Not Following the Rules.
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Not Following the Rules. : Chapter 13

T - Words: 2,997 - Last Updated: Jan 29, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 18/18 - Created: Dec 05, 2011 - Updated: Jan 29, 2012
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Author's Notes: AN: First off I want to say I am SOOOO sorry for the long wait for this chapter. I have a good excuse though; I have jury duty so my writing time has been cut down to almost nothing. But I think I finally found a solution (since the trial is set to last another 2 weeks) I typed this up entirely on my iPhone, during our lunch breaks... it is slow going and tedious, and there may be a few more mistakes than usual, but it is here! I did go through and edit this, but I may have missed something. Thank you to everyone who reviewed, the more reviews I get the more motivated I am write! Hopefully I will get at least another chapter before I have to go back on Tuesday! Let me know what you think!
The time between Christmas and New Year Kurt and Blaine spent together enjoying unlimited free time to do what they pleased. They went out to eat, shopping, to museums, but mostly they just spent time together at home, basking in the ever presence of the other.

New Year's Eve, Wes had planned a party for the cast, their family, and friends at the theatre. Kurt took his time getting ready that night, perfecting his outfit and hair. He was excited to go out with Blaine, something felt different about this night. Maybe it was because they would be hanging out with a large group of Blaine's friends, or maybe just because they were celebrating the start of a new year. Whatever the reason, Kurt was bouncing with nervous anticipation.

They walked down the cold New York streets wrapped around each other with the excuse of warding off the biting wind. They were quiet, not wanting to break the relatively quiet route. Arriving at the theatre was a relief, the warmth refilling both as they stepped into the space. The sets and props had been cleared away leaving a blank slate for the party goers to fill with a different kind of life than filled it each night. Alcohol flowed while music filled the air creating an atmosphere of revelry unique to this time of year.

The night became a whirlwind of faces and names as Kurt was introduced to people from Blaine's past. Some had seen Kurt performing in the run and complemented him. Most of these were delighted to find out he was Blaine's. A few seemed surprised to find out that Blaine was not only dating someone but also living with that man.

Kurt could have been overwhelmed by the onslaught of meeting so many people from his boyfriend's past, but rather he was enjoying hearing stories of a younger, less adept Blaine. They danced together both alone and as a group. It reminded Kurt of the parties they would throw in New Directions (but with Kurt having the benefit of a male dance partner) or later at NYADA.

As midnight approached, Kurt made sure to stay close to Blaine's side, not wanting to miss a midnight kiss with his boyfriend. Someone turned on a live broadcast of Time Square, and before Kurt knew it, everyone was shouting and counting down. Their eyes met as the crowd grew louder and the numbers dwindled getting closer to the New Year. Kurt felt his heart beat speed at the intensity of Blaine's gaze; he could almost feel his love emanating from that look. When everyone else shouted one, they both said, "I love you" at the same time before launching into a long, deep, passionate kiss.

The continued to kiss as the people around them drew back from their own and began to cheer. Both men were oblivious to the commotion around them, too lost in each other to care what the rest world was doing. They continued to kiss as the noise around them began to quiet and people started staring at the couple. They only pulled apart once the room was filled only with music and the quiet murmurs of their unsuspected audience.

Kurt and Blaine's eyes connected and they shared one last (not so) private moment before a loud whoop popped the bubble surrounding them. Glancing over they saw Wes standing among the crowd, who had by now joined in with various catcalls and whistles, with a huge mischievous smirk gracing his face. "Wow boys that was quite a show." he exclaimed causing Kurt's face to heat up in a spectacular blush and he hid his face in Blaine's shoulder. "Now Kurt," he continued, "I pay you to get in front of an audience every night but you get caught eating your boyfriend's face and you get all shy on me?"

“Would you leave me alone if I told you I forgot you were here?" Kurt asked speaking into Blaine's shoulder making him shiver.

"There are over two hundred people here; you couldn't have possible forgotten about all of them." Wes pretended to scold him.

Kurt finally raised his head leveling Wes with a bitch glare. "Mr. Montgomery, I will have you know Blaine Anderson is quite a wonderful distraction when he wants to be."

The group around them laughed and Kurt noticed the blush rising on Blaine's cheeks. Hoping to dispel any lasting embarrassment, Kurt grabbed his hand and led him over to the makeshift dance floor. Once they were away from those set on keeping the red enflaming their cheeks, Kurt spoke low in Blaine's ear. "Sorry about that. I just... I want... I know that this is going to be the best year yet. Happy new year, I love you."

Blaine tightened his hold around Kurt's waist. "I can endure anything with you here. Besides most of them are my friends anyways, so I should be apologizing to you. What do you say we get out of here and have our own celebration?"

Kurt couldn't resist the spark in his boyfriend's eyes when he asked this. So, without another word, Kurt grabbed his hand and they hurried out the door, barely stopping to retrieve their coats; a fact that was not lost on the rest of the party goers. Wes merely shook his head at the sight of the two lovebirds hurrying out into the night. At first, he was worried for his friend entering too quickly into this new relationship. Now, after getting to know Kurt and seeing the two interact, Wes couldn't think of a more logical place for Blaine to be but by Kurt's side.

Once Blaine went back to work, Kurt began working out the logistics of his plan for his Christmas bonus. He started out researching what he wanted to do. Once he found the perfect place, he set up an appointment to meet with a representative. After the details were worked out with the arrangements, Kurt called his father.

At first, Burt Hummel was wary of Kurt's proposal, but after half an hour on the phone with him, he was swayed. Burt was happy Kurt at least talked to him about this, especially after the hurt feelings over the move.

With his father agreeing to his part of the plan, Kurt could finally let the real planning begin. It was hard only being able to work out the details when Blaine was away from the apartment, and Kurt couldn't help the underlying feeling of guilt that crept up on him when he couldn't be truthful to Blaine. Kurt didn't like to think of it as lying, crouching it more in the name of half truths meant for Blaine's own good in the long run.

As January was coming to the end, Kurt was finding it more and more difficult to hide his activities from Blaine. One Monday, Blaine came home earlier than Kurt expected and he had to scramble into the guest bedroom to hide all evidence of what he had been doing. Blaine gave him a strange look as he rushed back out of the spare room, face flushed and slightly panting, however, Blaine did not say anything, no matter what he may have been thinking.

It was finally the day to put all the plans in place, when Blaine surprised Kurt with a question. "Rachel is finally making it out to the school today to speak to the kids; do you want to sit in too?" Blaine asked that morning before leaving for work.

Kurt had to think quick for an excuse Blaine wouldn't question. "Oh, I can't I promised Brit I would help her shop for a Valentine's Day present for Santana." he said quickly.

Blaine nodded, though he looked sad. "Alright, but just remember what we agreed on, we are making gifts for each other, so you keep your wallet away." Blaine joked before kissing Kurt thoroughly goodbye.

Kurt was on a high as he returned late that night to the apartment, happy in what he had accomplished that day. Blaine was oddly silent when he announced his arrival. Kurt finally found him sitting on the couch a brooding look firmly in place.

"How was shopping with Brittany?" Blaine asked in a dull voice.

"It was okay, I think she is set. Now if she can just keep it a secret for two weeks it will be great." Kurt told him, mindful of his earlier lie.

Blaine gave him a hard look, "Really? Because she didn't remember anything about a shopping date when she came up to have lunch with Tina."

Kurt felt his heart stop, not just for being caught in a lie, but also by the look on Blaine's face. He was so used to the long loving looks that normally graced Blaine's face when he looked at him. Now Blaine not only looked hurt, but also coldly distant.

"Oh." is all Kurt could say in his defense.

"Why did you lie to me?" Blaine asked his voice rising in the quiet apartment.

"Please Blaine, it’s not as bad as it seems." Kurt tries to explain before Blaine cut him off.

His voice still louder than before but he was still not yelling. "Really, because it seems like you lied to me. You have been secretive since right after New Year’s. What is going on Kurt? Is there someone else?"

The hurt had taken over Blaine's face full force now. "No! Of course not!" Kurt answered quickly, he saw Blaine's face contort and thought perhaps his answer came too quickly. "Blaine I love you more than anything in this world. I would never cheat on you, but please don't ask me what I was doing. "

He knew it was a mistake as soon as the words left his mouth. "What, you just lie to me and now you expect me to just trust you?" Blaine yelled.

"Please, I will tell you soon. But I'm not ready yet." Kurt tried. It was important to him that this not be ruined by his own stupidity.

"I don't know if I can. How long have you been lying to me Kurt?"

Kurt thought it through before replying in a low voice, “This is the first outright lie I have told you. Ever. I'm sorry I lied... But it seemed easier at the time than just out right refusing to come to school today. I had an appointment, the contents of which I am not ready to discuss..."

Blaine cut him off again, "I thought you trusted me."

The hurt in Blaine's eyes was almost too much for Kurt to bear. "I do, but..."

"No buts," Blaine growled out in frustration, "you know what, I'll be back."

Blaine turned around and stalked towards the door. "Wait!" Kurt yelled grabbing his arm.

"Kurt, let go. I just need to go think." Blaine barked not looking at him.

"I know. And I understand that... Just please take your phone with you." tears were welling in Kurt's eyes he felt them prickling. "I feel horrible as it is and if anything happened to you I would never forgive myself. So please just take your phone so you have a way to call for help if you need it. I love you Blaine and I am so sorry."

Kurt released his arm but Blaine grabbed his phone and keys before stalking out the door without sparing Kurt another look.

Kurt tears fell in full force when the door slammed cutting him off from the best thing that had ever happened to him. He wasn't sure how he made it up to their room or what compelled him to go there, but soon Kurt found himself sprawled across their bed crying into Blaine's pillow. Breathing in the familiar scent of the man he loved did nothing to calm him but rather slammed home the fact of what he may have just ruined. He should have just told Blaine what he was doing. Sure, the surprise he had been working on would be ruined but his relationship with Blaine would still be intact.

Kurt didn't think about the fact that this was the first fight he didn't resort to biting words meant to hurt. He didn't think about the fact that for once he listened to what someone else had to say as they yelled at him. He didn't think about the fact that he readily took responsibility for his own wrongdoings instead of trying to pass the blame or show how he himself had been wronged. No, Kurt didn't see how different this fight was from all others he ever seemed to have. He didn't see how much he had grown. All he saw was that he had put a wedge between him and Blaine, Blaine had walked out the door, and Kurt didn't know what he would do if he decided never to truly come back.

With images of Blaine's hurt and angry face echoing in his head, Kurt cried himself to sleep, clutching Blaine's pillow as if it could save him from this horrible nightmare.

When kurt woke up his eyes hurt in the dim light of a single lamp. He wasn't sure what had woken him and was still too groggy to remember he had not turned on any lights. The bed shifted behind him and Kurt quickly flipped over to see Blaine staring at him his face unreadable. "You came back" Kurt said feebly his voice rough from crying.

"I told you I would." Blaine whispered still not betraying what he was feeling. "I just needed to think." Kurt nodded still unsure what to say to fix this. Blaine continued, “Rachel called me when I was out. Did you tell her to?"

Kurt was thrown by this, but answered honestly, "No, I haven't talked to anyone since you left."

"She said you didn't. She said I looked upset earlier and she was worried about me. I talked to her, met her at a bar. Told her we had a fight. You know the first thing she asked me?" Kurt raised his eyebrows in silent question. “She asked what horrible things you said to me."

This statement, one from his own friend, hurt Kurt. "But I didn't" he mumbled.

Blaine gave a small smile. "I know and that's what I told her. It got me thinking. I did exactly what I said I would do when we fight, but you didn't. Why?"

Kurt didn't have to even think before he answered, "Because I knew I was wrong and I didn't want to hurt you anymore than I already had. I know I shouldn't have lied to you but please believe me when I say I didn't mean to hurt you. My appointment... I wanted to surprise you…"

Blaine cut him off once more, "Then surprise me. Yes, I am upset that you lied to me, that hurt. But I guess it made me feel a little better that Rachel didn't know either... She was adamant though that you wouldn't do anything to hurt me on purpose. I think it just helped to hear someone else say that.”

“No one else knows... Except my dad, he may have told Carole and Finn. And I promise I just wanted it to be a surprise. Do you have any idea how hard it has been not talking to you about this? But I want to make sure everything is in order before I say anything." Kurt said choosing his words carefully.

"Just next time don't lie about it. Tell me whatever you need to, just don't lie to me." Blaine said cupping Kurt's face.

Kurt leaned into the touch relishing the feel of Blaine back with him. "You’ve been crying," Blaine observed.

Kurt smiled though he wasn't sure why. "Of course I was. I thought I had ruined everything. I was so afraid you wouldn’t come back, that I had broken us."

Blaine pulled him into a tight embrace, "It will take more than one fight to break us. I love you Kurt; I was hurt and mad but I never stopped loving you, not for one little second."

"Are we okay now?" Kurt asked hating how small he sounded.

"I think we are." Blaine whispered before kissing him softly. "I think now is the time we make up properly." he continued with a sly smile.

It was like the first time all over again. They took their time making the other feel loved and cherished, silently asking for forgiveness while unabashedly giving themselves up whole to the man they loved.

Later they lay together entwined and sated tracing lazy patterns on each other’s flesh. "A lot more dramatic than our first fight." Kurt mused.

Blaine chuckled, "Yes, but I think this was good for us" at the disbelieving look from Kurt he continued, "I think we both learned a lot from this. At least I know I did. I know I can trust you, even when all logic says I shouldn't. Also just because you lash out to others, maybe with me it's different. I learned to that while I think it was good for me to leave this time, I don't think it was really good for us. All it did was make us both miserable for longer than we should have been. When I came back and saw you laying here after clearly crying yourself to sleep... It broke my heart."

Kurt squeezed him tighter. "But I also learned that when you say you will come back you will. That even though you are mad you will talk to me about it. I also learned that I never want to hurt you again... I really thought I lost you tonight, and it was all my fault, I never would have forgiven myself if that was the case. I love you Blaine Anderson."

"I love you too Kurt Hummel." Blaine said before silence overtook them. They fell asleep this time doubly thankful for what they had; and never wanting to let it go.


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