See What I am Saying
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See What I am Saying: Chapter 3

T - Words: 1,844 - Last Updated: Feb 23, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 6/? - Created: Jan 29, 2012 - Updated: Feb 23, 2012
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The next few days Blaine made it a point to smile at Kurt anytime he happened to catch his eyes. It was doing no good in learning more about the beautiful boy, but seeing the different smiles Kurt had to offer was worth it. Blaine wanted to memorize every look Kurt had, from his shy, barely there smile to the thousand-watt grin that occasionally made an appearance, from the bored almost superior look he wore through most of ASL to the scowl of deep concentration when he was drawing. Blaine couldn't help but watch Kurt whenever he was around.

Blaine had taken to eating lunch with the glee kids, answering questions directed at him but also content to just watch and listen. The group was fun, if a little crazy at times and they made him feel welcome which was nice.

Friday, Blaine walked into ASL just in time as had become his habit knowing Mercedes would already have claimed the seat next to Kurt. However, when he entered the room he saw the seat next to Kurt free. The boy himself sat there looking bored and a little sad.

Blaine caught the interpreters attention before speaking, "Is Mercedes going to be here today?"

"No, she left with her family last night to help her bother settle in at college." Kurt signed and the interpreter voiced.

Blaine couldn't hide the grin, "Can I sit here then, just for today?"

Kurt nodded and Blaine took his seat. An idea popped in his head and Blaine pulled out a sheet of notebook paper. How has your week been? He wrote before placing it on Kurt's desk.

Kurt glanced down at the paper confused, before shifting it over in front of him. When he paper was once again on Blaine's desk, he read the beautiful elegant scrawl.

Passing notes in class really Blaine? Schools been about the same as always: boring. How about you? How are you fitting in?

Blaine smiled. Better than I thought it would be. Monday and Tuesday were pretty bad, I was lonely. But now with glee it's been better. I am glad to know I am not the only one bored out of my mind though.

The bell rang and the teacher started class just as Blaine passed the note over to Kurt. While listening to the teacher talk about how the upcoming test would work, Blaine watched Kurt write. Soon the paper was once again on Blaine’s desk: Glad things are looking up! BUT if you want to be able to talk with me, other than through an interpreter or notes that are sure to be taken up… you had better pay attention.

Blaine chanced a glance at Kurt, who smiled at him, before placing his full attention on the class. It was exciting to work with Kurt again, although they were still covering the basics of introductions and relationships.

Blaine, trying to elicit another smile out of Kurt tried to sign, are you married? Kurt signed something with a silent laugh that Blaine didn’t get. This led to Kurt getting the interpreter’s attention, Sign it again.
As Blaine tried to sign again, he heard the interpreter voice, “Are you English?”

Kurt signed back and she spoke, “No, I’m American.”

Blaine laughed, but it stopped short when Kurt grabbed his hands and corrected his hand position. As he demonstrated the sign again, Blaine’s mind was racing: Kurt’s hands were so soft and something about his touch set his heart fluttering. Blaine must have been a sight because Kurt cautiously asked, Are you okay?

Perfect, Blaine told him with a smile.

Kurt continued what they were to be practicing, Do you have brothers or sisters?

No, it’s only me. They continued this way, learning about the basics of their families. Blaine wanted to jump for joy that he was understanding everything that Kurt was signing to him. Only occasionally did Kurt fix his signs, but each time Blaine relished the gentle touch.

All too soon class was over, and to his surprise, Kurt waited for Blaine to pack his things and head to lunch. With Mercedes gone, Blaine spent the lunch period passing notes to Kurt, and act that did not go unnoticed by those around them. Blaine was oblivious to the looks they received from friends and those at the tables surrounding them. He was too caught up in watching Kurt’s face as they wrote about fashion, movies and the general lack of interesting classes at McKinley.

He even taught Blaine the name signs for the members of New Directions. Blaine couldn’t hold in his laughter as Kurt went through each person and demonstrated the sign. Like Finn’s was an ASL f held high over your head because he was so tall. Rachel’s was the sign for loud but with an r, because I am deaf and even I know she is loud. Kurt wrote. Blaine asked what his name size was, I haven’t decided yet, Kurt told him with a smile.

It was with a heavy heart that Blaine trudged to his wood working class. Sure, it was the only period left in the day without Kurt, but he was finally communicating with the boy that had fascinated him from the first moment he had laid eyes on him. The period seemed to creep by as Mr. Hamilton droned on and one about proper sanding technique.

Throughout Art class, they slipped small notes to each other while they worked on their drawing reflective surfaces. Blaine kept trying to sneak a peek at Kurt’s work, but he deftly hid it from view the entire period, sending Blaine smiles every time he tried to look. They walked together to Home Ec. just sending each other silent looks. Blaine could hardly contain his excitement at how well the day was turning out.

As it happened, they were finally getting to use the kitchen units lining the room. Kurt and Blaine were paired to bake their cake together. Blaine carefully read over the recipe as Kurt started gathering the ingredients. Blaine couldn’t help but notice Kurt didn’t seem to even look at the recipe before he got to work. Blaine was about to add the flour to the mixing bowl, when Kurt grabbed his arm to stop him. Wait, he signed, then pointed to the word before flour on their recipe, sifted. Kurt showed him how to sift the flour. As soon as their cake was in the oven they sat on the stools at their little kitchen a piece of paper in front of them.

Would you like to get coffee after school with me? Blaine wrote, trying not to let his nerves show.

Kurt read the message and with a sad smile wrote out his reply. Blaine dreaded to see what the paper said, with the look on Kurt’s face. I can’t today, I promised my dad I would help him out at the shop today. Rain check?

The smile that broke out on Blaine’s face was so big his cheeks ached. I would love that. What does your dad do?

Blaine was expecting some desk job, maybe a bookstore. He pictured Mr. Hummel to be slight like Kurt, maybe bookish, what he didn’t expect was Kurt’s reply. He owns Hummel Tire and Lube, best mechanic in Lima if you ever need on.

Wow, I never thought of you as a grease monkey, you dance, you play piano, and you know your way around a car. You are quite a catch, Mr. Hummel.

Blaine slid the paper over before he could lose his nerve. He watched as Kurt’s cheeks began glowing pink, his head ducked as he read the words. His hand raised and cupped his cheek, and Blaine couldn’t help but wish it was his hand. He waited patiently for Kurt to reply. Kurt kept bringing his pen to the paper, then retracting it, repeating the process. So long this went on, Blaine was starting to internally panic, and the timer for their cake went off without one word being written. Blaine stood and tested the cakes, just as instructed. Seeing they were ready, he took them out and placed them on cooling racks. When he returned to his stool, Kurt had his back turned to him, but a new message lay on the counter.

That is sweet of you to say. That was all, all that time waiting and that was all the reply Blaine got. Blaine looked over at Kurt’s figure; he was hunched over himself, his body reading self-consciousness. Blaine quickly scrawled something on the paper before giving it to Kurt.

Didn’t say it to be sweet, it’s true. I think your are pretty special. I have really enjoyed getting to know you better today. If you want, here is my number, text me later?

Blaine watched Kurt carefully, he saw his eyes scanning the words anxiously. Kurt then turned to him with a smile and nodded. Blaine couldn’t help returning that smile. Soon after, the teacher told them she would place their cakes in the freezer as soon as they cooled so they could continue the project on Monday, then the bell rang.

Kurt and Blaine walked down the hall together to their lockers, exchanging shy smiles in the bustling crowd. Blaine was so caught in the sparkling blue of Kurt’s expressive eyes he didn’t notice the two hulking figures stalking towards them until it was too late. Karofsky, the closer of the two lunged at Blaine throwing him towards the lockers yelling, “stupid fag.” Blaine had barely straightened himself from the attack before he saw Kurt pushing the jock away with more force than his lithe figure would suggest he possessed. Karofsky was knocked off balanced not expecting the counterattack and went sprawling on the floor. Before Azimio could retaliate Finn and Puck called down the hall and were telling him off for messing with ‘their boys.’ Blaine blocked out what they were saying, instead he watched Kurt. He was panting slightly looking down at the boy struggling to his feet, with loathing clear in his eyes.

Blaine lightly touched his arm, causing Kurt to jump before turning to him. Thank you, he signed. Kurt gave a slight nod, before hurrying off. Blaine was about to follow when someone caught his arm.

“What happened?” Puck asked.

Blaine pulled his focus from Kurt’s retreating form and looked at the concerned faces of Puck and Finn. “I was just walking down the halls with Kurt and that jackass shoved me into the locker. Kurt pushed him down. That is pretty much it.” Blaine told them rubbing his face.

“Kurt did that?” Finn asked looking impressed.

Blaine nodded, he walked with them to his locker, trying to dismiss them quickly, but neither got the hint. Instead they walked with him out to his car before saying their goodbyes. All Blaine could do was hope that he would hear from Kurt that weekend. He hoped that Kurt still wanted to have anything to do with him. But most of all Blaine hoped that Kurt liked him as much as he liked Kurt.


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