Not Following the Rules.
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Not Following the Rules. : Chapter 3

T - Words: 3,725 - Last Updated: Jan 29, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 18/18 - Created: Dec 05, 2011 - Updated: Jan 29, 2012
1,746 0 2 0 0

Kurt stood on the street corner watching the crowds and cars rushed by. He caught himself bouncing on the balls of his feet, unable to contain the excitement bubbling within him. He knew he was grinning like a lunatic, but the people hurrying down the sidewalk paid him no mind. It was almost ridiculous, Kurt thought, that the world could be so oblivious to what a spectacular day it was. He was just barely controlling his urge to twirl around when two strong arms wrapped around his waist from behind. He jumped at the unexpected contact, but turning his head, saw Blaine’s smiling face and melted into the embrace.

“You were absolutely brilliant today.” Blaine mumbled in his ear.

Kurt turned in Blaine’s arms so they were facing each other. This was the most contact they had had, and while it should have felt strange, it felt just right, like that was where he was meant to be. Kurt pushed the thought out of his mind and said, “I’m still a bit mad at you.”

Blaine released him from his hold, instead taking his hand and began walking. “Are you really mad at me?” Blaine asked, Kurt could hear the pout in his voice even though he was resolutely looking straight ahead, as they walked together.

“Only a bit,” Kurt told him truthfully, “why didn’t you tell me you were going to be here?”

Blaine squeezed his hand before he replied, “I was afraid you wouldn’t come, I didn’t want to stand in your way of something that could be great for you. I really only had the best of intentions when I neglected to tell you.”

“Well…” Kurt began, chancing a look at Blaine, who had a sad smile on his face. Kurt had a feeling that Blaine felt he had messed things up by not being completely honest with him. “You were right, I probably wouldn’t have come. But… I’m glad I did.” Kurt smiled over at Blaine, whose face had once again lit up with that radiant smile. “So, where are we going?” Kurt asked. Even though the date was Kurt’s idea (he had asked after all) Blaine had insisted that he get to plan it. What with preparing for his audition, Kurt was more than happy to have one less thing to fret about.

“It’s a surprise,” Blaine told him still leading the way through the New York Streets. He allowed Kurt to gush over every aspect of his audition and did his part by reacting as if he wasn’t there through most of it. Finally Kurt voiced the one fear that he just couldn’t shake from the day, “Are you sure you didn’t tell them about me? It just seems too good to be true.”

Blaine stopped walking, letting the crowd part around them. “Kurt, I promise you, neither Wes nor Nick know that I know you. They did ask me about you though.” Kurt raised an eye at him, asking a silent question. “They noticed that you were singing ‘Close Every Door’ in a lower key, and asked if I transposed it to a lower key because you started out on the wrong note. I merely told them, that the sheet music I was handed was hand written and it looked to me like you had transposed it yourself. They were just asking me a musical question as they might for anyone else. I think they were impressed though.”

Blaine then nodded to the building they had stopped in front of, “This is us.” Kurt turned and noticed a small movie grill, the sign out front proclaiming they were showing Judy Garland’s The Clock. He hid his smile as he told Blaine, “You know maybe you should have taken Tina up on her offer to set you up with her friend.”

Blaine winced at his words, his face falling, “Why?” he almost whined, obviously not catching he had never actually told Kurt his friend’s name.

Kurt smiled at him then, “Because then we could have done this months ago. You know Tina Cohen-Chang is a smart woman, has been since I met her in High School.”

Kurt watched the realization dawn on Blaine’s face, “Wait, so you are the friend she has been so insistent I need to meet?” Kurt nodded, smiling widely. “I will never doubt that woman again.” Blaine laughed.

Kurt explained to Blaine about knowing Mike and learning the connection through him as Blaine led the way into the small theater. They found a table near the back continuing their chat as they looked over the menus. Once the subject of Mike and Tina was exhausted, Kurt asked Blaine, “Have you been here before? What’s good?”

“This is my first time, I have passed it almost every day since it opened two years ago, but I never had anyone I thought would appreciate it.” Blaine smiled.

Eventually they ordered a hummus platter for Kurt and fried calamari for Blaine. Their food arrived just moments before the lights dimmed. They ended up sharing most of their food, silently agreeing to the swop as Judy Garland met the lonely soldier on screen. As the food disappeared and the story played out, their chairs inched closer and closer. It was not a conscious action on either of their parts, but soon Kurt found Blaine’s arm slung over his shoulder. He relaxed into the touch, telling himself his fluttering heart had more to do with the action on screen than Blaine’s.

When the movie ended, Kurt hoped the date wasn’t really coming to a close. Although they both had to be at the theatre at nine in the morning, it was only approaching 9:00 pm now. Kurt took Blaine’s hand as they exited the theater. “That was a great movie; it was one I hadn’t seen yet. I would think that watching Judy Garland not singing would be kind of a letdown, but it totally wasn’t.” Kurt smiled.

“I watched it once with my mom forever ago, but I didn’t remember anything about it.” Blaine said as he steered Kurt to the right. “Are you still up for some more fun?”

Kurt grinned again, “definitely,” he said, glad the date wasn’t over yet. Blaine led them to a small piano bar, housed under a large apartment building. It was small, and busy but not overcrowded especially for a Friday night. They ordered some port, and sat sipping and talking while a man played jazzy piano on the stage.

Kurt was just finishing his drink when Blaine interrupted himself as the pianist started a new song. “Dance with me?” he asked, standing and extending his hand to Kurt. Kurt felt his face flush again as he took Blaine’s hand in his. There was no proper dance floor; instead, Blaine pulled him closer in the little corner near where they were sitting. There was a moment where they weren’t sure who should put their hands where, but then Blaine took Kurt’s hand and wrapped it around his waist before bringing his own to Kurt’s shoulder. The music was a soft, slow, jazzy number, and they moved slowly to the beat.

Kurt had never danced like this with another boy, this was not the same as dancing to blaring club music, or the carefully choreographed routines from NYADA. No, this was close and slow and felt very intimate, especially once their eyes met and neither could seem to break the gaze. The songs flowed from one to another without the two breaking contact, rather the space between them diminishing slightly with each song. They spoke together, their voices low, the subjects varied but real. Kurt’s heart thudded in his chest, until finally he couldn’t stand it anymore and closed the final gap between them with a long awaited kiss. They swayed to the music, their lips dancing in time to the slow, sensuous beat. Blaine’s hand migrated to the back of Kurt’s neck, while Kurt’s arms tightened around Blaine’s waist bringing their bodies even closer.

When their lips finally parted, foreheads resting against each other, Blaine whispered in a deep, husky voice, “God Kurt, I am falling so hard for you.”

Kurt’s heart seemed to stop in his chest and he pulled back slightly, stuttering, “Y-you don’t even know me.” Panic was radiating off Kurt, but Blaine didn’t release him from his hold.

“I know what I am feeling Kurt,” he spoke firmly, “Do you want to know what I know about you? When I first saw you, I knew you were sexy as hell and could move like no one I ever met before. You had such a confidence about you; it was entrancing. You stand strongly by what you believe in, but you also think about other people. You use wit to dispel an awkward situation, and you do it well. You try hard to protect yourself, and you don’t let many people in, but for some reason you opened yourself up to me. You work hard for your money, but you don’t let money rule your life. You were surprised at how my sister’s friends could spend money so frivolously, but you didn’t even bat an eye when I told you my parents are rich. You are competitive, but it seems to baffle you that people would put a competition before their relationships. You’re family and friends are important to you. You are a romantic, and you make me want to be romantic. You have hopes and dreams for the future… and they are so much like my own, but even where they aren’t the same, you make me… not change my mind, but make me think about it in a way I never thought before. You are strong and can be tough when the situation calls for it; but you are also kind and compassionate. You like holding hands, it is such a little thing, but it is enough to make my heart speed up. You are amazingly talented. Listening to you sing today, moved me like no one else ever has. I nearly missed my cue in the music because I just wanted to listen to you sing, but I wanted to hear my music with yours, plus I knew you would kill me if I messed this opportunity up for you.” Blaine chuckled, continuing before Kurt could say anything. “You use real emotion when you act, and even when you are struggling against someone less talented than you, you are still better than most people I know. Your eyes sparkle when you are excited, and I can almost tell what you are feeling just looking into them. You have the most gorgeous eyes I have ever seen, I would love to just get lost in them. All week I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you. Do you know my glee kids have been making fun of me all week, because you would text me, I would blush and smile and they thought it was the funniest thing. Tina was even moping this week, because she asked why I was so happy and I told her I met someone. I don’t do this Kurt, I don’t jump into things with both feet. I am usually the guy hoping that the other guy doesn’t fall for me, I have never been this way with anyone. I’m not saying I am ready to get married, have kids and live happily ever after. All I am saying is that I really like you, I am absolutely crazy about you, and I can see myself falling so fast for you that it scares me.”

Blaine took their hands that were still linked and placed it over his heart. “Do you feel that?” he asked. Sure enough, Kurt could feel Blaine’s racing heart pounding against his hand. “You do this to me. Just thinking about you… seeing you… god kissing you… you just do something to me.”

Blaine’s eyes never left Kurt’s and he could feel his cheeks heat up under his gaze. He hid his face in Blaine’s shoulder, “It’s too soon, this scares me Blaine,” he mumbled. He felt Blaine tense against his forehead so he continued, not able to look Blaine in the face. “I don’t let myself fall like this anymore. I used to fall so hard so fast, but all it did was lead to me getting hurt. I have rules I make myself follow. I don’t let myself crush on someone until I know they are gay. I don’t just sleep around, because to me… sex means something. And I don’t let myself become attached to anyone. I play it cool, I don’t send random texts to a guy unless we have been dating for a while.” Kurt took a steadying breath and lifted his head, finally meeting Blaine’s fear filled eyes. “But you make me want to break all of my rules. I can’t stop thinking about you… and frankly it scares me. It terrifies me so much, that I can’t just play it cool, that I feel so much so soon. But I don’t want to be afraid. Kiss me, just kiss me, I’m not scared of this when you kiss me.”

Kurt didn’t wait for a response, he closed the distance between them. As their lips moved together, he could feel Blaine’s heart under his hand speed up even more, a rhythm matched by his own heart. Kurt’s hand moved from Blaine’s waist to cup his face, his thumb stroking the slight stubble he found there. He pulled back slightly, meeting Blaine’s intense gaze, “I’m not going to run away from this, if you are not,” he spoke barely above a whisper.

“I couldn’t even if I tried,” Blaine responded before delving in for another kiss.

They stayed like that, kissing unmindful of the music or the people around them, until loud jazz music replaced the softer piano as the musician took a break. Only then did they part again, catching their breath holding each other close. “I don’t want the night to end,” Blaine confessed in Kurt’s ear. “Come home with me, I want to stay up all night, talk to you, kiss you, fall asleep with you, nothing more.”

Kurt hesitated for a moment, he didn’t want to part from Blaine, “But the audition tomorrow… can we run by my place first?”

Blaine smiled, “My apartment is just upstairs, I could grab some stuff and then we could stay at yours… if that is alright with you.”

“Perfect,” Kurt said leaning in for another kiss. “let’s blow this joint.” They both laughed, pulling each other to the door of the club.

Blaine led Kurt to his 7th floor apartment, fumbling with his keys as he tried to open the door, until Kurt placed his hand over Blaine’s. Inside, Kurt stood admiring the simple d�cor, the furniture was all tans and light browns, which stood out well against the dark wooden floors. Blaine hurried to his room to collect the things he would need for tomorrow. Kurt wandered around the living room, examining the knickknacks arranged on the bookshelves and mantle. There were pictures, some obviously family, as he recognized Elise, others friends. There was one with Blaine standing with a group of high school kids, holding a trophy in triumph. He was still looking at the picture when Blaine reentered the room.

“That was last year after the glee club won sectionals. It was their first competition. We came in second at regionals but for our first competition year it felt like a win. They are some amazing kids.” Blaine said as he wrapped his arms around Kurt’s waist. Kurt melted once again into the touch, he let the rightness he felt wash over him and hummed in contentment.

“The first time I came to New York was with my glee club for the nationals competition. I always knew I wanted to be here, but from the moment I stepped foot off that plane I knew I was home.” Kurt told him, lazily running his hands up and down Blaine’s arms. He broke out of his revelry to ask, “Are you all set?”

Blaine turned Kurt around, kissing him once more before telling him, “Now I am.”

Kurt’s apartment was only about six blocks away, and they set off wrapped around each other. The whole walk they continued to touch; hold hands, arms around the others waist, swift kisses waiting for a light to change. Kurt couldn’t seem to keep his hands off of Blaine, not in a lustful way, but like he had to make sure that he was real, that he was really there. Blaine seemed to be the same way, because when Kurt would hold himself back, Blaine would initiate the contact. This is how they meandered their way back to Kurt’s place, talking and laughing in between kisses.

Kurt hurried to open his door, flipping on the lights before they entered the room. He led the way into the room, almost in the same manner he did nearly a week ago. One week, he thought, he had only known Blaine one week and already he felt more than he had in any other relationship. Instead of hurrying to his bedroom like he did last time, Kurt turned to where Blaine was standing behind his couch, holding his overnight bag. “I’m just going to slip into my pajamas, if you want the bathroom is just there,” he pointed to the door beside the kitchen. “I’ll be back in a minute.”

Blaine nodded, and Kurt left to not only change, but to let the reality of the situation set in. Here he was, only on an official first date, about to have that man sleep over. He should feel weird, or dirty or scared, but he didn’t, the fear that gripped him in full force at the bar, was gone. It didn’t matter what might happen in this room later, Kurt knew that this was more than just any first date, this was just the beginning of something special. He had already broken so many of his carefully laid plans and guidelines, now he was determined to not let a set of rules control his actions with Blaine. He was consciously making a decision to do what felt nature with Blaine. He knew he could trust him.

Kurt slipped into a pair of cotton pajama pants and plain heather grey t-shirt. He wanted to be comfortable and himself with Blaine, like he had been all night. He padded back into the living room, Blaine was still gone, and so he put some soft music on in the background. Just as he turned away from his stereo, he heard the bathroom door open. Blaine returned wearing plaid, flannel bottoms and a black shirt, the sight made Kurt’s heart warm. Something about seeing Blaine so relaxed walking through his apartment in pajamas seemed so natural, so right, that Kurt couldn’t resist the smile that appeared on his face.

“Do you want so wine?” Kurt asked approaching Blaine who readily agreed. They walked into Kurt’s tiny kitchen together. As Kurt was reaching up on the top shelf to retrieve his wine glasses, he felt his shirt ride up his back, followed closely by Blaine’s hand stroking the exposed skin. Kurt rocked back down flat on his feet blushing and Blaine chuckled.

“Sorry I couldn’t resist, I had to see if it was as soft as your hands and face.” Blaine pulled his hand back and covered his face, clearly embarrassed.

Kurt pulled his hand away and kissed him before whispering, “In case you didn’t notice… I didn’t mind.” He turned back to select a bottle of wine from his mini wine rack. He showed the bottle to Blaine, who nodded his agreement. Once the bottle was opened and Kurt had poured each a glass, they made their way back to the couch. Kurt sat in one corner and pulled Blaine so he was leaning against him. They cuddled together on the couch talking as they drank their wine. It was nice, and oddly easy.

The music played softly around them, filling any silence that occurred. It was unnecessary, any lull in the conversation was comfortable not uneasy, just a moment to be. As one approached, the long stressful day began to catch up with Kurt, he erupted in a body shuddering yawn that made Blaine laugh. “Come on let’s get you to bed.” Blaine said, standing, holding out his hand for Kurt to take. He stumbled as he made to stand, landing in Blaine’s arms. “Easy there,” he chuckled, then surprised Kurt by sweeping him up into his arms and carried him bridal style to his bed. “Which side?” Blaine asked indicating to the bed with his head.

“It doesn’t matter,” smiled Kurt. Blaine laid him on the closest side of the bed, then pulled him into another slow sensuous kiss. When they broke apart, Kurt giggled, “As nice as it was being carried to bed, I really should brush my teeth.”

Blaine blushed, “I didn’t even think of that.” They shared a laugh as they made their way back to the bathroom. As they stood on either side of the sink brushing their teeth, Kurt caught sight of them in the mirror. His heart leapt into his throat at the picture of them doing such a simple thing together. Once again, he was stunned by the rightness of the situation. He could picture them years later, sharing a sink, maybe in a larger, nicer apartment, getting ready for bed together. He didn’t push it away, but basked in the warm feeling the thought gave him.

When they crawled in bed together, the seemed drawn to each other like magnets. Kurt was losing himself in the kisses, to the feel of Blaine’s body next to his on the bed. He had just trailed his hand up the front of Blaine’s shirt when he pulled back. “We have all the time in the world Kurt, and you have another big day tomorrow. Just lay with me,” Blaine spoke into the dim light of the room.

Kurt could feel an easy smile playing on his lips as he whispered, “Good night Blaine.” Blaine gave Kurt one more kiss, before returning the sentiment. They then laid there, foreheads close together, bodies entwined, staring into each other’s eyes and let sleep overtake them.


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Great! I have really been enjoying this story... Good writing. Please continue.

Thank you that really means a lot to me. For a long time, I quit writing because I was insecure about it. So it really helps to keep me motivated. I don't think I would be sane though if I quit, this helps me get through my day.