July 31, 2013, 2:33 p.m.
July 31, 2013, 2:33 p.m.
How much longer would it take her prince to come and save her? (For even if he was not a prince now surely they would fall in love and he soon would be.) She had heard tale of damsels waiting months, even years to be rescued, however she knew her father would not leave her to this fate for long. He would have dispatched messengers to all the neighboring kingdoms, she was sure of it. She just had to be patient and wait for her love to come. With this thought in her head, she drifted slowly into sleep.
She was not sure how long she slept or what woke her as her eyes sprang open. Scanning the room, her eyes fell on a handsome young man. His chestnut brown hair ruffled slightly in the breeze from the window of her chamber. His pale skin seemed to glisten in the torchlight, shadows falling across his handsome face. He was lithe; not broad and tall as she pictured her future husband to be, but she could see strength in his movement. Moreover, he was here to rescue her. Lying still in her bed, she waited for the moment he would approach her.
Movement from the doorway caught her eye as another young man entered. His dark hair fell in curls ringing his head. His complexion was darker than the other man’s. He was shorter as well, but eith broad shoulders and clearly strong in his own right. Now she was confused. She dared not move in case these two were her captors and not her saviors.
The darker man approached the other and laid a gentle hand on his arm before pointing to the bed where she laid eyes almost closed so she could observe unbeknownst to them. The men seemed to communicate silently with each other, as they approached she closed her eyes completely feigning sleep.
“Princess Rachel.” A melodic voice spoke into the silence followed by “We are here to rescue you,” in a lower, but complementary voice.
She fluttered her eyes open to complete the charade she was asleep. “Oh who’s there?’ she asked, trying to make her voice appropriately weak and frightened. She smiled internally at hearing her success as her voice quivered.
“I am Prince Kurt of Illyria,” the taller man said in that lilting voice of his.
“And I am Prince Blaine of Padua.” The other man added. “We have come to take you from this place.”
Prince Kurt offered a long-fingered hand down to her. “We must make haste from this place. The sooner we have you in safety the better.”
She demurely took the offered hand and let herself be guided to her feet her mind reeling. Two princes, however would she choose?
As soon as the princess was on her feet, Kurt released her hand, not wanting her to get the wrong idea. He instructed her to follow him. They walked as quickly as he thought she could comfortable go, Kurt leading the way, followed by Rachel with Blaine taking the rear.
They walked for hours, trying to ignore the sighs Rachel kept voicing, trying to make her weariness known, wanting to make it out of the mountain as soon as possible. They traced their way back as they had come. When they entered the chamber in which their attackers had hidden, Kurt took Rachel in his arms (much in the same manner Blaine had in the first) to shield her from the sight of the dead men on the floor. Kurt felt it was his duty now, since he was the one that killed those same men.
Little did the two know the confusion they were leaving Rachel in. As Blaine had held her in his arms, she felt safe and protected. Her heart fluttered at his firm calming touch. His voice whispering low in her ears, not to look, make her skin prickle. When his arms released her, she wanted nothing more to be cradled within them again. Then she was being held in Kurt’s tight embrace. His soft hands running up and down her arm, sending sparks right to her heart. His hold was gentle and she felt she could get lost in the sensation. Her head was just the right height to lean into his chest and she could feel the smooth muscles ripple as they walked. He felt and heard his heartbeat speed, hoping it was she that made it do so, not knowing it was the memory of the attack and the thought of nearly losing Blaine.
All too soon, she was released again and their journey continued giving Rachel time to try and work out these new feelings. Her legs were tired and just as she was about to protest that they needed to stop so she could rest, Blaine spoke. “We are almost out of the mountain. We should rest before attempting to climb down.”
“You are right.” Kurt answered looking concerned. “But only for a short while, I do not like the thought of camping on the ledge.”
As soon as they emerged from the small crack in the rock, Rachel understood why. The sharp drop off from the narrow ledge caused her to shrink against the mountain face.
Blaine rolled out a single bedroll and told Rachel to lay sown and rest. After drinking from the water bladder with as much grace as she possibly could, she did just that. The last sight her eyes gave her before they closed to sleep was her two princes huddled close, conversing low obviously planning the best way to return her to safety.
Once Princess Rachel was on her way to sleep, Kurt approached Blaine. He rested his forehead against his temple and whispered so low Blaine could barely hear, “This is going to be harder that I thought, we have barely been with her and already I am weary of having to hide my feelings for you.”
Sneaking a peek at the now sleeping princess, Blaine then turned back to Kurt, placing a small chaste kiss to his lips. “I know my love, but I cannot risk losing you. We will travel as quickly as we can.”
“It will still take much longer than if it was just the two of us. Perhaps when we are back in Illyria, we can obtain another horse so we all can ride.” Kurt said snuggling into Blaine’s warmth.
I confusion Blaine asked, “Why can we not ride once we have Merlin and Orion back?”
“Do you not think it will give her false hope?” Kurt asked.
“What do you mean?”
Kurt took his hand gently, smoothing his thumb over the back. “We both came on this quest hoping to find love and we did. Don’t you think perhaps the princess had been hoping for the same? But we know that that will not happen for her, at least not with either of us. She does not have the same luxury; I just don’t want to give her false hope.”
Blaine kissed his cheek once more, “She seems like a smart girl; as long as we don’t show any overt affection I am sure she will figure it out.”
That said, they settled against the hard mountain to rest their over-weary bones before talking descending the mountain.
Two hours later, after doing no more than sitting, unable to sleep, Kurt roused his traveling companions. “We should move on,” He said simply once they were both awake.
“But I am still ever so tired.” Rachel yawned.
“I know princess, but the sun is already dawning and we need to make it as far from this place by nightfall as we can. Don not worry, we can ride once we are back in the woods.”
It was a difficult task reaching the base of the mountain again. Rachel clung to Kurt’s back as he slowly climbed down the mountain. Kurt followed Blaine’s instructions as he shouted from below. He tried not to curse out loud the fact they did not ask Sebastian if there was an easier way to descend. Surely he had not carried an unconscious Rachel up the mountain the way Kurt and Blaine had entered.
As Kurt’s feet hit solid ground again, it took all his strength to wait until Blaine removed Rachel from his back where she had latched herself, before he collapsed to the ground. He barely mustered the breath to whistle long and low before he closed his eyes.
Blaine trilled a whistles tune before scanning the area for movement. He could see the bone deep weariness in Kurt. Rachel sat trembling not too far away. He watched and waited. Pavarotti was the first to appear, calling as he dove towards his master and friend. He landed on Kurt’s shoulder and began nipping at his ear. “I’m alright Pav, just tired,” Kurt grumbled but a smile lifted the corner of his mouth.
Soon after, the sound of hooves could be heard in the distance. The horses ran through a break in the trees before cantering to a stop next to their masters. Blaine’s eyes fell once more on Kurt’s slumped form. “Princess Rachel, do you think you can ride on Orion by yourself? I do not think Prince Kurt slept at all and I am afraid he will fall off his horse if left there alone.”
Rachel reigned in her disappointment before demurely answering, “I am sure I will be fine as long as he is gentle.”
Blaine’s smile lit up his face making Rachel’s hear skip. “He can be as gentle as a kitten.”
Blaine helped Rachel on Orion’s back, where after trying to sit sidesaddle she finally straddled his back smoothing her skirt around her. He then moved over to Kurt and lifted him deftly onto the back of his horse. Steadying him with one hand, Blaine then mounted Merlin as well. Blaine trotted forward, grabbed Orion’s reigns from Rachel, and after settling Kurt against his chest, led them along the stream back towards Illyria.
Silently they rode, Kurt sleeping against Blaine, for most of the morning. Blaine drove them as fast as possible wanting to make it out of the woods as soon as they could. He enjoyed the feel of Kurt resting against him as he slumbered but his heart ached to see him so exhausted. After a time he could hear Rachel begin to quietly whine as they put more and more distance between themselves and the mountain. However, he ignored it not wanting to stop until they absolutely had to .
By mid afternoon, Kurt began to stir. The first thing he became aware of was the dull ache invading his body. He soon felt the familiar movement of a horse, followed quickly by the press of a body against his back. He let his eyes flutter open. Trees rustled their leaves in the breeze around him. He saw Merlin’s familiar head bobbing up and down in front of him strong hands guiding the reigns. He turned his head to see Blaine mounted in the saddle behind him being trailed by Rachel on Orion.
“What happened?” Kurt mumbled sleep still clogging his brain.
“You were exhausted; I didn’t think it would be wise to have you ride alone. We are a good half days ride from the fortress, making fair time. Hopefully we will be passing into Illyria by the forth nightfall.” Blaine told him his voice low, his breath tickling the small hairs on Kurt’s neck.
Kurt reveled in the feel of Blaine’s chest against his back for a moment before speaking. “We should stop for the night soon. You must be exhausted yourself,” as an afterthought he added, “As I am sure the princess is as well. We should rest and eat so we can forge ahead tomorrow.”
Both men chanced a glance back at Rachel, who not knowing she was being watched winced at her own aches. “You’re right. Let us look for a suitable place to camp for the night,” Blaine agreed.
It only took a few minutes for them to stumble upon a meadow encroaching on the back of the stream, sweet grass and blackberry bushes populated the area. With one last squeeze of Blaine’s hand where it held Merlin’s reigns, Kurt dismounted and hurried over to help Rachel off Orion’s back. Being a little overzealous in the excitement to finally having one of her prince’s full attention again, Rachel practically leapt from the horse. Kurt surprised by the unexpected exuberance stumbled back under her weight, causing them to fall in a pile on the ground. Rachel looked down into those impossible blue eyes, transfixed by their beauty but unseeing of the shock and wariness they showed. Just as she was, about to throw all propriety to the wind and kiss those full pink lips though, a booming laugh and strong arms drew her away, setting her back on her feet again.
“Are you quite alright Princess?” Blaine asked, a smile on his lips but not reaching his eyes. Rachel knew he must have been jealous and blushed profusely at being so caught in the moment she forgot herself.
“Yes, thank you.” She demurred looking up at Prince Blaine through her lashes, hoping to convey she had not yet made up her mind.
Kurt having gotten to his feet, stood at a point, making the triangle complete. He spoke, his voice husky in the uncomfortable situation, “We will make camp here for the night. You two rest while I prepare us something to eat.”
Rachel lay on one of the bedrolls, eyes closed but fighting off sleep. After what must have already been a full day, she was no closer to making a choice of which prince should receive her heart. She knew not just duty but what must be her own love story required her to love one of these men. As handsome and refined as they both were though and as flustered as they made her feel, she could not be sure this was what love felt like. So as she lay, she thought over the virtues of each handsome man, willing her heart to tell her what was right.
Kurt sent Pavarotti to hunt, and then prepared a small meal of fresh rabbit and berries along with some bread and cheese they happened upon at the fortress. As the meat roasted in the buried pit, he watched Blaine sleep, his face relaxed and so handsome. Kurt could hardly believe the man before him love him. He knew he should be devising a plan of action to implement upon their return to his castle, but he could not tear his eyes away nor could he stop imagining what ruling with Blaine by his side would be like.
They ate their meal in relative silence, each caught up in their own thoughts. The meal finished, Kurt sent the others to bed again, insisting he would keep the first watch. The wood was silent save for the babbling of the stream. Kurt sat finally taking full catalogue of his body. His muscles ached, but dully; nothing a decent sleep would not cure. The cut on his arm was fully healed, not even a scar marring the area. Otherwise, he just felt dirty. Over a week in the same clothes (save the shirt Blaine had given him on their first night together) not having the luxury of a proper bath since leaving the castle left Kurt eyeing the peaceful stream.
He glanced at his companions, both deep in sleep, and then made his decision. Kurt crept to the water’s edge before quickly stripping down and sinking into the inviting water. He carried his clothes with him over to one of the boulders grateful for the opportunity to wash the accumulated grime off them as well. After cleaning them as best he could without soap, Kurt laid them out over the still sun-warmed rocks. The sun was just setting, dancing points of light across the water, as Kurt dunked himself completely and began to wash himself. Even without the oils and soaps he was used to, he had to admit this bath was one of the best he had ever enjoyed. He let the water roll across his skin taking dirt, sweat, and blood with it.
Rachel just couldn’t get comfortable and stay that way. Rocks dug into her back and she felt exposed sleeping out in the open. She rolled over, eyes drifting open, intent of shutting them again in sleep, when movement caught her eye. There in the river, Kurt stood waist deep in the water. Beads glistened and rolled down his milky torso. The light of the setting sun danced around him and he looked so relaxed and at peace. Rachel allowed her eyes to rake down his smoothly muscled chest as her heart sped. Never before, had she seen a man in such a state of undress and she knew having spied his pants and shirt draped over the rocks that there was more yet to be seen. She wasn’t sure thought if she wanted to see more, nevertheless, she couldn’t tear her eyes away. She watched as he ran his hands down his torso, smoothing over arms and muscles, clearly cleaning away any grime the water had yet to lap from his skin. Kurt’s face looked content, even more so than it had in sleep as they rode. Rachel was mesmerized. Then Kurt’s hand reached up running through his hair. His head was thrown back, revealing the long line of his neck. With the one thought of how gorgeous he looked, Rachel gasped.
A gasp broke Kurt from the contentment he felt as he washed the grim out of his hair. His eyes shot open and were met with the sight of Rachel watching him, wide eyed with her mouth agape. A yelp of surprise erupted from him before he could stop it, and his embarrassment doubled as Blaine bolted awake at the sound. Both pairs of eyes rested on him, Blaine’s full of concern before roving down his chest and back up again.
The trio seemed frozen for a moment; shock, and embarrassment tantamount in their minds. Suddenly Kurt sat down in the water, intent of hiding himself from their scrutiny as words sprang from his lips, “I just wanted a bath. I thought you would stay asleep.” A crimson blush rose up his neck out of the water and colored his face.
“Of course,” Blaine croaked, still unable to look away from Kurt as he now huddled in the water.
“I am truly sorry,” Rachel spoke barely above a whisper. “I had no idea…you startled me.” Words seemed to babble out of her mouth as she too flushed. “I’ll just leave you to it… sleep… I should try to go back to sleep.” Rachel finally broke her gaze on Kurt’ snow hidden body and rolled over facing the trees.
Kurt looked back over to Blaine, who was still standing where he had leapt up. He couldn’t help but roll his eyes at him fondly. “Why don’t you go back to sleep as well Prince Blaine.” He told him pointedly. “I’ll just finish up here and then sit the watch.”
Blaine nodded again, visibly swallowing before returning, “Yes, of course. Would you like me to leave you the blanket for while your clothes dry?”
Kurt gave him a genuine smile, “Thank you that would be lovely.”
With a nod, Blaine walked the blanket to the shore and laid it on a rock. He glanced over at Rachel, who was still shifting around on the bedroll awake. Blaine then gave a smile before wrapping himself in his cloak and returning to his bed.
Kurt stayed into the water until he was certain both had fallen asleep again. By the time he woke Blaine in the early morning hours to switch watch, he was fully dressed once more. Ready for at least a few hours sleep before they set off again, Kurt lazily kissed Blaine once before crawling in the bed roll and falling into a deep Blaine-filled sleep.