Starting Over
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Starting Series

Starting Over: Chapter 10

T - Words: 2,476 - Last Updated: Oct 21, 2011
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/21 - Created: Aug 06, 2011 - Updated: Oct 21, 2011
1,376 0 0 0 0

When Burt left, Kurt busied himself making breakfast for the two of them. As he was cutting up vegetables for some omelets, Blaine spoke. “So you are staying in New York for the summer?”

Kurt tried to keep his focus on the pepper he was chopping and replied, “Yeah, like I said I really have no choice. What about you?” He wanted to look up at Blaine but was afraid of what he might see. He was afraid there would be disappointment in his eyes.

“My adviser mentioned it, but I wasn’t sure. I figured everyone else would be coming home for the summer… but if you were there…” Blaine let the thought hang in the air. Kurt chanced a look up at his boyfriend.

“It would be nice if we were together.” He said with a smile.

Once breakfast was finished, Kurt followed Blaine to the car rental agency to return the car. That finished, Kurt drove Blaine around , introducing him to the exciting town that was Lima, Ohio. Blaine laughed at Kurt’s scathing descriptions of his hometown. “Oh yes, and there is Breadstix, the absolute pinnacle of Lima dining. Dry imported breadsticks and sub-par faux Italian cuisine. It is only the spot to be.”

“You really don’t like this place, do you?” Blaine asked still with a smile.

“It’s fine really, I mean, my family is here, that makes it home I guess. I just never quite fit in here. Now New York, I feel comfortable there, because I don’t have to apologize for being me.”

Soon it was time to head over to McKinley. Kurt was surprised how calm he was, however, he could see Blaine fidgeting in the seat beside him. He reached over the console and clasped his hand around Blaine’s, trying to show him it would be okay.

Kurt pulled into the visitor’s parking lot, feeling a bit strange parking in the front of the school. Kurt grabbed Blaine’s hand again as soon as they were out of the car. It had become such a natural gesture between the two, they didn’t even think about where they were. They made their way to the front office to sign the visitor’s log. As Kurt led Blaine through the familiar halls he observed, “It is so strange to be back here, but not really be here anymore.”

They rounded a corner and were met by a tall, thin woman with short blond hair. As she turned toward Kurt, a smile came to her face. “Porcelain, have you finally decided to come back and join my Cheerios?”

“Sorry, Coach Sylvester but my high school days are behind me.” Kurt said, shifting uncomfortably.

“So the rumors are true?”

Kurt smile became genuine. “If the rumors are that I am attending NYU on a full scholarship for Musical Theatre and Fashion, then yes. I can’t attest to anything else you may have heard coach.”

Sue’s gaze turned to Blaine and their clasped hands, “And who is this Porcelain? And I had such high hopes for you, what is wrong with you… he looks like he has been taking hair tips from Shue, his hair looks like the BP oil spill.”

Blaine looked offended but Kurt merely laughed saying, “Coach you have to admit, he makes gelled hair look extremely sexy.”

Both are surprised to see a smile form on the coach’s lips. “Well I don’t know about that…” She said, “but what are you doing here then if not rejoining my team.”

“Just making a surprise visit to the glee club.” Kurt told her.

“Why you insist on hanging out with that band of misfit losers is beyond me.” The coach snapped.

Kurt seemed to stiffen a bit, “Well they are my friends, they stuck by me all last year…” His voice drifted off.

“So was I Porcelain, were you going to visit me?” She admonished with a stern look.

Kurt smiled again, “Of course, I was just showing Blaine around, and I was going to try and sneak into Cheerios practice right after glee. But running into you saved us the trouble.”

“Get on with you… I have better things to do than standing here talking to you all day.” She said, walking away.

Once they were out of earshot Blaine whispered to Kurt, “Has she always acted that way?”

Kurt laughed, “Yes, she has a reputation to maintain that she hates everyone here. Although I have always thought she might have a soft spot for me.”

“Did she really call you Porcelain?” Blaine asked with a scowl.

Kurt could help but laugh again, “Yes, I think I am the only person who got to chose their own nickname from Coach Sylvester. She used to call me ‘lady’ until I told her she was being a bully. Porcelain was the best option she gave me.”

They walked a little further before approaching a door. “This is the choir room.” They listened for a moment to the teacher introducing the weeks lesson, ‘Feelings’. Kurt tugged Blaine’s hand and led them into the room. Hearing footsteps the teacher paused and the room was silent for a moment before it erupted in noise. Bodies flew down the risers crashing into Kurt, pulling his hand from Blaine’s who retreated from the onslaught of people.

“Alright, I missed you guys too, but give me some space.” Kurt yelled happily over the crowd.

“Guys back in your seat.” Mr. Shue ordered the group. As the group sat back down, Kurt motioned for Blaine to join him, while Will continued to speak. “Kurt, what a nice surprise, what brings you to McKinley today?”

“Home for Christmas, and I wanted to visit my friends.” Kurt said smiling. “Oh, I would like to introduce you to Blaine Anderson, my boyfriend.” Kurt beamed at Blaine.

Mr. Shuester walked over and shook Blaine’s hand and then said, “Kurt, Blaine, why don’t you sit. We have to get through this assignment and then I can let the group go so we can all catch up properly.”

Kurt sat next to Mercedes, letting Blaine sit comfortably beside him.

“As I was saying, this week’s assignment is about feelings. I want each of you to sing a song about how you are feeling right now. I know that this is an important year for most of you, you are graduating and your life is about to change. I want your raw feelings, not necessarily what you present to the world.”

Kurt raised his hand, “Mr. Shue, if I may for old time’s sake?”

“That would be great Kurt.” Mr. Shuester said, taking a seat and leaving the floor to Kurt.

Kurt walked over to Brad behind the piano and whispered in his ear. After a moment of conferring with the pianist, Kurt turned back to the group. “As you all are well aware, last year was pretty horrible for me. If I would have been forced to sing my feelings then… well let’s just say it would have been a very dark, depressing and scared song. Now, I have been in New York for four months. Don’t get me wrong, college is hard, and it isn’t perfect, but… this song sums up how I feel now.”

Kurt nodded to the Brad who started playing a simple tune. Kurt’s voice started off soft as he sang, Happiness. Blaine’s face broke out in a proud smile. He had heard Kurt sing a few times since Blackbird but seeing him beaming as he sang made him proud. Kurt looked out at his friends wanting each of them to know how happy he truly was. He lingered on Blaine, locking eyes as he sang, “and happiness is walking hand in hand.” Blaine jumped in surprise as the glee club joined in to sing the last chorus with Kurt, adding the harmonies. He joined in too. However, everyone let Kurt sing the last line alone, his voice rising liltingly around the choir room. “For happiness is anyone and anything at all, that’s loved by you.” Kurt cut his eyes once more as the song ended to Blaine, and gave him a wink.

Mr. Shue walked up to Kurt patting him on the back, “Excellent choice Kurt, and it makes me happy that you are so happy.” He turned back to the group, “Kurt has set the bar high for you, and we will start with performances tomorrow.”

Kurt walked over to Blaine, taking his hand again, as the girls swarmed them once again. Finn and the other guys sat closer, trying to contain their curiosity. Kurt was bombarded by questions from the girls about Blaine and New York.

Kurt flushed at the attention, “I am sure the guys and Mr. Shue don’t want to hear the details of mine and Blaine’s relationship, we can have a slumber party soon to go over that. But about New York…” they all chatted until the bell rang signaling the end of their time. They talked about each of their majors, life in New York, and NYU. Kurt was proud of Blaine jumping right into the fray of conversation without reserve. He caught himself a few times, ignoring one question or another, simply staring at Blaine in wonder.

Kurt and Blaine waited behind with Mr. Shue as everyone else went to their last class of the day.
Shue turned to Kurt, “I really am glad you are happy in New York. You should let Em… Ms. Pillsbury know that you are doing well, she has been very concerned about you since you dropped out.”

“Give her my regards, but I am afraid we should be off. I need to go drop Blaine off in Columbus before it gets too late.” They exchanged hugs once more before Kurt led Blaine out of the room.

“Ms. Pillsbury?” Blaine asked.

“Guidance councilor, sweet lady, been off and on with Mr. Shue for a few years now I think…” Kurt began to explain when a voice cut him off.

“What are you doing here? I thought we got rid of the gay here.” A gruff voice called down the hall.

Kurt spun around, but surprisingly the cold fear that usually accompanied the voice never appeared. “Karofsky.”

Blaine clutched tighter to Kurt’s hand either in support or fear, Kurt couldn’t tell. He steeled his shoulders back, waiting to see what Karofsky would do.

“What do I need to do to get rid of you for good? I don’t want to see you around here, why don’t you run off again like the little fag that you are?!?” Karofsky growled, closing distance between the three boys.

“Give it up David, I am not scared of you anymore. You are the scared little boy who can’t face the truth about himself. Face it, I haven’t told anyone else your secret, why would I now?” Kurt said, not backing down as the football player stood over him. Blaine stood fixed at Kurt’s side, tension running all through his body.

“What if I just made sure of that?”

Kurt dropped Blaine’s hand for a moment taking a step toward Karofsky, making so the boys were standing almost nose to nose. “Leave me alone, I will not let you bully me anymore. I am not afraid, just so you know the last boy who wouldn’t leave me alone ended up on his ass with a busted nose. Would you like to be known as the guy who let the fairy beat him up?” Kurt hissed at him.

Karofsky started backing away, whispering, “Just get out of here and keep your mouth shut, alright?”

Kurt turned toward Blaine, both visibly relaxing. “Oh god, did I really just do that?” Kurt asked unable to believe he had finally stood up to his tormenter.

“You really did.” Blaine stated simply, with a smile before putting his arm around Kurt’s waist to continue their walk down the hall.

Kurt let Blaine drive his car to Columbus, so Blaine wouldn’t have to give directions. They are quiet in the car for a while, both lost in their own thoughts. Blaine finally breaks the silence. “Your friends seem really nice, and very excited to see you.”

Kurt smiles, thinking of his friends, “Yeah, they are great. They seemed to like you too, maybe we will all be able to get together again, before we head back to NYU.” Kurt pauses a moment before asking the question that has been plaguing him, “When will I get to see you again? I mean… I know I won’t get to see you everyday like usual… but will I get to see you?”
Kurt had been nervously playing with the hem of his shirt, Blaine took his hand in his own before speaking, “Well, you said you will be working for your dad, so I guess whenever you are free. Listen Kurt… this isn’t going to be easy for me either, I’m used to just being able to just walk to your dorm and see you anytime I want to, but it will be okay. You’ll see.”

Kurt tried to smile, “I know, I just… I’m going to miss not seeing you every day.”

“Me too, but unless we can convince your dad to let me stay through Christmas we really have no choice.” Blaine said with a chuckle.

“What about your parents?” Kurt asked.

“I thought you wanted to come home to see your family?”

“No, I mean, will I get to meet them, or…” Kurt let the question hang in the air. He knew that Blaine didn’t have the same relationship that he had with his parents. He did not want to push or rush things. He just really needed to know.

Blaine shifted in his seat, glancing quickly over at his boyfriend sitting in the passenger seat. “Kurt, I don’t know if that is a great idea. Don’t get me wrong, I love you and I am so proud that you are my boyfriend… but… my parents… it’s easier when we just pretend. Meeting you… they wouldn’t be able to pretend anymore.”

Kurt was struck by this, he wanted to be mad, but it just hurt. He took his hand back, and said, “Blaine, have you even told them about me?”

“I told my mom, it’s my dad… he’s the problem.” Blaine said, clearly hurt by the absence of Kurt’s hand in his.

“I don’t want to pretend Blaine… if your parents, or you dad don’t know that we are together… I don’t think it is a good idea if I come around.” He saw that Blaine wanted to object. “I am not saying I won’t see you, but maybe it would be better for me just to see you away from your house. At least until you are ready and willing to tell them both about me.”

Blaine sighed, taking Kurt’s hand in his again, “Kurt, I’m tired of pretending to… if their home when we get there, I will tell them BOTH everything. I love you, and I don’t want to hide that from anyone, ever.”

End Notes: Song was Happiness from You're a good man Charlie Brown


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