Not Following the Rules.
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Not Following the Rules. : Chapter 5

T - Words: 2,486 - Last Updated: Jan 29, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 18/18 - Created: Dec 05, 2011 - Updated: Jan 29, 2012
1,621 0 2 0 0

Kurt bounced on his feet a couple of times before knocking on Blaine’s apartment door, through which he could faintly hear music playing. Within moments, the door was flung open to reveal a beaming Blaine. Kurt stood in the doorway admiring his boyfriend. He was dressed in simple tight fighting jeans and a deep green Henley which brought out the green in his eyes. Kurt liked his simple style and it contrasted nicely with the fitted slacks and button down shirts he had seen him wear previously. “Hey,” Kurt greeted with his own smile.

“Hi, come on in, I just need to grab my things and we can head out.” Blaine told him, before Kurt cut him off with a kiss that surprised both of them. When they pulled back, Blaine asked, “What was that for?”

Embarrassment flooded Kurt, “I’m not sure… I just couldn’t help myself.”

“Don’t ever hold back on my account.” Blaine laughed, pulling Kurt in for another kiss. A laugh from Kurt interrupted the moment. Blaine pulled back giving him a strange look but not releasing him from their embrace.

“We better go… or we might not make it out the door.” He told him, earning a hum of delight from the other man.

“And that is bad because…”

“Two reasons, I really want to tell everyone the news, and I don’t doubt that if we failed to show up, somehow Santana would find us actively ruining whatever activity we happened to be up to.” Kurt said leaning once more to capture Blaine’s lips, teasingly swiping his tongue across them before pulling back again.

Groaning, Blaine took Kurt’s bag and placed it on the couch, before grabbing his things and gesturing Kurt out of the door. They made their way back into the small bar, looking around to see if the others had arrived yet. Tina and Mike were sitting at a table in the far corner, hands clasped, heads together. Seeing them still so clearly in love made Kurt’s heart soar; if they could make it as high school sweethearts, who everyone claimed never last, there was hope for Kurt and Blaine with their unconventional meeting and whirlwind romance, right? Once they ordered their drinks, port the same as last time, they went to join the two lovebirds at their table.

Kurt broke the magic spell that seemed to have a hold on the couple, “If I didn’t know and better, I would think I was back in the choir room at McKinley.”

“Kurt!” Tina exclaimed jumping to her feet and bringing him into a bone-crushing hug. The two hadn’t seen each other in almost three years, but if felt as if no time had passed between the two friends. Mike stood and shook Blaine’s hand as they continued to hug. Tina then turned to Blaine, “I told you my friend was perfect for you, but did you ever listen to me? No! From now on Anderson you had better take my words seriously.”

Blaine blushed, taking Kurt’s hand as they all sat down around the table. “I have already swore to all that is possibly holy, that I will never doubt the wisdom of Tina Cohen-Chang again… except maybe when it comes to song selections for Glee.”

Kurt tugged at his hand, “It may not be a bad idea, Tina after all was a member of a two-time national champion glee club. AND we went to nationals the year before our first big win as a team, she does know what she is talking about.”

“They had you of course you won.” Blaine beamed at Kurt, earning a resounding ah from Tina.

“Unfortunately, I was never featured as a soloist in competition, I think our director thought I might have been too unique. Plus we had another diva and shining star that didn’t like sharing the spotlight when it came down to it.” Kurt didn’t like to talk about Rachel Berry, it was still a sore spot with him. When Tina made to defend her, Kurt shot her a quick pleading look and the subject was quickly changed.

Just as Tina was asking how they happened to meet, Santana’s voice cut over any answer the two might have given. “Seems curly was watching our boy Kurt, taking it off for some ladies. Isn’t that right Porcelain?”

Neither Kurt or Blaine had discussed how they wanted to handle the subject of their meeting, but it seems Santana took the choice out of their hands. Kurt quickly explained about their meeting, and how Blaine had logically convinced him to give him a chance. No one in the group seemed bothered by their tale, and with a squeeze of his hand by Blaine, Kurt relaxed.

Once Brittany and Santana caught up a little with Mike and Tina, Kurt stood up, drawing everyone’s attention to him. “Everyone I have an announcement to make…”

“You two are getting married?” Brittany asked excitedly.

Kurt gaped at his long time friend. “No, Brit,” her face fell. Kurt gave her a sweet smile before beaming at the rest of the group, “You are now looking at the new principle cast member of the NFB Theatre company!”

The reactions were mixed, Tina cheered, but Santana and Brittany just looked confused. “What’s does that mean Kurt?” Brit asked, her brow furrowed.

“It means, that I will have a major role in the first six shows at a new theatre company here in New York. It means that starting Monday, I will no longer be working for NYC Entertainment. And in December you can all come see me, in Assassins starring as the Balladeer and Lee Harvey Oswald.” Kurt gushed at the two girls. Brittany’s face broke out in a wide grin, but Santana seemed… upset.

“What is it Santana?” Kurt ad to ask, a little upset in his own right at her lack of enthusiasm.

“Do you really hate what I do that much?” She asked, half glaring at him.

Kurt sighed, “I see nothing wrong with it, but you know I have never really enjoyed it. It was never a passion for me… this is what I want, this is what I have been dreaming my whole life to do. Dancing for me… it was just a job, just something to do to pay the bills. If it is what you like doing, then I see nothing wrong with it. As long as you are happy, then I am happy.”

With a half smile Santana spoke again, “Alright, then, as long as you understand that I dance because I enjoy it, and not as others may say, because I have no other talent, then we’re cool… I’m happy for you Kurt.”

“Champagne everyone?” Blaine asked drawing Santana’s attention, which worried Kurt.

Once everyone agreed, Blaine left to order some for the group. Santana immediately leapt at the opportunity in his absence. Kurt was just relieved she had restrained herself until Blaine was out of earshot. “So, Hummel, what is the deal with him? I thought you weren’t dating, but here he is, holding your hand, making moony eyes at you.”

“Well…” Kurt began, sneaking a look over his shoulder at Blaine standing at the bar waiting for the bartender’s attention. “I know I said that we weren’t on a date last week… we weren’t really. We were having like and anti-date. But now…” Kurt took a deep breath casting another look over at Blaine, still waiting patiently at the bar. “Now, well, he’s my boyfriend and things are fast and intense, and so unexpectedly wonderful… I just… he makes me happy.” Kurt said in a rush before finishing lamely.

Tina looked at him slightly confused, “I thought you just had your first date last night. I mean I know that he has been walking around giddy all week, but boyfriend?”

“We did…” Kurt looked at the skeptical looks on his friends faces, “Like I said, fast and intense and…” he looked over his shoulder to make sure Blaine was still standing at the bar, “I think I’m falling in love, and it’s scary… but in the best way possible.” He took in all their faces at that, Tina and Brittany smiled sweetly at him, clearly happy for him and accepting. Mike looked contemplative before a small smile played on his lips and he grabbed Tina’s hand. Santana however, looked hard at him, skepticism clearly still etched on her face.

She started to speak but Kurt cut her off, “I know you worry about me, though you would never admit it, but I know what I am doing. And… even if this turns out badly… I want to do this. It’s not just because I am lonely, he makes me happy, makes me feel like I never have before. Please, don’t ruin this for me.” He looked pleadingly at her, and her face softened into a smirk.

“Hey as long as your happy, and maybe he’ll give you a few screaming orgasms… if you know what I mean…”

“Just champagne for now,” Blaine said placing a bottle and six glasses on the table, “but if you want some shots later, I’ll buy.” He winked at Kurt, clearly playing dumb to the conversation he walked in on.

“I like him, he has… spunk.” Santana said grabbing the bottle and popping the cork. Once everyone’s glass had been filled she lifted hers ready to present a toast. “To success and dreams come true. May name twinkle I lights and your orgasms always be intense.” The group shook their heads as a whole, Blaine and Kurt blushing at everyone’s chuckles, before they rang out, “To Kurt.”

The rest of the night was spent laughing and telling stories about old times. Kurt kept sneaking glances at Blaine, expecting to see him bored of them talking about things in their past, but rather he seemed intrigued and asked questions about each story. Before they knew it Santana had to leave to go to her party and Mike and Tina offered to walk Brittany home.

As his friends departed, anticipation welled up in Kurt at the possibilities for the nights remaining events. He turned an anxious eye to Blaine, as he waved goodbye to the group. Blaine’s face was relaxed, in an easy smile, his eyes seemed to shine in the lights of the bar, and he just seemed so… comfortable. His friends were lost in the crowd bustling along the street outside the door and Kurt took Blaine’s hand in his. Blaine turned his grinning face to him and Kurt squeezed his hand, “Come on let’s get out of here.”

Kurt was glad the trip up to Blaine’s apartment was short, he didn’t have time to think, worry or overanalyze the situation. He was still lost in the reassuring pressure of Blaine’s hand in his, when Blaine unlocked his door, allowing Kurt to step inside before him. The moment was tense once the door was shut and latched behind them, a silent promise to privacy and no interruptions.

“Coffee?” Blaine asked, moving towards a door Kurt guessed housed the kitchen. Kurt shook his head, he knew what he wanted, and caffeine was not part of it.

Without a moment’s thought, Kurt approached Blaine wrapping his arms around his shoulder, pulling him close. Their lips lightly brushing, Kurt whispered, “I think my friends like you. You were wonderful with them.” He applied a little pressure, causing a small hum to come from the other man. “But I’m glad to have you all to myself again.” The next kiss was more than a brushing of lips, it was slow and passionate, but grew quickly in intensity. Their tongues danced and caressed the other before Kurt moved his attention to Blaine’s neck, nipping, licking and sucking, eliciting a guttural moan to vibrate through the same area.

“Kurt… are you sure… you said no casual sex...” Blaine managed to say as Kurt continued his ministrations.

Kurt pulled back stroking his hand over the growing mark at the juncture of Blaine’s neck and shoulder, his eyes not leaving the spot. “This isn’t casual; there is nothing casual about us… our relationship.” Kurt’s eyes flickered back to Blaine’s. “If you’re not ready, tell me, but… I want to share this with you. And you did say you were my boyfriend…”

Instead of answering right away, Blaine launched into another passionate kiss, alleviating any last speck of doubt Kurt might have harbored that his wasn’t what he wanted. Blaine pulled back, “I want you… in every way I want you… but I don’t have… I didn’t think you would…”

Kurt silenced him with a finger to his lips, which Blaine quickly kissed. “Don’t worry, I have everything we need. I have thought about this, I came prepared, just in case.”

“Let’s go to my room,” Blaine said against his finger.

Kurt grabbed his bag, and let out a squeal as Blaine scooped him up into his arms. “You have a thing for carrying me don’t you?” Kurt teased.

“I told you, you make me want to be a romantic.” Blaine chuckled, before kissing Kurt as he carried him into his room. Where Blaine’s living room was earthy, his bedroom was romantic. Slate grey walls were the perfect pallet for the red and black bed to sit. The light was dim, cast only by two lamps framing the headboard. Blaine lay Kurt gently on the bed before crawling on himself. They kissed a while longer, sweet sounds escaping each at different moments.

As their kisses gained even more intensity, Kurt rolled Blaine over on his back gasping, “I want to see you.” Blaine nodded, clearly not trusting his voice in his current state. Slowly their clothes were tossed haphazardly around the room. As each new inch was revealed, they took the time to explore, memorize, and kiss each spot. Kurt had never experienced anything like this; even his first time was rushed and frantic. He had never had someone worship his body; take the time to find out how each inch of him reacted to a touch, a bite, or a kiss. He had never had the luxury to slowly relish in another man’s body. He was glad an experience like this had been unknowingly reserved for Blaine.

Only when every inch of each other’s body had been thoroughly caressed and admired, did they bring out the supplies Kurt had the forethought to buy. They made love, which was the only way to describe the act. For Kurt, sex had always been about connecting with another person in way, but never had it been like this. It was an act of giving pleasure and gaining some in return; this was different. He let his self be open to Blaine; he let him in not just physically, but completely. The pleasure was there, more intense than either had ever felt.

Words were not exchanged as they lay panting, there was no need. Once they were clean, they entwined themselves and drifted off to sleep.

End Notes: I know this is a little short, but originally this was all going to be in the last chapter, but I didn't want to rush it and really wanted to update. I also had the challenge of having this last part without upping the rating. (that is still PG-13 right??? I am paranoid) Please let me know what you think. More will be coming, it surprises me how much this has grown I really only expected this to be a one shot (2shot at most) but I like this so far.


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...but I like this so far. me too. so very, very much :)

Thank you so much. It really is funny how one thought can manage to become such a huge thing. I think I think about Klaine too much! LOL