Oct. 21, 2011, 11:58 a.m.
Oct. 21, 2011, 11:58 a.m.
Kurt rolled over, so that he was facing Blaine once more. When he saw Blaine’s eyes begin to flutter open, Kurt reached a hand out to stroke his hair out of his eyes. “Good morning.” He whispered in a sleepy voice.
Blaine smiled groggily at Kurt, “Good morning.” They lay entwined together, enjoying the closeness and the comfort of having the other there. Finally, Blaine’s stomach broke the silence, rumbling loudly, causing the two boys to laugh.
“We should get dressed, and go find you some breakfast.” Kurt laughs while rubbing Blaine’s belly playfully. Blaine grabs him in a long teasing kiss, before reluctantly agreeing as his stomach grumbles again.
Kurt was the first to roll out of the bed blushing a bit remembering his current state of dress. Blaine smiled watching the flush spread across his bare chest and rising up his face as Kurt reached for his pants that had been flung across the room into a pile last night.
“How about I take a shower, and meet you at your dorm in about thirty minutes?” Blaine asked, as he sat on the edge of his bed trying to spy his clothes mixed amongst Kurt’s across the floor.
“Alright,” Kurt nodded, slowly buttoning his shirt, while thinking maybe it would be prudent to have at least one change of clothes here in Blaine’s dorm. He walked over, placing his hands on Blaine’s bare chest, leaned in for another kiss.
When Kurt opened the door to his suite, he was accosted by his suitemates. “Where have you been? We we woke up this morning and you still weren’t here. We were about to call you to make sure you were still alive.” Nick said in a rush.
Kurt let a laugh slip from his lips before noticing the worried looks on the other boys’ faces. “I’m sorry, I was with Blaine, I thought you would just assume…”
“We did yesterday, but you still weren’t here this morning.” Jeff said.
“I stayed in Blaine’s room.” Kurt said, waffling between being annoyed and amused. “It’s not like I am a child, you aren’t my dads.”
Jeff shot back, “You technically aren’t an adult either. Excuse us for being worried about you, you are our friend Kurt.”
“Listen, just because I am seventeen, doesn’t give you the right to act like I am a child. Now if you will excuse me, I need to take a shower.” Kurt spat at the two, hating that they were throwing his age in his face.
“Kurt, that’s not what…” Nick began before Kurt cut him off.
“I really don’t care what you meant right now.” He then turned and gathered his things from his room.
Once Kurt was dressed and ready to go, he exited the bathroom to find Blaine whispering with the other boys. “I can’t believe you said that to him. Yes, we should have let you know where we were, so you wouldn’t worry, but he is not some fragile child who needs looking after…”
“We know that, I was just worried something had happened to him. When he came in here acting as if nothing was wrong, it made me mad.” Jeff tried to defend himself.
Kurt walked over to the group, laying a hand on Blaine’s shoulder as he started to speak again. “Blaine, it’s alright, I knew he didn’t mean it. I’m sorry, I should have let you know there was no need to worry. I understand that your worry comes from a place of caring, but… please don’t act like you are so much older than me. We are in the same boat here, we are all college freshmen. Now if you want we can set some ground rules, like if anyone is going to be gone for the night we let the others know. But if we have that rule, it applies to all of us not just me.” Once that was agreed upon, the boys all went out on the town for breakfast.
With Thanksgiving just a few days away, Kurt began to withdraw into himself. As Nick and Jeff talked excitedly about their plans and traditions, Kurt sat trying not to dwell on all that he would be missing this year. It had been a hard realization when he first moved to New York, that Friday Night Dinners were a thing of the past, but he hadn’t thought ahead about how missing Thanksgiving would feel.
On Tuesday, both Nick and Jeff left to return to their families for the holiday, leaving Kurt in the dorm alone. Blaine was recording an assignment in the music lab, and Kurt found himself on Skype with Mercedes.
“I really wish you could come home, I don’t know what I will do on Black Friday without you.” She said, giving her best friend a sad smile.
Kurt heaved a sigh before responding, “Me too, Cedes. But in just a few weeks I will be home for Christmas break I have a meeting with my advisor next week to register for my classes for next semester. Then I will be able to buy my ticket to come home. Then we can really catch up.” Then he added coyly. “And you should be able to met Blaine.”
“Is he coming home with you?” she asked nearly bouncing off the computer screen.
“Well, he’s from Columbus, and I assume he will be going home for Christmas, so I don’t see why you shouldn’t get to meet him.”
Soon their conversation turned back to Thanksgiving. Kurt didn’t hear Blaine open the suite door and approach Kurt’s room. “I can’t believe I won’t be there this year. Last year we were still trying to get used to being a family, now it feels like I am not a part of it any more. I just, I wish I could be there…”he heard Kurt say.
“I know Boo, but at least you have Blaine there with you. What are you doing?” Mercedes asked Kurt.
“I don’t know, I haven’t asked. I mean we can’t cook here since we have no kitchens. I really don’t know what we can do to make it feel like a real Thanksgiving. To be honest, it’s a little depressing to think of Thanksgiving, not only without my family, but without turkey, dressing, and all that.” Hearing this, Blaine, slowly backed out of the dorm, leaving an unsuspecting Kurt to end his conversation.
It was late in the afternoon by the time Blaine returned to the dorm. “Did you have problems with your song? You should have been back hours ago.” Kurt asked when Blaine walked in Kurt’s dorm.
“A bit, but I also had a few errands to run before I came back here.” Blaine said, giving Kurt a welcoming kiss.
Kurt cocked his head, “What errands?” he asked.
“Sorry, I can’t answer that, it’s a surprise.” Blaine said with a smile.
When Thanksgiving finally arrived, Kurt woke up to find his bed empty. Blaine had stayed the night last night, but instead of the two snuggled up in the small space, Kurt was there alone. On his way to the bathroom, Kurt noticed a note on his door:
I went to get some things for today. I will be back around 1:30. Happy Thanksgiving. I love you.
Kurt mused over the note before glancing at the clock, he still had three hours before Blaine would be back. He spent that time not just getting ready, but hyping himself to make this the best Thanksgiving possible. Because while this Thanksgiving wasn’t Kurt’s ideal, it was his first with Blaine, the first of what Kurt hoped would be many with the man. Kurt put his feel good playlist on his iPod and danced around the suite, soaking up all the happy energy he could.
By the time Blaine walked in the suite door, Kurt was all smiles, bubbling with excitement. He ran up to Blaine kissing him before helping to relieve him of the many bags he was carrying. “What is all this?” Kurt asked placing his bags on the table.
“Thanksgiving dinner. I found this mom and pop restaurant taking orders for real Thanksgiving dinners. I just had to go pick it up this morning. It may not be exactly what you are used to, but I thought it would be better than Chinese.” Blaine told him, taking Kurt into his arms.
Kurt gave him and enthusiastic kiss, “You did have to do this, but thank you!”
Blaine laughed at Kurt’s obvious excitement. “That isn’t all. Go get your laptop.” Kurt gave him a confused look, which Blaine just ignored. Turning to the table, Blaine began unpacking the various dishes, and setting the table. When Kurt returned with his laptop, Blaine took it from him, setting it in the middle of the table, and opening it up without another word. He continued to set the table, ignoring Kurt’s questions.
Just as Blaine was filling their water glasses, Kurt’s laptop began beeping, signaling an incoming call. Kurt jumped in his seat looking at the name that appeared on the computer. “It’s dad!” Kurt exclaimed.
“I know,” Blaine told him with a smile, “answer it.”
When the window popped up, Kurt not only saw his dad’s smiling face, but Finn and Carole too. They were all gathered around the dining table at home, the Hummel Thanksgiving feast before them. “Hey bud! Happy Thanksgiving.” Burt laughed, a big smile on his face.
“Hey dad, what’s going on?” Kurt asked, laughing seeing his family all together.
“Well, we are going to have Thanksgiving dinner together. I never would have thought of doing it this way, but when Blaine called…” was all Burt got out before Kurt turned to his boyfriend.
“You did this?” Kurt asked, tears in his eyes.
“Well, I know how much you wanted to spend this time with your family…” Kurt cut him off with a kiss, unmindful of his families eyes on him.
“Oh my god Blaine, thank you. You don’t know how much this means to me. I love you!” Kurt told him, holding Blaine’s face between his hands.
Blaine went to return the kiss but was interrupted by Mr. Hummel’s voice, “Hey now, don’t forget about us.” He sounded made, but when the boys saw his face on the computer screen, he was smiling at them.
Dinner was lovely, if not a little strange, sharing it over the internet. For an hour they sat around the respective tables eating and talking about the last few months. Kurt’s family asked Blaine questions to learn more about him. Kurt beamed at his boyfriend, watching him interact so easily with his family. Finn told stories about the New Directions, leaving everyone laughing at the shenanigans of the group. All too soon, everyone was in a sleepy haze from all the delicious food. Kurt reluctantly bid farewell to his family, as he held Blaine’s hand.
Once the call was ended, Kurt pulled Blaine into his arms. “I can’t believe you thought of that. I think that was the best Thanksgiving ever.”
Blaine pulled back just enough to look Kurt in his eyes, “Really?” he asked with a look of disbelief.
Kurt smile, “Really, I mean it was a little strange, and it would have been nice to actually be there. But I just had Thanksgiving dinner with my family, and the best boyfriend ever. What could be better than that?”
Their lazy kisses, lead them to Kurt’s bed, where they didn’t intensify, but slowly ended with the boys content in each other’s arms. Lulled to sleep by the others even breathe, they lay together happy and in awe of the other.