Not Following the Rules.
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Not Following the Rules. : Chapter 17

T - Words: 4,887 - Last Updated: Jan 29, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 18/18 - Created: Dec 05, 2011 - Updated: Jan 29, 2012
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Author's Notes: AN: This is the last chapter; there will still be an epilogue posted soonish. Thank you to everyone who as stuck with this story as it expanded from one little idea to what it is today. Thank you to everyone who took the time to review, they all meant so much to me. I hope you enjoy this, please let me know.
It was here, well one it anyway… the final performance of Cabaret was finally upon him. That meant two things, there was less than one week until the wedding, and all his family and friends were out in the audience tonight. It warmed Kurt’s heart to know that so many people were here to support him, not just in this career, but also in the union with the man he loved. Once the invitations were sent out, along with a separate letter to those most important to him about the show and plans they had for the wedding week, the response was overwhelming.

Kurt didn’t expect so many people to accept. Quinn flew in from LA that morning, where she had been busy the last couple of years auditioning for everything she could get her hands on. She was staying with Santana and Brit, to cut down on her expenses. Puck rode in with Kurt’s family and was sleeping on one of the couches. Mercedes flew in last night from Las Vegas where she starred in a show in one of the smaller casinos. Artie, he heard just made it to the theatre straight from the airport, also from LA where he was working as a assistant to a director. Mr. Shue and his wife Emma, even came out early just to see Kurt’s show. All his friends from out of town, plus his and Blaine’s family, not to mention Blaine, Rachel, Santana, Brittany, Mike, and Tina, were in the audience now waiting for the show to begin. This seemed like the biggest performance of his life, never before, and never again had so many people he cared for sat in the audience at one time.

He preformed for them that night. He gave it his all, and he shined like never before. At the stage door, he saw the surprise on most of their faces as he greeted the crowd that stayed behind, hoping for autographs. Once he was able to approach, he greeted them with a smile.

“Wow, Kurt, it is hard to believe you are the same boy who first auditioned for New Directions singing Mr. Cellophane. You have grown so much, as a performer and a man. I can’t believe you are starring in a show in New York and getting married. I am just so proud of you.” Will gushed.

Blaine grabbed Kurt from behind, resting his head on his shoulder. “He is amazing isn’t he?” He asked, kissing Kurt’s freshly washed cheek.

Instead of heading back to their respective beds for the night, Kurt took them out to a small all night caf�. They sat around swapping stories late into the night.

The week was filled with finalizing arrangements between entertaining their guest and packing for their honeymoon. The only alone time Kurt and Blaine had was late at night in bed, once his family was asleep. They were exhausted from their long days and late nights like Tuesday when they treated everyone to tickets to see Rachel’s show.

Friday arrived before Kurt knew it, he would be separated from Blaine most of the day. His family insisted on coming with him for his final fitting for his tux, and taking him to lunch after. As much as he loved his family, and being able to spend time with them, he just wanted to curl up with Blaine on the couch and relax. He missed the simple easy time of just being with him, of not rushing around entertaining people.

Blaine surprised Kurt that morning, waking before him and preparing breakfast for everyone. By the time Kurt made it downstairs, Puck and Finn were already stirring from their places on the couch, and the smell of pancakes was wafting through the apartment.

“Dude, do you two ever sleep in?” Puck moaned rubbing his eyes like a cranky toddler.

“No, but I suppose if it bothers you Noah, you could always pay for a hotel room.” Kurt snapped at him, but gave him a smile to show he was not entirely serious.

Puck raised his hands in surrender, “No man, it’s all good, just asking. What is that smell?”

“Pancakes, eggs and bacon.” Blaine called from the kitchen, before kissing Kurt soundly in greeting.

“Damn, Kurt you have your boy trained don’t you?” Puck laughed.

Reluctantly breaking the kiss, Kurt turned toward his sophomoric houseguest. “Noah Puckerman, if you are going to insist on continuing acting like you never left high school, not to mention ruining every perfect kissing moment between me and my fianc�, I will kick you out of this apartment. Finn, would you go up and wake up Mom and Dad? Breakfast should be ready in just a couple of minutes.”

Puck grumbled, but gathered and folded the blankets from the couches of his own accord, while Finn trudged upstairs. Kurt turned to Blaine who was smiling at him softly. “What?” Kurt asked, encircling Blaine’s waist with his long arms.

“I just love you. And just think tomorrow, we are getting married.” Without thought of houseguests, or schedules to keep, or even pancakes cooking on the stove, they moved into a slow, sensuous kiss. Kurt lost himself in the perfect feel of Blaine’s lips caressing his own… that is until Puck began shouting, “Dudes, the food!” Luckily, Blaine had prepared extra batter so the four, burned pancakes weren’t a huge problem. Kurt couldn’t really even glare at Puck for interrupting once again so everyone seemed happy.

It seemed like a typical breakfast, like any other the group had shared that week, but then Kurt remembered that tomorrow he was getting married to the handsome man sitting next to him. He reached out and took his hand on instinct, want to feel some kind of connection at the realization. It was all becoming so real.

Kurt excused himself as soon as his plate was clean, shooting Blaine a not so covert look. Not long after shutting the door to their room, the door opened revealing Blaine. “What is it?” he asked sensing something on Kurt’s mind.

“We’re getting married tomorrow. It’s really happening and all I want to do is be with you. Can we just hold each other until they drag me kicking and screaming out of the house?” Kurt almost begged crawling onto the bed, opening his arms in invitation.

Blaine didn’t hesitate before joining Kurt on the bed. After a minute relishing the embrace he said, “As much as I love this, don’t you need to get ready?”

“I don’t care about that, not right now. I feel like I haven’t seen you all week, not really. Can we do this tonight? After the rehearsal dinner, can we come back here, tell everyone we need to rest and do this all night?” Kurt didn’t care that he sounded pathetic, he just wanted to be wound in Blaine’s arms, knowing that he had this forever.

Blaine kissed the top of Kurt’s head, “That is perfectly fine by me. Maybe I could even sneak up a bottle of champagne and some strawberries, and we can have our own pre-wedding celebration.” Kurt accepted this idea with a sweet lingering kiss. “I love your family, and well Puck seems nice to, but I do miss getting to do this anytime we want.”

Kurt smiled, “But just think, Sunday we fly out to Paris, nothing but you and me and the city of love for a whole week. I’ve already warned Wes and Nick that I will in no way be looking over the script for You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown, until the first read through. I am one hundred percent yours until I walk into that theatre on the 18th.”

“I thought you were going to be all mine anyways.” Blaine laughed.

Kurt couldn’t resist kissing him, “I am, and you are mine. But you know what I mean. A whole week, just you and me, no responsibilities, no families, no work, and in the most romantic city ever.”

They lay together, holding each other, whispering words of love and about their future together. They didn’t know how long they lay there just being together before a knock came to the door. “Come in.” Kurt called grudgingly, not ready to move from the comfortable bubble they had created on their bed.

Burt poked his head around the door. “Buddy if you want to make it to the shop by eleven don’t you think you should get a move on.”

Blaine looked down at his watch, “It’s after 10 Kurt.”

Kurt sighed, “I’m sure the suit fits, maybe you could just pick it up for me dad.”

“No way bud, I know you and if that thing isn’t perfect tomorrow you would have my head.” Burt shook his head, but his eyes were crinkled in silent laughter.

Blaine kissed Kurt’s head one more time, “I know, I’ll get up so it will be easier for you to get out of bed again and get ready. I have to meet my family at noon, so I will just get ready once you’ve left. Then I will see you at the theatre at four.”

“Fine.” Kurt huffed, but kissed Blaine again before they both rolled out of bed. Kurt’s dad stood there watching the exchange, his eyes sparkling. He stood aside to let Blaine pass.

“Can we talk kiddo while you get ready?” He asked when they were alone in the room.

Kurt looked over at his dad, the man who had stood by and stood up for him when he was growing up. “Sure dad, just give me five minutes for a quick shower.”

For once, when Kurt said a quick shower it really was quick. No matter what he said earlier, he wouldn’t have really missed the final fitting for his suit, he wanted everything to be perfect tomorrow. He walked back into the bedroom, his robe wrapped tightly around him, to find his dad sitting, waiting on the end of the bed.

“Ok, dad I’m all yours.” He said as he stood in front of the closet, trying to select the perfect outfit for the day.

“You know, if someone would have told me a year ago you were getting married to someone you hadn’t even met yet, I would have laughed in their face and said they were crazy. But… I couldn’t have picked a better man for you.”

“I know dad, it does seem kind of crazy, but a year ago, I didn’t think I could be this happy.”

Burt rubbed the back of his neck, “I know kid, and I hate that… not that you are happy now, but that you didn’t think you could find this. Anyway, what I wanted to tell you. You’re getting married, and that is a huge thing. Marriage is not just about being with someone you love. It’s about standing beside someone no matter what life throws at you. Things will not always be as hunky dory as they are right now. You won’t always get butterflies every time you look at him. There will be times where you may not want to even look at him. The point is, that even during those hard times, you have to stand by him and support him, just like he should you. Just know that if you ever need to talk to someone, I am here. But you need to talk to him too.”

Kurt nodded, not sure what to say.

“I love you, Kurt, and I am so happy and proud of you.”

“Thanks dad, I love you too.” Kurt said pulling his father up from the bed and into a hug.

Burt laughed as he pulled away, “Now get dressed so we can get out of here.”

Kurt was glad he didn’t skip the fitting, since they put red tie (the original choice) instead of a slate gray tie (a change Kurt made after a really vivid dream) with his tuxedo. Burt and Finn nodded as he showed them the outfit, an expected reaction. However, Carole bursting into tears at the sight of him was not what Kurt expected.

“I’m sorry, you look wonderful honey. It’s just… you’re getting married tomorrow. I know that I am not your real mom, but I am just so happy for you.” She sobbed as the three men stared.

Kurt shook off his surprise at her reaction and brought her into a hug (from behind so as not to get anything on the suit). “Carole, you may not be my real mother, but you are my mom. And when Blaine and I have kids, you won’t be step-grandma, you will be their grandma.”

This made her break into more sobs. Mr. Hummel waved his son back into the dressing room while he held his wife and helped calm her down again.

Lunch was relatively uneventful, they talked about old times and memories, while they ate their meal. Kurt had missed just being with his family just the four of them, that hadn’t happened in a while, not this trip anyways since Puck came with them. Carole and Burt went back to the apartment afterwards with Kurt’s suit, while Finn accompanied Kurt to pick up Blaine’s wedding ring.

Kurt and Blaine had planned the day so that while Kurt was picking up his suit, Blaine was getting Kurt’s ring and vise versa. Kurt led Finn through the crowded streets of New York. “So, are you still planning on moving here?” Kurt asked, stealing a quick glance at his brother to gage his reaction.

The grin that spread across Finn’s face made Kurt smile as well. “As long as you still don’t have a problem with me crashing at your place while you are gone so I can look for a job.”

“Nonsense, we have an extra room it’s yours for as long as you want it. Although I must say I am surprised you aren’t just staying with Rachel.” This was something that had been bothering Kurt since his family had arrived.

“Well, we still aren’t together right now. I just don’t want to get our hopes up if this move doesn’t work. I mean your dad, is fine with me leaving, but if I can’t get a job here, then there isn’t much point.” Finn said not meeting Kurt’s gaze.

“I’m sure Rachel wouldn’t mind you staying with her anyways, she makes enough for that apartment as it is. Although you probably cost a fortune to feed.” Kurt tired to joke.

Finn shook his head, “No, I want to do this the right way. I want to be someone she can be proud of…”

“She loves you, she will be proud of you no matter what.” Kurt told him, and they continued the rest of the way in silence.

Kurt was ready to just go home and take Blaine up on his offer for strawberries and champagne in bed by the time he arrived at the theatre for the rehearsal. The officiant led them through the ceremony which would take place on the thrust of the stage. Before they left, Kurt took a peek behind the curtain to where the reception would be held. The sight took his breath away, even with the flowers and lights not yet in place. He felt arms wrap around his waist and Blaine’s head appeared beside his. “It will be beautiful once they have finished.” He whispered, his breath sending shivers down Kurt’s spine.

“I can’t wait.” Kurt said, low enough only Blaine could possibly hear.

They were rushed to the restaurant the Anderson’s picked for the rehearsal dinner. The private room was filled with so many of their loved ones. Both of their families, Rachel, Wes, Nick and Blaine’s glee kids were all there. As much fun as the meal with all of them was Kurt was glad when the last of the dessert plates were taken away and the end of the day was in sight. Blaine thanked everyone for their support and reminded them to be at the theatre no later than three the next day.

Kurt had just slipped his hand into Blaine’s ready to head home, when Rachel accosted him. “Where do you think you are going?”

“Home Rachel, I’m tired and we have a very important day tomorrow.” Kurt told her firmly but kindly.

Rachel just shook her head, “No, you are not allowed to see each other before the wedding. You are coming with me. Mercedes and I planned it all out, a sleepover just like old times.”

“No Rachel, I just want to go home.” He told her, trying to ignore the hurt look in her face.

“Come on Kurt, we haven’t had a sleepover since spring break senior year when Mercedes flew in for the week. This may be the last time we can do this.” She whined.

Kurt shook his head, “Rachel, I have been looking forward to cuddling in bed with Blaine all day… please try to understand.”

“Kurt Hummel, I am not going to take no for an answer, I already have your bag packed for the night, your suit is in Mercedes hotel room as we speak, you are not getting out of this. You have five minutes to tell Blaine goodbye, then I am confiscating your phone until after the wedding and we are leaving do you understand me. You will do this if you want to see your wedding day.” She boomed at him.

Blaine pulled on his hand to divert his attention from her fuming face. “Maybe you had better just go with her.”

“Fine!” Kurt huffed, “Now, Rachel if you wouldn’t mind giving us that five minutes ALONE, I would really appreciate it.” Once the two were alone in the private room, Kurt turned fully to Blaine again. “Sometimes I wonder why I started speaking to her again.” He laughed. “I don’t want to be away from you, this is the first night since our first date we haven’t slept together. I don’t know if I can do it anymore… sleep without you.”

“I’m going to miss you. I wish they would have warned us about this… I wouldn’t have let you out of the house this morning.” Blaine murmured back. Their kisses filled the rest of the time Rachel allowed them. Still they were not ready to part and only her shrill insistence made them finally part.

As Kurt walked with her to Mercedes’ hotel, he told her grumpily, “I hate you sometimes Rachel.”

“No you don’t you love me. You will have a great time tonight, trust me.” She said quickening her pace.

He did have fun that night, he almost felt like no time had passed since their high school sleepovers. They laughed as they applied facial treatments, telling stories until they could hardly breathe. Kurt would pause every once in a while and wonder what Blaine was doing, causing the girls to erupt in giggles at his love struck face.

The next day was a whirlwind of activities, even with their perfected schedule Kurt felt like he didn’t have time to breathe. He had to pick up the flowers and programs, and help finish setting up the reception area, all before he could get dressed. At two thirty, when the Andersons were set to arrive with the food, Kurt was ushered into his usual dressing room, along with Finn, and Rachel. His hands shook as he fixed Rachel’s hair into an elegant up-do. “Are you nervous?” Rachel asked, placing her hand on his.

“No… excited, anxious, ready to start, but not nervous. I just… why can’t four o’clock be here yet.” He stammered, as he paced the area.

Finn placed his hands on his shoulders, “Dude, you need to calm down or you are going to crash out there. Do you want me to get you something, a beer, some wine maybe?”

“Finn it isn’t even three yet,” Kurt said giving Finn a disdainful look.

Finn laughed, “Not to get drunk, just to… you know… take the edge off.”

“No, thank you.” He said sitting down and pulled out a piece of paper. He wrote a note, sitting so neither of his companions could read it.

Blaine, my love, my darling,

The next time I get to see your face, I will be looking not only at the man I love, but the man I am about to marry. I literally can’t sit still I am so excited to start this adventure with you. I was lucky the day I met you on that elevator. I love you and can’t wait to say I do.

With all the love I have,

“Finn, I know what you can do for me,” Kurt said, folding the paper carefully. “Go find Blaine, he should be in a James’ dressing room on the other side of the stage.”

Finn nodded and left, as Kurt finished Rachel’s hair before starting on his own. He had barely began when Finn returned his goofy grin firmly in place a piece of paper in his hands. “You too have it so bad,” he laughed handing over the paper, “He asked me to give you this.”

Kurt, my life, my joy,

Elise keeps telling me I need to stop fidgeting. She thinks I am nervous and won’t believe me when I say I just want the wedding to start so I can marry you. My life was changed on that elevator, and I don’t want to think about what my life would be like if I wouldn’t have talked to you, or if you wouldn’t have invited me in the cab with you. I love you and I can’t wait to be your husband.

My love will last a lifetime,

Kurt giddy once more, perfected his hair and got dressed. Once he assured that Rachel and Finn looked just as fabulous, he continued to fuss over them until it was time for the ceremony to start. Rachel looked beautiful in her slim black gown. Finn had also cleaned up nicely in his black tuxedo. Kurt nearly ran into his father as he made his way to the back stage area.

“Whoa buddy, where’s the fire?” Burt joked.

Kurt took in his father, standing there in his own black tuxedo with the deep red rose in his lapel. Tears pricked in the corner of his eyes. “I’m about to get married.” He said his breath hitching.

“Go get him.” Burt said simply as he released his son from a tight hug.

Kurt stood in the wings, bouncing on his heels in his slim charcoal grey tuxedo. He tried to see over Finn’s large form to try and catch a glimpse of Blaine on the other side of the stage.

“Calm down buddy, that choir is just getting into place. You will see him before you know it.” His dad said, clapping him on the back.

Kurt nodded, not trusting his voice to speak. This waiting was a hundred times more unbareable than down in the dressing room. He wanted to yell at the glee kids to get into place and just freaking start singing already. Just when Kurt thought he couldn’t take the wait anymore he heard them, their clear crisp voices rising over the low murmur of the audience. Blaine had arranged a vocal version of Canon in D, oo’s and ah’s mimicking the instruments. Burt grabbed his wife’s hand and led her out to the chairs sitting behind the officient where the Anderson’s met them. Kurt and Blaine wanted their parents to have a great view and a place of honor. Next Rachel walked out slowly and reverently, Kurt knew that Elise was mirroring her action on Blaine’s side of the stage.

Once Rachel and Elise were in place Finn gave Kurt one last smile before walking onto the stage himself. With Finn gone, Kurt’s view was unhindered. He peered across the stage, then he saw him. Blaine stood there staring directly at him in his own dark gray tuxedo a smile on his face. It took all of Kurt’s self-control not to dart across the stage into his arms. Kurt was glad they had timed their movement to the music, he couldn’t have torn his eyes of Blaine to see when Finn was in place.

As the music swelled, they walked as evenly as they could towards each other. They met in the middle well before the music was over, earlier than they had planned, but this just gave them time to clasp their hands and stare in each other’s eyes. After all the planning, and sending invitations to everyone they could think of it didn’t matter. Kurt only had eyes for Blaine, he couldn’t have told you who was sitting out in the theatre watching.

When the officient began speaking, Kurt and Blaine turned to him only because they knew this was it, this was the moment they would officially be wed. He spoke of love and commitment, Kurt could only fixate on the warm hand in his. He was glad when the man instructed them to turn towards each other again.

They repeated their vows, and while the words were not their own, they had be carefully chosen by the couple as what they wanted to promise to each other.

“Today, a day of music and celebration, I bring myself to you this day to share my life with you; you can trust my love, for it's real. I promise to be a faithful mate and to unfailingly share and support your hopes, dreams and goals. I vow to be there for you always; when you fall, I will catch you; when you cry, will comfort you; when you laugh, I will share your joy. Everything I am and everything I have is yours, from this moment forth and for eternity.”

Tears slipped down Kurt’s cheeks as he spoke the words, and Blaine reached over gently to wipe them away. Blaine’s voice broke as he spoke and tears threatened to fall down his own cheeks.

The officient asked for the rings from Finn first. He handed the ring to Blaine, and remembering the time, not to long ago he first slipped an engagement ring on this finger he said his vows. "Let this ring that I place on your finger serve as a reminder that you are never again alone. Let my heart be your shelter, my arms be your home. I give you my heart until the end of time.” He slipped the ring on his finger and couldn’t help himself kissing it in place.

Tears trickled down Blaine’s face finally as he said the words and for the first time slipped a ring on Kurt’s finger. "Let this ring that I place on your finger serve as a reminder that you are never again alone. Let my heart be your shelter, my arms be your home. I give you my heart until the end of time.”

The officient called out over the crowd, “Kurt and Blaine, you have made your marriage vows to one another, witnessed by your guests -- your friends and relatives. You have sealed your vows with the giving and receiving of these rings. So now, by the power vested in me by the State of New York, I pronounce you husbands and partners in life. You may now seal the vows with a kiss.”

Chuckles broke out from the crowd as the almost launched themselves at each other and shared a long heartfelt kiss.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, I am pleased to announce for the first time, Misters Kurt and Blaine Hummel-Anderson.” Cheers erupted, but they could not wrench their eyes off each other after they pulled back. “I love you.” Kurt whispered.

“I love you too.” Blaine replied. It was then they remembered they should move, the kids had begun singing again; this time, ‘In My Life’ by the Beatles.

They nearly raced back to Kurt’s dressing room, they had planned to have this time alone together before the reception began. As soon as the door shut behind them, Kurt pulled Blaine into another long awaited kiss. When he pulled back breathless he said, “Hello, my husband,” with an exuberant grin.

“And hello to you too, my husband.” Blaine said, his smile of the same magnitude.

“I missed you last night.” Kurt whispered.

“I missed you to, I slept with your pillow last night, but never again, never again will we have to be apart like that.”

Kurt could hardly contain his awe, “We did it, we’re married.”

“I know,” Blaine said, tracing Kurt’s face with kisses, “it almost seems like a dream. God, I love you.”

Reluctantly they finally joined their guests as the real party started. The announcement as they returned on stage to the reception was met, with cheers, whistles and applause. Speeches and toast were made in their honor, they danced their first dance together as husbands (to Mercedes singing ‘At Last’), they fed each other cake (gently, they were gentlemen after all) but it was all a blur to the couple. They were lost in each other, in the excitement of the day and in their love.

The moment of their departure didn’t come fast enough for them, but with it upon them they felt they were finally taking their first steps of their life together as they scrambled away from the birdseed launched at them into the limo waiting to take them to their hotel room.


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Omg! I'm in tears! This chapter and the wedding was absolute PERFECTION!

Thank you so much, it was hard coming up with a wedding Kurt would approve of. Thanks for reading!!