and fall in love with him even more. Without speaking, Blaine took his hand and led him over to the luxurious bed. Together they climb in, wrapped their arms around each other and lay contented, sharing occasional kisses. Like this they fell into a deep, peaceful, dreamless sleep.

Kurt was the first to wake, feeling the suns light dancing over his face from the still open curtains. It took him a moment to remember falling asleep in Blaine’s arms. He snuggled deeper into the warmth of his body pressed against his before extracting himself to prepare for the day. Once he was dressed, he kissed Blaine awake. Kurt left him getting dressed in his own room, with a reminder to make his bed look slept in before calling for breakfast. Kurt planned on talking to his father over his own meal before Blaine would join them to elaborate on their plan.

It seemed King Burt knew that whatever had transpired on the quest Kurt wanted to talk about it alone; the chamber was empty apart from the two of them. The table was laid with any imaginable treat Kurt could think of, and his mouth watered at the sight of food that did not consist of rabbit meat, dried fruit, or stale bread. After Kurt filled his plate, his father broke the silence.

“There is something on your mind, and I have been patient, waiting until you were rested… but I’m getting worried here kid.” Burt spoke quietly but firmly.

“I know,” Kurt sighed. He took the time to eat a bite of egg, gathering his thoughts, trying to figure out where to begin. His father kept an expectant eye on him, waiting for him to speak. “I went on this quest, not just for the honor of the kingdom, but I also for my own selfish reasons. I thought if I would find true love…”

Kurt let the thought hang in the air for a minute. The king for his part, nodded a knowing glint in his eye.

“And I did find it… true love… I am in love dad.” Kurt watched his father’s face break into a proud smile.

“The princess?” Burt asked hopefully.

“No, not the princess.” Kurt said slowly. He took a steadying breath before continuing, trying to ignore the confused look on his father’s face. “I’m in love with… Prince Blaine. And he loves me too. I don’t know how to explain it, all I know is that I love him and it is true. I never found much interest in girls, I thought it was just because I had not found love yet; and I guess that is partially true. I think I was always attracted to men, but after meeting Blaine, I can’t deny it.”

King Burt sat in silence, his brow furrowed. Kurt just watched his father, anxiously. The king had always seemed fair and accepting, but what if this was beyond his limits, what if he could not accept his son. Slowly Burt turned to look at his son, tears glistening in his eyes. “You’re in love?” he asked his voice breaking. Kurt nodded, his voice lost, his throat tight with anxiety. “My son, I have never been more proud or happier for you than in this moment. I can’t say I am not a little confused by the whole thing, but I am happy for you none the less.”

Kurt told him of his adventure from leaving the castle, to meeting Blaine, to confessing his love when he thought he was surely dead. Burt listened with rapt amazement. He was just about to explain about meeting Sebastian when a knock sounded at the door. King Burt called for the knocker to enter, and Blaine sheepishly stuck his head around the door. Burt was on his feet in an instant, pulling Blaine into an unexpected hug, causing him to chuckle in embarrassment.

“You are most welcome here my son,” Burt told him, leading Blaine to the table. “I must get to know you, if you are to marry my son.” The smile on Blaine’s face could have lit the whole kingdom on the darkest night.

The jovial mood was dampened as they explained about Padua’s involvement in the kidnapping. King Burt listened quietly to their plan, and set them into motion as soon as they were finished. They would be leaving for Navarre in three days.


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