Not Following the Rules.
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Not Following the Rules. : Chapter 6

T - Words: 4,269 - Last Updated: Jan 29, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 18/18 - Created: Dec 05, 2011 - Updated: Jan 29, 2012
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Author's Notes: AN:Well here is the next part I hope you like it. Please let me know. Thank you for your kind reviews they do make me want to write more. SO... Thanks! More after the chapter then.
Kurt and Blaine spent a lazy Sunday in bed, cuddling, talking, and enjoying each other’s presence to the fullest. A couple of times, Kurt heard his phone buzzing on the floor, but chose to ignore it in favor of lavishing all his attention on the boy in bed with him. Around two, their hunger for food became too much for the pair. As Blaine left to order some take out, Kurt went searching their discarded clothes for his own phone. He was just looking at the unknown number, when it started ringing again. Warily he answered it.

“Kurt, this is Wes Montgomery, I have been trying to get a hold of you all day. I was going to send my assistant by to drop off your script, if you were going to be home.” The voice told him over the phone.

Kurt paused, “Well… I’m not at home right now, and I’m not sure when I will make it back.”

“Are you in the city? Could I send it to where you are?” He asked clearly feeling this was important.

“Sure?” Kurt told him looking around trying to find something with Blaine’s address. On the nightstand was a letter, from which Kurt read off to him.

There was a moment’s pause before Wes spoke again, “Are you at Blaine’s?”

“Yes.” Kurt told him plainly, Wes already knew they were dating, so he felt no need hiding the fact he was here.

“Alright, well, someone will drop it by within the hour.” Then Wes hung up.

Blaine came back in wrapping his body around Kurt’s bare form. “Who was on the phone?” He asked kissing Kurt’s neck.

“Wes, he is sending someone by with the script. Would it be alright if I took a quick shower?”

Blaine nodded, and turned to put some clothes on as Kurt grabbed his bag and made his way into the bathroom. Kurt took his time in the shower, letting the hot water cleanse away all the sweat and other things that had accumulated over his body. He touched the dark marks on his hips Blaine left, during a second exploration early this morning. He pulled his mind away from thinking about those activities, knowing that soon people would be coming to the door bringing his script and their food. As Kurt stepped out of the shower, he heard voices wafting in from the living room.

“Yes, he stayed here last night, why?” It was clearly Blaine’s voice.

Kurt tried not to listen to the conversation but it was hard not to hear what was being said mere feet away.

“I’m just worried about you. I don’t want you to get hurt Blaine.” Kurt’s brows creased in confusion, that was Wes’ voice, but hadn’t he said he would be sending his assistant.

A rough sigh interrupted Kurt’s thoughts, and he tried to ignore the words floating in towards him as he pulled his boxers on. “Well, you shouldn’t; I trust Kurt.”

“Trust him? You hardly know him.” Wes nearly shouted.

“I know more about him after a week than all of the other guys I have dated.” Blaine huffed in annoyance.

Wes retorted, “What could you possibly know? People don’t share their lives stories on the first date.”

“Well, actually we did, I know his hopes and dreams” Blaine laughed, “I know about his worst breakup, and about how he was bullied in High School. I may not know everything that has happened to him in his life… but he has been so open about everything.”

“Even his dancing?” Wes asked, making Kurt’s blood run cold.

“Yes, that was actually one of the first things we talked about.” Kurt could hear the annoyance in Blaine’s voice. “Maybe if you ever had to work for anything in your life you would know what it is like to feel like you have no options left.”

Kurt heard a loud thump, as if someone had hit something, making him jump as he tried to put on his pants. “Damn it Blaine, don’t act like you haven’t lived just as privileged a life as me. Yes, I’m lucky, I never had to take my clothes off for a living, I just had to waste the last two years proving to my father that the family business wasn’t the place for me. But honestly what kind of person does that for a living?”

“You hired him!” Blaine yelled, “It seems like you’re only bothered by this because he is dating me.”

Kurt could hear Wes trying to calm down. “You’re right, I am Blaine. I just want you to think about this before you get too deep.”

“And I have Wes. Kurt is really one of the most moral, compassionate men I have ever met. Wait until you get to know him you will see.” Blaine returned. “I already feel more for him than anyone I have ever been with.”

Kurt was frozen in place, unsure about what to do. He pulled on his shirt and stared in the mirror, trying to find some reason to continue to hide and try to block the other men’s words out of his mind. “Really? Even Gavin?”

“Yes, even Gavin.”

Wes’ next words forced Kurt to sit down. “But you loved him.”

“I was seventeen, of course I thought I loved him!” Blaine shouted, making Kurt jump. “But I can tell you right now, that I know, trust and feel more for Kurt than I ever did for him.” Blaine said quieter.

Kurt slowly stood back up and opened the door just as Wes reiterated, “I’m just worried about you, Blaine.”

“And you should be,” Kurt interrupted causing both men to whip around to look at him. “That’s what friends do. My friend Santana, she is worried too. Just… just know that I don’t intend on hurting Blaine.” Kurt could see the conflict in Wes’ eyes. “Hey, if I do, you can always make my life hell, and I would accept it as professionally as I could. You know Blaine, he doesn’t do this kind of thing right?” Wes nodded, “Well, neither do I. I am not the whirlwind romance kind of guy; I usually guard my heart far too much for that.”

Blaine pulled Kurt to his side, “Please Wes, trust me…”

“Yeah, okay Blaine,” Wes nodded before turning back to Kurt, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have even brought it up, I was here on official theatre business, I should have just kept my mouth shut.”

Kurt couldn’t help but smile at the man as he slipped back into his carefully crafted director mode, “Don’t be, you were just concerned for your friend. Actually, I think it is great that Blaine has such a great friend looking out for him.”

Any reply from Wes was lost as another knock came to the door. Seeing their food, he quickly said goodbye, reassuring Kurt that he would see him on Wednesday. After Blaine set the Chinese food on the coffee table, and they had arranged themselves comfortably on the floor against the couch, Blaine spoke. “I’m sorry you had to hear that…” Kurt could tell that Blaine wanted to say more, but he couldn’t find the words.

“It’s alright, Santana wanted to start in last night, but I put a stop to it before she could even start.” Kurt sighed, “you have to admit, this is scary, it is wonderful and intense but scary. We at least have the advantage of being the ones in control, of being the ones feeling, whatever it is we feel. They just have to sit and watch as it happens. I don’t blame them for being worried, hell, I would worry if it was happening to them. I think we just need to give them time.”

“But Mike, Tina and Brittany didn’t seem worried.” Blaine pointed out.

Kurt couldn’t help but smile at Blaine, “Mike and Tina know us both, plus remember Tina was convinced we belong together,” he laughed. “Now Britt, I don’t think people give her enough credit, she is pretty perceptive. Somehow, I think she knows that we aren’t out to hurt each other… I don’t know she just has a way…”

Kurt stayed at Blaine’s again that night, neither ready to part with the other. They both woke up early, so Blaine could get ready to go to school and Kurt readied himself to go back to his apartment. Blaine walked Kurt to his place, as it was on the way to work. They lingered probably was longer than necessary outside Kurt’s building, considering they had spent almost the entire weekend in each other’s presence. After a few passion filled kisses and a promise to meet for lunch, they finally parted.

Kurt went upstairs and gathered all of his costume and props, one by one he neatly folded them in placed them in a large duffle bag. As he settled each piece in its place, he felt just a bit lighter. Packing away the trappings of his previous job, felt like a burden lifted, it was a real representation of his departure from a job, if he was honest with himself, he was ashamed to ever agree to. Each trick pants, or break-away shirt reminded him of how easily he almost gave up on himself and his true dream. At last, he threw the handcuffs and key on top of the others, finally feeling completely free from that life. Now all he had to do was go into the office, quit and turn these in finally.

Around ten, when he knew the manager would be in the office, Kurt left to make a final trip into NYC Entertainment. Nothing set this office apart from any surrounding it, it could have been any other business, but Kurt knew that unassuming door, each week having come here to turn in his paperwork. He pushed open the glass door and saw Janine, the secretary typing away at some document. She looked up when she heard the tiny bell ring over the doorway.

“Kurt, I didn’t think you worked this week, what are you doing here?” She asked tilting her head at him.

“I needed to talk to Max, is he in?” Kurt asked with a smile.

Kurt like Janine, she always had a smile on her face. She was beautiful except for the jagged scar cutting down the side of one cheek. Janine was the reason all female dancers were sent out with escorts now. “He just got in, let me just let him know you are here.”

Kurt sat at one of the few chairs lining the little office’s walls. Janine noticed the large bag at his feet, and though she raised her eyebrow, she said nothing before disappearing through another door. A moment later, she returned, letting Kurt know he could go in.

He stepped into the large room, seeing the large man sitting behind his desk. Max glanced down at the duffle in Kurt’s hand before speaking, “So Kurt what can I help you with? You here to schedule your shows this week, you know you could just speak to Janine about that.”

“No, sir. I came to let you know that I was offered a position in a new theatre company and I accepted it, so I won’t be booking any more gigs. I brought back all of my costumes and props so we should be all settled up.” Kurt told him.

“Now why would you do that,” Max almost growled, “I know for a fact that you make more money in a night than you will be making as 3rd attendant from the left in some low end production.”

Kurt tried to maintain a professional demeanor as he answered, “Well, actually Max, I will be one of their principle actors, but regardless, this is the opportunity I have been waiting for, and I would be a fool not to take it.”

“You’d be a fool to leave us,” Kurt could tell Max was trying to control his temper, but was failing. “You have found your calling with us.”

“Excuse me, but I have more talent than the ability to take my clothes off. Yes, two years ago, I needed this job, but it was never my calling. It was merely a way to pay the bills until something like this came along. You have never even seen half my talent.” Kurt seethed.

The laugh that met this made Kurt’s blood boil, “You are a semi-attractive man who has great control of his body. Other than that you have a high squeaky voice and can barely pass once you open your mouth.” Max yelled at him, “If this company has cast you in the lead, they are bound to fold right after opening week. You were nothing when you came here, and you will be nothing if you leave. You leave us and you can kiss New York goodbye. You will never make it as an actor, and I will make sure every adult entertainment in the area knows not to hire you. I made you what you are today and I can take it all away.”

Kurt’s body seized with doubt, but he infused his words with bravado, “I wouldn’t come back to work with you if every theatre in New York burned to the ground. I have hated every minute of working in this demeaning business. You watch me Max, soon you won’t be able to hear talk about New York Theatre without hearing my name. Kurt Hummel was destined to be a star, and I will make it, mark my words.”

“Really? I wonder what your friend Santana would say about that.” Max answered quietly. “It may just be she will have a hard time booking gigs in the future with you not here.”

Kurt felt his heart freeze, he couldn’t sacrifice Santana’s job, “You can’t do that to her, she actually likes this job. Max, I’m sorry, I never did, but please don’t punish her because you are mad at me.”

“Just get out, and don’t come crawling back when they realize what an no-talent little priss you are.” And with those words Kurt walked out the door, barely sparing a glance to Janine, whose white face followed him to the door, in shock over what she overheard.

“Kurt…” she spoke just as his hand grabbed the handle, “don’t listen to him, you go and knock em dead.”

Kurt gave her a small smile before hurrying out the door. He kept his emotions in check as he hurried down the street, but Max’s words echoed through his head along with memories of every failed audition. Could he really do this? Wasn’t this too much of a risk? Maybe this all was too good to be true.

Kurt’s doubts mingled in his head, finding and feeding on every insecurity he ever felt, until he could no longer control his raging emotions. As he stepped into his building, tears began to slowly track down his face. His hands were shaking so badly he couldn’t pull his keys out of his pocket to unlock his door, so he slumped against the hard wood. It was like he was plummeting after the glorious weekend, after the wonderful high of thinking his dreams were coming true, of falling in love, and the landing was surly to shatter him.

He barely registered his phone ringing, but automatically rolled over to pull it out of his back pocket. He hit the accept button, but couldn’t muster himself to utter a sound. After a moment, Blaine’s voice floated to him through the phone. “Kurt? Are we still on for lunch?” A broken sob was the only sound Kurt could make as he tried form any coherent words. “Kurt are you alright?” Blaine’s panicked voice asked only to be answered by another sob. “Where are you? Are you at your house?” Kurt could hear the desperation in his voice and managed to articulate one word, “Y-y-yes.”

“I’m on my way, I’m just a couple of blocks away. Just… just stay on the line Kurt.” Kurt could hear Blaine’s breath pick up, clearly rushing through New York. For his part, Kurt’s tears came back in full force, terror now mixed with his doubt. Would this be too much for Blaine, would he finally see what being with Kurt could entail? Would he take one look at this broken form curled up on the dirty floor, in the dreary hall, and decide that Kurt just wasn’t worth it?

Footsteps echoed on the stairs and he knew Blaine was near, but Kurt couldn’t move from his position on the floor, still flopped over to one side, from pulling his phone out of his pocket.

“Kurt, what’s wrong?” Blaine said as he ran over to him, clearly checking him for injuries. “Kurt please talk to me.”

Kurt moved his mouth, trying desperately to tell him what was wrong, to assure him it was okay if he decided to just leave, but no words would form. Finally, Blaine pulled Kurt to a standing position and fished his keys out of his pocket. Kurt’s legs trembled under him as he waited for Blaine to unlock the door. Instead of guiding him to the couch, Blaine picked him up and carried him there. They sat together, Blaine whispering quiet words and making soothing sounds until Kurt’s sobs began to ease up again.

“You don’t have to stay, you can go… I’ll understand.” Kurt managed to say at last.

“Hey, I still have half an hour before I need to be back at the school, and if I need to I can get Tina to cover with the glee club.” Blaine said softly, stroking Kurt’s hair.

Kurt shook his head, “No… now that you know what a mess I am… I understand… I don’t regret anything with you.”

Blaine sat up, pushing Kurt back so he could look deep into his eyes. “Kurt, I’m not going anywhere, now tell me what happened.”

Kurt told him everything, every doubt, every horrible thought he had about himself, the threats Max had made, not just about him, but Santana as well. His tears were dried up now, he felt numb, by the end. “What if I can’t really do this?” He asked once he was through, but before Blaine could answer, he continued. “And if this is too good to be true, what’s to say that you aren’t either?”

“Kurt…” Blaine sighed, pulling him against him again. “You are extremely talented, and its okay to sometimes doubt yourself, but you shouldn’t let that… man’s… words make you feel this way. You will make it; I have faith in you. Now, what you need to do is work as hard as you can to make him eat his words. Any time you begin to doubt yourself; you call me, remember I am a professional, I know what I am talking about.” Blaine laughed causing a smile to sneak onto Kurt’s tear streaked face. “Feeling better?”

Kurt nodded, “Yes, I should call Santana and warn her about Max. God, I just don’t understand why he would threaten her job. She has nothing to do with this, but that she is my friend.”

“He was threatened that you were leaving. You have to have made him a lot of money, he didn’t want to lose that. He thought the easiest way to get to you was to attack you where you are vulnerable; your self doubt and your friends. Just don’t listen to him.” Blaine said holding Kurt to him. “Now, why don’t you go get cleaned up and you can come with me to glee. Sound like a fun?”

“You just want to show off your insanely hot boyfriend.” Kurt accuse, finally giving Blaine a real smile.

Blaine kissed him before replying,” Absolutely. Now hurry up we only have fifteen minutes. You can call Santana on the way.”

Kurt quickly went and washed his face, cleaning away most of the evidence of his breakdown. Eye drops helped clear away the bloodshot eyes and he was ready to go. Before they had even walked out of the apartment, Kurt rang up Santana and told her what Max had said when he quit. She didn’t seem overly surprised and assured Kurt that one way or another things would be fine.

Once Kurt hung up, he squeezed Blaine’s hand that was interlaced with his. “Now you know, I am overly emotional at times,” he then smiled, “but you seemed to handle it well. Thank you.”

Blaine kissed his temple, “Anything for you. Now… happy talk is in order, I don’t want you to dwell on it.”

Kurt was surprised when Blaine led him to a small basement space that this was the school. He couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at Blaine as they walked down the stairs. “I know… but wait until you see the inside.” Blaine assured him. Sure enough, the space was bigger than it appeared from the outside. The halls were painted in colorful murals and were brightly lit. Blaine explained that each hall was painted by a different art class the year the school opened. Kurt was floored by the skill of the designs, and superb use of color. Students began passing them as they got deeper into the school, he expected Blaine to let go of his hand, but his grip was as firm as ever. Most students greeted Blaine as they walked, finally arriving at a large open room with risers on one side and a piano on the other. It reminded Kurt of the choir room back at McKinley, but if they would have actually had funding.

Several teenagers were already sitting in the chairs a few of the girls cat-called as they entered the room. “So Mr. A…” a short blond girl called, “is this your new boyfriend?”

Kurt noticed Blaine’s ears redden, but his face remained passive, “Sit down Veronica and I will introduce our guest as soon as the rest of the group gets here.”

Not even a minute later, the room was filled with two dozen teenagers and Blaine called them to attention. “Alright guys, as I am sure you have notice we have a guest with us today, I would like to introduce you to Mr. Kurt Hummel. You might want to remember that name kids; word on the street has it that Mr. Hummel will soon be a name that will be synonymous with New York Theatre. So please welcome him.”

With that the group gave him a nice round of applause and Kurt awkwardly bowed. He then sat and watched as Blaine launched into a lecture about Folk Rock. Kurt sat confused for a moment, before realizing that glee was not run the same here as it was at his high school. He also realized that the kids were getting restless.

“Mr. Anderson, is this normally what you do in glee club?” he asked before Blaine could expound on the influence of the Beatles on the genre.

“When we aren’t in competition, we spend learning about different musical genres, why?” Blaine answered.

Kurt smiled, “I was just wondering, it’s a lot different than my club at home was.” Kurt quickly explained about the weekly assignments and how it helped him and his peers get through some rough things. Kurt could see the excitement in the students eyes as he talked about Diva offs to resolve conflict and competitions within the group.

The rest of the class was spent listening to Kurt regale the group with stories of the New Directions. Kurt’s previous self doubt and depression now forgotten in laughs with the group. Kurt was careful not to include any stories that would be inappropriate, especially regarding Mike and Tina. Before he knew it, Blaine glanced up at the clock and told them, “Hey guys, you only have two minutes to get to your next class. If you have a free period feel free and stay, but otherwise you better hurry.”

Most of the class rushed to grab their things, saying goodbye to Kurt before hurrying out the door. Only five students stayed behind; Veronica, her boyfriend James, two other boys Rocco and Jack, and a tall brunette girl, Allison. They asked Kurt about NYADA and auditioning in New York, he answered them truthfully, without mentioning having to find a job as a stripper. Kurt enjoyed talking to the high schoolers more than he thought he would and soon a flurry of activity in the hallway signaled them that the school day was officially over.

As they were walking out of Blaine’s class room, along with the group of students, Kurt heard a squeal and his name being called out. He turned around to see Tina hurtling towards him, “What are you doing here?” she asked as the students looked at her in amazement.

“Just visiting with the glee club, sharing old stories and the like.” Kurt answered with a wink.

Tina turned to the students, “Whatever Mr. Hummel said about me is a gross exaggeration, I can assure you.”

Rocco chuckle, “Miss Cohen-Chang, were you in Mr. Hummel’s glee club, because he didn’t mention you.”

“Well, in that case, yes. We were very close back in high school. So when he becomes famous and wins his first Tony I expect a thanks in his acceptance speech.”

They soon departed, only to separating once they made it to Kurt apartment, with a promise that Blaine would be back as soon as he gathered things so he could leave straight from Kurt’s apartment in the morning. Kurt walked back up to his apartment feeling much better than he had last time he made this journey. No longer was he saddled with the burden of doubt, but light once again with the promise of love and great things to come.

End Notes: AN2: You have to know that this is not exactly what I had planned for this chapter. So I really have no idea how long this will be since I keep getting off track and new things seem to happen before the events that are already playing out in my brain. As soon as I know that we are nearing the end I will let you know, cause this thing is kind of snowballing on me... hope you don't mind. Any way give me your thoughts and thanks again for taking the time to read.


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Thnnk you again for another good chapter to a great story! I'm happy that Blaine was able to reassure Kurt after that awful man said terrible things to him! I especiially liked the part when Kurt talks to Blaine's glee club. We are driving 10 hours on a trip out of state, so it was a treat to see this update! Thanks again for posting and I can't wait for the next chapter!

I am so glad that I could help keep you entertained. I just posted another chapter, maybe it is in time for your return trip!