Oct. 21, 2011, 11:58 a.m.
Oct. 21, 2011, 11:58 a.m.
This transition was hardest on Kurt; the combination of long hard days at the shop and staying up late talking with Blaine, was taking its toll. He wasn’t resting and the lack of sleep was making him irritable with those around him, except Blaine. Blaine seemed to have a free pass when it came to Kurt’s temper; even Finn noticed the change that would come over Kurt when his phone would ring.
Kurt regretted promising the girl a sleep over to talk about Blaine. When Friday night rolled around, he just wanted to lay in bed, talking to the love of his life. Instead, he was in Rachel Berry’s basement surrounded by all of the glee girls, missing Blaine more than ever. For a while he listen to them gossip about all the news he had missed while he was in New York. He tried to seem intrigued by the scandalous stories they spewed, but it was forced. Kurt wasn’t sure, but he felt that he had left this part of his life behind, and for the better. The old high school drama, that used to fuel their sleepovers, now just seemed like useless nonsense. Gone were the days when who was sleeping with whom, was the most important issue to discuss.
However, when the conversation turned again to Blaine, Kurt lit up. The girls all noticed his excitement to talk on end about Blaine. They asked all the right questions, just to keep that smile on his face. None of them had seen a smile like that grace their friend’s lips ever.
“He makes you happy doesn’t he?” Rachel asked hugging her pillow.
Kurt was taken aback by the question, “Of course he does, Rachel.”
“I mean, it’s not just New York that has made you happier, it is Blaine too. He has changed you.” Rachel tried to clarify.
“No, he hasn’t changed me.” Kurt snapped before taking a soothing breath to continue. “I have been more myself these last few months. It’s New York and Blaine, I don’t have to constantly have my guard up there or when I am with him. So I guess I am different than the Kurt you knew… but I am still me.”
Mercedes squeezed his hand, shooting Rachel a look, “I like the change, it’s nice to see you happy, to see you smiling. None of us begrudges you that. You deserve the romance.”
As if on cue Kurt’s phone rang making his face light up even more; it was Blaine. He quickly hushed the girls before answering.
“Hi.” He said quietly into the phone.
“I miss you, I know you are with your friends, but I just wanted to hear your voice.” Blaine’s voice answered quietly.
Kurt could feel all the girl’s eyes on him but tried valiantly to block them from his mind as he talked with Blaine. “Oh, I miss you too. I might be able to convince my dad to let me off at lunch tomorrow, I could be at your place by around three.”
“Do you think your dad will let you off? My friend Wes is having a Christmas party tomorrow night, he just called me, he didn’t realize I was in town. Would you want to go, meet some of my friends? Nick and Jeff will be there too.”
After agreeing to the party, Kurt knew he had to let Blaine go, otherwise the girls would start hijacking his phone. “I’ll see you tomorrow then, I love you.” Kurt didn’t notice the girls exchanging glances around him. As soon as he hung up, they pounced.
“Did you just say the l-word?” Tina asked.
“Please tell me that means you are tapping that because I just have to say… wanky.” Santana added.
The others just began giggling, watching Kurt’s face redden under their attention. “My god, you act like this is the first time any of us have been in love.” He chastised them.
“No honey, it’s just the first time you have been in love. Why didn’t you tell us?” Mercedes scolded him.
“You are my best friends, I thought you would just figure it out. Yes, we have been exchanging ‘I love you’s actually, it happened the day I talked to all of you on the phone.”Seeing their scandalized looks he clarified, “That night actually.”
He went on to describe that night, in as much detail as he could. Even Santana smiled at the story although she punctuated it with, “I don’t know why you have to complicate things with feelings though, seems like a waste to me.”
The next day, Kurt was hard at work fixing the transmission on a ’69 Mustang, when he heard his father call, “Hey Kurt, someone here to see you.”
He glanced at the clock seeing it was just past eleven-thirty, he grabbed a rag to wipe his hands as he made his way to the front of the shop. The rag fell to the floor when he spotted none other than Blaine Anderson standing next to their fathers as they talked. He quickly bent over to pick up the fallen cloth before hurrying over to join them.
“Blaine, Mr. Anderson, what are you doing here?” He asked, interrupting their conversation.
“Tim here was just asking if we could replace the break system on his ’59 Chevy. I told him I could send you over on Monday to work on it, if you felt up to it.” Burt replied.
“S-sure. I mean I would just need to bring my toolkit shouldn’t take more than a couple of hours. But wouldn’t it have been easier to take it to someplace closer to you? I mean Hummel Tire and Lube is the best around, but I’m sure someplace in Columbus could do a half way decent job.” Kurt was confused about this, he knew of course that Mr. Anderson was trying to be more accepting, but this just seemed silly.
“Well,” Mr. Anderson replied, “I was hoping you could walk us through it while you do it. We tried to restore the thing a few summers ago, but we never got around to finishing it. I thought it would be a good opportunity for me to get to know you, and maybe we could pick up a few things.”
Once arrangements had been made, they bid Mr. Anderson goodbye, before Kurt left the shop for the day with Blaine. As soon as they were in the car Kurt turned to Blaine, “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming out today?” he asked frantically.
“I didn’t know until this morning. Why? What’s wrong?” Blaine asked taking Kurt’s hand.
Kurt softened a bit, “Nothing, I’m just a horrible smelly mess. And I thought I was just going to meet you at your house later… you know after I had time to clean up and I’m not covered in grease and dirt.”
Blaine smirked at him as he said, “But I think you look hot. Don’t get me wrong, you are always hot, but this is nice too.” He leaned in for a kiss, which Kurt was happy to give, before they started to Kurt’s house.
After a quick shower, Kurt came downstairs to find Blaine helping Carole make lunch while Finn sat watching, talking to the pair. Kurt stood in the doorway just watching the easy interaction of Blaine with his family. He couldn’t help but think that this was what life was supposed to be like; the man he loves just being a part of his family. It wasn’t until Carole spotted him that he moved.
“Kurt dear, would you mind ladling out the soup for everyone. Oh and make a thermos full for your dad, I told him I would bring him some later.” Carole told him over her shoulder where she stood making grilled sandwiches.
Lunch was nice, Kurt was quiet, listening to his family interact with Blaine. He loved the ease their conversation together, and the fact his family just accepted Blaine, like he just belonged. And Kurt thought, he did, he just belonged there and it was nice.
That night they headed to Elm Wood, outside of Westerville where Blaine’s friend Wes’ parents lived. Kurt would be staying at Blaine’s house that night, so he wouldn’t have to drive back to Lima late at night by himself. Kurt was nervous to meet Blaine’s friends, but it made him feel better knowing that Nick and Jeff would be there as well.
As they got out of Kurt’s car, Kurt fidgeted with his coat nervously. Blaine put his hands around his shoulders and whispered in his ear, “There is no need to be nervous, they will love you. I love you.”
Kurt leaned his head on Blaine’s shoulder as they made this way to the front door. He only straightened up as Blaine went to ring the bell. A tall Asian man answered the door with a wide grin, “Warbler Blaine! Come in, come in.”
“Afraid I am just Blaine now Wes.” Blaine said with a chuckle.
“Nonsense once a Warbler, always a Warbler.” Wes said bringing Blaine into a hug.
Blaine turned to Kurt, “Wes, I would like you to meet my boyfriend, Kurt Hummel.”
Kurt went to shake Wes’ hand but instead found himself being pulled into a hug. “Good to meet you Kurt; Nick and Jeff were telling me all about you.”
“Oh dear, there goes the good first impression.” Kurt told him hiding his face.
“Hey, we didn’t tell them the good stories, thought we would save that for when you were here and we could see your reaction.” Nick called from the other room.
“Dear lord, why couldn’t I have gotten a single?” Kurt moaned making everyone listening laugh.
Blaine pulled him into a hug, to the added delight of those around and sooths, “But then you wouldn’t have met me.”
Kurt kissed him softly, “Well in that case I will take all the embarrassment and annoyance of living with those to.”
The room at large laughed in varying degrees before calling in greeting to Blaine. Kurt walked up to Nick and Jeff, saying “ You know I am kidding, I couldn’t have asked for better suitemates. Enjoying your vacation?”
The night consist of meeting several of Blaine’s old glee clubbers, some are off at college as well, while others are still at Dalton. He is amazed about the openness of the group; it is almost like being back in New York. Everyone makes Kurt feel welcome, he gets to talk about his friends once Jeff lets it slip that Kurt used to be a part of New Directions. Most of the party Blaine is right beside him, but when Blaine wanders off for one reason or another, Kurt happily finds himself in one conversation or another.
It seems all to soon that midnight is approaching and the couple have to make their way back to Columbus for the night. Kurt lets Blaine drive, and snuggles in the passenger seat. “I like your friends.” He mumbles taking one of Blaine’s hands.
“They are great guys.”
“Why was I the only non-Warbler there?” Kurt asked, it had been bothering him a bit since they showed up that he was the only significant other there.
“Honestly, it was supposed to only be Warblers, but when Wes found out about you, he insisted that you come. I guess you could say they have been waiting a while for me to meet someone special.” Blaine said blushing a bit.
The house was quiet when they entered, so they made their way upstairs to Blaine’s room. For the first time since leaving New York, they were going to be able to enjoy a little private time together.
This story is wonderful, i don't know why no one as commented!
I thought I commented on this ages ago... but thank you so much. I hope you enjoyed the rest!